Sunday 22 April 2018

The Homecoming 83.


"Why would he want that?" asks the lady Linara Lé Dic, who then looks at Lisell Maera. Who could answer, because he probably wants to bathe in it, or even eat it. But instead she says "He has his reasons i guess".
The lady of the fief looks at the castle chamberlain, who then tells her "He's asking for it from the town too".
"The town?" says Linara Lé Dic, the chamberlain just shrugs his shoulders, then mutters "As if it doesn't stink enough already".
The lady of the castle and the fief, looks over at her governess, the lady Hollis Duc de Laér, who slightly shrugs, then says "He has his reasons i guess" the noblewoman then adds "Even your uncle Percavelle grudgingly admits that it has, i mean he knows what he's doing when it comes to warfare".
Lis nods in agreement with the lady Hollis, then tells the young girl who is the ruler of the fief "Best to let him have it, as he'll get it anyway, with or without your permission" the attractive young woman from the city-state of Brattonbury then adds in a slightly dry tone "It's not as though anyone can stop him anyway".
The young girl who rules the Lé Dic fief nods her head, then tells the chamberlain "Go ahead then" she follows that with "And from the town too".
"Yes m'lady" says the castle chamberlain, who wanders off with a sickly look on his face at the task ahead of him and his servants.
It's later on when they find out why the chamberlain asked for the odd request from one of the group.
When they see, or more correctly smell it as they're crossing one of the eastern courtyards of the castle in the early afternoon.
Handkerchiefs, and hands cover mouths and noses, when a wagon comes in from the town of Massic which is adjacent to castle Lé Dic.
A grinning Dorc da Orc is waiting for the wagon, on the back of which is the collection of chamberpots from various houses and businesses in Massic.
Which is usually spread across some of the fields in the surrounding farms for fertilizer. But is now being brought to the castle at the request of the ork warleader.
And when Lisell Maera calls out to Dorc da Orc what's it for, and he replies. The orphan teenager from the coast of the Southlands nods her head in understanding.
"What did he say?" asks lady Linara Lé Dic as they hurry away, the nobleborn girl who has a dainty looking handkerchief to her nose, continues with "I couldn't understand him".
With good reason, as half of what he said was swear words you've probably never heard of before, Lis thinks to herself in a slightly dry tone, then the attractive young woman tells the lady of the castle "It's for the battle" she continues with "You drop boiling pitch, and rocks and the like upon the enemy from the parapets" Lisell Maera then adds "He intends to drop all the, er waste upon them as well".
Which is kind of what the large ork said. Though his explanation was a bit more colourful as he told Lis "Dorc gonna make it rain shit on them fucken cunts".
"That's disgusting" says the young girl who rules the Lé Dic fief who slightly gags at the thought of human excrement being dropped upon the enemy when they try to storm the castle.
"Yes" says Lisell Maera, who continues in a slightly dry tone with "It won't exactly be pleasant" the daughter of a street prostitute and a sailor from Brattonbury, continues with "That's the point".
They head up a set of steps, with lady Hollis Duc de Laér saying quietly behind them "Glad we had lunch before seeing that".
Both Lis, and the lady Linara Lé Dic nod in agreement as they head up the wide set of steps to the top of the east wall of the massive castle that's been the ancestral home of the Lé Dic family for centuries.
As they walk along the top of the east wall, soldiers and servants greet the young girl who leads them. Many if not most she knows by name, and she greets them in return.
Lis from her brief visit before they crossed the border to get the war engineer Tovis. Learnt that Linara Lé Dic has been taught by the lady Hollis her governess, to learn and to get to know as many of the people who live and work in the castle, and the town as possible.
It's a continuation of what the young girl's father, the previous earl of Lé Dic, Maxiss. Taught his young daughter before he died.
After they stop and talk to a couple of soldiers who have brought up barrels of pitch. They continue along the wall to where they find Tamric Drubine. Who is looking at the missiles, in this case, heavy spears. For the ballista that were brought up this morning by Dorc da Orc.
"M'lady" says Tamric Drubine to the young girl who rules the Lé Dic fief "M'lord" replies Linara Lé Dic, who then asks the teenage noble from the kingdom of Sarcrin "How goes the defences of my family's castle?".
"Sound m'lady" answers the former heir to the knight of castle Drubine, though that maybe true, Tam doesn't mention that the massive castle is woefully short of defenders.
It's a fact everyone knows, even the nine year old girl who rules not just her family's castle, but all of the Lé Dic fief.
