Tuesday 14 February 2017

Wonderful 19.

Belinswae. The City Of Falnic...

The door to the suite opens, and they all fall silent when they see Helbe the elven thief enter, and make his way into the main room. The young elven noble looks at the two youngsters Tamric Drubine and Lisell Maera "I see you two have finally decided to return" dryly says Helbe the elven thief, who has been in the suite for quite sometime watching and listening to the others without them knowing about it.
Tamric Drubine and Lisell Maera glance at one another, then the nobleborn boy from the kingdom of Sarcrin is about to say something, but the elven masterthief gets in first with "Spare me your excuses" the elven prince from Laerel then asks "I figure you two went out and searched by yourselves?".
"We did" replies Tamric Drubine who figures it's best not to lie to the young elven noble, or at least not lie too much. "Get into any trouble?" asks Helbenthril Raendril who is glad the others are silent as he stands infront of the pair of youngsters "A little bit" says the former heir to castle Drubine in the kingdom of Sarcrin.
"Well at least you're telling the truth there" dryly says the elven princeling which causes both Tam and Lis to slightly wince as they guess the elven magic user is casting a spell to see if they're lying or not. He isn't, he doesn't have to, he's already read their minds to see what they were up to when they were gone from the city.
"Did you find anything out?" asks the elven master assassin who directs this question more to Lisell Maera than at Tamric Drubine, the nobleborn boy shakes his head, and replies with "Nothing" while after a slight moment of hesitation, Lisell Maera says "We didn't find anything about where they are".
The elven prince from the island of Laerel doesn't look too long at the orphan teenager from the city-state of Brattonbury, just incase he let's his emotions show, he already knows what she's been through, and even thinking about it causes the elven magic users heart to sink.
Just then the bane of the young elven noble speaks up, and for once, Helbe the elven thief isn't annoyed that he does so.
"My good tree loving royal scoundrel" says sir Percavelle Lé Dic, who then adds "I think these two urchins need to be punished for their behaviour" taking a quick breath, which is usually an indication of a long speech from the paladin in the order of the knights of Saint Mar-che, he continues with "Behaviour that's against your direct orders i might say, which may or may not be an indication of someone's poor leadership skills. Not for me to say if they are poor or not. But nevertheless, these two young whipper snappers should be put in their place for wandering off to who knows where, doing who knows what".
The nobleman from the kingdom of Druvic in the Southlands is abruptly halted in mid speech as a fly goes in his mouth, causing him to cough, then hack as he tries to bring it back up after swallowing it. A fly that was waved into his mouth by Narladene the ground pixie who had enough of the long winded diatribe of sir Percavelle.
Helbe the elven thief wryly smiles as he sees Narladene doubled over, laughing silently as she hovers close to the paladin, who in actual fact been demoted to a knight in his order, not that he knows it, as he hasn't been in contact with the order of Saint Mar-che in a number of years, with good reason too.
"That shut him up for a while" murmurs Dalinvardél Tanith in the elven language, which everybody else apart from the paladin and Shur Kee the monk understands. They watch as the earl of Le Dic in Druvic, hurries over to a side table, to where a jug of water is, so that he can stop his fit of coughing.
"Pity it won't shut him up forever" dryly murmurs the elven spy from the principality of Alínlae in his native language, which causes Tamric Drubine to snigger, Narladene the ground pixie to continue silently laugh, Riley Hait the mercenary ranger and Helbe the elven thief to both wryly smile, and for Lisell Maera to faintly, but briefly grin.
As sir Percavelle gulps down a mug of water, the young elven noble who is the nominal leader of those of the group here in Falnic, says to the two youngest members of the group "Don't you two do that again without my say so" both Tam and Lis nod, and the elven masterthief tells them "If we're going to have any chance in finding them, we have to do it as a group".
Tamric Drubine glances at Lisell Maera, then the nobleborn boy looks back at the elven princeling and says to him "We won't Helbe" this is repeated by the orphan teenager from the city-state of Brattonbury, who is in such a messed up state emotionally, she doesn't want to say too much of anything, incase she bursts in to tears.
Helbenthril Raendril more than anything, wishes that lord Farque was here to say something to Lisell Maera. The elven masterthief who knows the undead warlord is cold and unfeeling, also knows the deathlord of Farque knows how to say the right thing to console someone.
The elven master archer fears that if he was to try that with Lis, he might do more damage to her state of mind which is already fragile after what's she's been through recently.
After sir Percavelle has a mug of water, and finally cleared his throat and is about to start talking again. Until he spots another fly hovering nearby him, which causes him to firmly shut his mouth, and glare at it sideways.
