Monday 30 April 2018

The Homecoming 88.


"Does he consort with others?" asks lord Farque "Not that i recall m'lord" replies the manager of the establishment.
It's not really an inn, though it does have rooms for hire. Nor is it a tavern, though there is a common room, as well as private rooms off it.
Though comparing it to a common room in a tavern, even an expensive one. Would do it an injustice of the highest order.
It's more of a private club than anything else. Located in the second domain, on the eastern edge of the King's Domain.
It's a meeting place for the nobility and the wealthy in the city of Leeabra, and the kingdom of Druvic.
A place to conduct business, and other assorted affairs. Where deals are brokered, and where alliances are formed, not to mention, broken.
More than a few battles between fiefs in the kingdom have been determined in this establishment when deals have soured between nobles.
Lord Farque, who can easily pass as a visiting noble from another kingdom. Easily gained access to the establishment. Which is in a discreet looking building, just back from the corner of where two streets meet, next to a large square.
Across the square to the west, is the King's Domain. One of the palaces in that particular domain can be seen from the third floor balcony of the establishment.
The undead warlord is just about to thank the manager, and depart when the manager, who doesn't own the establishment, rumour is that a member of the current royal family owns the place.
Says to the large figure in the dark blue and black, heavy plate armour "Though i do seem to recall he has met with a member of a knightly order a few times".
Behind the faceplate of his full helm, the lord and ruler of the lands Farque, who has got the manager of the establishment to talk, by simply giving him a bar of platinum, which he got from a nearby counting house that he has an account with.
Lifts a questioning eyebrow, then quickly guessing what order of knights the equerry in question has been talking to, lord Farque says "Let me guess" followed by "A member of the knights of Saint Mar-che?".
The manager blinks in surprise, then says "Yes indeed m'lord, it is". The lord and ruler of the lands Farque, who is also know as Draugadrottin to the people of his lands, nods his full helmed head, then asks "Which member of that order?".
The manager glances at the platinum bar on the desk between them, and the lord of the death realm rolls his eyes, then after slightly sighing, he says "You're not going to get anymore" the undead being continues with "That's probably more than all the other bribes you've gotten all year combined".
"So answer my question" says lord Farque, who waves a gauntleted hand, then adds "If not I'll inform the owner of this fine establishment that you've been taking bribes for information about the private business conducted by your guests here".
Taking a guess at who owns the private club, the deathlord of Farque adds "I don't think his highness would be too pleased you've been selling information" he continues with "Especially to a foreigner like me".
The manager, a bald headed man in his late forties, coughs uncomfortably as he clears his throat, then he says "Yes quite".
The manager then tells the undead warlord "With Knight General Dalacell himself".
Fucking hell Percy! Someone definitely doesn't like you, lord Farque thinks to himself, who then asks "And you don't know who the equerry specifically works for?".
"No m'lord" replies the manager of the private club who continues with "There's many attendant to the royal household over in the King's Domain" he follows that with "Some of them work for more than one person, and the one you've asked about could work for anyone from a lowly officer to the king himself" the manager then adds "He certainly comes in with many a member of the royal household".
The undead warlord who is also known as Des'tier by an older generation of elves, who might know who he is. Gets the feeling the manager of the private establishment is telling the truth, and that the equerry he's been asking about, could work for anyone over in the King's Domain.
The heavily armoured deathlord nods his full helmed head, then stands up and says "I'll let myself out". He turns and makes his way out of the office of the manager.
Draugadrottin closes the door behind him, walks down the quiet corridor, then heads downstairs. In what one would call a common room, the deathlord of Farque quickly glances around as he makes his way to the front door of the private club.
What would be considered a common room, is plush in appearance, with wooden floors inlaid with marble.
Most of the tables are in booths against the walls of the room, while those out in the open, are all near the pillars that run in two rows down the length of the room.
Which is slightly dim on purpose, with few windows open. And even less lamps lit. There's a lit fireplace at one end of the room providing light, but no tables are near it.
Lord Farque garners a few looks his way, after all he's large, in what can only be described as foreboding looking armour. And he's obviously a foreigner.
Though he isn't the only person in the establishment wearing a suit of full plate armour. There are a few others in what one would term the common room of the establishment. Either belonging to a knightly order, or a local nobleman, sometimes both.
Lord Farque who is surprised he isn't recognised from the battle in the city that started the civil war. Makes his way across the common room of the private club, and exits it.
The undead warlord senses for Mira Reinholt the mage, and quickly locates him. The lord of the death realm heads off in his direction. Hoping that the once powerful mage has found out more information about the equerry in the King's Domain, that the party of Harkonin scouts met with early this morning.
Mira Reinholt the mage stands upon the roof of a building, he looks away in the direction of the basillica of Narille in the distance.
The large doom upon the top of that particular building is still under repair as it was a few weeks ago when he was last in Leeabra.
Infact it's been under repair for a number of years, ever since the civil war in the kingdom of Druvic came to an end.
The mage Reinholt looks away from the basillica in the distance that stands within the grounds of the order of the knights of Saint Mar-che.
Instead he looks towards the main airdocks of the capital city, which are further to the east.
The spellcaster who was once the most powerful mage of his generation to be found anywhere in the Southlands, casts another spell. As he's already cast invisibility upon himself.
The exiled Vexilian mage who has cast a spell to see great distances. Looks at the kingdom of Druvic's aircorp's docks. And the two warships that he, along with lord Farque saw earlier in the day, being readied.
The vessels are still in dock, and have yet to leave. The spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster has learnt that the ship's crews of those vessels are on leave, and have the liberty of the city.
And that the order for them to get ready to depart was given without notice, and now the officers of those two airships are scouring Leeabra for their respective crews.
The once powerful mage from the city-state of Vexil looks back in the direction of the King's Domain, and the second domain.
He looks along the wide boulevard to the left, and he eventually spots the distinctive figure in blue and black plate armour amongst the people walking in this direction, on what's an overcast spring day here in the capital city of the kingdom of Druvic.
The invisible spellcaster sees lord Farque look up at him, and slightly nod. The swordmaster Reinholt nods his hooded head in return.
The exiled Vexilian mage steps off the edge of the roof infront of him, and levitates down to the lane below.
He makes his way into a deep, recessed doorway to his left, and there he drains some of the power in the spell gem in one of his pockets, before he drops his invisibility spell and becomes visible again.
The mage Reinholt remains in the doorway until he spots lord Farque turn into the lane from the boulevard to the left. The highly skilled swordmaster steps out into the lane proper as the undead warlord walks towards him.
"Anything?" asks lord Farque, who gestures that they should continue walking down the lane.
"A bit" replies Mira Reinholt the mage, who like the heavily armoured deathlord, speaks in elvish. The once powerful mage then informs the lord of the death realm about the two aircorp vessels that are preparing to leave the capital. And that a light frigate left earlier this morning. Before they arrived here in Leeabra.
All three aircorp vessels are bound for the east of the kingdom. To the Lé Dic and Harkonin fiefs.
"Let me guess" says Draugadrottin, who continues with "To assist the baron, or more specifically, his advisor Palvarc".
"That's it exactly" says the Vexilian swordmaster in exile "You know who gave them the order?" asks the lord and ruler of the lands Farque "Someone high up in the admiralty" is the answer from the mage Reinholt, who continues with "Who? I'm not sure" he then adds "Whoever it is, they're important enough to send three vessels, without them disguised, flying the crown's colours, to a dispute between two warring fiefs".
"That's a bit of a fucking worry" murmurs the undead warlord, who then asks the spellcaster, who to this day, is still the youngest ever member of the mage council of Vexil "Find anything out about our equerry?" followed by "Who he works for?".
"Nothing there" is the answer from the highly skilled swordmaster as they turn a corner onto a street that goes east, in the direction of the airdocks of Leeabra.
"And you?" asks Mira Reinholt, who then adds "At that place?". The exiled Vexilian mage was the one who told the deathlord of Farque about the private club near the King's Domain.
An establishment he had heard much about during his time living here in Leeabra. Though a place he could not visit. As all spellcasters not in the royal household are banned from it.
The undead warlord explains what he discovered at the establishment, the swordmaster Reinholt slightly whistles, then says "Hell, the head of the knights of Saint Mar-che doesn't want Percy around that's for sure" he then adds "But who is it in the king's court who doesn't want him around?" the once powerful mage follows that with "Who's all tight with that dark druid of baron Harkonin's?".
"That's the question isn't it" quietly says Des'tier, or The Destroyer as it's translated from elven to common, he shrugs his broad, heavily armoured shoulders, then adds "We'll find out one day i guess".
"We're not going to hang around and find out who?" asks the Vexilian mage in exile, who already knows the answer, as the lord and ruler of the lands Farque is heading back towards the main airdocks of the city.
"No" says the lord of the death realm, who gestures in the direction of the airdocks, and adds "Hopefully Davik has found us an airship going east" Draugadrottin then quietly says "And we'll have to deal with those two warships heading that way too".
"In dock?" asks Mira Reinholt, who even he'd admit, it's a little audacious attacking a pair of Druvician aircorp vessels flying the royal colours in dock, in the capital of the kingdom.
Attacking and destroying one that was disguised in the smaller city Pasemár is one thing. This would be something else entirely different.
"If need be" says lord Farque, who then adds "Though it'd be best if we were out of sight of the city" the heavily armoured deathlord then dryly adds "Don't want the entire fucking aircorp and royal army after us if we did get noticed".
"That's for fucking sure" dryly murmurs the mage Reinholt as they head back to the area around the main airdocks of the city, to where the offices of the Reinholt trading company is located.
As they walk back, the highly skilled swordmaster tells the undead warlord about the private club lord Farque visited. And how everyone from clerics and magic using priests in every church and temple in the city. To spellcasters who belong to guilds, such as the Guild Alchemica. To individual spellcasters, such as Mira was when he lived and worked in Leeabra.
All wanted to get into the establishment where the powerful of the kingdom meet. The mage Reinholt can only recall his friend at the time. The dragon Nol, who lord Farque brought down in flight, basically killing him, with Helbe the elven thief and Sephiryn the elemental finishing off the dragon. The dead dragon, that Dorc da Orc was able to take a plate of armour off, with the help of the undead warlord.
Was the only spellcaster in the city who couldn't care less about entering the private club. For starters he was far too big to enter it. And secondly he didn't care what was discussed there. As he knew, which was what the mage Reinholt would learn. All the decisions that really counted in the kingdom. Were made, and still is made, in the King's Domain. To be exact, in the court of the king of Druvic.
The lord and ruler of the lands Farque listens in silence as they walk back to the offices of the Reinholt trading company. He hears in the voice of Vexilian mage in exile, fondness when he speaks of the dragon Nol.
Who the mage Reinholt would turn against, and who bit off Mira's left arm before killing the once powerful mage. Who lord Farque had to bring back to life. And only by chance too, as Draugadrottin had gone into the death realm when he took the dragon Nol out of the air, and hit the ground from thousands of feet up in the sky.
The heavily armoured deathlord remains silent when they finally get back to the offices of the Reinholt trading company, where they're led upstairs to the managers office.
"You're back" says Davik the office manager, who then adds "Good timing too" he continues with "I've found you an airship heading southeast, a passenger vessel out of Vexil, heading back there. It'll take the two of you further east into Druvic".
"When?" asks the spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster "It leaves later this afternoon, just before dusk" replies the manager of the Reinholt trading company here in the kingdom of Druvic.
Mira Reinholt glances at lord Farque, who slightly nods his full helmed head, and says in the elven language "Might as well head over there now since it's already the middle of the afternoon".
"We'll go over now" says the exiled Vexilian mage to the office manager "Thanks for everything Davik" adds the practitioner of magic.
"Of course mage Mira" says the office manager Davik, who then tells the black sheep of the family whose company he works for "Best of luck on your ah, adventures" . . . . . .

