Tuesday 9 May 2017

Wonderful 68.

The Principality Of Maladimbáh...

"Percy wait here for a moment" quietly says Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy, who then jumps up and grabs the overhanging eaves of a roof, and pulls himself up onto the top of a building that's empty at the moment.
As he does, sir Percavelle Lé Dic sourly smiles at being called Percy, something he's never been happy with, and something that the entire group tend to always call him, though he calls himself that all the time.
The elf from the principality of Alínlae in the Southlands, after looking back down and seeing that the heavily armoured knight is staying put. Makes his way across to the otherside of the roof, keeping low and moving at a crouch as he does so.
As he looks towards the eastern side of the large village on the northern side of a small lake, the spy Tanith who spots a goblin going around lighting lamps on that side of the village, for the human residents and visitors.
He spots the guards and two of the elven nobles who have made their way into the village.
Dalinvardél Tanith looks around, then spots what he's been looking for, he slightly nods, then hurries back across the roof, crouching down as he does so, then he drops down off the roof.
"Well my fine pointy eared fellow?" asks sir Percavelle Lé Dic in as a quiet a voice as possible, well it's quiet for him, meaning it's not loud.
"What did you spy in the night with your cat like eyes?" adds the nobleman from the kingdom of Druvic in the Southlands, Dalin nods for the earl of Lé Dic to follow him.
And as the two of them walk away, the elven spy informs the knight in the order of Saint Mar-che of what he saw, but more importantly, what he wants the paladin to actually do, and fairly soon as well.
Trying to make as little noise as possible, Riley Hait the mercenary ranger drops down to the ground and looks beneath the house that's been built up off the ground.
The ranger Hait looks through a two foot gap for a few moments, then he quickly gets up and nods his head to Lisell Maera.
"Hit as many as you can" Riley Hait the mercenary ranger whispers to the orphan teenager from the city-state of Brattonbury in the Southlands, she nods in understanding and the ranger Hait whispers to her "You'll be the signal".
Lisell Maera nods again, then crouches down as quietly as possible, she then lies down and looks beneath the house that's raised up on stone bricks on the four corners. Lis sees that a lamp has been lit somewhere on the street on the otherside, making it easier for her to see. She slightly lifts her loaded crossbow and waits.
While at one corner of the house is Shur Kee the monk and Tamric Drubine, while Riley Hait walks quickly, and as quietly as possible to the other corner of the house as they wait for Lisell Maera to act.
As they walk along a street, lady Laelmainé quietly says "Haelvéne there's a magical sword just up ahead on your left" the elven noble continues with "Either in that house two along, or someone just outside it on the back left corner has it".
Her senior guard nods in understanding, and looks at two of the other guards and gestures to them to check it out. While a couple of the guards of lord Parsenellé enter a house on the right hand side of the street, where the front door has just been opened to them by one of the inhabitants.
"That one's so still, that it might be inside" murmurs lord Galithellé to his cousin Laelmainé beside him, the elven lord whose lands are furthest to the east out of the extended Parsenellé family quietly continues with "It's that other one I'm more concerned with".
The two elven magic users sense another magical weapon, along with a shield, a very powerful shield at that. Approaching them fairly quickly from the northwest side of the large village on the shores of a lake.
The two cousins, who sense their cousin Parsenellé further to the north of them in the large village, glance at one another, then the lady Laelmainé nods.
Just then one of the two guards who have gone to check out the house the oldest of three elven nobles indicated has a magical weapon in it, or behind it.
Drops to the ground and groans in pain after he swears, the others nearby see that there's a crossbow bolt in his left calf. The second guard with him goes to crouch down next to him. Then he topples over, exclaiming in pain as a bolt is his left butt check. The other guards close by, along with the two elven cousins who are magic users, move into action.
Lisell Maera pulls back the repeating crossbow again, and fires a third bolt at a pair of legs, running she assumes straight at the front door of the house she's lying behind.
She gets lucky, and the bolt smashes into the right shin of an elven guard, who stumbles forward in pain, and smashes into the front door as it opens, as one of the people inside goes to see what's happening outside.
The teenager from Brattonbury pulls back the underside of the crossbow again, and with a bolt in place, she looks for another target as she sees legs running by on the street on the otherside of the house she's behind, then she sees an even better target.
One of the two guards of lord Parsenellé who were just about to enter a house on the north side of the street, after turning and seeing the two injured guards on the ground, and seeing a third go crashing into the door of the house opposite the one he was just about to enter.
Quickly bends down and looks across the street, as he sees that the house opposite is built off the ground. He jerks up then falls over, as the left side of his face explodes when a crossbow bolt slams into it.
Riley Hait with the traditional hordes cloth wrapped around the lower half of his face, stands completely still as he listens to what's happening around the otherside of the house.
