Wednesday 18 April 2018

The Homecoming 81.

The Castle...

"Probably need to spread this out more since there's so few men to defend the walls" says Tovis the war engineer as they stand upon the east wall of castle Lé Dic "There's a few more coming in from nearby estates, some of them might do better up here on the parapets, than down manning the gates" says Tamric Drubine.
The war engineer from the Harkonin fief almost says "Yes m'lord" again to the teenager who he's learnt is of noble birth, who hails from the kingdom of Sarcrin.
He refrains from doing so, as young Tam has told him it's fine not to refer to him like that. Even though most of the occupants here at castle Lé Dic refer to him as "M'lord".
The young engineer nods away to their left along the top of the wall, and says "Those small catapults are in working order" he follows that up with "If they've got men left who are trained to operate them, then there's no reason not to use them".
The nobleborn teenager from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin nods his head in agreement with baron Harkonin's war engineer, then the two of them turn as there's a shout from down below.
"To the right!" Tovis calls down to the courtyard below "Your other right Dorc!" adds Tam, who then quietly tells the young engineer "You've got to watch what he's doing, or he's liable to do anything. Usually not what you want done".
The war engineer slightly nods, as he sees Dorc da Orc, who is in charge of a number of soldiers and servants here in the massive castle that's the ancestral home of the Lé Dic family. Move one of the castle's trebuchet's to one side.
Tovis notices the large ork eyeing up something, then he asks the nobleborn teen beside him "Why's he looking at those horses so funny?".
"Ah" says the son of the former knight of castle Drubine in northern Sarcrin, who looks at Dorkindle eyeing up the team of horses being used to help move the massive trebuchet.
"He probably wants to eat them" says Tam, which is probably true. But Tamric Drubine also knows the ork warleader probably wants to fuck them as well.
"Well he does look like he wants to do that" murmurs baron Harkonin's former war engineer who watches as the large ork who is licking his lips, starts to drool.
"Does he do that often?" asks Tovis "Unfortunately yes" dryly replies Tam, who continues with "You get used to it" he pauses for a couple of moments, before adding "Kind of".
"I'll make sure not to ride a tasty looking horse when I'm around him" dryly says the young engineer "Ha!" says the nobleborn teenager, who then adds "That will definitely help".
Tamric Drubine looks at the pile of broken rock and masonry that will be dropped upon any attackers here near the east gates of the massive castle.
Then he looks at the young engineer from the Harkonin fief. Who he has learnt, has got a similar sense of humour as himself, and others in the group. Infact Tovis reminds Tam of Mira Reinholt the mage. If the once powerful mage had a more innocent nature, and didn't have a underlying bite to some of his humour.
From what the nobleborn teen has learnt, the mage Reinholt in the years before Tam first meet him. Was even more sarcastic and biting. When he had his full powers of magic at his disposal.
Tamric Drubine doesn't know if he would of like to of known the exile Vexilian mage then.
But knowing the war engineer Tovis, a lighter, more carefree version of what the swordmaster Reinholt could of been. Is something he doesn't mind.
Though Tam will readily admit that there's some aspects to the war engineer from the Harkonin fief that he isn't exactly enamoured with.
First of all is his infatuation with Lisell Maera, which the nobleborn teen knows is just going to end badly for Tovis. He's brought it up with both Helbe the elven thief and Riley Hait the mercenary ranger.
Both of whom have told the young noble from the kingdom of Sarcrin, that it's something the war engineer has to figure out for himself. Or more importantly, to learn about for himself.
The other aspect of the young engineer's personality he isn't too fond of at the moment. Is the torn nature of Tovis.
He's obviously conflicted about something. Which Tamric Drubine, and the rest of the group, with the exception of Dorc da Orc can see. That being he still holds some loyalty to his former lord, baron Harkonin. Even though the baron sent him to his death, when he was sent to the border town of Falshire, to be part of the force stationed there, to be used as a trap to lure the Lé Dic army across the border, and head further into the Harkonin fief. Where they were eventually wiped out.
As the nobleborn teenager and the young engineer head further along the top of the wall, Tam asks baron Harkonin's former war engineer "I gather those siege towers can get close to the wall, even with the moat full of water?".
"Yes" is the answer from Tovis as they stop next to one of the small catapults, that really only needs a trio of soldiers to operate. The young engineer continues with "They can drop down into the water, most of the bottom is sealed, but they won't hold out the water" he then adds "But it won't matter, as the first level is about a third of the way up them. And the tops of them can be extended up to the level of the parapets".
Tovis pauses then says "It's how i designed them" followed by "To be able to get men onto the top of this castle's walls". The war engineer can't help but say that with a touch of pride in his voice.
"You better hope they don't get to the top of the wall" dryly says the son of the former knight of castle Drubine, who then tells Tovis "They'll kill you just as easily as one of the soldiers. And in battle, those who you knew so well just a few days ago, won't think twice about killing you".
The war engineer grimaces at that, as he knows the young noble from the kingdom of Sarcrin is indeed correct.
As that soldiers and others who considered him a friend back at castle Harkonin. May easily kill him now, for the simple reason he's inside the massive castle that's the ancestral home of the Lé Dic family, and that they want in. Killing anyone who gets in their way as they do so.
"Ah well, let's hope it doesn't get to that" says Tamric Drubine, who suspects they're going to be in for a tough time of it when the Harkonin army arrives and lays siege to castle Lé Dic.
