Thursday 5 April 2018

The Homecoming 72.

In The Air...

Mira Reinholt the mage comes up on deck yawning. The once powerful mage slept in, and had breakfast late. Much to the annoyance of the short tempered cook in the ship's galley.
The vessel is a twin masted cargo ship. They're three days out the small city of Poldaér, bound for the capital Leeabra. Which the speed the airship is going, will probably be another four or five days away.
The Vexilian mage in exile has flown upon many a cargo ship over the years. A lot of them slow. But this one must be the slowest one of the lot.
But it was the only vessel going to Leeabra, until a transporter arrived in the small city of Poldaér from the capital, either today or tomorrow. Before returning to the capital of the kingdom of Druvic.
The mage Reinholt suspects if they had waited the three days for the transporter. And got that to Leeabra. It would probably get back to the capital quicker than the cargo ship they're on.
A cargo ship, whose captain is hell bent on stopping at every town of size between the Almaeré fief in northwest Druvic, to their final destination of Leeabra.
The spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster almost rolls his eyes as he hears the crew talking about another stop later in the morning. This time in the city of Pasemár. One of the larger cities in the kingdom of Druvic. A city that the exiled Vexilian mage has visited before.
Mira Reinholt makes his way forward along the deck of the airship. A vessel that he would describe as a wallowing tub of a ship. Wide of beam, nor is it particularly long. Giving it a kind of stubby look.
It definitely lacks good lines to it's hull. Which matches it's lack of speed in the opinion of the once powerful mage.
It doesn't help that it's cargo holds are stuffed full of wooden goods. A lot of furniture of every shape and description. As it's carrying a cargo of goods from some of the master woodworkers and carpenters in Poldaér.
Not the usual cargo of just plain lumber, which is predominantly shipped from Poldaér and the fief of Almaeré.
The swordmaster Reinholt nods his head to the crew who wish him good morning. They've learnt he's a spellcaster of some kind. And like all sailors, wether they sail in the air or upon the water. They're a superstitious lot, who think it's lucky to have a practitioner of magic onboard.
The once powerful mage has always suspected there's another reason why ship's crews find it lucky to have a spellcaster onboard.
For the simple reason they can help out if something goes wrong. Which is extremely helpful for an airship.
The mage Reinholt makes his way to the bow. Where Tarong the troll sits at the base of the fore mast. With his back against the slightly shorter of the two masts.
Even further in the bow, at the prow of the vessel. Stands lord Farque, who is looking ahead, in the direction the twin masted airship is going.
There's no crew in the front half of the bow, as they're giving the large, heavily armoured figure standing there, plenty of room.
"Morning" says Mira Reinholt the mage in response to Tarong the troll saying "Good morning mage". The spellcaster who was once the most powerful mage of his generation to found anywhere in the Southlands, takes a seat on the bow bench, that the troll is sitting next to.
The mage who is in exile from his homeland of Vexil looks up at the sky ahead, it's clearer to the east. While behind them to the west, there's still heavy cloud cover, from where it rained before the sun came up.
The day ahead, especially to the east, the direction they're going, looks to be fairly clear. It also feels like the day is going to be relatively warm. Even here, a couple of thousand feet above the ground. It's definitely spring, more than it is winter now.
"The crew says we'll be in Pasemár by mid morning" says the troll, who is a former tree feller, and now a former mill worker "Bit more going for it than Poldaér" says the mage Reinholt, who continues with "It's an actual city, and not an overgrown town like Poldaér is".
Tarong nods his large head, and the mage Reinholt asks him "You think about seeing if you can find work there?" the highly skilled swordmaster then adds "Instead of Leeabra?".
"No, I think I'll continue onto the capital" replies the troll, who has sufficient funds now, since he got the reward for the capture of the road side killer in the Almaeré fief.
"Whatever you think best" says Mira Reinholt, who finds it a hell of a lot more pleasant to have a troll around instead of an ork. For the simple reason Tarong doesn't stink like shit. And the fact the troll's command of the common language is fairly decent. There's also the added bonus he's not a stark raving mad homicidal maniac who wants to kill everything and anything. Nor does he try to eat and drink everything in sight.
The two of them continue to quietly chat as lord Farque silently stands at the prow of the airship.
The troll and the human spellcaster only stop talking when the call of a lookout announces the city of Pasemár ahead. And the twin masted airship starts to drop down in altitude a few miles from the city.
Pasemár is surrounded by prime farmland in central Druvic. It's still in the western half of the kingdom. But the forest of the northwest of Druvic, is left far behind here in the center of the kingdom.
There's woodland here and there in the area, but no substantial sized forests near the city of Pasemár. The farming towns and villages in the vicinity of the city. Can be seen from above by those on the airship. One of about a dozen or so in the morning sky that can be seen either approaching or leaving the city of Pasemár.
Of course the twin masted cargo ship out of Poldaér is the slowest vessel in the sky. And it's well after mid morning when it eventually makes it over the city. Heading to the airdocks on the outskirts in the east of the city.
Most air ships come from the capital Leeabra, and the more heavily populated region further east in the center of the kingdom. Hence the airdocks are on that side of Pasemár.
Tarong doesn't mind that, nor the slow sped the cargo ship from Poldaér is flying. As it gives him a good opportunity to look down at the city they're passing over.
It's by far the largest place he's ever seen, or been to. And as he and the mage Reinholt stand at the starboard rail looking down at the city two hundred feet below them, he asks the spellcaster in exile from the city-state of Vexil "Is Leeabra much bigger than this?" as he finds Pasemár way larger than he expected it to be. It's at least five times the size of Poldaér. Which until now, is the largest place he's ever been to.