"Any word on your elven friends?" asks Linara Lé Dic "The ranger Hait, and the squad he took with him should be back sometime this afternoon" is the reply from Tamric Drubine, who continues with "They should have word of what his highness, and Dalin have been up to".
That chat a little longer, then the lady of the castle and her governess continue their check upon the defences of castle Lé Dic. As they do, Lisell Maera briefly remains behind to have a quick word with Tam.
"Where's our engineer?" asks Lis who speaks in elven "On the north wall, helping to repair one of the small catapults there" is the answer of the nobleborn teenager in the same language.
"Will they even bother to attack that side of the castle?" asks the attractive young woman from the city-state of Brattonbury, who fair to admit, doesn't know much about fighting in, or for a castle. As all the battles, and combat she's been in over the last six, nearly seven years. Has been in the open, such as fields, or the countryside, or wilderness. If not that, then in towns and cities and even fortresses. Nothing with an actual castle, either defending one, or storming one.
"They'll attack all sides even if they're slightly competent" says Tam, who goes onto explain "We don't have enough soldiers to defend everywhere, and they know it. So they'll attack all the walls, and".
He leaves it at that and just shrugs, which causes Lis to slightly grimace, then says "That bad eh?".
"Yes" replies the young noble from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin, who then adds "Still, we've got Dorc, and he's fought in far worse situations than this and won through" Tamric Drubine continues with "When i first met him, along with Mira and Riley. My father's castle was attacked by far superior numbers. When were probably in worse shape then than what we are now" he then says "We got through that".
"Didn't you lose your family's castle?" asks Lisell Maera, who then adds "And you lot took off as it was captured?" as she recalls how Tamric joined the group.
"Yeah" says the nobleborn teenager, who then grins and says "Still got out alive though, so that's something" he looks around at things then tells the attractive teenager who is nearly three years older than him "I think we're better off here" he briefly pauses, then murmurs "Well i hope we are".
So do i, Lis thinks to herself, who then nods to the former heir to the knight of castle Drubine in the kingdom of Sarcrin, and she continues on her way after lady Linara Lé Dic, and the lady Hollis Duc de Laér.
While Tamric Drubine goes back to inspecting the longspears for the ballistas that are here upon the top of the east facing wall of the massive castle. Which is expected to take the brunt of the attack of the Harkonin army when it eventually arrives.
After all the trade road basically comes straight up to the east gates of castle Lé Dic, and goes around it to the south to get to the town of Massic, which lies to the west of the massive castle that's the ancestral home of the Lé Dic family. One of the most powerful and influential noble families in the east of the kingdom of Druvic. And have so, for centuries.
Lisell Maera catches up to the two local nobles, the young girl and her governess. After the lady of the castle, speaks to a couple of servants who are bringing up slop troughs. Which will be filled with excrement that's being collected from throughout the castle, as well as the town of Massic.
They stop above the east gates, and lady Linara Lé Dic after shading her eyes, and looking west, says "On the west wall" she stands on her tiptoes, and adds "Sitting there on a merlon, is that the holy man?" followed by "Your friend the monk, Lis?".
The orphan teenager from the coast of the Southlands looks to the opposite wall of the castle, and between two towers, she spots Shur Kee the monk, sitting crossed legged upon a merlon.
"Yes that's him" says Lisell Maera "What's he doing?" asks the young girl who rules the Lé Dic fief "Meditating no doubt" answers the attractive young woman, who continues with "He does it quite a lot".
The eyebrows of the young girl go up, and though she thinks it's slightly inappropriate to ask, she asks anyway with "I know he won the wrestling competition in the end of winter tourney, but what actually use is he in a real battle?".
Lis faintly smiles, and tells the nobleborn girl "You'd be surprised" the orphan teen from the city-state of Brattonbury, continues with "He might not look like it, but in our group here at the moment, he's probably the most dangerous one of the lot" she then adds "More so than your uncle, or even the ork" Lisell Maera continues with "And even his highness, prince Helbenthril".
"The monk?" says the lady Linara Lé Dic, who thinks of the strange holy man, who though lean and athletic, is quite short, and quite unassuming who speaks strangely, and wears an even stranger hat.
"Yes" says Lis, who then adds "Appearances can be deceiving" she follows that up with "Especially when it comes to someone like Shur Kee" the attractive young woman then silently adds, wait until you meet Mira, or the lord.
They look out to the east and south, and quietly discuss what they think the Harkonin army will do when it arrives. Lisell Maera informs the young girl and her governess. That all the speculation won't amount to much, until the enemy actually arrives. Which is expected either tomorrow or the day after. Depending on what prince Helbenthril Raendril and Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy are able to achieve in slowing them.
