Sunday 8 April 2018

The Homecoming 73.


"Just grab something, and pretend that you're a dock worker" says lord Farque, who continues with "A lot of trolls work in docks across the Southlands".
"Ah" says Tarong the troll, who doesn't really know what to do, or to be exact, what's asked of him.
After rolling his eyes, the undead warlord switches from the troll language, to the goblin language, and says "Here you, give me that you're carrying". To a pair of goblin dock workers who are carrying a large crate.
The two of them stop in surprise, and almost drop the crate they're carrying. For the simple reason no one, who isn't a goblin, has ever spoken to them before in their native tongue.
"The crate, pass it over" says the heavily armoured deathlord "Er" says one goblin, who looks at his counterpart, who vigorously nods his head as he looks sideways at the intimidating figure of the lord and ruler of the lands Farque.
"Yes boss" says the first goblin, who along with his fellow dock worker, hands the crate to the undead warlord who is also know by the name of Draugadrottin to the people of his lands.
"We taking it up there" says the goblin doing the talking, who can't believe he's talking to a human, who speaks the goblin language.
"Right" says lord Farque who shoves the crate into the hands of Tarong, the lord of the death realm sees the other crates the goblins have unloaded from a wagon, that's just gone off, and tells them "You two piss off, and take the rest of the afternoon of" and he flips one of the goblins a gold coin. Who miraculously for one of his kind, actually catches the coin in mid air.
"Thanks boss" says one goblin, which is repeated by the second who is grinning from ear to ear like his fellow dock worker. A gold coin is more than either one of them gets paid a month.
So they're happy to take the rest of the afternoon off without doing the rest of their work.
As the two goblins hurry away, the undead warlord says in trollish "Head up to the dock with that crate, and deliver it to the airship up there" Des'tier as he's known by to an older generation of elves, then adds "Listen to what's been said by the crew and the passengers" the lord of the death realm follows that with "The passengers will be children".
The troll who is a former mill worker, shrugs his massive shoulders, then heads up the steps to the airdock above, as he does, the heavily armoured deathlord tells him "Come back down, because you've got to take the rest of this crap up" as he gestures to the nearby crates. Supplies for the sole airship on this airdock.
As Tarong goes up the steps to the airdock that's forty feet up off the ground. Lord Farque glances up at one of the other airdocks. The one the cargo ship they traveled to Pasemár in tied up at.
There the lord and ruler of the lands Farque senses Mira Reinholt the mage, who he spots heading towards the steps that lead down to the ground. Draugadrottin watches the once powerful mage make his way down to the ground, then walk towards him. In what's the more quiet area of the Pasemár airdocks.
Most of the traffic, in both the air, and on the ground. Is in and around the larger circular docks. Not the straight one's like the two off to one side, as the cargo ship from Poldaér is tied up to. And a warship, from the capital Leeabra is moored to.
"They're expecting a handful more" quietly says Mira Reinholt the mage in the elven language when he joins the undead warlord under the dock the warship that's flying no colours, or banners, is moored to.
"They're scheduled to depart tomorrow morning too" adds the once powerful mage who is been reading the minds of the crew and passengers onboard the sleek looking twin masted vessel, that's obviously a military ship in the Druvician aircorp. Even though it's flying no identifying colours.
The lord of the death realm glances up at the late afternoon sky, then tells the Vexilian mage in exile "It'll be dark before soon" Des'tier who like the mage Reinholt, speaks in elven as he continues with "Might as well do it once it goes dark".
The spellcaster, who is also a highly skilled swordmaster nods his head in agreement, then says "The keel?". "No" says the lord and ruler of the lands Farque with a shake of his full helmed head, then he continues with "Too risky with all those kids onboard" Draugadrottin then adds "The hull" he follows that with "Get it rocking if you can. The troll and I'll get the passengers and crew off it".
The once powerful mage nods his head in understanding, then says "Speaking of the troll" as Tarong comes back down the steps after delivering the crate to the airship above.
"Hear anything interesting?" lord Farque quietly asks the troll who they met in a mill town in the north of the Almaeré fief.