Sunday 29 April 2018

The Homecoming 87.

The Capital...

"What did you tell him?" asks Mira Reinholt the mage after he comes over and joins lord Farque under the steps to the airdock the ship they arrived into Leeabra, is moored to.
"That if he's ever down south" says lord Farque who continues with "Like way south".
The once powerful mage nods his hooded head in understanding, and the undead warlord tells him "He's more than welcome in my lands".
The mage Reinholt looks down the wide lane off to one side of the edge of the city airdocks, and says "Think he'll do alright?".
"He'll be fine" says the heavily armoured deathlord who then adds "The shipyards always hire his kind, even if they have no experience in ship building".
They watch Tarong the troll making his way through the nearby lane, heading to the shipyards of Leeabra that the lord and ruler of the lands of Farque has given him directions to.
The spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster agrees with the lord of the death realm. He too thinks Tarong will fit right in here, in the capital of the kingdom of Druvic.
The practitioner of magic, who at the age of seventeen, was the youngest ever member of the mage council of Vexil, until he was kicked off it. And forcibly exiled from his homeland the city-state of Vexil for betraying it.
Then says to the undead warlord "By ship then?".
The deathlord, who is also known by the name of Draugadrottin to the people of his lands, nods his full helmed head, and says "By ship".
The undead being who also rules the realm between the living and the afterlife, then adds in a slightly dry tone of voice as they converse in elven "That's if any are going that fucking way".
"Let's hope one is" murmurs the swordmaster Reinholt who then adds in a sour tone "I don't particularly want to go east again on foot" he continues with "Who knows what we'd fucking run into if we did".
The two of them move off, heading away from airdocks, to the buildings nearby in the streets that surround the main docks of the city of Leeabra.
There you can find the offices of shipping agents, and trading companies. If one can't get a flight on an airship there. There's also plenty of taverns, alehouses, wine shops and inn's located in the same area.
In those you can deal directly with the officers and crews of the airships in the docks, and get onboard an airship often for a cheaper price than you would get with a shipping agent.
For the two of them, they head to the nearby offices of a trading company, one of the largest in all of the Southlands. It's a family run business. That one of them, just happens to be a member of.
"Did you stop in here, when we were last in the city?" asks lord Farque in the elven language as they make their way to the offices of the Reinholt trading company.
"I didn't" replies the exiled Vexilian mage, who continues with "Though i did spot one of my family's ships in the docks when we were last here" the mage Reinholt then adds "I spoke to the captain who i knew, and he told me that they've had a change of manager here in company's offices since i lived in Leeabra".
"The last one probably lost his job because he associated with you" dryly says the heavily armoured deathlord, who the people on the streets, are quick to get out of the way off.
"Probably" says the spellcaster who was once the most powerful mage of his generation to be found anywhere in the Southlands "The new manager seems to be competent, and know what they're doing" adds Mira Reinholt, who follows that with "If one of the company's ships isn't going that way. I'm sure he'll get us in contact with another company's vessel going east".
The lord and ruler of the lands Farque nods his full helmed head as they round a corner onto another street. Which like most of them around, and near the airdocks, are fairly narrow for streets found in Leeabra. Which is home to some, if not most of the largest and widespread streets of any city in the entire Southlands.
Boulevards are common throughout the capital of the kingdom of Druvic. And it doesn't particularly matter where. Whether it be in the king's domain, or in the second, third or fourth domain.
But here in the centre of the third domain, which is to the northeast of the city centre. Many of the streets around the main airdocks of the city, are similar to streets found in other cities throughout not just Druvic, but all of the Southlands.
As they walk down the street, and Mira Reinholt quietly says in the language of the elves "It's around the corner coming up on the right, and across a square".
The undead being, who is also known by the name of Des'tier to an older generation of elven kind, who might happen to know who he is.
Glances across the street at a group of men, who from the looks of it, have also come from the airdocks.
They look to be mercenaries, fighting men from their attire. But the deathlord of Farque slightly frowns when he sees one of their cloaks slip open at the front to one side.
Noticing that the undead warlord has fallen silent, the exiled Vexilian mage asks them as they turn onto the street to the right, and head across the square "What is it?".
"I'm not sure" murmurs Draugadrottin as they cross the square, and the swordmaster Reinholt points to the building that houses the offices of his family's trading company here in the city of Leeabra, the capital of the kingdom of Druvic.
They enter the offices of the Reinholt trading company, and the exiled Vexilian mage is immediately recognised by some of the workers who have been with his family's company for quite a few years.
The swordmaster Reinholt and the lord and ruler of the lands Farque are led to the manager's office upstairs. There Mira Reinholt talks with the company manager, not just for the city of Leeabra, but for all of the kingdom of Druvic.
As they talk about finding an airship traveling further east in the kingdom, as none of the Reinholt trading company's vessels are going that way anytime soon.
The undead warlord sits in silence upon a bench, that gives him a view out of the expensive glass windows in this office. It offers a view of the nearby airdocks. Quite a handy view for the manager of one of the largest trading companies in all the Southlands to have.
When there's a lull in the conversation after the manager calls in an assistant to send a runner to find out what, and whose ships are heading east.
Lord Farque asks the manager, a man named Davik, who is of similar age to the mage Reinholt, around thirty, early thirties to be exact "Do you have a tome detailing the sigils of the Druvician nobility?".
Knowing that trading companies in a kingdom such as Druvic would definitely have one somewhere. As it's best to know everything about your main customer base.
"I do actually" says Davik the office manager, a rather short fellow from Vexil, whose parents were originally from the kingdom of Druvic, and who joined the company after Mira Reinholt was exiled from the city-state of Vexil.
He gets up and goes over to a book case, and from the very bottom of it, he takes a heavy book, which he brings over to lord Farque.
The undead warlord opens it, and turns immediately to about a third of the way through the book. He quickly finds the noble family he's looking for.
"Thought it was" murmurs the lord and ruler of the lands Farque "What is it?" asks the once powerful mage who walks over, and stands next to the lord of the death realm, and sees what he's looking at.
"Harkonin?" says the highly skilled swordmaster who sees that the heavily armoured deathlord is looking at the colours, sigils and tabbards of the noble family of Harkonin.
"There's some Harkonin soldiers in the city" says the undead warlord, who continues with "They just left the airdocks when we did".
"Probably something to do with the troubles out east" says the office manager "Oh?" says the exiled Vexilian mage, who then adds "What troubles?" followed by "You didn't mention anything about troubles out east".
Davik the office manager for the Reinholt trading company here in the kingdom of Druvic. Explains that there's tensions between the noble families of Harkonin and Lé Dic.
Which is no surprise really. Considering they've been enemies for centuries. Always having skirmishes and wars between their two fiefs.
But from what a Reinholt trading company cargo ship that came into the capital Leeabra two days ago from the kingdom of Nastell.
Which crossed over eastern Druvic to get here, they saw troop movement across the Harkonin fief and into the Lé Dic fief.
"Must be pretty serious" says Davik the office manager, who sits back down behind his desk, and gestures to the airdocks through the windows, and adds "A warship left earlier this morning, someone at court must of taken an interest to deploy a frigate out there" he nods his head towards the nearby airdocks, and says "There in the aircorp's docks away to the right there, looks like a couple more ships are readying to leave, more than likely they're going east as well".
Lord Farque and Mira Reinholt share a look, then the once powerful mage says to the office manager "Find us a ship quick". Then the spellcaster, who is also a highly skilled swordmaster tells Davik "We'll be back later" as he hurries after the heavily armoured deathlord who is already leaving the office.
"Which way did they go?" asks the Vexilian mage in exile as they exit the building that houses the offices of the Reinholt trading company here in the city of Leeabra.
"East" replies the undead warlord "How appropriate" dryly murmurs Mira Reinholt, who then nods his hooded head when Des'tier tells him in elvish "I'm sensing them" followed by "Have been since i caught a glimpse of one of them wearing Harkonin colours beneath his cloak".
The lord of the death realm leads the way across the square, and turns right, he tells the mage Reinholt "They stopped a little while ago, must be at a tavern or an inn".
"More than likely" quietly says the highly skilled swordmaster, who walks beside the large, heavily armoured figure of the deathlord of Farque, who leads they way eastwards through the third domain of Leeabra.
The mage Reinholt who knows exactly where they are in the city, after all he lived here for a time. Mostly in the second domain, near the places of significance in the city. Close to the trappings of power, both politically and magically.
"Part of the city the country folk prefer to stay when they're in Leeabra" says the exiled Vexilian mage as he nods in the direction they're going, south and east.
"Near the parks and like" adds the spellcaster who was once more powerful than any other mage of his generation in the Southlands. Until he lost most of it when he accidentally went off world thanks to a rift spell he incorrectly cast.
As they cut through a lane between two streets, the mage Reinholt quietly asks "Think they got in contact with whoever it was those druids dealt with in court?".
"More than likely" quietly says the deathlord of Farque who like the highly skilled swordmaster, is speaking in elvish.
"Read their minds when we get there" quietly adds the lord and ruler of the lands Farque, who after going down the lane that's on a slight incline, turns onto a wide street, that has park like grounds on one side.
"Belongs to one of the knight's orders" says Mira Reinholt with a nod of his hooded head to the left at the park, the undead warlord nods then gestures to a building up ahead, and says "That inn on the corner to the right".
The two of them walk to the establishment on the corner, and after the lord of the death realm quickly describes the group of six men to look out for. The mage Reinholt enters the inn, while the heavily armoured deathlord waits outside for him.
The swordmaster Reinholt comes back outside a little while later, and mutters "Shit". "What?" says lord Farque, who turns and heads back towards the offices of the Reinholt trading company.
The once powerful mage quietly explains what he found out from reading the minds of the six men, who it turns out are scouts in the Harkonin army. Who came to the capital Leeabra, well partway at least. Magically, through a druid's circle.
"Shit" mutters Draugadrottin when the exiled Vexilian mage explains what he's found out.
"Fucking hell, wiped out eh" quietly says lord Farque, who then adds "That's not good". The mage Reinholt nods in agreement, and as they go back up the lane that's on an incline, he says "Well at least there's one good thing to come out of it" he then adds "We've got our war engineer from what that lot think".
As the information he garnered from the Harkonin scouts, included the disappearance of baron Harkonin's war engineer, Tovis. During the battle where the Lé Dic army that had crossed over into the Harkonin fief, was all but wiped out.
"That is one good thing" quietly says the undead warlord, who then adds "Do you?" in response to Mira Reinholt asking him "You think they've left?".
"I'd rather doubt it" says the Vexilian mage in exile, who continues with "Percy leave with his niece's fief under threat, no they're still there".
"They're definitely still there" says lord Farque, who then asks "This equerry those scouts dealt with, no fucking way he could order one of the aircorp's ships east".
The swordmaster Reinholt nods his hooded head in agreement, and the heavily armoured deathlord tells him "Let's go and find out who at court he works for" the lord and ruler of the lands Farque then adds "What's a bet he's the same person those fucking dark druids had dealings with" . . . . . .