They're just about to get underway again, when one of the nearby lookouts calls out that there's riders approaching along the trade road to the east.
They look that way, and soon spot the group of riders. Who turn out to be the squad of soldiers led by Riley Hait the mercenary ranger, who went out late yesterday afternoon.
As they near the massive castle that's the ancestral home of the Lé Dic family, the ranger Hait looks up and spots on the east wall above the gates, the small figure of the young girl who rules the Lé Dic fief.
The mercenary ranger from the elven principality of Envadarlen, who is really a hordes outrider from the southern tundra by the name of Zubutai Timaginson, who just happens to inhabit the body of Riley Hait.
Spots lady Linara Lé Dic's governess with her, along with Lisell Maera. Who both the ranger Hait, and Helbe the elven thief have told to keep close to the young noble girl, in the lead up to, and during the inevitable battle. And that's what it is, inevitable.
Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman briefly met up with the young elven noble who is the temporary leader of the group, during the middle of the night.
And the elven princeling informed him that battle is imminent, for the simple reason the elven magic user has been unable to find a way to kill either baron Harkonin. Or the baron's advisor, the dark druid Palvarc.
The mercenary ranger who was brought up and trained by some of the elven warders of Envadarlen. Spots further along the east wall, the figure of Tamric Drubine. The nobleborn teenager from the kingdom of Sarcrin is hurrying along the top of the wall, no doubt to a set of steps.
And when Riley aka Zubutai Timaginson rides across the eastern drawbridge, and passes through the castle gates at the head of the squad, he finds the son of the former knight of castle Drubine in the kingdom of Sarcrin waiting for him.
He dismounts, and hands the reins of his mount to a groom, Riley Hait the mercenary ranger faintly grimaces, then quietly says in elven "Not great" in reply to Tamric Drubine quietly asking him in the same language "How was it?".
Lisell Maera has rushed down from the east wall too, and she joins the mercenary ranger from Envadarlen, and the nobleborn teen from Sarcrin, who have walked over to the side of the nearest tower. This one a broach tower, in a corner of the largest courtyard on the eastern side of the castle.
As the ranger Hait looks at one of the nearby trebuchets, which Dorc da Orc has put into position. He tells the two teenagers what's going on with the army from the Harkonin fief.
Both Tam and Lis listen in silence, as Riley aka Zubutai the son of Timagin, informs them that both Helbe the elven thief and Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy have slowed the Harkonin army down considerably.
Killing many of them at random, often taking out entire squads of scouts and fore riders, without the Harkonin soldiers knowing what's hit them.
But the young elven princeling has so far been unable to kill either baron Harkonin, or the dark druid Palvarc. As killing either, or preferably both, will win the battle for castle Lé Dic before the battle has even begun.
The human ranger from the elven principality of Envadarlen tells the two teens why the elven master assassin has been unable to kill the baron of the neighbouring fief and his advisor.
Then he informs them what they're expected to face once the Harkonin army arrives here at castle Lé Dic. Once he does, the three of them fall silent.
It's Lis, who breaks the silence, when she thinks of the conversation she had a little earlier with lady Linara Lé Dic on top of the east wall of the massive castle.
"This staff of the druid" says the attractive young woman "What about it?" asks the ranger Hait, Lis glances away to the west "If magic is detected by it, maybe something else would work" she pauses then adds "How about Shur Kee?".
Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman nods his head, then says "The royal thief has thought of that, and it would more than likely work" he continues with "Infact, he said it'll definitely work".
The ranger Hait then adds "Just that Shur Kee can't do whatever the hell it he does from any great distance" he continues with "He has to be in touching range to kick or punch someone, or if he does that ball thing he does, it can only go about thirty or forty yards at the most from what I've seen of it in the past".
"A hundred feet, that's better than nothing" says Tamric Drubine as the three of them converse in elven "So they, as in the baron and his druid, have to get within at least a hundred feet of the castle walls" says Riley Hait, who after a moments pause adds "Unless you're suggesting the monk go out there and face that army before they get here?".
Both Tamric Drubine and Lisell Maera wince, then the attractive young woman from the city-state of Brattonbury says "That wouldn't be fair to him". "No it wouldn't" quietly says the ranger Hait, who then tells the two youngest members of the group "Still, he's our best shot if Helbe can't figure anything else out" the mercenary ranger briefly pauses, then says "When that army gets here, we've got to get the baron and his advisor close to the castle walls, within a hundred feet, so Shur Kee can do his thing" . . . . . .

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