Monday 20 February 2017

Wonderful 23.

The Nomads Plains...

They look at the body that's just fallen out of the sky, then after the cousins Halatai and Amagin look at one another, they look up and see one of the wyverns gaining in height, screeching and bellowing in pain with a spear in it's side, while the two other riders on it, are yelling and screaming in the language of the townsmen of Belinswae.
Halatai looks at the townsmen again, and if he wasn't dead already, he is now, because Tolagin who is about twenty yards further down the ravine, and closer to the body, puts an arrow in it, shot from his bow.
Then Halatai and Amagin sees Tolagin's eyes go wide in shock and fright, before he yelps and scrambles back behind the pile of rocks he and his brother Domatai have taken cover behind.
Thinking it's the other wyvern swooping down at them, both Halatai and Amagin, as well as young Flalil who is tucked up behind them against the ravine wall, get the fright of their lives when something rather large, and very green, lands right infront of them after jumping into the dry ravine.
Halatai gasps in fright at seeing the monster from the cave standing just a few feet infront of him. He instantly regrets gasping, for he gets a clear intake of breath and smells the monster. A smell that's so disgusting, that it doesn't even compare to animal dung, or the smell of a dead carcass.
Just as the son of the tribe's leader is thinking about throwing up, the monster turns around and looks at the three cousins, and growls. Then it yells at them in what sounds like the townsmen's language, it grunts then shouts a word in their dialect "Fucks!" and makes a shooing motion with it's large right hand to a nearby overhang in the ravine wall.
The cousins Halatai, Amagin and Flalil hurry beneath the overhang, watching the monster, which has a massive sword in one hand, take a long spear, easily ten feet in length from the harness contraption on it's back, look up into the sky, roar then throw the spear, far harder than they thought possible.
It grunts and growls, then mutters something in a totally incomprehensible language, before it runs to a large rock, easily step on top of the four foot tall rock, and leap up and out of the ravine.
The three cousins beneath the overhang, along with Domatai and Tolagin further down the ravine on the otherside, hear the monster roar, then shout something, it's rather loud, it's answered by a screeching wyvern, followed a few moments later by the second wyvern.
"By the plains gods" murmurs Halatai who then exclaims "Shit!" next to him, his cousin Amagin nods his head in agreement, but is still too stunned to say anything. While all three cousins are breathing quickly in fear as they listen to what sounds like the monster fighting the tame wyverns and their riders.
They along with the brothers Domatai and Tolagin further along in the ravine hear the monster roaring and shouting, while wyverns screech and bellow, and townsmen yell and shout. A few moments later and dark red, almost black blood splatters across part of the ravine wall and floor. Halatai looks up and sees the wyvern with the spear in it's side, floundering as it passes by overheard, missing at least five feet from the end of it's tail.
A short while later and the monster lands in the ravine with a thud, it gets up off the ground shaking it's head after landing face first on the ground. Then it growls as it stumbles into the ravine wall, which it punches a couple of times, before it makes it's way up a cleft in the ravine to the open ground above. It's roaring and shouting in the townsmen's language as it does so.
"I'm pretty sure they have" quietly says Amagin who continues in dry tone with "Considering you can usually hear it roaring from the rise nearly a mile away" in response to his little sister Flalil asking him if those in the nearby camp know what's going on.
They fall silent as one of the wyverns passes quite low over the ravine, it's the wyvern with the spear in it's side, and a chunk of it's tail missing. It's right wing is bent and not flapping properly, while one of the remaining riders upon it's back, is hanging over the side, apparently lifeless, and only the straps around his waist seem to be keeping him attached to the tame wyvern.
A few moments later and the other wyvern passes overheard, this one even lower, barely above the ground as it bellows and screeches due to the monster which is hanging on to it's tail, which is swinging wildly about as the wyvern tries to dislodge the monster, which must weigh at least five full grown men, causing the wyvern to drop lower and lower to the ground.
The two cousins Halatai and Amagin share a look as they clearly heard the monster between it shouting in the townsmen's language, laughing maniacally as it hung onto the tail of the tame wyvern.
They along with young Flalil and the brothers Domatai and Tolagin hear that wyvern crash into the ground somewhere to the north of the ravine, they hear the large winged creature with wings nearly twenty five foot long a piece, bellow in pain, followed by the green monster roaring.
"Did you hear that?" calls out Tolagin from further down the ravine, he adds in a tone of disbelief "It was laughing!" Amagin replies with "We heard!" then they all listen to the monster continuing to battle the two wyverns and the remaining townsmen.
As they continue to listen to the battle they hear one of the wyverns let out an extremely loud screech of protest, which is followed by a roar from the big green monster, then Halatai slightly frowns as he hears something else, and he says to his cousin Amagin "Someone's coming".
A few short moments later one of the wyvern riders comes into view on the lip of the ravine opposite them, the townsmen is bloody and cradling one arm against his side, while he holds a sword in his other hand as he breathes heavily.