Thursday 26 April 2018

The Homecoming 86.

Castle Lé Dic...

"Don't make Dorc go up there to makes sure you cunts doin' it fucken right" says Dorc da Orc as he watches the servants carrying the latest batch of human waste up to the top of the south wall of the castle.
With rags and cloths covering their mouths and noses, the pairs of castle servants are gingerly carrying each barrel up to the parapet while the large ork watches on.
Passing nearby, Tamric Drubine slightly grimaces as he sees the servants carrying the barrels of shit up to the top of the wall.
Along the top of the east wall of castle Lé Dic it already reeks. And the human effluent is still in the barrels up there, and yet to be poured into the troughs.
They won't be until the enemy are well and truly attacking the massive castle that's the ancestral home of the Lé Dic family.
Which will be any day now, since the army from the Harkonin fief were expected two days ago. But they've been plagued by delays and are traveling slowly thanks to the efforts of the two elves. Helbe the elven thief and Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy.
"How's it going?" asks Tamric Drubine when he gets to one of the trebuchets here in the main courtyard on the southern side of castle Lé Dic.
"Fixed" replies Tovis the war engineer as he looks at the problematic war machine, that he and the castle engineers have finally repaired.
The young engineer from the Harkonin fief looks around, then asks the nobleborn teenager from the kingdom of Sarcrin "Where's Lis this morning?".
Tam refrains from rolling his eyes, and instead tells the former war engineer of baron Harkonin "With young Linara Lé Dic no doubt".
"Ah makes sense" quietly says Tovis, who has been informed by Riley Hait the mercenary ranger. That Lisell Maera has been given the task of protecting the lady of castle Lé Dic.
Though the attractive young woman from the city-state of Brattonbury has also been told to still keep an eye on Tovis when ever she's around him. Not that he knows that.
Then remembering the situation they're in, Tovis asks the nobleborn teenager "Any word?". "Not as yet" replies the former heir to a previous knight of castle Drubine in northern Sarcrin, who continues with "They'll turn up in time" Tam then silently adds, well i hope they do.
The two of them continue chatting for a while, then the teenage noble in the half plate armour continues on his way, making his way to the eastern side of the massive castle.
Once there, Tamric Drubine looks up and spots Riley Hait the mercenary ranger and Shur Kee the monk up on top of the east wall.
They're on the only part of the parapet that doesn't stink. Above the gates, since the drawbridge is covered, and dumping crap, and anything else for that matter on the enemy there will be a waste of time.
The young noble from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin heads up the set of steps right next to the gate house, and he joins the mercenary ranger, and the physical adept upon the top of the east wall of castle Lé Dic.
"Any sign of them?" asks Tamric Drubine "Nothing" is the answer from Riley Hait the mercenary ranger, who isn't worried about the safety of either Helbe the elven thief and Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy,
As the young elven noble will keep the two of them out of harms way.
What the ranger Hait is worried about, is the Harkonin army that will soon get here. For though the two elves have delayed the army from the fief to the east, at least two days so far.
It will arrive here at castle Lé Dic and the town of Massic eventually. And when it does, they can expect a tough time of it from baron Harkonin's army.
The mercenary ranger who is really a hordes outrider from the southern tundra by the name of Zubutai Timaginson, who just happens to inhabit the body of Riley Hait. Sourly smiles as he thinks of the Lé Dic army who teared across the border, and entered the Harkonin fief, where they were wiped out.
"Fucking idiots" mutters the ranger Hait in the hordes dialect of the southern tundra, who then nods his head and says "Not if the wind blows this way" in response to Tamric Drubine saying "At least it doesn't stink here above the gates".
The nobleborn teenager looks away to the left along the top of the wall, to where the nearest barrels of human waste is. Next to pile of rocks and rubble that will also be dropped down upon any of the attackers when they get here.
"Dorc was telling me how he and the lord, and Mira defended a castle with hardly any soldiers on their side against an invading army" says Tam, who then adds "He also told me how the three of them used to attack castles by just themselves as well".
Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman nods, then says "That's when Mira was still powerful" the mercenary ranger continues with "Tam you've only known him after he lost most of his power. He was a sight to behold back then I'll tell you".
Nodding in agreement with the ranger Hait, Shur Kee the monk says "Friend Mira was indeed all powerful" the acolyte in the philosophical order of Bru Li then adds "Though i do believe he is a more accomplished practitioner of the magical arts nowadays".
"Losing his power will do that" says the mercenary ranger from the elven principality of Envadarlen, who then dryly adds "At least he doesn't blow up buildings with us in it like he used to do all the time".
Shur Kee faintly grimaces, as he like the ranger Hait has experienced that a number of times in the past, when the mage Reinholt was careless with his power. Blowing up things without a care of who was in the vicinity.
"Mira would blow a hole in a castle wall, and the lord and Dorc would enter through it and kill anyone dumb enough to get in the way of them" says Riley aka Zubutai Timaginson, who continues with "I think that's how Helbe first met the three of them. They attacked a castle, they he was interested in".
"Interested?" asks the nobleborn teenager from the kingdom of Sarcrin "Interested in stealing from" replies the mercenary ranger who is really a hordes outrider from the southern tundra "Figures" dryly says Tam "Get him to tell you about it when he shows up" suggests the ranger Hait, who then adds "He witnessed a lot of them, attacking and defending castles over the years".
Shur Kee nods in agreement, as he knows that only the elven masterthief was the first to join the trio of lord Farque, Dorc da Orc and Mira Reinholt the mage.
And traveled with them for some time before one by one, others started joining the group over the years.
"And that doesn't include the years before he joined them, when the lord and Dorc had a falling out with Mira, and spent half a decade chasing after him across two continents" says Riley Hait "They don't talk about that much" quietly says Tamric Drubine, who then adds "If at all".
"With good reason" dryly says the mercenary ranger who was brought up and trained by some of the elven warders of Envadarlen.
Tam who often forgets that the mage Reinholt wasn't much older than he himself is right now. When he was an important figure in the mage council of Vexil. Who would betray his homeland during the battle of Vexil more than fifteen years ago. Still the largest battle anywhere in the Southlands since the invasion of the western half of the continent (The Southlands) by the Holy Norstran Empire nearly four hundred and fifty years ago.
And the only time anything is ever mentioned about that time in the lives of the trio of lord Farque, Dorc da Orc and Mira Reinholt.
Is when the large ork always says to the exiled Vexilian mage "Hey killer, you fucken 'member this?" as he laughs while chewing on some unfortunate's hand he's chopped off and stuffed in his mouth.
"Well we've only got one of those three with us at the moment" says Riley aka Zubutai the son of Timagin, who continues in a dry tone of voice "Unfortunately that one is the totally insane one" he then adds "So we'll just have to make do".
The nobleborn teen who is a former heir to the title of knight of castle Drubine in the kingdom of Sarcrin nods, then after a few moments pause quietly asks "And if the castle falls to the Harkonin army?" he adds "It is a possibility".
"We'll have to leave" says the ranger Hait, who continues on with "Hopefully getting as many of the locals away in the process". Though how, if indeed that happens. He doesn't know how they'll accomplish that.
"I do not believe that will come to pass" quietly says Shur Kee the monk, Riley Hait the mercenary ranger faintly smiles then says to the member of the group who was, and still is his closest friend "You were always the optimist my friend".
"Yes" simply says the short, statured monk, who then adds "But it is more than that" he follows that with "We have friend Percavelle who knows much of battles, and the knowledge of his family's castle".
The physical adept continues with "And we have you friend Riley, along with his highness leading us" the monk from the kingdom of Wah Lee on the far eastern coast of the continent, then adds "But i think most importantly, we have friend Dorc here with us. You must not underestimate what he is capable of".
He looks at both Riley Hait and Tamric Drubine, and tells them "You both know this, and you have both seen him in action in the most dire of circumstances".
Both the mercenary ranger and the nobleborn teenager slowly nod as they know the short, statured monk speaks both wisely, and the truth.
And there's also you my old friend, Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman thinks to himself as he looks at the acolyte in the order of Bru Li, who he knows is the most dangerous one of them all, who is here in the Lé Dic fief at the moment.
The ranger Hait is about to mention something along those lines, when he notices the short, statured monk looking away to the southeast in the direction of the trade road, and is frowning.
The elven raised and trained, human ranger looks that way too, when the physical adept says "There are people on the road". "More of the locals coming in?" asks Tamric Drubine, as the people of the fief in that direction have been turning up to castle Lé Dic and the town of Massic even since word was spread about the incoming army from the Harkonin fief.
"They're leaving it late if they are" quietly says Riley Hait as they wait to see who it is that's approaching the massive castle that's the ancestral home of the Lé Dic family.
As they wait, both the war engineer Tovis and sir Percavelle Lé Dic join them on top of the east wall of the castle.
They wait in silence, until they see that it is indeed more of the locals coming along the trade road towards castle Lé Dic.
"More of our people seeking refuge here in thy family's castle" says sir Percavelle Lé Dic as they see the two wagons and about twenty people, men, women and children heading this way.
"And that's the last of them too" says Helbe the elven thief who along with Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy suddenly appears beside them on top of the east wall, just above the gates.
"They're from further south of the road, and thought they could hide from the Harkonin army as it went by" explains the young elven noble from the island principality of Laerel, who continues with "I convinced them otherwise" the elven magic user briefly pauses, before adding "Considering the baron and his army will get here early tomorrow morning if they keep moving through the night, which i expect they'll do with all the trouble that Dalin and I've created for them lately".
"Tomorrow morning then?" asks the ranger Hait as he looks at the elven princeling who is the defacto leader of the group in the absence of lord Farque and Mira Reinholt the mage.
"Yeah in the morning" says prince Helbenthril Raendril, who after glancing at sir Percavelle Lé Dic, then Shur Kee the monk, quietly says in the elven language "We've got a bit of a problem".
Great, that's all i needed to fucking hear, Riley aka Zubutai Timaginson dryly thinks to himself "What is it?" asks the mercenary ranger in the same language, which only Tamric Drubine and himself, and of course the two elves understand, amongst those who are on the parapet above the east gates of castle Lé Dic.
The elven masterthief explains the problem of baron Harkonin now knowing that it was lord Milburn and his co-conspirators that killed earl Maxiss Lé Dic in the border conflict in the summer nearly two years ago.
The young elven noble also explains about the problem of the staff in the possession of the dark druid Palvarc, who is the advisor of baron Harkonin.
Both Tamric Drubine and Riley Hait faintly wince, as they know this could all end if the elven master assassin was able to kill either baron Harkonin or the dark druid Palvarc, or preferably both.
But since he's been unable to, the baron and his army are still marching their way towards castle Lé Dic. Though far more slowly than the baron and his advisor, and the nobles of his court would ever of expected.
"We've got some decisions to make" quietly says Helbe the elven thief in his second language of elvish, his first being the language of the elven nobility.
Then ignoring sir Percavelle Lé Dic who demands "What are you lot blathering about?". The highly talented elven spellcaster continues in elvish with "First of which, is telling Percy and his niece about what happened to earl Maxiss".
"I agree" says the mercenary ranger from the elven principality of Envadarlen, who then adds "Together".
The grandson of the ruling prince of Laerel nods his hooded head in agreement to that, then he quietly says "There might be a chance to get rid of the baron and his dark druid both, though it's fraught with danger".
"Oh, how?" asks Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman "It involves Shur Kee" says the young elven noble who then explains the plan he's come up with that involves the short, statured monk.
"I'll explain it to him" quietly says the mercenary ranger, who continues with "You know him, he'll do anything to help others".
That's what I'm afraid of, Helbe the elven thief thinks to himself, who then says "But first thing, first" he then adds "Percy and his niece need to know about their brother, and father respectively".
Switching to the common language, the elven princeling says to sir Percavelle Lé Dic "Come along Percy, there's something we need to discuss with your niece Linara". "Of course" says the heavily armoured knight, who then adds "Let's be off to chat with young Linny".
Prince Helbenthril Raendril leads the way to the steps, dreading what he's about to tell the former earl of Lé Dic and his young niece, the lady of the Lé Dic fief.
The young elven noble now knows how it feels like to have the full responsibility of leadership upon his shoulders, such as lord Farque has. He now knows he doesn't particularly like it, but it's something he has to deal with, no matter what . . . . . .

