Monday 1 May 2017

Wonderful 62.

The Principality Of Maladimbáh...

One of the two guards of the local lord at a nearby table looks over, and says in the elven language "Passing through on your way south?". "We are" replies Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy as the question was directed at him. At the table next to the one the elven spy is sitting with sir Percavelle Lé Dic, Shur Kee the monk and Lisell Maera. Helbe the elven thief and Riley Hait the mercenary ranger look at one another, with the ranger Hait lifting a questioning eyebrow, which the young elven noble replies with a shrug of his shoulders before he takes a drink from his mug of cider.
The guard in the service of the local lord doesn't say anything else to the spy Tanith, and goes back to his conversation with the other guard at the table with him. Who occasionally glances at the elf, who appears to be a smith, or an apprentice smith who is sitting by himself nursing a mug of ale after finishing his meal.
Dalinvardél Tanith glances over at the other table, at prince Helbenthril Raendril, who slightly shakes his head. The elven spy from the principality of Alínlae in the Southlands goes back to his meal, eventually joining in the quiet conversation happening at his table. It's quiet because sir Percavelle Lé Dic, in one of those rare times, isn't speaking, as he's busy eating and drinking. Though the heavily armoured knight isn't too enthused about some of which is on his plate, but does enjoy the bread, and the fruit conserve he's having with it, and spread upon the slices he cuts off the loaf of bread.
"Probably be slow going if we continued in this rain" quietly says Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy "Good thing we stopped" adds the elf who served in one of the noble households in his homeland of Alínlae. "I agree friend Dalin" quietly says Shur Kee the monk, who rather enjoys the meal here in the tavern, which is no surprise really, as he's always liked the food eaten by most elves.
Lisell Maera nods her head in agreement with what the other two just said, then quietly says "I don't particularly fancy riding in this heavy rain, especially if it's to continue into the night" the teenage orphan from the city-state of Brattonbury in the Southlands then takes a sip of the golden coloured wine in the goblet she's holding.
With his full helm on the table at his elbow, sir Percavelle takes a drink of the fruity tasting ale in his mug, then glances over at the two guards in the service of the local lord, who get up from their seats, and make their way across the common room of the tavern, that also serves as an inn for travelers who stop in the small village.
The others from south of the equator who are at two tables next to one another, glance at the two armed and armoured elves, who suddenly stop at the table of the lone elf who appears to be a smith.
One of the guards of the local elven lord grabs the right, muscular arm of the blacksmith, or blacksmith's apprentice, while the other says "You're coming with us".
Quiet until now as they've eaten their meals, sir Percavelle Lé Dic speaks up and says "Here now, let that chap go" of course the heavily armoured knight speaks in his overly loud voice, not to mention in the common language too, as he doesn't speak elven at all.
"He's just minding his own business eating his leaves and drinking his fruity tasting ale you fellows brew" says the nobleman from the kingdom of Druvic, who ignores the quiet "Leave off Percy" from Riley Hait the mercenary ranger at the other table and says to the two elves in the service of the local lord "I say, it's not for those in position of authority, well in your case, the arbiters of one who authorizes, since you are just simple peons doing your menial and lets face it, cruddy jobs, to be going about picking on someone who is minding their own business, wot?".
"Huh?" says one of the elven guards, while the other, whose command of the common language isn't the best, frowns, then mutters in the elven language "What the hell did he just say?".
Looking at the first guard, who has turned and looked at him, sir Percavelle Lé Dic says "Here let me make it clear to you, since everything i just said might not of got into your thick head, most likely because of those funny shaped ears you lot have" the knight in the order of Saint Mar-che adds "Let that smith fellow go now, he's done nothing wrong" the paladin, well he's actually a regular knight now since he's been demoted by his order, not that he knows that, pauses then adds "You slanty eyed, goofy eared, carrot sucking peon".
Both Helbe the elven thief and Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy wince at that description of their kind from the nobleman from the kingdom of Druvic. Who has definite opinions about certain things. Strong opinions where in his mind, he's always right, and everyone else is wrong.
"What the hell?" says the elven guard who speaks the common language fluently who then adds in that language "You called us what?" as he can't believe what he just heard. While the other guard in the service of the local lord, whose command of the common language isn't the best, even grasped what the heavily armoured knight just said, and he says in common with a thick elvish accent "By the forest gods, the hell?" then he adds in a loud voice "Keep out of it human!".
"Uh oh" murmurs Tamric Drubine from the other table, while Lisell Maera murmurs under her breath "Well that's done it" as the paladin of the first rank, well he was a paladin of the first rank gets up out of his chair.
Pointing at the elven blacksmith, the earl of Lé Dic in the kingdom of Druvic says to the two guards in the service of the local elven lord "I said leave that pointy eared chap alone" the heavily armoured knight after a brief pause then adds "You lettuce munching effete prats".