"Not really" replies Tarong who picks up another crate, then says "Just some of the crew bitching about having a bunch of kids onboard. And the fact this isn't what they signed up for. Whatever that means".
The heavily armoured deathlord and the once powerful mage glance at one another, then the lord of the death realm tells the troll "Just keep listening, and see what you can find out".
Tarong who has picked up another crate, and has one balanced on each shoulder, grunts in the affirmative. Then heads back up the steps to the dock above, and the warship that's moored up there.
"I'll deal to them" quietly says the undead warlord in elvish to the exiled Vexilian mage, he then adds "Join me once you're done".
The spellcaster, who was once the most powerful mage of his generation to be found anywhere in the Southlands. Nods that he will, as he and the lord and ruler of the lands Farque look up at the warship above them tied to the dock.
A military vessel that has a bunch of children onboard, and as well as the crew of sailors and officers in the aircorp of the kingdom of Druvic.
Has five others onboard. Those five are all spellcasters. Who are all dark druids. Something you wouldn't normally expect to see. Even in the east of the kingdom. Where druids and the worship of the old ways is more prevalent.
Certainly something you wouldn't normally see here in the central region of Druvic.
As Tarong comes back down, and heads back up the steps a number of times, to take the supplies up to the twin masted vessel above.
Mira Reinholt wanders away beneath the airdock as the sun in the west gets lower in the sky, as it approaches dusk.
Then after the troll who is a former mill worker from the northwest of the kingdom, takes up the last crate, and returns a short while later.
Lord Farque quietly tells him trollish "There's something we're going to do". "Oh what's that?" asks Tarong who looks around and frowns as he can't see Mira Reinholt anywhere, it's as though he's disappeared.
The undead warlord tells the troll what they're going to do. Tarong's eyes go wide when he hears what the large human, in the dark suit of full, heavy plate armour intends for them to do.
Well shit! Really? Tarong thinks to himself in surprise, the troll slowly nods as he comprehends what lord Farque has just told him.
The lord of the death realm spots a small passenger ship coming into the docks. The single masted airship looks like it's heading to this part of the airdocks.
Which indeed it does, as it comes alongside the straight dock directly above, as it puts in on the opposite side of the dock, that the warship is tied up to.
Even better, the heavily armoured deathlord thinks to himself as he watches the small airship being tied to the dock above, as the sun sets in the west on what's been a relatively warm, early spring day in this part of the kingdom of Druvic.
The undead warlord looks further beneath the docks, and nods his full helmed head as he looks at the invisible Mira Reinholt.
"Get ready to go up" quietly says lord Farque in the troll language to Tarong, who nods his head in understanding, even though he's nervous at what they're about to do.
The troll who was previously living and working in the northwestern fief of Almaeré. Has no idea that the mage Reinholt is now levitating up off the ground, heading towards the warship tied to the dock they're standing at the base off.
The Vexilian mage in exile who has drained one of his spell gems of power. As he's going to need it, since he'll be casting more than one spell at a time.
Comes to a stop in mid air, just below and to one side of the sleek looking twin masted airship. The invisible spellcaster reaches out and touches the hull of the vessel as night falls here in the central region city of Pasemár.
The once powerful mage as he levitates there, casts another spell, something he would find difficult doing if he hadn't drain one of his spell gems.
There's the sound of a dull crack, and a split goes up the side of the twin masted airship's hull. Shouting comes from onboard, and Mira Reinholt levitates beneath the warship, to go and cut one of the tie lines to the dock.
"Abandon ship!" calls out lord Farque when he and Tarong get up to the top of the airdock. The heavily armoured deathlord nudges the troll next to him, and Tarong in his deep, booming voice yells out "Abandon ship!" as well.
Similar calls come from the small passenger airship that's recently put in. As they can see from the night lamps on both airships tied to the dock. That the twin masted vessel on the otherside of the dock, is rocking back and forth slightly.
There's shouting and yelling coming from the warship, and the crew are shepherding the young passengers off. The children who are frightened and scared, look around once they're on dock, and lord Farque as he walks towards them, says "Hurry up, down off the dock".