Wednesday 25 April 2018

The Homecoming 85.

In The Trees...

Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy aims along the top of his collapsible crossbow at one of the Harkonin scouts who has come off the trade road and is moving cautiously amongst the trees.
The spy Tanith is about to let the bolt in his crossbow fly when a quiet, and clearly feminine voice tells him in elvish "Not that one".
The elven spy, who is commonly referred to as Dalin by the rest of the group goes still, and the voice continues with "There's a spell on him that will alert the druid if he's harmed in anyway".
Dalinvardél Tanith slightly nods his hooded head in understanding, and the disembodied voice continues with "Shoot one of the others".
The elven spy from the principality of Alínlae glances to his right at where the voice he hears is coming from. He doesn't see the ground pixie by the name of Narladene, who is attached to Helbe the elven thief. But he assumes she's still there.
"Alright then" murmurs Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy, who moves his aim towards another of the scouts walking amongst the trees, on a farm, just to the north of the trade road that leads westwards to castle Lé Dic.
The spy Tanith lets the bolt fly, taking the Harkonin scout in the side of the neck, and dropping him. Dalin reloads the crossbow quickly, and takes out another two scouts by the time he's up and moving.
The remaining scout, the one with a spell upon him, he's left alone. That Harkonin soldier is moving through the trees, oblivious to the fact that the other three members of his small squad are dead amongst the trees behind him.
Dalinvardél Tanith, who once served in one of the more prominent noble houses in the elven principality of Alínlae works his way towards the nearby trade road.
As he gets to the edge of the trees, and sees the trade road in the distance beyond some fields. The spy Tanith who has just gone by the mounts of the small squad he's all but wiped out.
Wonders if the ground pixie is still close to him. He rather doubts it. So he settles down and waits for the Harkonin army to come by. The trade road might be a few hundred yards away, but with his naturally enhanced eyesight, he can clearly see anyone going by on the road.
Dalin is indeed correct. Narladene the ground pixie has moved on. Infact she's flying through the ground towards the approaching army.
It doesn't take the naturally magical creature long to get to them. As the Harkonin army isn't moving all that quickly. For the simple reason more than a few of them have died mysteriously over the past few days since crossing the border into the Lé Dic fief.
And in mysteriously, that would be by the hand of Helbe the elven thief, Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy, and even Narladene herself.
The tiny winged creature comes up through the ground, and looks at the Harkonin army that's heading towards castle Lé Dic.
The ground pixie who is attached to prince Helbenthril Raendril, has come up towards the rear of the Harkonin army. Close to where the siege engines and war machines are.
She heads higher up into the sky on what's a cold, and cloudy day here in this part of eastern Druvic. Narladene looks towards the vanguard, at the front of the army which is spread out along the trade road.
The naturally magical creature who is invisible to all, apart from animals. Spots the dark druid Palvarc near the front of the Harkonin army. Riding with baron Harkonin himself, and a number of other nobles in the Harkonin court.
The ground pixie narrows her eyelids as she watches the dark druid, who is a good hundred yards or so further infront of where she's hovering in the air, and getting further ahead as she remains stationary.
Narladene is cautious near the dark druid, and the staff he has strapped at an angle along his back.
Anything that can sense Helbe the elven thief, is something to be cautious around, even for her.
The ground pixie believes there's something that isn't quite right about the staff the advisor to baron Harkonin has in his possession.
She doesn't know what exactly, but she's been trying to find out, ever since she, along with the two elves. One from the island principality of Laerel, and the other from the principality of Alínlae, have been shadowing the army from the Harkonin fief.
Narladene who can see the magical staff close up, even at the distance she is from it. Frowns as she once again takes notice of the gnarled, almost stumpy looking top of the staff that's across the back of the dark druid riding near the front of the army.
The ground pixie is just thinking about if she should make a closer inspection of it. When she glances down right beneath her, and she spots something in the army passing on the trade road below.
Narladene drops back down to one of the wagons, this one that has the nobleborn prisoners from the Lé Dic army in the back of it.
She sees that sir Parvin, a contemporary of sir Percavelle Lé Dic is now tightly bound since she last saw him during the night.
The large nobleman's ankles are bound, and he's chained to the tailgate of the wagon, and there's a cloth gag, stuffed into his mouth, and tied around his head.
Narladene lifts an eyebrow as she clearly hears the Range Lord muttering about something behind the gag in his mouth. All the while he looks with utter contempt, not to mention anger at the other three prisoners in the back of the wagon with him.
The tiny winged creature frowns as she looks at lord Milburn, Jared Milburn and sir Galmot, who are all avoiding looking at sir Parvin Dé Gorveré. Infact they're ignoring him.
What's going on here then? Narladene the ground pixie thinks to herself, who gets closer to the large nobleman at the very back of the wagon.
She watches the Range Lord, who is obviously seething about something. Then she draws her tiny sword because she wants to find out something. The naturally magical creature cuts the cloth wrapped a couple of times around the head of the securely bound nobleborn prisoner.
Sir Parvin blinks in surprise as the cloth wrapped around half of his face falls off. The heavily armoured knight, who hopes to the gods he broke young Jared's jaw earlier this morning.
Spits the cloth gag out of his mouth. He goes to shout something, but instead stays silent when he sees the other three nobleborn prisoners look his way when they hear him spit out the cloth gag that was stuffed in his mouth.
The Range Lord looks at the nearby soldiers who are essentially their guards. And sees that they've gone back to ignoring the four of them in the back of the wagon.
"When i get the chance, I'm going to kill the three of you" quietly says sir Parvin Dé Gorveré in contempt as he looks at the others, then he adds "Kievar you craven bastard, you killed your son inlaw, which drove your own daughter mad".
Lord Milburn doesn't say anything, and the Range Lord quietly tells him "And now Raevar knows. So what do you suppose the first thing he'll do when we get to the castle?" he continues with "Yeah that's right, have his herald tell young Linara all about it" sir Parvin then sourly adds "Won't that be grand, her finding out that it was you lot who killed her father, and not the Harkonin bastards after all".
Oh hell, they've found out about that, Narladene the ground pixie thinks to herself as she looks from the seething sir Parvin, towards where the front of the army is, further along the trade road.
"And you, you little shit" quietly says the Range Lord to Jared Milburn, the large rotund nobleman continues with "I'll make your death long and bloody for wielding the blade they killed your earl".
He looks next at the Lé Dic army commander, sir Galmot, and quietly says to him in a tone of disgust "I'm not surprised you got involved Galmot. You always were a coward" he shakes his head then adds "I was against Maxiss naming you army commander. To this day i wish he'd never did that".
The three other prisoners remain silent as they look at the large, rotund nobleman. Jared Milburn probably because he's got a broken jaw, it's definitely swollen enough to be.
While sir Galmot has a broken nose, and has dried blood down his face from when sir Parvin headbutted him earlier this morning.
"Well if i don't kill you three bastards" quietly says sir Parvin, who then nods around them, and adds "And this stinking lot don't" the landed knight, who could of easily become an ordered knight of high rank if he'd joined an order, instead of remaining on his family's lands in the Lé Dic fief, then says "Well there's definitely someone who'll kill the lot of you when we get to the castle. Considering you murdered his younger brother".
"He won't have a chance" quietly says lord Milburn who finally breaks the silence of the three other nobleborn prisoners, he continues with "And nor will you Parvin" the lord of Milburn estate then adds "Harkonin will kill us first".
Sir Parvin Dé Gorveré grins, then quietly says "I wouldn't be so sure of that if i was you" the Range Lord then adds "I intend to kill Raevar Harkonin when we get to the castle".
The invisible ground pixie lifts an eyebrow when she hears that from sir Parvin. Who says that with so much conviction and belief. That she's half a mind to actually believe he'll kill baron Harkonin when they arrive at castle Lé Dic.
The naturally magical creature wings away, heading to where she can sense Helbe the elven thief. Who needs to know this latest development. That baron Harkonin now knows that it was lord Milburn, who had earl Maxiss Lé Dic killed in the border conflict during the summer nearly two years ago.
Helbe the elven thief looks at the mounted scouts, who are nearly two miles ahead of even the fore riders in the army.
The elven magic user who wants to cast a spell on one of them. Is silently debating if he should. Considering the spellbound scout will return to the front of the army. Where the dark druid, and his staff will be.
Baron Harkonin's advisor with that staff might be able to detect the spell upon the scout if he returns to the vanguard.
"Oh well, he'll just have to go around in a circle, and return to near the rear of the army" Helbe the elven thief whispers to himself, the young elven noble who is blurred and shielded as he couches next to a boulder up a small hill, just off the trade road, on the north side.
Waits for the next of the scouts to turn back, and report that this stretch of the road is clear. It's when they're nearly alongside the small hill, that the scout the elven masterthief has been watching closely, turns his mount, and heads back to the following army.
The elven magic user grins and enscrolls him. The scout will bypass the fore riders, then those at the front of the vanguard, as he circles south of the army, which he'll eventually come back around and join near the ranks at the rear.
There the scout will appear to go mad and start attacking his fellow soldiers. And he'll be good at it too, since the highly talented elven spellcaster has increased his strength, as well as his skill with the sword.
Prince Helbenthril Raendril waits until the scouts are further down the empty trade road infront of them, and the scout who is returning to the Harkonin army is out of sight, which coincidentally is when he heads south off the road.
He shifts further westward alongside the road, and stands near where it goes over a stone bridge that's above a small river.
The blurred and shielded elven magic user watches the approaching squad of Harkonin scouts, who are all relieved that no incidents have occurred along the trade road today.
Not knowing that the scouts who are off the road, those going across country, have all but been wiped out by the two elves today.
He's just about to start killing the squad of now nine scouts, when Narladene the ground pixie suddenly appears on his right shoulder, and says to him "We've got a bit of a problem".
"Oh?" says Prince Helbenthril Raendril "Say unlike an army heading along this road that we're trying to stop?" adds the young elven noble from the island principality of Laerel.
Ignoring that, the tiny winged creature says "They know". "Know what?" asks the elven master assassin "The baron, he knows that lord Milburn had Percy's brother killed" is the answer from the naturally magical creature, who then tells the elven princeling what she's found out from listening to the conversation of the nobleborn prisoners that the Harkonin army have with them.
"Shit" mutters Helbe the elven thief, who hopes the lady Hollis Duc de Laér has informed young lady Linara Lé Dic of what really happened to the young girl's father.
She hadn't when the young elven noble last asked her. And with good reason, as they don't really want sir Percavelle Lé Dic to know what happened to his brother Maxiss.
Well not as yet, what with an enemy army approaching the Lé Dic castle. As the former earl is liable to do something even more stupid than usual. If he finds out the three most responsible for killing his younger brother, are still alive, and are being held prisoner by the Harkonin army.
"She'll have to be told" murmurs the grandson of the ruling prince of Laerel, who after a few moments thought adds "Or i could just kill those three?".
Narladene shrugs her shoulders, as she doesn't really care what he decides to do, just as long as he decides to do something.
Then again, both young Linara and Percy deserve to see justice for what was done to earl Maxiss, the elven princeling thinks to himself, who having made a decision, quietly tells Narladene "Go and tell Dalin to head this way".
The ground pixie nods and takes wing, she disappears when she dives into the ground. As she does, the first of the approaching scouts falls from his saddle and hits the ground dead.
They do so one by one, as Helbe the elven thief kills each of them by blasting their minds after he reads their minds to find out information.
The elven magic user sends the horses fleeing, across the countryside to the south of the road. Then he quickly disposes of the nine dead scouts by burning their bodies magically. Once they're white ash, and the breeze on this cold spring day starts blowing the white ash away.
The young elven noble starts weakening the ground beneath the stone bridge. He doesn't do it on the bridge itself, as he guesses the dark druid Palvarc will check that when he crosses it.
He weakens the ground by opening fissures beneath the foundations at either end of the stone bridge.
Helbe the elven thief figures it'll collapse once there's quite a lot of mounted soldiers on it. If not then, it definitely break and collapse when there's a few heavy wagons go over it at the same time. Or one of the war machines or siege engines goes across it.
"That'll slow them down some" prince Helbenthril Raendril murmurs to himself before he shifts away to join Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy who is heading this way . . . . . .

