Tuesday 2 May 2017

Wonderful 63.

The Principality Of Maladimbáh...

Kaldeàlil Haldéilv the elven magic user pops her head around the side of the building she's behind. The attractive elven maid is in the river town in the lands of the Walashàele family, adjacent to the lands of her father.
The elven magic user thinks it's best not to return to her fathers lands at this time, as he's more than likely to kill her if she shows up, after all he will blame her for who it was that turned up and attacked his faux palace like stronghold that sits upon a tor.
The attractive elven maid looks to the west hoping to see her fathers seat of power, but the low cloud and misty rain that's falling today obscures it today. On a clear, sunny day the tower upon the tor can just been seen from this town across the river in the lands of the Walashàele family.
Kaldeàlil Haldéilv who returned to the principality of Maladimbáh yesterday morning after crossing the nomads plains without any success in finding those she's after. Is now looking for someone else, infact two of them, who she's heard are now in this town across from the lands of her father.
The illegitimate daughter of lord Haldéilv looks back around the corner to where a tavern is located at the end of the street. The tavern is mostly frequented by the humans and goblins in the town, not many of the elven residents frequent it, as it's a rather rowdy establishment at the best of times.
The elven magic user who is invisible at the moment looks away to the right, at a street that connects to the one the tavern is on, she knows the warehouse of a certain trader is on that street, a trader she's taken notice of since returning to the principality of her birth yesterday morning.
As she looks away to the street to the right through the misty rain, the attractive elven maid spots out of the corner of her eye, a pair humans, armed and armoured hurry from a lane near the tavern, which they quickly make their way to,
The attractive elven maid wryly smiles we she sees the two of them "I should of guessed" dryly murmurs Kaldeàlil Haldéilv as she watches the two enter the tavern at the end of the street.
Dropping her invisibility spell, the elven magic user who is the illegitimate daughter of the neighbouring elven lord, makes her way around the corner of the building, and with the hood of her cloak upon her head, she walks quickly through the misty rain on what's a warm day in the later part of the summer here in the principality of Maladimbáh.
The attractive elven maid enters the tavern, and looks around. In the crowded and rather noisy tavern, more than a few of the patrons turn to look at her. As there's only a handful of elves in here at the moment, none of them as striking as the attractive elven maid who has taken the hood of her cloak off her head.
Kaldeàlil Haldéilv makes her way through the common room, with people quick to get out of her way. She steps over a goblin who has tripped up infront of her as he was hurrying to the bar to get another drink.
The illegitimate daughter of lord Haldéilv makes her way to a small corner table, where she sees the two men she spotted, are just sitting down after they glared at a couple of others who were already sitting there, causing those two other customers to quickly move away.
"Why am i not surprised to find you two in here" dryly says Kaldeàlil Haldéilv in the common language when she stops infront of the small corner table "Shit" says one of the armed and armoured men in a surprised tone of voice, while the other who is just as surprised, says "Kalde".
The attractive elven maid quickly shakes her head no, then after the two men share a look, the first nods to a nearby doorway that leads into a hallway, and he says "They've got private rooms, we can talk in one of them".
The trio pay for one of the private rooms in the back of the tavern, and once they're in it, and the door closed behind them, the attractive elven maid who casts a spell so no one can hear them, says "I thought you two were dead until i heard a rumour you were working in this town".
"We were almost dead" says Harrick the mercenary guard, who along with his fellow mercenary Linden, was hired by Kaldeàlil Haldéilv in the south of the region of Belinswae, to guard her captive at the time, a mage by the name of Mira Reinholt.
"That big guy in armour who busted the mage free, whacked both of us so hard i thought we were going to die" says Harrick who continues with "I shattered a bunch of ribs, and Linden's right leg was busted".
"We were both knocked out" says Linden the mercenary who is the younger of the two guards from the south along the coast of Belinswae, who continues with "When we woke up, one of your father's healers, a cousin of yours i think, healed us with some spells" the younger of the two mercenaries then adds "From what we heard, we're extremely lucky, for everyone else hit by that big bloody walking ironworks was killed".
They don't know it, but it's because of their former charge the mage Reinholt, that they're still alive, as he asked his fellow Southlander lord Farque not to kill his two captors, who he got along with, and enjoyed their company, and didn't want them to die.
"Then your father kicked us out and told us to get lost" sourly says Harrick as the three of them sit around a table, on which is plates of food, as well as various drinks. The older of the two mercenary guards after downing some of his light, amber coloured ale in his tankard, then adds "Said if we ever returned, he'd hang us" he pauses for a moment, before saying "Said he'd do the same thing to you too".