A lamp lighter who has just lit the lamp at the top of the steps, waves to those gathering on the dock, and calls out "This way".
"Lead those children down to the ground" says the undead warlord to some of the crew who have scrambled off the rocking warship. They don't question his authority, since he doesn't look like someone's authority you question. They just assume he's a nobleman. A knight or an avenger. Since he's in a full suit of dark, heavy plate armour. And he has a troll as a servant.
"Down the steps!" calls out the lord of the death realm, which is repeated by Tarong the troll, and some of the crew.
"Get these children away" says the heavily armoured deathlord to one of the officers of the warship who has just hurried across one of the gangplanks. "Yes m'lord" says the officer who automatically figures the lord and ruler of the lands Farque is a local noble of importance.
"Any more of them onboard?" asks Draugadrottin, who can sense that most of the children have made it off the twin masted vessel.
"I'm not sure" replies the officer, a nearby crew member says "Most are sir". The lord of the death realm nods his full helmed head, and a moment later one of the lines tying the warship to the dock snaps, or so it seems. For infact it was cut.
"Clear the dock!" calls out lord Farque, who then adds "The ship could tear away from it's moorings".
More of the crew and officers are abandoning the twin masted vessel, some of them carrying the remaining children.
"With me" says the heavily armoured deathlord in trollish, who then jumps the gap between the warship and the dock.
As does Tarong, who doesn't trust his weight on one of the gangplanks. Besides one has already fallen to the ground as the sleek looking, twin masted airship rocks back and forth, straining against it's remaining mooring lines.
The former mill worker times his jump, and easily clears the eight foot gap to the warship that's in the Druvician aircorp.
Lord Farque works his way to the nearest ladder that goes below deck. Up ahead, one of the dark druids is arguing with one of the officers of the crew. Either the first mate, or the captain himself,
"Get off the ship" says the undead warlord as he approaches the two "It's going to tear the damn dock apart" adds the lord of the death realm.
"Yes m'lord" says the ships officer, who has turned and seen who it is that's spoken.
He might automatically obey the large, heavily armoured figure of authority. Not so the dark druid, who says "Here, who are you to".
That's all he says, because Draugadrottin backhands him across the face, muttering "Shut the fuck up". The lord and ruler of the lands Farque makes sure not to hit the dark druid too hard with a gauntlet covered hand. And only knocks the man out.
"Head forward, and make sure the ship is cleared" says the undead warlord to the ship's officer. And before he can say anything, lord Farque points at the unconscious dark druid, and tells Tarong who is standing behind him "Bring him".
The undead being who is known as Des'tier aka The Destroyer to an older generation of elven kind who might know he is. Makes his way down the nearby ladder, just before he does, he nods his full helmed head.
A moment later, and another of the mooring lines snaps, or so it seems. It like the previous one has been cut by Mira Reinholt the mage.
"Fuck me" mutters Tarong the troll as the warship rocks violently to one side as he walks down the ladder, almost dropping the unconscious man he's carrying.
The troll gets down into the passage way below, ducking low so he doesn't hit his head. Lord Farque looks back at the former mill worker, and says "Dump him".
"We're not bringing him with us?" asks Tarong, who sets the unconscious man on the floor of the dark passage way "Why?" says the deathlord of Farque, who then adds "Considering he's dead" just before he stomps on the throat of the dark druid. Crushing the man's throat, and snapping his neck.
The troll stares in shock, and the lord and ruler of the lands Farque tells him "He deserved it" Draugadrottin gestures up above, and adds "You have no idea what he was going to do those children" the undead warlord follows that with "Trust me, you don't want to know".
Tarong looks from the dead man, to the large heavily armoured figure standing over the body, and asks "Who is he?". "A dark druid" replies lord Farque, who then turns, and starts walking down the passage way.
A few moments later, Tarong the troll who after looking down at the dead man on the floor of the passage way as he contemplates what's just happened, follows after the lord and ruler of the lands Farque . . . . . .

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