Monday 23 April 2018

The Homecoming 84.

The Road West...

After washing his face, then wiping it, and tossing the towel to one of the servants, baron Harkonin asks "How many this morning?".
"Twelve from what I've found out so far" replies the army commander sir Taevar who stands just outside the door of the tent "By the gods" mutters the baron who momentarily forgets he's converted to the worship of the druidic ways, and not the way of the gods of Volunell anymore.
"Will i have a god damn army by the time we get there?" asks the head of the Harkonin family, who looks out at his army commander, and tells him "Don't answer that" the ruler of the fief to the east of where they are at the moment, dryly adds "Don't answer that, i might not like it".
The army commander nods, then waits in silence as the baron waves to his servants to help him put on his armour.
Once he's donned his armour, the baron exits his tent, and he and army commander and a handful of his personal guard make their way through the camp. While behind them, servants pack up the baron's gear, and start to bring down his tent.
The early morning is overcast and cold, the first really cold morning so far this spring. It's almost like winter is still trying to cling on today.
As the two noblemen head towards the horse line, the baron says to the commander of his army "I was expecting to get to that damn monstrosity of a castle this morning, but at the pace we're going, who knows when the hell we're going to get there".
"It's these damn tactics of theirs" says sir Taevar, who shakes his head and adds in tone of disbelief "Who would of thought they would of sinked so low as to fight like bandits".
The baron of the Harkonin fief nods in agreement with the army commander. As they, like most of the nobility, not just here in the east of the kingdom, but right throughout Druvic.
Prefer to fight battles on fields, in woods, in towns, and at castles. And not engage in hit and run stealth attacks that have plagued the baron's army the last two days.
Even during the civil war within the last decade, such attacks were rare. And battles, large and small, were fought by two groups, usually on ground of one or the others choosing.
Not the type of banditry that the baron's army has been suffering over the last couple of days.
"Not even that braggant Percavelle would stoop to such levels" says baron Harkonin as they wait near the tie lines for a couple of the grooms to go and get their warhorses.
Sir Taevar nods his head, then says "Someone else must be helping them out" the army commander looks away to the right, and spots the wagon with the prisoners, come up onto the road behind where the war machines, and siege engines have already got underway for the day.
The baron looks that way too, looking at all the heavy equipment that's already on the roll this morning "The speed we're going, the others from home will probably catch up to us by the time we get to the Lé Dic castle and Massic" sourly says the head of the Harkonin family.
While his army commander slightly frowns about something, which the baron notices.
"What is it Taevar?" quietly asks baron Harkonin, the army commander nods towards the wagon with the nobleborn prisoners in the back of it, and he quietly says "You think they might know who is behind these cowardly sneak attacks m'lord?".
The baron frowns as he looks at the enemy prisoners sitting in the back of the wagon that's now on the trade road, which though it isn't paved here in this part of the Le Dic fief. It is extremely flat and smooth, as well as hard packed, even though the surrounding ground is constantly damp, and wet as it's the start of spring. And they often get quick rain showers, even on days that are bright and sunny. As an early morning, or late afternoon shower strikes quickly, then just as quickly passes on most days.
"They might do" quietly says baron Harkonin, who turns to one of his guards and tells him "Have a runner fetch my advisor". "Yes m'lord" says the soldier who is part of the baron's personal guard.
Then the noblemen's horses are brought to them, and as they get up into the saddle, baron Harkonin quietly says to the army commander "Let's go and find out what they know".
The two of them ride over to where the prison wagon is waiting to get going on the road. The four prisoners look at them, and though lord Milburn, his grandson Jared, and the Lé Dic army commander sir Galmot look subdued. The fourth nobleborn prisoner, sir Parvin De Gorveré looks at baron Harkonin and sir Taevar with a look of contempt upon his face.
Ignoring the Range Lord sir Parvin for the moment, the baron looks at the lord of Milburn estate and says "Tell me Kievar, are there any strangers here in your fief, those who are, shall we say, new arrivals?".
The baron who is leaning forward on his saddle horn, glances to one side where his advisor, the dark druid Palvarc is approaching on his horse. The head of the Harkonin family looks back at the grandfather of the lady Lé Dic, and he quickly thinks of something, and asks him "Say, maybe someone who has turned up with that raving lunatic Percavelle?".
Though lord Milburn, along with sir Galmot have steady unconcerned looks upon their faces. And sir Parvin Dé Gorveré still looks at the baron Harkonin, sir Taevar, and now the dark druid Palvarc in contempt and disdain.
The baron notices the youngest of the nobleborn prisoners, Jared Milburn, glance sideways at his grandfather, then look away in a nonchalant manner.
"Well?" asks the baron of the Harkonin fief, who gestures towards his advisor, who is patiently sitting upon his horse off to one side, and says "Or do you want me to get Palvarc get it out of you?" the nobleman who intends to take over the fief of his family's rivals and enemy, then adds "Trust me, you don't want to do that. Some of his methods, shall we say, can get a bit messy at times".
The prisoners are silent, and the baron let's out a long breath before saying "Jared out with it" followed by "Tell us what you know, if not I'll have Palvarc start slicing apart your grandfather".
"Tell us what you know boy" says sir Taevar who also noticed the youngest of the prisoners seems to know something "It's too damn cold this morning to be sitting about doing nothing" adds the commander of the Harkonin army, who continues with "The sooner you tell us what you know, the sooner we can get going, and at least slightly warm ourselves up with exertion".
Sir Taevar draws his sword and points it menacingly at the grandson of the lord of Milburn manner, and tells him in a clipped tone of voice "Speak boy" followed by "Four prisoners or three, it doesn't really matter how many of you turn up at castle Lé Dic, considering everyone there thinks all of you are dead".
The youngest of the nobleborn prisoners gulps, then Jared Milburn quietly says "Mercenaries". Baron Harkonin quickly looks over at his advisor, the dark druid Palvarc, who says "He speaks the truth".
"Mercenaries" mutters the baron in contempt, who then says to Jared Milburn "Who are these mercenaries you speak of?".
The cousin of lady Linara Lé Dic shrugs his shoulders, then says "I don't know, just mercenaries" the teenager continues with "They arrived when sir Percavelle returned".
"With him?" asks the baron of the Harkonin fief, lord Milburn's grandson nods his head yes for a reply.
"The hell?" mutters sir Taevar after the dark druid Palvarc nods to the baron, that Jared Milburn told the truth again.
The army commander, who thinks the former earl of Lé Dic would be the last person to associate with mercenaries. As he in the past, he took the Druvician nobility's attitude of ill contempt towards mercenaries to the extreme. Chasing them out of his fief, or even killing them if he found them on his lands.
Momentarily pauses as he recalls something, sir Taevar then quietly tells the baron "Some of the survivors from the battle of Falshire mentioned there were strangers among the enemy who attacked the town" the army commander continues with "Including some green monster that was with them".
Baron Harkonin frowns as there was also mentioned that in the battle against the Lé Dic army, a green monster was spotted with the enemy who came out of the trees and attacked the rear of the army, when the cockatrice went wild, and were killed.
"How many of them?" asks baron Harkonin as he looks at the youngest of the nobleborn prisoners who were captured during the battle between the Harkonin and Lé Dic armies "And who?" adds the head of the Harkonin family as more and more of the army gets underway along the trade road to castle Lé Dic.
Jared Milburn pauses as he recalls how many, then he says "With sir Percavelle, there's six mercenaries".
"Six?" murmurs sir Taevar, who then adds "Is that all?".
The youngest of the prisoners in the back of the wagon nods his head, then baron Harkonin asks him "Who?".
"A ranger, he's the leader i think" says Jared Milburn, who continues with "Two teenagers, a girl and a boy. As well as an elf" he then adds "A strange fellow, a holy man of some kind, i think someone said he's a monk" the cousin of the ruling lady of the Lé Dic fief pauses for a moment, then finally says "And an ork".
The baron and his army commander, if they weren't surprised already, they definitely are now. Sir Taevar after a few moments of silence, says "Er?" he then adds "You mean a troll don't you?".
Jared Milburn shakes his head no, and the army commander along with the baron look over at the dark druid, who tells them "He speaks the truth".
"The fuck is going on here?" mutters the baron of the Harkonin fief, who then looks sharply at his advisor, who has gasped in surprise as he stares at Jared Milburn.
"Palvarc?" says the baron, the dark druid with a look of astonishment upon his face, waves the baron over. The head of the Harkonin family rides over to his advisor, as does the army commander sir Taevar.
The dark druid who just read the mind of Jared Milburn to find out more about these mercenaries who have turned up with sir Percavelle Lé Dic, found out something else that has taken him by surprise.
And out of earshot of the prisoners in the back of the nearby wagon, Palvarc informs baron Harkonin and sir Taevar what it is that he's discovered.
The two noblemen sit upon their warhorses in silence, utterly stunned as they listen to what the dark druid has to say.
"Holy fucking shit" murmurs baron Harkonin once his advisor has told them what he's found out "And here i am, thinking that my men killed him in battle that summer, but it was those bastards who killed him all along" says an astonished baron.
Both the dark druid and the army commander nod in agreement, then the head of the Harkonin family faintly smiles and says "This should be interesting" and nods back to the wagon the prisoners are in the back of, he leads the way back to the wagon.
The baron looks at each of the prisoners, finally settling on sir Parvin Dé Gorveré, and says to him "Parvin, these three here" the baron points at the other three prisoners, as he says "In that border skirmish the summer nearly two years ago, killed your former earl, Maxiss".
"Oh piss off Raevar" says sir Parvin Dé Gorveré, who continues with "Everyone knows you've hated the Lé Dic family ever since Percavelle beat the shit out of you and your father in that tourney when you were a teen, and he broke your leg" the Range Lord then adds "Stop making shit up".
Baron Raevar Harkonin scowls at the memory of that incident, then he grins and says "You're right, i have hated them more since that day" he briefly pauses then adds "But I'm not making shit up" the baron points at the other prisoners and says "They killed Maxiss".
The head of the Harkonin family points at lord Milburn and says "Kievar came up with the idea, so that he could rule the Lé Dic fief by proxy through his granddaughter" he points at the Lé Dic army commander and says "Galmot was complicit to it, and thought it was the right thing to do" he finally points at the youngest of the nobleborn prisoners and adds "Jared on the orders of the grandfather, is the one who did it. When he as acting squire to Maxiss back then, stabbed him in the neck and throat in that border clash that summer".
"You're full of shit, stop making" is what sir Parvin says when he falls silent as he looks at the other three prisoners. And he sees lord Milburn stare ahead, as if lost in thought. Sir Galmot look away, looking at the siege engines infront of the wagon.
And Jared Milburn, with eyes down, with his face going red in embarrassment.
The Range Lord stares at the three other nobles, then he mutters under his breath "The fuck?". And though sir Parvin is a little rotund, he's still quick for a large man, not to mention strong. And he launches himself at the other three prisoners, roaring in anger as he does so.
Sir Parvin De Gorveré clips lord Milburn across the chin, elbows Jared Milburn in the side of the face, and headbutts sir Galmot before Harkonin soldiers grab him, and haul him out of the wagon.
Even with his hands bound, it's a struggle to contain him. And more than a few soldiers get knocked around before they finally take control of him.
"Tie him, and chain him so he can't get at the others" orders baron Harkonin who then adds "And gag him too" as the Range Lord is screaming and cursing at the other three prisoners still in the back of the wagon.
The baron of the Harkonin fief looks at the three in the wagon, and grins, then he says to his advisor and his army commander "Now aren't things going to get way more interesting when we get to castle Lé Dic" the baron laughs, then says "Let's get moving" . . . . . .

Sunday 22 April 2018

The Homecoming 83.