"Why you" mutters the first of the elven guards who goes to draw his sword, while the other lets go of the lone elf's arm, and goes to draw his weapon too, then there's movement throughout the common room of the tavern, a lot of it violent.
Sir Percavelle Lé Dic grabs his full helm off the table and throws it, it smashes into the face of the first of the elven guards, who hits the floor, with a bloody and battered face, a broken nose, and most likely a broken right cheek. The heavily armoured knight in the order of Saint Mar-che is quickly moving towards the other elven guard who goes to rush him while the others act.
The two elves sitting at a corner table go to get up to flee, they slump back down into their chairs, falling asleep thanks to a spell cast by Helbe the elven thief. As does the lone elf who appears to be a smith, who falls forward onto the table where he's sitting, fast asleep.
The elven maid who is the server, was just coming back into the common room when sir Percavelle acted. She flees back into the kitchen through the open door, screaming at whoever is in there. Helbenthril Raendril disappears from where he's sitting, as he shifts into the kitchen through the open door.
As others in the group get up from where they're sitting, sir Percavelle Lé Dic confronts the second elven guard. The nobleman from the kingdom of Druvic in the Southlands lifts his left arm, and with the heavy steel plate bracer on it, blocks the sword that's swung at him by the elven guard.
The heavily armoured knight then punches the elf in the face, the elven guard who is dazed, is lucky the paladin isn't wearing his gauntlets at the moment, as his face would certainly of been shattered if the knight in the order of Saint Mar-che had been.
Sir Percavelle who is the same height as the elven guard, grabs the elf by the leather vest he wears over his ring mail armour, the nobleman from south of the equator, drags the elven guard forward, swinging his right arm forward as he does so.
The earl of Lé Dic has bent his right arm, and elbows the elf in the face. Blood goes flying, and the elven guards face is smashed and cut open by the armoured elbow of sir Percavelle.
The heavily armoured knight, still holding the elven guard by the vest. Puts his other hand between the elf's legs, and picks him up, then body slams him onto a close by table. The table is solid, and the elf who is barely conscious, groans as he slams back first into the table. Then the knight in the order of Saint Mar-che punches him in the face again, knocking him out.
"Damn that felt good Percy old chap" murmurs the nobleman from the kingdom of Druvic after he knocks out the first elven guard, with a punch to his bloody and shattered face, as he was trying to sit up on the floor.
"Damn it Percy!" says Riley Hait the mercenary ranger in an exasperated tone of voice "Is something the matter my fine fellow?" says sir Percavelle Lé Dic in an innocent tone as he turns and looks at the ranger Hait and the others.
"We've got to leave" says Helbe the elven thief as he walks back into the common room from the kitchen after putting to sleep the elven maid who is the server, as well as the tavern keeper, and his consort, who is the cook in the kitchen.
"Nonsense, it's still raining out there" says sir Percavelle, the elven masterthief rolls his eyes, then says "Well we wouldn't have to if you didn't beat the shit out of those two guards" the heavily armoured knight just shrugs his broad shoulders and grins in response to that.
"What did he do?" asks Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy who points at the sleeping elven smith "Nothing" replies Riley Hait "They just wanted to press him into service with the local lord against his will" adds Helbenthril Raendril who found this out and told the ranger Hait about it earlier when he read the minds of those in the tavern.
"The lord here abouts sounds like a prick" says Lisell Maera, who then adds "Percy did the right thing if they were going to take that smith against his will" the elven masterthief slightly frowns as he looks at the teenage orphan from the city-state of Brattonbury, then he sourly smiles when the nobleman from the kingdom of Druvic with broad smile upon his face, says in his booming voice "See i knew i was justified in my actions, the young maiden here agrees with me, sir Percavelle, the greatest knight in all the lands, even this one, with the pointy eared peons and their devilish lords, shall face my wroth when i find injustice".
"Don't encourage him" dryly says prince Helbenthril Raendril in the elven language to Lisell Maera, then in common, the nominal leader of the group from south of the equator says "Lets go" the group from the Southlands move.
Sir Percavelle after picking up his helm, kicks the first elven guard in the side where he lies unconscious on the floor. Then pulls the other elven guard who is sprawled across the table, off it. Dumping him on the floor. The heavily armoured knight kicks that unconscious elf in the side with his steel right boot too.
"What about that smith?" asks Tamric Drubine after picking up his pack, and he heads to the front door "They'll just come after him again" adds the nobleborn youngster from the kingdom of Sarcrin in the Southlands.
Helbe the elven thief slightly winces, then looks back and casts a spell before he exits the tavern with the others.
Later when the group from south of the equator are riding away from the village, heading into the falling rain as they head south as late afternoon turns to dusk. The elven blacksmith is the first one in the tavern to wake up, a tavern that no one else in the village wants to visit this evening for some reason.
The blacksmith after looking around, heads out, and makes his way home which is next to his smithy. He knows he has to leave if he's not to be pressed into the service of the local lord, who has already pressed a number of others into his service throughout his lands, against their will . . . . . .

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