Monday 16 April 2018

The Homecoming 79.

Castle Lé Dic...

"Look uncle, there's aunty" says lady Linara Lé Dic "Don't remind me" mutters sir Percavelle Lé Dic who has a sour expression upon his face as he watches those who are approaching castle Lé Dic early this morning.
Helbe the elven thief faintly smiles as he looks sideways at the former earl of Lé Dic who is standing beside his niece.
The young elven noble then looks over at lady Hollis Duc de Laér, who is lady Linara's governess. The noblewoman has a wry expression upon her own face as they watch the party upon the trade road, approaching the massive castle that's the ancestral home of the Lé Dic family.
To the elven magic user it seems lady Hollis is both pleased and annoyed that her older sister, lady Marsaé Duc de Laér has come to castle Lé Dic. Which at one point, was lady Marsaé's home when she was married to the then, earl Percavelle Lé Dic.
"And there's your friends walking at the back there uncle" says the young girl who is the lady, not just of the castle, but of the entire fief.
Linara Lé Dic, who is standing upon a solid wooden crate, so that she is able to see over the gap between two of the merlons, here on top of the east wall of the massive castle, that is her family's ancestral home.
Looks at her uncle and asks him "Will they stay and help with what's coming?".
"Of course" says sir Percavelle Lé Dic, who then adds in an offhand manner "They wouldn't be my friends otherwise". Though he really doesn't consider any of them his friends. Just those people he's ended up traveling with over the years.
His niece, the lady of castle Lé Dic nods her head, then she slightly frowns as she leans a bit forward on the gap between two of the merlons, here on top of the east wall of the massive castle.
"Who is that?" asks Linara Lé Dic who points then adds "Near the back there, wearing the smith's smock, walking next to Lisell?".
"Ah" says the former paladin, who darts a look at the elven princeling who is standing to his right.
"That's our friend Tovis, the engineer we were looking for" says Helbe the elven thief, who continues with "We finally found him not too far from Falshire" the elven magic user then silently adds, which is kind of true.
The young elven noble also doesn't mention that Tovis is a war engineer, who until recently was baron Harkonin's war engineer. Who as a commoner of the kingdom of Druvic. Was held in pretty high regard by the baron of the neighbouring fief to the east. And by some in the baron's court. Others, such as the baron's advisor, the dark druid Palvarc. Not so much.
"Should we head down and greet them?" suggests prince Helbenthril Raendril of Laerel, who ignores the muttered "I'd rather spar with the filthy ork than go down there and see her again" from the former paladin.
And nudges the heavily armoured knight, and nods his hooded head to follow lady Linara Lé Dic, who replied with "Yes, let's". Before jumping off the box she's been standing on, and head along the top of the wall, to the nearest set of steps.
The nobleman who once ruled this very fief, sourly smiles as he follows after his niece and her governess. The knight in the order of Saint Mar-che isn't looking forward to seeing his ex wife Marsaé again. He's enjoyed it since he and the elven magic user left the others yesterday morning, and made their way to castle Lé Dic ahead of them.
As they walk side by side down the wide steps, the nobleborn knight whispers to Helbe the elven thief "Here my fine pointy eared fellow, you wouldn't mind casting something on that hag of an ex wife of mine, that will shut her vile spewing mouth up, will you" the former earl of Lé Dic then adds "I would consider it a most fine gesture on your behalf if you did it your highness" sir Percavelle then murmurs in sour tone "It would save thy ears from her constant nattering if nothing else".
The young elven noble rolls his eyes at the attitude of the heavily armoured knight. Who hardly ever refers to the elven princeling's rank and title. And only does so, when he really wants something. Like now.
"Now that wouldn't be fair to your niece, who is so looking forward to seeing her aunt, now would it Percy" quietly says the elven master assassin, who barely refrains from chuckling as the former earl of Lé Dic mutters "Damn royal thief, knew i couldn't trust you and your evil pointy eared ways".
The former knight of the first class huffs in discontent as they get to the bottom of the steps, and make their way across one of the many courtyards in the massive castle that's the ancestral home of the Lé Dic family, and head to the main east gates of the castle.
"This place is a lot bigger than i ever imagined" quietly says Tovis the war engineer as they cross the drawbridge, and enter castle Lé Dic "Hell of a lot bigger" adds the former war engineer to baron Harkonin as they pass through the thick outer wall of the castle that's the ancestral home of the Lé Dic family.
"I understand it's one of the largest castles in the entire kingdom" says Lisell Maera who is walking beside Tovis "It's also one of the largest ones anywhere in the Southlands" adds the attractive young woman from the city-state of Brattonbury.
"I can well imagine" murmurs the young engineer as they along with Shur Kee the monk, are the last to enter the massive castle.
Standing in the courtyard they find sir Percavelle Lé Dic and Helbe the elven thief. They're with lady Linara Lé Dic, and her governess, the lady Hollis Duc de Laér.
As the noblewoman, the lady Marsaé Duc de Laér dismounts and greets her niece, and sister. Those members of the group who have just arrived here at castle Lé Dic. Make their way over to where the elven princeling and the knight in the order of Saint Mar-che have wandered away to.
For the simple reason, the lady Marsaé Duc de Laér glared at her ex husband Percavelle Lé Dic when she spotted him. That's the usual sign that they're about to have an argument.
The young elven noble suggested to the former earl of Lé Dic to move away. And the heavily armoured knight was only too pleased to get away from his ex wife, as quickly as possible.