"Why would he want that?" asks the lady Linara Lé Dic, who then looks at Lisell Maera. Who could answer, because he probably wants to bathe in it, or even eat it. But instead she says "He has his reasons i guess".
The lady of the fief looks at the castle chamberlain, who then tells her "He's asking for it from the town too".
"The town?" says Linara Lé Dic, the chamberlain just shrugs his shoulders, then mutters "As if it doesn't stink enough already".
The lady of the castle and the fief, looks over at her governess, the lady Hollis Duc de Laér, who slightly shrugs, then says "He has his reasons i guess" the noblewoman then adds "Even your uncle Percavelle grudgingly admits that it has, i mean he knows what he's doing when it comes to warfare".
Lis nods in agreement with the lady Hollis, then tells the young girl who is the ruler of the fief "Best to let him have it, as he'll get it anyway, with or without your permission" the attractive young woman from the city-state of Brattonbury then adds in a slightly dry tone "It's not as though anyone can stop him anyway".
The young girl who rules the Lé Dic fief nods her head, then tells the chamberlain "Go ahead then" she follows that with "And from the town too".
"Yes m'lady" says the castle chamberlain, who wanders off with a sickly look on his face at the task ahead of him and his servants.
It's later on when they find out why the chamberlain asked for the odd request from one of the group.
When they see, or more correctly smell it as they're crossing one of the eastern courtyards of the castle in the early afternoon.
Handkerchiefs, and hands cover mouths and noses, when a wagon comes in from the town of Massic which is adjacent to castle Lé Dic.
A grinning Dorc da Orc is waiting for the wagon, on the back of which is the collection of chamberpots from various houses and businesses in Massic.
Which is usually spread across some of the fields in the surrounding farms for fertilizer. But is now being brought to the castle at the request of the ork warleader.
And when Lisell Maera calls out to Dorc da Orc what's it for, and he replies. The orphan teenager from the coast of the Southlands nods her head in understanding.
"What did he say?" asks lady Linara Lé Dic as they hurry away, the nobleborn girl who has a dainty looking handkerchief to her nose, continues with "I couldn't understand him".
With good reason, as half of what he said was swear words you've probably never heard of before, Lis thinks to herself in a slightly dry tone, then the attractive young woman tells the lady of the castle "It's for the battle" she continues with "You drop boiling pitch, and rocks and the like upon the enemy from the parapets" Lisell Maera then adds "He intends to drop all the, er waste upon them as well".
Which is kind of what the large ork said. Though his explanation was a bit more colourful as he told Lis "Dorc gonna make it rain shit on them fucken cunts".
"That's disgusting" says the young girl who rules the Lé Dic fief who slightly gags at the thought of human excrement being dropped upon the enemy when they try to storm the castle.
"Yes" says Lisell Maera, who continues in a slightly dry tone with "It won't exactly be pleasant" the daughter of a street prostitute and a sailor from Brattonbury, continues with "That's the point".
They head up a set of steps, with lady Hollis Duc de Laér saying quietly behind them "Glad we had lunch before seeing that".
Both Lis, and the lady Linara Lé Dic nod in agreement as they head up the wide set of steps to the top of the east wall of the massive castle that's been the ancestral home of the Lé Dic family for centuries.
As they walk along the top of the east wall, soldiers and servants greet the young girl who leads them. Many if not most she knows by name, and she greets them in return.
Lis from her brief visit before they crossed the border to get the war engineer Tovis. Learnt that Linara Lé Dic has been taught by the lady Hollis her governess, to learn and to get to know as many of the people who live and work in the castle, and the town as possible.
It's a continuation of what the young girl's father, the previous earl of Lé Dic, Maxiss. Taught his young daughter before he died.
After they stop and talk to a couple of soldiers who have brought up barrels of pitch. They continue along the wall to where they find Tamric Drubine. Who is looking at the missiles, in this case, heavy spears. For the ballista that were brought up this morning by Dorc da Orc.
"M'lady" says Tamric Drubine to the young girl who rules the Lé Dic fief "M'lord" replies Linara Lé Dic, who then asks the teenage noble from the kingdom of Sarcrin "How goes the defences of my family's castle?".
"Sound m'lady" answers the former heir to the knight of castle Drubine, though that maybe true, Tam doesn't mention that the massive castle is woefully short of defenders.
It's a fact everyone knows, even the nine year old girl who rules not just her family's castle, but all of the Lé Dic fief.
"Any word on your elven friends?" asks Linara Lé Dic "The ranger Hait, and the squad he took with him should be back sometime this afternoon" is the reply from Tamric Drubine, who continues with "They should have word of what his highness, and Dalin have been up to".
That chat a little longer, then the lady of the castle and her governess continue their check upon the defences of castle Lé Dic. As they do, Lisell Maera briefly remains behind to have a quick word with Tam.
"Where's our engineer?" asks Lis who speaks in elven "On the north wall, helping to repair one of the small catapults there" is the answer of the nobleborn teenager in the same language.
"Will they even bother to attack that side of the castle?" asks the attractive young woman from the city-state of Brattonbury, who fair to admit, doesn't know much about fighting in, or for a castle. As all the battles, and combat she's been in over the last six, nearly seven years. Has been in the open, such as fields, or the countryside, or wilderness. If not that, then in towns and cities and even fortresses. Nothing with an actual castle, either defending one, or storming one.
"They'll attack all sides even if they're slightly competent" says Tam, who goes onto explain "We don't have enough soldiers to defend everywhere, and they know it. So they'll attack all the walls, and".
He leaves it at that and just shrugs, which causes Lis to slightly grimace, then says "That bad eh?".
"Yes" replies the young noble from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin, who then adds "Still, we've got Dorc, and he's fought in far worse situations than this and won through" Tamric Drubine continues with "When i first met him, along with Mira and Riley. My father's castle was attacked by far superior numbers. When were probably in worse shape then than what we are now" he then says "We got through that".
"Didn't you lose your family's castle?" asks Lisell Maera, who then adds "And you lot took off as it was captured?" as she recalls how Tamric joined the group.
"Yeah" says the nobleborn teenager, who then grins and says "Still got out alive though, so that's something" he looks around at things then tells the attractive teenager who is nearly three years older than him "I think we're better off here" he briefly pauses, then murmurs "Well i hope we are".
So do i, Lis thinks to herself, who then nods to the former heir to the knight of castle Drubine in the kingdom of Sarcrin, and she continues on her way after lady Linara Lé Dic, and the lady Hollis Duc de Laér.
While Tamric Drubine goes back to inspecting the longspears for the ballistas that are here upon the top of the east facing wall of the massive castle. Which is expected to take the brunt of the attack of the Harkonin army when it eventually arrives.
