Wednesday 10 May 2017

Wonderful 69.

The Principality Of Maladimbáh...

Lady Laelmainé casts a spell at the heavily armoured knight running down the street towards her and some of the guards, more than a few of which are badly wounded.
Just as the spell is about to hit the errant knight who attacked her cousin lord Parsenellé guards in his lands, she realises her mistake as she frowns while looking closely at the large knight's shield.
As the sound of an explosion can be heard away to the right, somewhere in the north of the large village on the shore of a lake, lady Laelmainé mutters "Crap" and winces in anticipation, knowing at what's to come, and hoping to the forest gods that the barrier and protection spell she has up around herself, are strong enough to counter what's about to happen.
Something slams into the shield of Saint Mar-che, and sir Percavelle Lé Dic finds himself halted in his tracks. And with his steel boots digging into the dirt of the ground, he tries to get some purchase as he starts sliding quickly back the way he came from.
The heavily armoured knight grits his teeth behind the visor of his full helm, then sir Percavelle Lé Dic mutters "Drats" as he's picked up and flung backwards.
As the knight in the order of Saint Mar-che goes hurtling backwards though not very far, the blast spell that hit his shield, rebounds and heads back to where it came from, twice as fast, and twice as powerfully.
One of the elven guards who was shot in the calf by bolt shot from the crossbow used by Lisell Maera, is clipped in the head by the returning blast spell as he's trying to get up off the ground.
Clipped or not, his body goes spinning away with force as his head explodes in a spray of bloody and pulpy mist as the blast spell heads back to where it came from.
The elven noble who cast the spell, doesn't even have enough time to start casting a teleport spell to get herself out of harms way, before she's hit by her own blast spell, that hits her twice as strong, and twice as fast as she originally cast it.
Lady Laelmainé goes flying backwards a good forty feet before she hits the ground, she's still alive as her barrier and protection spells did their job, though they've been torn to shreds and she has to recast them if she wants any kind of protection.
The attractive elven maid who is the oldest of the three nobleborn cousins who are in the large, lake side village, groans as she tries to sit up, as her body is battered and bruised even with the barrier and protection spells she had up around when she was hit by her own blast spell.
Gasping for breath as she's winded, lady Laelmainé sits up, not for long though because a bolt thuds into her forehead, and she's flung back onto the ground dead.
Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy reloads his extended hand crossbow after shooting the elven noble at the far end of the street in the head. The elf from the principality of Alínlae in the Southlands who is on the roof of a house, looks down into the street to his right, and rolls his eyes as looks at sir Percavelle Lé Dic.
The nobleman from the kingdom of Druvic in the Southlands is groaning, and muttering away to himself as he rolls from side to side as he tries to get up from the ground.
The spy Tanith knows the heavily armoured knight will be fine, he's seen the earl of Lé Dic take bigger hits than the one he just did there, which was absorbed and rebounded by his magical shield.
Dalin takes aim at one of the elven guards down on the street, who was heading back to where the elven noble was lying trying to sit up until she was shot in the head.
The elven spy shoots the guard in the back as he tries to dive for cover behind a water barrel next to one of the houses, Dalinvardél Tanith quickly reloads his crossbow and looks for another target.
Shur Kee the monk and Tamric Drubine look at one another when they see sir Percavelle Lé Dic run by on the street as they make their way along the end of the house.
A couple of moments later and they see the heavily armoured knight go flying back the way he came from. The nobleborn youngster from the kingdom of Sarcrin in the Southlands rolls his eyes, and Shur Kee the monk after shaking his head murmurs "I'm sure friend Percy will be fine".
Unfortunately, Tamric Drubine dryly thinks to himself as the two of them make their way forward again, stopping at the corner of the house, where they look out onto the street.
They look one way, then they look the other, and the acolyte in the order of Bru Li quietly says "See, there he is fine by the looks of it" Tam wryly smiles as they watch sir Percavelle rolling from side to side as he tries to get up off the ground.
The nobleman from the kingdom of Druvic is muttering as he does so, mutters that are getting louder and louder, both Shur Kee and Tamric Drubine know the earl of Lé Dic will be in full voice in no time, unfortunately.
At the other end of the house, Riley Hait the mercenary ranger looks out onto the street too, with an under arm flip, he sends his long dagger flying, which takes one of the elven guards in the side of the neck, as she pops her head up from where she's taking shelter behind a water trough.
The ranger Hait looks one way, then sourly smiles as he sees by the light of a lamp, in the distance towards the other end of the street, sir Percavelle trying to get up off the ground.
Even from where he is, Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman can hear the heavily armoured knight, who is getting louder and louder.
The mercenary ranger who is really a hordes outrider from the southern tundra who happens to be occupying the body of the ranger who was raised and trained in the elven principality of Envadarlen in the Southlands.
Looks away to his right, looking for whoever it is that hit sir Percavelle Lé Dic, the mercenary ranger knows it must of been one of the elven nobles. He also knows that must be in way worse shape than the knight in the order of Saint Mar-che after whatever spell they cast rebounded off the heavily armoured knight's magical shield.
Riley Hait finds her, and she's definitely worse off than sir Percavelle. The elven magic user lies nearby, dead with a crossbow bolt sticking out of her forehead. The ranger Hait looks around for Dalinvardél Tanith, looking at the nearby rooftops, but he can't see the elf from the principality of Alínlae anywhere.