Helbe the elven thief says "I've had no luck again this morning, so after the midday meal we'll continue with things" the nominal leader of the group who is fairly certain that neither lord Farque and Dorc da Orc have been in Falnic recently.
Is also pretty certain that Mira Reinholt the mage has been here in the port city within the last month. Briefly though, as he and his captor, Kaldeàlil Haldéilv soon moved on from Falnic.
The elven masterthief is pretty sure of the direction they've gone, as the attractive elven maid who wants him dead, has left him some clues to where she's going. She's also put some obstacles in the way too, which is sometimes proving to be more of a hassle.
As they have their midday meal in their suite, with sir Percavelle Lé Dic continually muttering about files, they discuss their course of action, and what they'll do as they go about continuing to find the three missing members of the group.
"You know how far away it is?" asks Riley Hait the mercenary ranger as they sit around the table in the dining room just off the main room, the ranger who was raised and trained by some of the elven warders in the principality of Envadarlen, after having a bite of cold meat, and washing it down with the sweet,  mint tea that's found throughout Belinswae, he adds "The locals must trade with them".
"They do" says Helbenthril Raendril, who continues with "It takes a caravan about a month to get there at this time of the year" the youngest member of the royal family that rules the elven island principality of Laerel, pauses for a moment, before he goes on with "Even at this time of the year hardly anyone goes, as you have to travel across the northern part of the nomads plains to get there, and townsmen don't particularly care to enter the plains at all".
"Unless they're raiding" sourly says Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman "Unless they're raiding" says Helbe the elven thief who nods in agreement with what the mercenary ranger just said, then the elven magic user says "Wyvern riders, messengers for the most part, who sometimes take small goods with them, travel there more often. Though still not that regularly as one would think".
"Pretty sure the elves are more introverted there, than they are back down in the Southlands" says Dalinvardél Tanith, who on his plate, has mixed greens, along with sliced fruit, both fresh and dried, as well as olives, and small chunks of goats cheese, which seems to served with every meal here in Falnic, as well as throughout much of Belinswae.
The elven spy from the principality of Alínlae continues with "That's what I've picked up from talking to the elves who live here in the city" the ranger Hait nods his head in agreement with Dalin, as he too has found that out from when he's talked to those elves he's seen here in Falnic.
Helbeb the elven thief agrees, and he's just about to say something about the local population of elves here in the port city, who have obviously originally come from where they're talking about. When he senses something that piques his interest, the young elven noble quietly tells the others "Getting another visit from a justifier".
"Which one?" asks the mercenary ranger who in actual fact a hordes outrider from the southern tundra "Parquet El" says the elven magic user who is shielded so that other spellcasters are unable to sense him.
"Hmmmmm maybe i should don my armour, and smite this ignoramus for interrupting my meal" muses sir Percavelle, who then adds "Or do likewise if he puts his filthy paws upon my things again" the paladin who is usually heavily armoured then mutters "Can't have every jumped up city official touching what's not his, but what is mine, wot".
Helbenthril Raendril keeps a close eye on the nobleman from the kingdom of Druvic, as he's the one most likely to cause trouble. Though he watches Riley Hait too, as the mercenary ranger doesn't take to kindly to the justifiers found here in Falnic, and much of this area of the region of Belinswae.
The elven princeling who tells the others not to bother with rushing with their meal, watches through the viewing spell he's placed and shielded in the outside hallway, the justifier in question, accompanied by a trio of his guards, making their way to the suite the group of adventurers from the Southlands are in.
"Tam get that" says Helbe the elven thief a couple of moments before there's a knock on the front door of the suite, the nobleborn boy from the kingdom of Sarcrin gets up to do so, and as he makes his way out of the dining room, and through the main room, to the door at the end of the short entrance hall. The young elven noble says to the paladin in the order of Saint Mar-che "Percy keep silent for once, if not I'll cast a spell upon you that'll shut you up whenever i want".
The earl of Lé Dic in the kingdom of Druvic scowls at that, though he's scowling more at being called Percy than the threat of a spell being cast on him. He hates being called Percy, which one member of the group, who isn't here in Falnic at the moment, often refers to him as, amongst other less savoury words.
Helbenthril Raendril gives Riley Hait a warning look, the mercenary ranger just sourly smiles as he continues with his meal, as they hear Tamric Drubine heading back to the dining room accompanied by justifier Parquet El and one of his guards . . . . . .

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