Tuesday 7 February 2017

Wonderful 14.

Belinswae. Near The Nomads Plains...

Lisell Maera wakes, she was punched repeatedly in the face and head until she blacked out. The teenager from the city-state of Brattonbury in the Southlands is dazed, and as she looks around to see where she is, she remembers what's happened.
Her heart sinks, and Lis lets out a soft groan, a whimper really as she recalls what her captors did to her. Even the youngest one Halmnar, who was at first reluctant to do it, raped her when his two companions Farnell and Samnill egged him on to do it.
Tears come to the eyes of Lisell Maera, who can't see her captors at all, but she thinks she hears them outside of the house. Then as she lies there on the dirt floor, Lis realises that she's alive, considering she thought they would of killed her after the three of them had their way with her.
She takes a deep breath, then Lisell Maera murmurs through bloody lips "I've got to move" as she realises that the only reason they've kept her alive, is so that they can continue to rape her at their pleasure, something that no matter what, she knows she can't allow.
The teenage girl who was brought up in some of the poorer areas of the city of Brattonbury sits up with a groan, she hurts all over, especially between her legs, and she does what she's been dreading, she looks down.
Lis lets out a small sound of shock and winces as she looks at the bloody mess between her legs, and she quickly looks away.
Lisell Maera takes a deep breath as she has turned and looked into the shadows on one side of the room, that has light coming in throw a window to her left. And with her cradling her injured left hand that had a dagger go through it, the teenager from the city-state of Brattonbury goes still as she sees what's in the shadows.
Lis sees amongst her captors gear, her own pack as well as her crossbow, the quiver of bolts beside the weapon, she knows Samnill has her sword, and is probably wearing it at the moment as she can't see it.
Lisell Maera looks quickly at the front door of the house that's made out of mud and straw brick, she listens carefully and after a few moments she definitely hears her three captors through the door that's slightly open.
The young woman from south of the equator waits a moment or two, then she moves, heading to the equipment in the shadows to her right, Lis hisses through clenched teeth as she crawls, as each move she makes is agonizing. Agonizing or not, it doesn't stop her from where she wants to go, and what she wants to do.
"Should we keep this one alive?" asks Samnill who is chewing on a mouthful of cut, a leaf from a plant from further south in Belinswae along the coast, a leaf that's both a mild stimulant and an antiseptic.
"She's more trouble than she's worth" adds Samnill who like Farnell and young Halmnar got a few bruising injuries from their captive, not just from when they took her by surprise when they captured her. But also as they traveled with her down the southeast road out Falnic, as well as when they raped her a little while ago.
"Maybe" says Farnell who is the leader of the trio of bandits, who then goes on with "She's a beauty" Samnill interrupts him and dryly says "Not anymore she is" which causes Farnell and Halmnar to chuckle as it's true, as they've beaten their captive black and blue.
"Well she's a beauty once she's cleaned up and healed" says the leader of the trio of bandits, who continues with "Tall too, for one who's only fourteen or fifteen years old" Farnell then adds "With that accent she's obviously from foreign lands".
At first when they took their captive, they thought she was a townsmen like they are, taking one, even from a village, is something that Farnell and Samnill have only ever done twice before. Then they thought she was of mixed blood, but they tend to be shorter than townsmen in general, for nomads on average are shorter people.
It wasn't until she spoke that they realized she was from beyond the region of Belinswae, from where, they don't care, just as long as they get to have their way with her, is all that they care about.
Rubbing his chin where he got a stray elbow from their captive, Farnell as he looks around at the inbetween village, quietly says "Though with the way she kept fighting, she might be more trouble than she's worth, so killing her might be the thing to do".
"I agree" says Samnill with a nod of his head, who then adds "Well whatever you decide, I'm going to have some more fun" he spits out the wad of cut in his mouth, then he asks young Halmnar "Coming Hal".
With the youngster answering in the negative, Samnill shrugs his shoulders, then says "Suit yourself" he heads back to the front door of the house they've been using, he stops when Farnell calls his name, he looks back at the leader of the three of them, who makes a slashing motion across his throat, then quietly says "Get rid of her".
Samnill nods his head, and with a grin upon his face, he continues on his way to the front door of the house made of mud and straw bricks, which he then enters.
"Will we dump her out on the plains of the scum?" quietly asks Halmnar who has heard that Farnell and Samnill usually dump their victims out on the plains of the nomads "Probably best" replies the leader of the trio of bandits, who continues with "It can be a bit of a fraught experience doing so, but the local justifiers even check up on inbetween villages like this one" he then adds "Though the villagers are keeping their distance at the moment, they know what we're doing, and one of them might talk when a justifier shows up" Farnell then says "Best to get rid of the evidence".