As the two cousins beneath the overhang lift their bows as the townsmen looks down into the ravine and spots them, the head of wyvern rider suddenly shatters apart. A fairly large hammer slams into the ravine wall just a bit down from the overhang as the headless body topples down into the ravine. As it does, the five children hear the monster shout something, then peel in laughter at something.
The cousins Halatai and Amagin glance at one another, and though they were ready to shoot the townsmen even though they've never shot at a person ever before. They're rather glad the monster who dwells in one of the tribes nearby water caves killed the townsmen instead.
Over the shouts and sounds of fighting between the remaining townsmen, their tame wyverns, and the big green monster, Halatai is sure he hears someone else approaching the ravine, though this time from the otherside.
Then the son of the tribe's leader hears a familiar voice call out "You two get up here!" Halatai leans out from beneath the overhang, looks up and says "Uncle down here". Saladén the far hunter looks down and sees his nephew Halatai, and his other nephew Amagin a moment later, while the two brothers Domatai and Tolagin hurry across the floor of the ravine.
Halatai and his cousin Amagin lift up little Flalil and a pair of hands grab her, and lift her out of the ravine, the two cousins then scramble over to the rocks that Domatai and Tolagin are climbing, they too are helped out of the ravine by other hunters in the tribe.
Once out of the ravine, Halatai sees that his uncle Saladén is with half a dozen other hunters and scouts, and from the tribe's camps, he sees his father Chanük coming with others, heading across the open ground on this side, the south side of the ravine.
The cousins Halatai, Amagin and Flalil along with the brothers Domatai and Tolagin look to north of the ravine, where the final throes of the battle is taking place between the townsmen and their tame wyverns, and the monster that dwells in the cave up the nearby rise.
Both wyverns are on the ground, the one with the spear in it's side, with a useless wing, and a fair portion of it's tail missing. Is on it's side, legs kicking frantically, screeching loudly, as there's another spear in it, this one low in it's belly, down near the groin. While there's a massive tear up it's belly, spilling out a lot of it's innards and guts.
Close to it is a townsmen screaming in agony, as he's impaled upon a spear that's been shoved into the ground. The townsmen in question is slowly slipping down the long spear that's been rammed up his ass and comes up through the top of his shoulder blades.
The other wyvern, the bigger of the two is a bit further away to the right. It too has a damaged wing, but it's still standing on all fours, even though it has bloody maw, and a long cut down one flank. Standing, facing it, is the monster, which roars at the hissing black wyvern.
The wyvern which has a dead rider in the saddle upon it's back, rears back on it's hind quarters, and swings it's right front claw, hitting the monster square in the chest, knocking it down.
Those watching either grimace or wince, as the hunters have all seen what the talons of a wyvern can do, easily going through armour, and ripping apart a man.
Not so the monster, who though a little wobbly, gets to his feet shaking his head, before roaring in defiance at the wyvern that towers over him.
The injured wyvern rears up again, and once more it swings it's right front claw as it hisses at the monster. Though this time the monster yells something as it swings with both hands, the large sword it has.
The black wyvern stumbles back screeching in pain as it's right fore leg goes flying through the air after it's cut cleanly off. With blood spraying over it, the monster runs forward roaring, swinging the sword in it's hands.
The wyvern tumbles onto it's side, with the front few feet of it's snout, both lower and upper jaw completely sliced away. And as it screches through it's bloody ruinous maw, the monster stabs the large sword into the wide open right eye of the wyvern, down into it's skull, killing it.
The nomads watch as the monster pulls down it's pants then take a piss on the dead wyvern as it laughs, then after pulling up it's pants, it turns and looks their way.
Halatai's uncle Saladén, a usually quiet and not a demonstrative man at all, says "Fucking hell" at what they've just witnessed. Then the monster starts walking this way, briefly stopping to stomp on the back and head a few times of a townsmen with a broken leg, who is trying to crawl away. After smashing the townsmen's head apart, the monster continues on it's way to the ravine, ignoring the other wyvern that's in it's death throes, and the impaled townsmen who is slowly dying.
As it gets closer they see the monster covered in blood, has a crossbow bolt in it's face, which it pulls out without a care in the world, then spits out a mouthful of blood, not even stopping to do so.
It gets to the otherside of the ravine, and roars at the watching nomads, who all flinch. Until the monster whacks itself in the side of the head with the flat of the blade it's holding.
After it shakes it's head, and mutters something in a totally incomprehensible language, it looks at them and grins a bloody grin, before it calls out something in what sounds like the language of the townsmen.
Chanük the tribe leader who has now joined the others and has a basic understanding of the townsmen's language, looks at his brother the far hunter "What did it say?" Saladén, who can fluently speak the language of the townsmen, though even he's found it difficult to understand what the monster just said, replies to his brother with "Ah" followed by "I think it just asked us if we've got any booze" . . . . . .

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