"So, are we staying or not?" quietly asks Riley Hait the mercenary ranger as they stand to one side, away from those who traveled with them from castle Duc de Laér. Who number about twenty, mainly soldiers. Along with the lady Duc de Laér and her current husband.
"Staying" replies Helbe the elven thief, who nods at the former paladin standing next to him, and adds "Because Percy wants to".
The mercenary ranger from the elven principality of Envadarlen, who figured the former earl of Lé Dic would remain, quietly says "It's going to be difficult, what with that army they've got, as well as the dark druid".
The ranger Hait then says "This castle could very well be overrun rather quickly due to the lack of defenders" he continues with "We don't want to be around here if we end up on the losing side". The mercenary ranger looks first at sir Percavelle Lé Dic, then at Tovis the war engineer when he says that.
The elven princeling slightly nods in agreement with the mercenary ranger from the principality of Envadarlen, then Helbe the elven thief after glancing towards where lady Linara Lé Dic is talking to her aunt, lady Marsaé Duc de Laér, says to the former earl of Lé Dic "Percy, why don't you show Tovis around" he then adds "Show him the castle's defences".
"Why?" says the frowning knight in the order of Saint Mar-che "Well for starters he's a war engineer, and he might make a suggestion or two that could very well save your family's castle from being overrun" says the young elven noble from the island principality of Laerel, who then adds in a slightly dry tone "But more importantly from your point of view, it'll get you away from that ex wife of yours".
"Splendid plan my fine pointy eared fellow" says the former paladin who instantly sees the merit of the elven master assassin's suggestion, the heavily armoured knight then turns and says to Tovis "Come along engineer, let me show you around this grandest of castles".
The former earl of Lé Dic walks off, and Tovis looks first at Lisell Maera, then Helbe the elven thief. Both of whom nod for him to the follow the nobleborn knight.
"Tam go with them" says prince Helbenthril Raendril, who then adds "You too Dorc". "Nah get fucked" says Dorc da Orc as Tamric Drubine heads after the war engineer and the heavily armoured knight.
"Dorc" says the young elven noble who is the nominal leader of the group in the absence of lord Farque and Mira Reinholt the mage. "You know how to storm a castle better than anyone else here" says the elven princeling, who continues with "You also know how to defend one better than anyone here".
The ranger Hait nods in agreement with what the elven masterthief just said, and the mercenary ranger who was raised and trained by the elven warders of Envadarlen, says to the large ork "Helbe's right" he then adds "You're a warleader Dorc, so act like one".
Dorkindle scowls, then growls at Riley Hait, who then waves in the direction Tam, Tovis and Percy have gone, and says "Go on get going" followed by ""There's going to be a war here in few days, so go lead them".
The weaponsmith from the wolf tribe of orks takes a threatening step towards the mercenary ranger who stands his ground. While prince Helbenthril Raendril prepares to cast a spell just incase the large ork does something.
But Dorkindle doesn't, instead he just grunts after Shur Kee the monk quietly says "That is your title given to you by lord Farque, Dorc" followed by "A leader in war, it is not wrong to reminded what one is in life".
The large ork grunts again, slightly nods in the direction of the short statured monk, turns on his heels, and heads in the same direction as Tamric Drubine, Tovis the war engineer and sir Percavelle Lé Dic went.
As the ork warleader walks away, they hear him say "That short little monkey is fucken smarts sometimes".
Helbe the elven thief glances sideways at Narladene the ground pixie on his right shoulder, and slightly nods to her to follow after Dorc and the others. The tiny winged creature sourly smiles, and rolls her eyes. Though she does take off, and follow after the large ork, the nobleborn teenager, the young engineer, and the heavily armoured knight to keep an eye on them.
Looking around, and seeing that Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy has already slipped away to see what he can find out about what's going on here in castle Lé Dic and the town of Massic, now that word of the defeat of the Lé Dic army has reached here.
Riley Hait quietly asks the elven master assassin in elvish "How many soldiers can they muster?" he then adds "From here and the nearby estates and manors who hadn't already sent most of their men off with the army?".
"Probably similar numbers with what lady Marsaé brought with her from castle Duc de Laér" replies the grandson of Prince Raendril in the same language as he and Lisell Maera step closer to the mercenary ranger who is really a hordes outrider from the southern tundra by the name of Zubutai Timaginson, who just so inhabits the body of Riley Hait.
"From about five or six other places in the fief not too faraway, that the word has gone out to" adds the elven magic user, who continues on "With the just under a hundred or so who remained here at the castle".
Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman winces when he compares those numbers to the army of baron Harkonin, which no doubt has reached the border by now, and is crossing over into the Lé Dic fief at the town of Falshire sometime this morning.
"Shit" mutters the mercenary ranger who hails from the elven principality of Envadarlen "Indeed" dryly says the young elven noble from the principality of Laerel.
"Looks like we're wanted" quietly says Lisell Maera in the elven language, with a nod of her head away to their left.
Both Helbe the elven thief and Riley Hait the mercenary ranger look that way, and find lady Linara Lé Dic, along with her governess, lady Hollis Duc de Laér, as well as lady Marsaé Duc de Laér looking expectantly at them.
"Ah well, let's see what we can do to save this place then" the elven princeling quietly says in elvish to the other two, then nods for them as well for Shur Kee the monk who is standing nearby, to follow him over to the three local nobles who are waiting for them . . . . . .

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