They hear a groan from inside the house, and Farnell then young Halmnar chuckle, with Farnell dryly saying "I see somebody's at it already" the leader of the trio of bandits shakes his head, and says "Hell, he's done her twice already, don't know how he can do it again so quickly" Farnell then turns around to look at the house, and sees something he would never thought he would see.
"You okay" says Halmnar, as he's bumped into by Farnell, he turns sideways and sees the leader of the trio of bandits falling to the ground, clutching at his throat with blood spraying through his fingers.
The youngest of the three bandits spins right around and is confronted by a sight that takes him by surprise, it's there captive, standing there with no britches, bloody thighs, bruised and battered with a bloody left hand, however the right hand holding her sword is firm and steady.
"Now wait" says Halmnar who backs up a couple of steps as he holds his hands out in a warding manner, for his troubles he gets a sword thrust to the guts, and he falls to the ground screaming in pain.
Lisell Maera limps forward and kicks the third bandit, the youngest one, in the face, then with the flat of her sword she smacks him in the right boot, breaking his right foot. Then she looks over at the leader of the trio of bandits, who she sees is still alive, she walks back over to him.
Groaning in pain through a bloody mouth of broken teeth, Halmnar as he lies there in excruciating pain with his guts spilling out of him, and with a broken foot, looks to his right, and sees the teenage girl they've raped, standing over Farnell.
He watches as she yanks down the front of Farnell's tights, then grab his cock and balls with her bloody left hand, and with the sword in her right, she cuts off Farnell's manhood.
Young Halmnar groans as she throws Farnell's manhood at the bandit leaders face, then she glances at him, before limping away, back to the small house.
Halmnar closes his eyes and rolls onto his side as he groans in pain, the youngest of the trio of bandits tries to move, and hisses in pain through clenched teeth, and opens his eyes, and finds himself facing the house that they've been using.
Halmnar sees through the wide open front door of the house, Samnill on the dirt floor with a crossbow bolt in the chest, through the right lung by the looks of it, trying to claw himself along the floor as he's on his back.
Then walking through the shaft of light that's coming in through the window of the small house, is their captive, who is now free and armed.
She yanks down Samnill's tights like she did to Farnell, and like she did to Farnell, she cuts off Samnill's manhood too. Though this time she takes Samnill's bloody cock and balls and stuffs into his mouth, before she slams the flat of her blade across his full mouth, smashing his mouth apart, and shoving Samnill's manhood further down his throat.
Then she turns and looks out the open front door of the house, and Halmnar sees her looking at him, after a few moments, she makes her way outside and heads towards him, as she does, Halmnar murmurs through his bloody mouth "Please don't".
Lis looks down at the youngest of the trio of bandits, and thinks to herself, that his briches should fit, afterall all she can't go around without wearing any pants as she is now. Then as she reaches down to yank his britches down, she hears him repeatedly mumbling through his bloody lips "Please don't".
"Too late for that now, you fucking rapist cunt" says Lisell Maera, who then pulls his britches down, and like she did to the other two bandits, she cuts his manhood off, she throws it at his face as he screams through his bloody mouth.
The third rapist dies by the time the orphan teenager from the city-state of Brattonbury in the Southlands takes off his britches she wants and she wonders over to the oasis next to the village, there beneath the date palms, Lis cleans herself up, once she has washed from the pool of water, and put on the britches, she leans back against one of the trees and closes her eyes as tears threaten to fall.
A little while later and Lisell Maera opens her eyes, and sees a couple of the village women in their veiled janis robes coming towards her. One is carrying strips of cloth, and a pottle of salve. While the other has a flat tray, on which is flat bread, dates, goat cheese, and what smells like sweet mint tea in the mug.
Lis looks back into the village, and sees a few of the village men, putting the dead bandits onto a cart drawn by a donkey, she figures they'll dump the bodies out onto the nearby plains of the nomads.
The teenage youngster from south of the equator wonders if they've had townsmen do this often in their village, she figures they probably have, and to their own women too, who being half blood, are only one step above being nomads, who they consider to be scum.
Lisell Maera looks at the two robed women who stop a couple of yards from her, and finding her voice as a single tear slides down the right side of her bruised face, Lis quietly says "Thank you" one of the two village women quietly says in reply "No, thank you" before the two of them approach with their offerings and ask what they can do to help her . . . . . .

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