The nobleborn teenager from the kingdom of Sarcrin inspects the two small catapults near the east gates. He looks beyond them to where mounting platforms for ballista are located. They'll be lifted up later, or more precisely, they'll be carried up by Dorc da Orc. Which is far more efficient and quicker than a number of soldiers or servants trying to use the small A frame crane to haul them up.
Especially since they could be doing other things to help with the preparation of the defenses of the massive castle.
Tam notices that Tovis has fallen silent, and he looks over at the war engineer from the neighbouring fief, and finds him looking down into the castle.
The son of the former knight of castle Drubine quickly spots who the young engineer is watching. The nobleborn teenager rolls his eyes, and slightly shakes his head as he watches Tovis looking at Lisell Maera, who is in one of the courtyards, with young lady Linara Lé Dic, and sir Percavelle Lé Dic.
Tam then sourly smiles as Tovis, who doesn't look his way, clears his throat and asks him "Have you known Lis for long".
"About six years" is the reply of the young noble who is in half plate armour, the teen who is an exceptional skilled swordsman feels slightly sorry for Tovis, and tells him "Met her in Brattonbury, where she's from".
"Ah" quietly says baron Harkonin's former war engineer, who continues on "From the coast, that explains her dark hair, and tan skin colour".
Man, you've got it bad, engineer, Tamric Drubine thinks to himself, who then slightly winces when the war engineer asks him "She got family still there?".
"Maybe you should ask her yourself Tovis" says the nobleborn teenager, who follows that with "I'm sure she'll answer your questions" he then silently adds in a dry tone, and put you out of your misery at the same time.
The young engineer looks over at Tam, who nods his head in the direction of Lis, who is walking with the niece and uncle.
"Though after we continue the inspection of the parapets" says Tamric Drubine "Of course" says Tovis the war engineer, who looks at the two small catapults as well, before the two of them move on.
"Do you think they'll be able to do anything?" asks lady Linara Lé Dic, who though is only nine years old, she knows the peril that she, along with castle Lé Dic, and the town of Massic are facing with the Harkonin army approaching.
"I'm sure they will" replies Lisell Maera, while sir Percavelle Lé Dic nods his head in agreement with her, then says "Those two pointy eared chaps are bound to cause some mischief amongst the enemy's ranks" the heavily armoured knight who is carrying his helm tucked under an arm, continues with "Especially his highness, he's a troublemaker of the highest order".
"That's good uncle" says Linara Lé Dic, who continues with "Just as long as they come back safe and sound".
Both the orphan teenager from the city-state of Brattonbury, and the former earl of Lé Dic nod their heads in agreement. Though both aren't too worried about the return of Helbe the elven thief and Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy.
Who have gone out to secretly observe the approaching army, and to see what sort of mayhem they can create within the ranks of baron Harkonin's army before it arrives here at castle Lé Dic.
Lisell Maera looks ahead to one of the many towers and keeps in the massive castle that they're heading towards. And she slightly winces, and darts a quick look in the direction of sir Percavelle Lé Dic.
Because from the tower, walks the two sisters. The ladies Hollis and Marsaé Duc de Laér. The former who is the governess of the young lady of the fief. While the later is the ex wife of the former paladin, who was once earl of this very fief.
"Hells burst forth and swallow me up, and take me away from here" mutters the knight in the order of Saint Mar-che when he spots his former wife, walking with her younger sister this way "Percy, why don't you go and check up on Dorc" says Lisell Maera coming to the rescue of the former earl when she sees the Duc de Laér sisters heading this way.
"He's in the large east court, moving that massive trebuchet there, go and keep an eye on him, and make sure he's pointing it in the right direction" adds the attractive young woman from the city-state of Brattonbury "By Saint Mar-che, why the hell would i do that?" loudly mutters the former earl of Lé Dic as he looks at the orphan teenager from the coast of the Southlands.
Who lifts her eyebrows, and slightly nods in the direction of the approaching Duc de Laér sisters "Oh quite" murmurs the heavily armoured knight, who clears his throat, then says "Excuse me Linny, i must be off to oversee the foul green beast, to make sure the fat oaf doesn't knock down the castle walls before that despicable Harkonin and his unruly rabble shows up".
"Of course uncle" says the young girl who is the lady of the fief, her uncle bows to her as he's want to do when others are around, which always bring a smile to her face. Then he turns and walks quickly away as the ladies Hollis and Marsaé Duc de Laér approach Linara Lé Dic and Lisell Maera.
"Running away with his tail tucked between his legs as usual i see" is what Lis hears the lady Marsaé Duc de Laér mutter as she watches her ex husband walking quickly away.
"M'lady" says lady Hollis Duc de Laér, who continues with "The constable will need to know when to allow the townsfolk into the castle, well those who will want to come in before the enemy arrives".
The lady of the fief nods, then says "I best speak with him then" she turns and looks at Lisell Maera, and asks the attractive young woman "Would you like to come along Lis?".
"Of course" replies the teenage orphan from the city-state of Brattonbury, who looks at the young girl who will have to make a lot of important decisions over the next few days as the enemy army from the neighbouring fief marches across her lands, towards the massive castle that's her ancestral home.
Lis follows the three local nobles, glad that she doesn't have to make such decisions the young girl will have to make in the coming days, and also feeling sorry for the young noble that she has to.
Glad I'm not one of them, Lisell Maera thinks to herself as they head to the main keep of castle Lé Dic . . . . . .

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