Thursday 11 May 2017

Wonderful 70.

The Principality Of Maladimbàh...

Helbe the elven thief waits behind the barn, the young elven noble from the principality of Laerel in the Southlands senses the two nearby elven nobles. He waits for what they'll do, as he senses that they're at two different points, facing what seems to be the front of the barn on the northern outskirts of the large village on the shores of a lake.
The elven magic user frowns, then under his breath, Helbe the elven thief murmurs "Maybe" then he takes a few steps to the side, so that he's able to glance around a corner.
The elven masterthief who is blurred and shielded, slightly nods his hooded head, and thinking what he feels is the best thing to do, he shifts away.
Helbenthril Raendril is standing next a pile of building stones beside a half complemented building here in the north of the large village. The elven princeling who is completely still, faintly smiles as he senses the two elven nobles are now moving slowly and deliberately towards his last location, the barn.
Narladene, the elven master assassin thinks to himself with a shake of his hooded head, as he correctly guesses that the ground pixie who is attached to him, is taking care of the sprite that's attached to one of the elven spellcasters who is nearby.
The ground pixie is most likely distracting the sprite by attacking it, well that's what Helbe the elven thief figures she's doing.
Advantage to me, the grandson of Prince Raendril of Laerel thinks to himself, who then floats up onto the half completed building, the elven master archer stands upon a beam on the yet to be completed roof, and he looks away to the right.
The elven magic user can't see the individual at the moment, but he can sense them. Prince Helbenthril Raendril senses an elven noble crossing a nearby rooftop. He knows it's the one he hit earlier, who has teleported to the north of the large village, from down near the lake shore.
The elven master assassin who senses the elven spellcaster less than fifty yards away, has a barrier and protection spell up, that in all likelihood, he probably won't batter down quickly.
Decides another approach is needed, the young elven noble from the Southlands flicks both of his hands, and the two spike punchers come out from the mechanisms strapped to the lower arms and wrists of the elven princeling.
With both six inch long steel spikes sticking out from his sleeves, the blurred and shielded elven magic user shifts. Helbe the elven thief who is highly skilled at spellcraft, and can cast multiple spells at the same time, casts another spell when he reappears, so to speak.
The elven masterthief punches with a left and a right, followed by another quick left, then a final right, all quickly, and all hitting the mark, thanks to the slip spell he has cast.
The steel spike punchers go through the barrier and protection spells, and slam into the gut, then chest, and finally the face and throat of the elven noble from Maladimbáh who was crossing a rooftop.
As the elven lord appears, with blood sputtering from the fatal wounds, and he falls to the roof, with the unseen Helbenthril Raendril standing over him, whose spike punchers are slightly bloody.
The elven master archer who was able to get through the elven noble's barrier and protection spells thanks to his spell that made him slip through them.
Then looks around to where he can sense the last, and final of the three elven nobles who are all cousins, two of whom are now dead.
The elven princeling from Laerel watches where the other elven lord is, though he can't see who it is, he can sense them. It's the most powerful of the three elven nobles who are cousins. Helbe the elven thief figures it's lord Parsenellé, whose guards were attacked by sir Percavelle Lé Dic a few nights ago.
After wiping the spike punchers clean on the cloak of the dead elf at his feet, they shoot back up into their holders that are strapped to the forearms of the young elven noble from south of the equator.
Then he crouches down on the roof he's on as he senses the remaining elven noble casting, then a few moments later, casting again.
Lord Parsenellé frowns as he can no longer sense his cousin Galithellé, and he can't get into contact with him via mindspeech too. Figuring that his slightly older cousin is holding his power within himself, the head of the extended Parsenellé family, who also worries where Dolmanad the sprite is, looks at the barn that's close by, and casts an explosion spell, a fairly powerful one too.
The night erupts with the sound of a loud explosion that rocks the ground, the large barn on the northern outskirts of the large village, erupts with wood and stone, and pieces of a couple of horses, and a bunch of chickens, flying in all directions.
Some of which bounce off the front of lord Parsenellé's barrier and protection spells, where he stands at the corner of a house, that gets peppered with debris.
The explosion is loud enough to send the trio of griffons to the east of the large village, up into the night sky squawking in annoyance. The elven lord knows it'll be a hassle to get them back down, especially the two that aren't actually his.