"This isn't even quarter of the size of the capital" replies Mira Reinholt, Tarong's eyes go wide at the prospect of that. The once powerful mage slightly smiles, and wonders what the troll would think of cities such as Vexil and Brattonbury. The largest one's in all of the Southlands. He suspects Tarong would be overwhelmed if he ever saw them.
"Those squares down there are massive" murmurs the former mill worker, the swordmaster Reinholt nods in agreement, then says "Druvicians like their wide open spaces in their cities" he continues with "Lots of massive squares, and wide boulevards" the exiled Vexilian mage then adds "A lot of large structures too".
The mage Reinholt points out a large building away to the south, and says "Like that church there" he follows that up with "The bigger the better here, when it comes to buildings" the spellcaster from the city-state of Vexil then adds "Well, that's how the Druvicians see things".
Tarong nods his head, for as they traveled from the northwest of the kingdom. He's seen a handful of castles from above in the air. And even at a couple of thousand feet up. The castles have looked large. Mira Reinholt has told him they like their castles big here in Druvic. And how for the most part, the ancestral homes of the nobility here in Druvic. Are on average, larger than most castles you'll find in other kingdoms.
The slow moving cargo ship comes into the airdocks. It berths at one of the straight docks. Not one of the handful of circular one's found here in the city's airdocks.
As the airship is tied up, and Mira Reinholt and Tarong the troll go down to their cabins and get their gear, before coming back up on deck.
Lord Farque remains at the prow, though he's now looking around at the airdocks of Pasemár.
The once powerful mage and the former mill worker head forward to join the heavily armoured figure standing on the bow deck. As they do, the spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster notices the undead warlord is looking at an airship on the straight dock off on the port side.
The Vexilian mage in exile looks at it too, and slightly frowns. Mira Reinholt senses, safe in the knowledge other spellcasters can't sense him due to the amulet he wears on a chain around his neck.
The once powerful mage nods his head as he senses the airship across to port.
The mage Reinholt, who wonders if lord Farque is going to decide they board another vessel going to Leeabra. As this cargo ship will be in dock here in Pasemár until dawn tomorrow.
Says "Interesting" to the heavily armoured deathlord as he nods at the sleek looking, twin masted vessel on the dock to port.
"I know" says lord Farque, who then switches to the elven language, and tells the swordmaster Reinholt "Look at some of those passengers" he continues with "There's some onboard, and others are coming up the steps on that dock".
Mira Reinholt looks at those mentioned by the lord and ruler of the lands Farque, and he frowns at what he sees "Children" murmurs the spellcaster who was once the most powerful mage of his generation to be found anywhere in the Southlands.
"Tell me mage, what would a group of druids want with a bunch of children?" asks Draugadrottin as he's also known by the people of his lands "Dark druid's too" adds the lord of the death realm, who continues with "In a part of the kingdom they're not exactly fucking common in as well".
"And on a warship too" quietly says Mira Reinholt, for the twin masted airship tied up to dock on the port side of the cargo ship. Is obviously a fighting vessel. The portholes are closed at the moment. But there's definitely magetubes below in it's hull.
And though it isn't flying the colours of the aircorp of Druvic. The mage Reinholt who for a time lived here in the kingdom of Druvic. Recognises the vessel they're looking at, as one of the types that the aircorp of Druvic favours. Infact it's one of the more common types of airship to be found in the kingdom's fleet.
As Tarong the troll stands there wondering what the two of them are talking about, as he can't understand a word of elven.
Lord Farque says to the exiled Vexilian swordmaster "An aircorp vessel not flying the kingdom's colours, with some dark druids onboard, taking a lot of children on as passenger" the undead warlord who is also known as Des'tier by an older generation of elves who know who he is, continues in a dry tone with "There's nothing out of the fucking ordinary about that".
Mira Reinholt faintly winces, then the lord and ruler of the lands Farque says "One of the druid's is coming up on deck" the heavily armoured deathlord then adds "Read his mind".
As a fairly nondescript man comes up on deck of the warship on the dock to port, and makes his way to a gangplank, where a group of children are waiting with their various parents, to board the sleek looking twin masted vessel.
The mage Reinholt reads the dark druid's mind, fearing what he'll find. The once powerful mage grimaces as he reads the mind of the nondescript looking fellow. It's bad, but not as bad as it could of been.
Lest it isn't a bunch of pedo priests and clerics, the exiled Vexilian mage thinks to himself in a sour tone, the highly skilled swordmaster then silently adds, still fucking bad though.
"Well?" asks the undead warlord after the mage Reinholt drops the mind read spell he's been casting "Sacrifices" quietly says Mira Reinholt, who continues with "They're sacrifices. Though they and their families don't know it. They think they're going to the capital to join one of temple seminaries".
"How fucking ironic" sourly says Draugadrottin, who then adds "That would be just as bad" he shakes his full helmed head, then gestures at the airship tied to the dock on the port side of the cargo vessel, and asks "Know how some shitheel druids got a warship to use?".
"They've got a benefactor in the king's court" quietly says the once powerful mage, the lord of the death realm lifts an eyebrow in surprise at that, and the Vexilian mage in exile tells him "He doesn't know who it is, but whoever it is, they must be pretty important to commandeer an aircorp vessel and give it to them to use how they want".
The deathlord of Farque nods his full helmed head then falls silent. The swordmaster Reinholt waits, as he wonders what the undead warlord will do. As he's not exactly known for going out of the way to help others. Especially when it's got no benefit to him.
Although the once powerful mage wants to mention that a ship load of children's lives are at stake. He stays silent as he waits for the lord and ruler of the lands Farque to say something. While Tarong watches on, not knowing what's going on.
"We'll stay here for the day" says lord Farque in the common language, who looks over at the warship across the way, and adds "We've got something to do here" . . . . . .

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