"That's not the only thing he said about you too" mumbles Linden as he eats a slice of dark bread, that he's smeared some soft white cheese onto "Oh such as what?" asks Kaldeàlil Haldéilv with an arched eyebrow as she looks at the two human mercenaries from the south of Belinswae.
Both of the guards wince, then the attractive elven maid says "Well?" followed by "Out with it" she then adds "I'll just read your minds anyway if you don't tell me" Harrick blows out a breath, then he says "Alright then" after he takes a long drink of his ale.
The older of the two mercenary guards clears his throat as he pours more ale from a jug into his tankard, then he says "Well your father said, i wish i had never raped that little bitch's mother in the first place, I'd wish i had killed the whore instead" Harrick who has a slight grimace upon his face as he speaks, continues with "And when i didn't do that, i should of killed that little bitch when she was born".
"And i love you too father dear" murmurs Kaldeàlil Haldéilv in the elven language, which the two mercenary guards don't really understand, apart from a few words and phrases they've picked up in their time here in Maladimbáh, as well as being in the company of the attractive elven maid, who for the most part, often spoke almost exclusively in the elven language to her former captive Mira Reinholt the mage.
"I see my father is as charming as ever" dryly says the attractive elven maid in the common language, who then adds in a more reasonable tone of voice "He'll get over it eventually" Harrick after taking a sip of ale, and spearing a couple of slices of ham with his table knife from a platter to his plate, asks "How long will that be exactly?".
"Oh thirty or forty years most likely" says the illegitimate daughter of lord Haldéilv "No time at all" wryly says the older of the mercenary guards from the south of Belinswae, while the younger adds in a murmur "Glad I'm not long lived like you elves".
The elven magic user whose mother was a maid in the stronghold of her father, softly chuckles then after taking a sip of the wine in her goblet, and taking an apple from a bowl, she asks "Did that justifier from Belinswae survive that attack on my father's place?". "He did" replies Harrick "Is he still there?" asks Kaldeàlil Haldéilv who then adds "My father's place is a bit too far for me to sense if he's there".
"Last we heard he was" says Linden who continues with "He was pissed at that attack and more than half of his guards getting killed". "Not to mention losing both of his griffons" adds Harrick who then says in a slightly dry tone of voice "Probably why he hasn't returned to Falnic".
Father won't be too pleased at having that justifier as a guest longer than he expected to, the elven magic user thinks to herself as she nods her head in agreement with what Harrick just said, then the illegitimate daughter of the neighbouring local lord looks at the two mercenary guards she hired on the coast in the south of Belinswae, when Harrick asks her "What of the mage?" followed by "Mira?".
Hopefully detained in Falnic, Kaldeàlil Haldéilv thinks to herself, who then says in response to Harrick's question "The last i know, he and the other one were chasing after me". "Who is that other one?" asks Linden the younger of the two mercenary guards, who are townsmen from the region of Belinswae "You don't want to know" sourly says the attractive elven maid in reply to Linden's question.
After a lull in the conversation as the three of them eat for a bit, the elven magic user who is able to cast without being sensed due to an magical amulet she wears on a chain around her neck, says "You don't have to work for the trader anymore, I'm hiring you again".
"Good" says Harrick, who then adds "Guarding that warehouse of his was bloody boring" followed by "Crime isn't exactly prevalent around here, even with the amount of humans and goblins in and around this town" Linden nods his head in agreement with the older guard.
After eating a roll of diced up, spiced pork mince, with finely chopped vegetables, wrapped up in a thick leaf of lettuce, Harrick asks the attractive elven maid "So what will we be doing?" he continues with "Looking for the mage Mira?" he along with his fellow townsmen from Belinswae, Linden. Got along with their former charge, come prisoner, the mage Mira Reinholt who they not just used to guard, but spend a lot of their time with.
"Maybe" says Kaldeàlil Haldéilv, who then silently adds, though i don't want him showing up with that damn undead fiend! I'll be lucky to get away alive again if he does.
The illegitimate daughter of lord Haldéilv, then says "Remember i told you about a group of others who the mage usually travels with?" Linden nods his head, then says "That lot from faraway to the south like the mage is" he then adds "Who you had us look around in Falnic for, when we briefly stopped there".
"The very one's" says the elven magic user, who drinks what's left in her goblet, before she adds "I suspect they're here in the principality, or arriving here soon" the attractive elven maid continues with "I want them found" Kaldeàlil Haldéilv pauses for a moment or two, before she says "And there's one of them i want dead" . . . . . .

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