That got whoever it is, lord Parsenellé thinks to himself, as Dolmanad mentioned to him earlier that the unknown elven spellcaster wasn't particularly powerful when it came to magic. Little does the elven noble know, that the unknown elven magic user who might not be all that powerful, he is extremely skillful.
Still keeping his invisibility spell up, as well as his barrier and protection spells around him, the elven noble whose lands are to the north, in the central region of the principality of Maladimbáh, walks towards the remains of the large barn.
Parsenellé who once again senses for his cousin Galithellé, and tries to get in contact with him by way of a mindspeech spell, and is unable to. Takes just a few steps away from the corner of the house he's been next to, when suddenly something whacks him in the back, he hits the ground with a thud, and he groans as he rolls over.
Something whacks into his face, it feels like he's just been punched, and he drops his invisibility spell as he lies there dazed. Though he does have the wherewithal to keep up his barrier and protection spell, not that they do anything, as he gets whacked in the face again by what feels like a punch from a fist.
"What?" mumbles lord Parsenellé from between bloody lips when he suddenly sees a cloaked and hooded figure standing over him, the fairly young elven magic user tries to cast, but he's unable to, it feels like he's been cut off from his magic.
"Please don't" murmurs the head of the extended Parsenellé family when he sees a metal spike shoot out from the right wrist of the unknown elven noble whose face is shrouded by the hood he wears.
"Don't?" says the unknown elven magic user in the language of the elven nobility, he quietly continues with "As if you weren't going to kill the knight if you got a hold of him".
Lord Parsenellé can't deny that, for that's exactly what he was going to do, he grimaces as the unknown elven noble quietly tells him "If you're going to deal out justice, expect in return".
Then the cloaked and hooded figure blurs and disappears from sight, lord Parsenellé goes to scoot backwards and sit up, then suddenly something slams into his throat, it's cold and lifeless, just like he soon will be as he feels warmth flow from his throat, and he blacks out to never wake again.
Helbe the elven thief wipes the bloody spike puncher on the bottom of the dying elven noble's cloak. Then the elven princeling after bringing the steel spike back up into it's hidden mechanism, turns and walks away from lord Parsenellé as blood continues to flow from the lethal wound in his neck.
The elven masterthief is about to shift away when Narladene the ground pixie appears on his right shoulder "What happened to that sprite?" quietly asks the young elven noble who is the grandson of the ruling prince of Laerel.
"Much like him" replies Narladene the ground pixie who nods back at the now dead lord Parsenellé lying on the ground near the debris of the destroyed barn. The tiny winged creature flourishes her tiny sword, and whilst grinning says "I stuck him a few times".
Helbenthril Raendril refrains from rolling his eyes as Narladene returns her sword to it's scabbard, then when she holds onto his shoulder, the elven masterthief shifts away, heading to the south of the large village, to near the lake shore where the others are.
"Dump the bodies near the lake shore" quietly says Riley Hait the mercenary ranger to the others, he continues with "The local lord will probably be thankful we've got rid of some guards and a noble who are running roughshod over his lands".
"Three nobles" says Helbe the elven thief who suddenly appears out of thin air beside the mercenary ranger, after a slight jump of surprise at the appearance of the elven princeling, and then sourly smiling, the ranger Hait nods to the north, then asks "Was that you blowing up things?".
"Hardly" replies the young elven noble as they watch sir Percavelle Lé Dic pick up one dead elven guards and put him over his right shoulder, then another who he puts over his broad, heavily armoured left shoulder, before he walks away.
"That's not my style" says Helbenthril Raendril who continues with "It was one of them" the elven masterthief then grins as he adds "He's now dead".
Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman nods, and as he looks around, and up and down the street, he quietly asks "Should we leave?" though he doesn't particularly want to travel at night.
"No, why bother" says the elven magic user who continues with "Like you said, we've probably done the local lord a favour getting rid of three of his more powerful northern neighbours" the elven prince then adds "Not to mention the villagers are safer with that lot now dead" he then says "Might as well head back to that inn, and have a roof over our heads for the night".
And that's what they do after they gather all the dead bodies, thirteen elven guards and three elven nobles, and dump them on a grass strip just up from the lake shore . . . . . .

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