The mercenary ranger then hears someone hurrying around to this side of the house, between this end of it, and the house beside it. Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman who knows he's at a disadvantage at seeing at night, and of being heard. Knows that he'll have to move at the last moment if he wants to take the elf rushing around to the back of the house by surprise. The mercenary ranger just hopes it isn't one of the elven nobles coming his way. As he knows he'll have no chance against one of them if they've got spells up to protect themselves.
"Fuck your mother" murmurs the ranger Hait in the hordes dialect of the southern tundra, as he suddenly ducks down and swings his shortsword. The blade slams into the legs of the elven guard who was running around the corner, another quick swing of his blade, and Riley aka Zubutai Timaginson slashes the downed elven guard across the back of the neck, killing him.
The mercenary ranger looks quickly up as he catches sight of something out of the corner of his eye. He sees someone, an elf, most likely a noble, standing upon the roof of the house next door, looking down at him. The ranger Hait goes to throw the long dagger in his left hand, when suddenly that elf is knocked sideways with some force, and goes flying off the roof, before disappearing just before they hit the ground.
The lady Laelmainé looks sharply to the north when she see senses her cousin Galithellé get knocked off the roof of the house just before the one where the guards have been attacked.
The attractive elven maid who senses Galithellé teleport away, nods her head as she also senses her other cousin lord Parsenellé casting a spell at whoever it is that just attacked Galithellé.
"Get them Parsen" murmurs lady Laelmainé who then goes to hurry forward, when she senses the other magical weapon, and a powerful feeling shield heading this way. She stops, when at the end of the street they're on, a large heavily armoured figure runs into view.
The knight! Laelmainé thinks to herself, who then gets in contact with both of her cousins by way of mindspeech, to inform them that she's found the knight they've been looking for.
Tamric Drubine looks at Shur Kee the monk who is standing there with his eyes closed. The nobleborn youngster from the kingdom of Sarcrin in the Southlands is tempted to look back at what Lisell Maera and Riley Hait are doing, but he keeps his eyes and attention upon the short statured monk.
Then both the former heir of castle Drubine and the acolyte in the philosophical order of Bru Li hear someone rushing around this end of the house they're behind.
Tam who is behind Shur Kee, doesn't move as he watches the short statured monk slightly move his upper body, then suddenly the physical adept thrusts his right arm out, with his palm of his hand held up and open.
An elven guard hurrying around the corner is hit in the side by Shur Kee's open handed thrust punch, and he goes flying sideways a half dozen feet, where he crashes into pile of firewood. He's knocked out when he hits the wood pile.
The monk from the far eastern kingdom of Wah Lee opens his eyes and looks at Tam and nods his head around the corner. The two of them start walking around the end of the house, when they stop as they suddenly hear a familiar voice from somewhere out on the street ahead. "Oh dear" murmurs Shur Kee the monk to Tamric Drubine, who winces at what they hear out on the street.
After rolling her eyes as she looks for someone else to shoot, Lisell Maera dryly murmurs to herself "I guess the distraction is here" as she clearly hears who it is that's now out on the street on the otherside of the house she's lying behind,
As he's creeping along the other end of the house, Riley Hait stops then sourly smiles when he hears who has turned up "At least he's good for something" the mercenary ranger who is infact a hordes outrider dryly murmurs to himself.
As he looks down the street, that's lit by a few outside lamps here and there, as well as the illumination of now two of the moons of Volunell that are up in the night sky. Sir Percavelle Lé Dic loudly says "Alright you pointy eared knaves, which one of you roustabouts wants the justice of i, the great sir Percavelle, the paramount knight in all the world" the heavily armoured knight doesn't just say it, he basically shouts it so half of the fairly large village more than likely heard him.
"You there with that bolt in your buttocks, will you face thy doom?" calls out the earl of Lé Dic, who continues with "Or you squirming on the ground, with thy leg split in twain, will it be you?" he then adds "What about you, with half your face missing, will it be thou who partakes in thy drubbing of a lifetime?" sir Percavelle pauses for a moment, then he says in his overly loud voice "Get up man, i mean elf, it's just a flesh wound".
Then the heavily armoured knight then calls out "Or you my lady, your visage might be comely for those attracted to those with the pointy ears, and the slanty eyes" the earl of Lé Dic adds "But at this moment, your countenance looks like one who has just eaten a large spoonful from a bowl of week old prunes" he then says "Would thoust like to face the wrath of justice that i wield?".
Sir Percavelle who to be fair, isn't really waiting for an answer, shouts "For Saint Mar-che!" then slaps down the visor of his full helm and starts running down the street, with the shield of the founder of his order held out infront of him. He has been warned that there's spellcasters amongst the enemy, and he intends to use every advantage he's got.
As he runs, the earl of Lé Dic slips his sword of knockdown from it's scabbard, sir Percavelle grins behind the visor of his full helm, and murmurs to himself "Lets get them Percy" . . . . . .

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