He wouldn't be much of a spy if i could see him, Riley Hait the mercenary ranger dryly thinks to himself, who then silently adds in the same tone, especially at night.
Meanwhile in the north of the large village, further away from the lake it sits on the shores of. Helbe the elven thief looks back at the house he was on top of a little while ago, which now lies in ruins, with shattered wood and stone everywhere after a spell directed towards him exploded.
The young elven noble who senses that the spellcaster down by the lake shore where the others are, is now dead. The elven masterthief grimly smiles as he knows that will definitely upset the other two elven nobles who are about, and who are trying to kill him.
The elven princeling who has cast just the one spell in an offensive manner, a blast spell he spent to the south of the village, which hit one of the two remaining elven nobles who he knows are cousins, when he saw that one standing on a rooftop.
Still has a shield spell up so that he can't be sensed by the two cousins who are after him, even though they have a sprite who can locate him.
Helbenthril Raendril just hopes the sprite is being taken care of at this moment so that he can go on the attack more, instead of reacting. He also hopes that Narladene the ground pixie is safe as she tries to eliminate the sprite that's attached to one of the remaining elven nobles,
The elven magic user winces as he sees a couple of dead bodies in the ruins of the house that exploded, then the young elven noble from the principality of Laerel in the Southlands, who along with being shielded is also blurred, shifts to what looks like a barn, or a large stable on the northern outskirts of the large village, come town.
"He's just moved" quietly says the sprite Dolmanad, lord Parsenellé nods then he levitates up onto a nearby rooftop after he sees someone run into their house, slam the door shut and by the sounds of it, bolt it closed.
The nobleborn elf who though young is the head of his extended family, crouches upon the rooftop as Dolmanad who is on his right shoulder quietly says to him "That way, about seventy yards away" the sprite points, and the elven magic user sees what looks like a barn in that direction.
Lord Parsenellé gets in contact with his cousin Galithellé who is nearby and tells him by way of mindspeech, where the unknown elven noble is now located.
Then the fairly young elven noble whose lands are further north, in the central region of the principality of Maladimbáh, looks behind him to the south of the large village, once again sensing for his other cousin Laelmainé.
Again he can't sense her, which can mean only two things, she's holding her power within herself, or that she's dead. And when he asked Dolmanad a short while ago if he could sense Laelmainé anywhere, the sprite responded that he couldn't, which means only one thing.
Oh Lael, I'm so sorry, lord Parsenellé thinks to himself as tears threaten to well up in his eyes, he quickly rubs his face, then looks north to the barn like structure on the outskirts of the large village on the lake shore.
The elven magic user briefly thinks about exploding the barn, but he has a feeling the unknown elven noble will escape something like that, as he did the earlier explosion. The lord of the Parsenellé family's lands knows that he'll have to get closer to deal with the unknown elven spellcaster.
"Is he casting anything else?" quietly asks lord Parsenellé "No" replies Dolmanad who continues with "Just the same two spells, the one that's like an invisibility spell but different, and the one that hides him from being sensed by you".
Well he can cast multiple spells, so he's fairly talented, though Dolm says he's not particularly powerful, the fairly young elven noble thinks to himself, then he quietly says "I'll have to locate where he exactly is, for that I'll have to see him so that Galith and i can attack him" he then asks the sprite who has been attached to him since he was a youngster "You think you can get him to show himself?".
"Hmmmmm maybe" quietly says Dolmanad, who continues with "If i can distract him so that" the sprite pauses in mid sentence, then says in a surprised tone "Hello, who are you?" lord Parsenellé frowns at that, then his slim eyebrows lift up in surprise as Dolmanad suddenly disappears.
"Dolmanad?" murmurs the elven lord, who then quietly adds "Dolm" followed by "Are you there?" he continues with "Where are you?" as he wonders where the sprite has got to.
Narladene the ground pixie stabs her tiny little sword again, which is blocked by the larger sword of the larger sprite, who is flying backwards, trying to get away from the smaller ground pixie who has suddenly attacked him.
With a determined looking grin upon her face, the ground pixie just goes straight through the side of a house after the sprite, who is nearly two inches taller than herself, back wings through an open window.
The smaller four inch tall ground pixie slashes her sword at the sprite, who just gets up his sword in time to block the weapon wielded by a determined looking Narladene.
Who hears the off coloured sound of the two blades hitting, knowing that the sprite's sword cannot take too many more direct hits from her sword. Which like all ground pixie swords, is made by themselves, and is the hardest naturally occurring material in existence, that even steel can't withstand. Though it all depends on how hard and forceful the ground pixie swings their sword.
Narladene quickly slashes again, and once more the sprite, with a fearful look upon his face, which turns to desperation when Narladene slashes at him again, and his sword breaks.
He throws the remainder of his sword at the ground pixie, who ducks out of the way, allowing Dolmanad to turn and dive down to the floor. Narladene chases after him as he squeezes beneath a doorway and goes outside, the ground pixie just goes through the door, and goes in pursuit of the sprite who is at loss as to why he's being attacked by a stranger.
Then he realises that the ground pixie must be attached to the unknown elven noble. He goes to turn to go back and warn Parsenellé, but he sees the determined looking little pixie is almost upon him, and he flees, heading further away from the nobleborn elf that he's attached to.
"Shit" mutters lord Parsenellé, who then adds in a murmur "Dolm where are you?" as he wonders where the sprite is, and he also wonders where the unknown elven noble could now be . . . . . .

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