After all the trade road basically comes straight up to the east gates of castle Lé Dic, and goes around it to the south to get to the town of Massic, which lies to the west of the massive castle that's the ancestral home of the Lé Dic family. One of the most powerful and influential noble families in the east of the kingdom of Druvic. And have so, for centuries.
Lisell Maera catches up to the two local nobles, the young girl and her governess. After the lady of the castle, speaks to a couple of servants who are bringing up slop troughs. Which will be filled with excrement that's being collected from throughout the castle, as well as the town of Massic.
They stop above the east gates, and lady Linara Lé Dic after shading her eyes, and looking west, says "On the west wall" she stands on her tiptoes, and adds "Sitting there on a merlon, is that the holy man?" followed by "Your friend the monk, Lis?".
The orphan teenager from the coast of the Southlands looks to the opposite wall of the castle, and between two towers, she spots Shur Kee the monk, sitting crossed legged upon a merlon.
"Yes that's him" says Lisell Maera "What's he doing?" asks the young girl who rules the Lé Dic fief "Meditating no doubt" answers the attractive young woman, who continues with "He does it quite a lot".
The eyebrows of the young girl go up, and though she thinks it's slightly inappropriate to ask, she asks anyway with "I know he won the wrestling competition in the end of winter tourney, but what actually use is he in a real battle?".
Lis faintly smiles, and tells the nobleborn girl "You'd be surprised" the orphan teen from the city-state of Brattonbury, continues with "He might not look like it, but in our group here at the moment, he's probably the most dangerous one of the lot" she then adds "More so than your uncle, or even the ork" Lisell Maera continues with "And even his highness, prince Helbenthril".
"The monk?" says the lady Linara Lé Dic, who thinks of the strange holy man, who though lean and athletic, is quite short, and quite unassuming who speaks strangely, and wears an even stranger hat.
"Yes" says Lis, who then adds "Appearances can be deceiving" she follows that up with "Especially when it comes to someone like Shur Kee" the attractive young woman then silently adds, wait until you meet Mira, or the lord.
They look out to the east and south, and quietly discuss what they think the Harkonin army will do when it arrives. Lisell Maera informs the young girl and her governess. That all the speculation won't amount to much, until the enemy actually arrives. Which is expected either tomorrow or the day after. Depending on what prince Helbenthril Raendril and Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy are able to achieve in slowing them.
They're just about to get underway again, when one of the nearby lookouts calls out that there's riders approaching along the trade road to the east.
They look that way, and soon spot the group of riders. Who turn out to be the squad of soldiers led by Riley Hait the mercenary ranger, who went out late yesterday afternoon.
As they near the massive castle that's the ancestral home of the Lé Dic family, the ranger Hait looks up and spots on the east wall above the gates, the small figure of the young girl who rules the Lé Dic fief.
The mercenary ranger from the elven principality of Envadarlen, who is really a hordes outrider from the southern tundra by the name of Zubutai Timaginson, who just happens to inhabit the body of Riley Hait.
Spots lady Linara Lé Dic's governess with her, along with Lisell Maera. Who both the ranger Hait, and Helbe the elven thief have told to keep close to the young noble girl, in the lead up to, and during the inevitable battle. And that's what it is, inevitable.
Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman briefly met up with the young elven noble who is the temporary leader of the group, during the middle of the night.
And the elven princeling informed him that battle is imminent, for the simple reason the elven magic user has been unable to find a way to kill either baron Harkonin. Or the baron's advisor, the dark druid Palvarc.
The mercenary ranger who was brought up and trained by some of the elven warders of Envadarlen. Spots further along the east wall, the figure of Tamric Drubine. The nobleborn teenager from the kingdom of Sarcrin is hurrying along the top of the wall, no doubt to a set of steps.
And when Riley aka Zubutai Timaginson rides across the eastern drawbridge, and passes through the castle gates at the head of the squad, he finds the son of the former knight of castle Drubine in the kingdom of Sarcrin waiting for him.
He dismounts, and hands the reins of his mount to a groom, Riley Hait the mercenary ranger faintly grimaces, then quietly says in elven "Not great" in reply to Tamric Drubine quietly asking him in the same language "How was it?".
Lisell Maera has rushed down from the east wall too, and she joins the mercenary ranger from Envadarlen, and the nobleborn teen from Sarcrin, who have walked over to the side of the nearest tower. This one a broach tower, in a corner of the largest courtyard on the eastern side of the castle.
As the ranger Hait looks at one of the nearby trebuchets, which Dorc da Orc has put into position. He tells the two teenagers what's going on with the army from the Harkonin fief.
Both Tam and Lis listen in silence, as Riley aka Zubutai the son of Timagin, informs them that both Helbe the elven thief and Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy have slowed the Harkonin army down considerably.
Killing many of them at random, often taking out entire squads of scouts and fore riders, without the Harkonin soldiers knowing what's hit them.
But the young elven princeling has so far been unable to kill either baron Harkonin, or the dark druid Palvarc. As killing either, or preferably both, will win the battle for castle Lé Dic before the battle has even begun.
The human ranger from the elven principality of Envadarlen tells the two teens why the elven master assassin has been unable to kill the baron of the neighbouring fief and his advisor.
Then he informs them what they're expected to face once the Harkonin army arrives here at castle Lé Dic. Once he does, the three of them fall silent.
It's Lis, who breaks the silence, when she thinks of the conversation she had a little earlier with lady Linara Lé Dic on top of the east wall of the massive castle.
"This staff of the druid" says the attractive young woman "What about it?" asks the ranger Hait, Lis glances away to the west "If magic is detected by it, maybe something else would work" she pauses then adds "How about Shur Kee?".
Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman nods his head, then says "The royal thief has thought of that, and it would more than likely work" he continues with "Infact, he said it'll definitely work".
The ranger Hait then adds "Just that Shur Kee can't do whatever the hell it he does from any great distance" he continues with "He has to be in touching range to kick or punch someone, or if he does that ball thing he does, it can only go about thirty or forty yards at the most from what I've seen of it in the past".
"A hundred feet, that's better than nothing" says Tamric Drubine as the three of them converse in elven "So they, as in the baron and his druid, have to get within at least a hundred feet of the castle walls" says Riley Hait, who after a moments pause adds "Unless you're suggesting the monk go out there and face that army before they get here?".
Both Tamric Drubine and Lisell Maera wince, then the attractive young woman from the city-state of Brattonbury says "That wouldn't be fair to him". "No it wouldn't" quietly says the ranger Hait, who then tells the two youngest members of the group "Still, he's our best shot if Helbe can't figure anything else out" the mercenary ranger briefly pauses, then says "When that army gets here, we've got to get the baron and his advisor close to the castle walls, within a hundred feet, so Shur Kee can do his thing" . . . . . .

Thursday 19 April 2018

The Homecoming 82.

The Road...

Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy rolls his eyes, after muttering "Shit" and slightly jumping in fright when Helbe the elven thief suddenly appears beside him saying "Boo".
"Do you mind?" dryly says the elf from the principality of Alínlae "Oh i don't mind in the least" says the young elven noble with a tight grin upon his face as the two of them look down to the trade road below.
They're up a hill, a vineyard to be exact, one of many dotted throughout not just the Lé Dic fief, but much of the east of Druvic.
And as they stand amongst the rows of vines, on what began as a cool morning, and turned into a warm, early spring day.
The elven spy asks the elven princeling "They all that far away?". "Still a bit away" replies the elven magic user, who then nods away to the left, and adds "I've found some more of them".
"Scouts again?" asks the spy Tanith, who is often referred to as Dalin by the rest of the group "Scouts" answers the elven masterthief.
Dalin nods and starts walking that way with the grandson of the ruling prince of Laerel, and when the two hooded figures get to a wide gap between the rows of vines, they disappear as the young elven noble teleports them away.
The spy Tanith lifts an eyebrow as he looks at all the bodies lying amongst the trees. They're on a farm, just to the west of the hill with the vineyard.
It's all part of one estate belonging to a local noble. Who died just a few days ago when the Lé Dic army crossed the border, and entered the Harkonin fief, and was wiped out.
Those who lived and worked on the estate, abandoned it yesterday morning, when word reached them that an invading army from the Harkonin fief was heading this way. They've taken off to castle Lé Dic, and with good reason. As the estate is right next to the trade road that goes through the Lé Dic fief. It runs just to the south of the estate. With a couple of side roads, and numerous tracks connecting it to the trade road.
By the forest gods, his highness can be a bit ruthless at times, Dalinvardél Tanith thinks to himself as he looks at the half a dozen dead soldiers in the Harkonin army, then the elven spy asks the elven magic user from the island principality of Laerel "Get any useful info from them before you killed them all?".
The young elven noble gestures away to their right, and starts walking towards a couple of trees that are close together. Dalin follows him, and spots another Harkonin scout lying behind the two trees.
"They're under the direct command of that dark druid" says prince Helbenthril Raendril, who continues with "They're out specifically looking for Tovis".
"Really?" says a slightly surprised elven spy, the elven master assassin nods his hooded head, then says "Seems the baron wants his war engineer found" followed by "And he's ordered the dark druid to find him".
Helbe the elven thief gestures at the Harkonin scout lying next to the two trees, who wakes as he's only unconscious.
"What were your orders?" the young elven noble asks in common to the Harkonin soldier lying on the ground.
"To find the war engineer Tovis" replies the scout who is under the influence of a spell cast by the elven magic user, forcing him to answer truthfully.
"Why?" asks the elven masterthief "Because the baron wants him found, and Palvarc the dark druid has been tasked to do so" replies the prone soldier on the ground, who can't move, apart from being able to talk.
"My squad and a few others have be assigned to the baron's advisor, the dark druid" continues the scout in the Harkonin army, who when he pauses, the elven magic user prompts him with "And?". "Which is a little strange, since everyone knows Palvarc doesn't particularly like young Tovis".
"Strange alright" murmurs Dalin, who speaks in elven with the princeling from Laerel, the spy Tanith then asks the elven master archer "Anything else?".
"Not much" replies Helbenthril Raendril in the same language, who then adds "Just that he thinks the army will get here just before midday".
The spy from the elven principality Alínlae nods his hooded head, then he looks at the enscrolled scout in the Harkonin army lying on the ground. The elven spy looks at the young elven noble and slightly shrugs his shoulders.
The youngest grandchild of Prince Raendril turns and walks away, Dalin heads that way with him, as the Harkonin scout briefly spasms, then goes still, dead.
They walk between the trees, and stop at the edge of them. Looking across some pastures, towards the trade road a couple hundred yards away.
"This would be a whole lot easier if you'd kill the baron" says Dalinvardél Tanith, who then adds "Or this dark druid too".
"I know" says Helbe the elven thief, who continues on with "Not so easy though".
"I know, you've told me" says Dalin, as the elven magic user has explained to him it might be more than a little difficult to kill either baron Harkonin, or his advisor, the dark druid Palvarc.
He would of done so already if he could. Doing it when he first joined them after the rest of the group, found and took the war engineer, would of been ideal.
Unfortunately that's when the elven magic user found out killing either the dark druid or the baron would be a difficult task.
"So it's his staff" says the spy Tanith, who continues with "Can you destroy it, or nullify it in anyway, so that you can get to him?".
"That's the problem" says the highly skilled spellcaster, who goes on and explains "Doing so will alert him, even i can't stay undetected from it" the young elven noble then murmurs "That's a pretty smart fucking staff" as he wonders how it exactly works.
Narladene the ground pixie has informed him of it, and how it basically detects anyone magical. Even the elven princeling who has the ability to go undetected around other practitioners of magic.
But she doesn't know the mechanics of it, which isn't surprising. As she like all naturally magical creatures, knows the basics of anything magical. But not in detail about specific things. Unless it's a subject they're specifically knowledgeable about.
Which for Narladene since she's a ground pixie, is anything and everything that comes from beneath the ground. From spell gems, to magical weapons made from steel and everything in between.
And when the young elven noble she's attached to, asked her for more detail about the dark druid's staff. Since it's made of wood, and wood is from trees, and trees grow in the ground.
She got all huffy with him, and told him she's not a silly dyrad. And if he wanted to know about trees, and wood and the like. He should go and ask one of them.
And that he as an elf of all people should know that. The elven princeling left it at that. Since he doesn't want an annoyed Narladene around him. As she can be more than a little vengeful at times.
Not that she'd do anything to him, just that she might not respond to him if he wants her to do something. Which can get bothersome when only she can do something that no one else can do.
"Maybe attack the baron when he's not around his advisor?" asks Dalin, Helbe the elven thief shakes his hooded head, and says "The druid has linked it to the baron" he then silently adds, well according to Narladene he has.
"It's also why a lot of the other nobles are always close to the baron when they travel" explains the elven magic user, who continues with "Any spellcasting in his vicinity will alert the staff, and the dark druid".
Prince Helbenthril Raendril rubs his chin, then quietly says "Might have to take them out one at a time when they're some distance away from either the baron and the dark druid" the highly skilled spellcaster, who doesn't like to be thwarted by anything magical, then adds in a murmur "I'll figure something out".
The two of them watch the empty trade road for a time, then the young elven noble waves away behind them, and asks "You checked those farm buildings out back there?".
"Not yet" replies Dalinvardél Tanith "Might as well do it now" says the elven masterthief, and the two of them walk along the front of the trees until they get to one of the roads that leads off to the north from the trade road. The elven magic user teleports the two of them the couple hundred yards to the farm buildings.
As he wanders around an empty barn, then looks into a storage shed, Dalin spots a flat circular stone on the ground behind the barn.
He steps towards it, then says "Might of found something back here" knowing that the elven princeling will be able to hear him, wherever he may be.
The elven master assassin turns out to be in the farmhouse itself, and he walks outside, and makes his way around the empty barn to where the spy Tanith is standing.
"Sacrificing stone isn't it?" asks the elven spy from Alínlae, who like Helbe the elven thief and all elf kind, detests live sacrifices.
"Sure looks like it" says the elven magic user "For humans?" asks Dalin, who even gets a sick feeling thinking about it.
"Nah" says the young elven noble from the island principality of Laerel, who looks behind them at the empty barn, and adds "For animals".
The grandson of Prince Raendril then continues with "Besides Percy's family banned the old ways of the dark druids from their lands centuries ago. Probably when they converted to worshiping the gods of Volunell".
The elven master archer, gestures at the flat stone that's about twelve feet wide, then says "They still allow the normal druids to sacrifice animals, since quite a few of the commoners here in the east of the kingdom still follow the druidic ways".
The elven spy nods his hooded head, then the elven princeling kneels down next to the flat stone, looking at something along the edge of it. Dalinvardél Tanith notices Helbe the elven thief glancing at his right shoulder. The elf from the principality of Alínlae suspects the young elven noble is listening to the pixie that's attached to him.
Dalin hasn't seen it all that often, it only rarely shows itself to him. And has only spoken to him a handful of times. Usually to tell him something in that imperious tone of voice of hers.
The elven spy tries to listen carefully, but even with his naturally enhanced hearing he can't hear what the invisible ground pixie, well invisible to him at least, is saying to the young elven noble.
Prince Helbenthril Raendril touches something along the edge of the flat stone circle. Then he quickly gets up, and steps back from it.
There's a slight rumbling sound, and the ground shakes for a little bit. What follows is a grinding sound of stone on stone, then the flat stone circle starts to slowly rotate, and rise up.
Dalin lifts an eyebrow is surprise as he sees the stone circle, is a flat disc, a couple inches thick, as well as being ten feet wide. It comes up to about three feet off the ground, and a large stone pedestal has risen up out of the ground supporting it.
"That" says the spy Tanith once the stone sacrificial table has come to a stop "Is some pretty damn fine engineering for a bunch of druids".
"Especially for something that's older than both of us combined" says the elven magic user "Hmmm dwarven made?" asks the spy who once served in one of the more prominent noble houses in his homeland of Alínlae.
"Gnomish perhaps?" adds Dalinvardél Tanith, Helbenthril Raendril glances at Narladene who is standing upon his right shoulder, who nods her head to what the spy Tanith just said as she looks on with curiosity at the druidic sacrificing table.
"Gnomish" says the elven princeling, who then looks at Dalin, and asks him "Notice anything about the stone itself?" followed by "The type of stone?".
"Doesn't look like the type they use for those standing stones we've seen here in east" murmurs the elven spy, who then frowns, then quietly says "Looks a bit like a lot of what the castle is made out of".
Dalinvardél Tanith looks at the elven magic user, then asks him "Has that castle got some secrets we don't know about?". "It might do" quietly says the young elven noble, who quickly glances at the tiny winged creature sitting on his right shoulder, who once again nods yes to what the spy Tanith just said "Actually it does" says the elven master assassin, who then adds "What? I'm not exactly sure".
Then Narladene whispers something to the elven princeling from the island of Laerel, and he tells Dalin "Come on, they'll be here in a bit" he then adds "Let's go and cause some mischief".
After Helbe the elven thief presses the same bit of stone, that lowers down the sacrificing table of the local druids. The two of them walk back around the empty barn, and start walking down the farm road that connects to the trade road about four hundred yards away. As they walk, the two of them disappear as the young elven noble blurs the two of them from sight . . . . . .