Sunday 12 August 2018

The Homecoming 156.

The Capital...

It's mid morning, two days later when they arrive in the capital Leeabra.
Well at a town, three miles to the east of the capital city of the kingdom of Druvic.
It was thought best not to fly a stolen flying boat, which belongs to the kingdom's aircorp, into the city's airdocks.
And though they saw a number of airships as they flew in from the east of the kingdom. Nearly all of them were trader's vessels and privateers.
The only Druvician aircorp airship they saw, was flying far to the north of the ship's boat they've used to fly to the capital Leeabra, from castle Lé Dic in the east of the kingdom.
After setting down to the east of the city of Leeabra, they walk the three miles into the largest city in the kingdom of Druvic.
Joining others, on foot, horseback, and in wagons and carts. Heading to the capital city of the kingdom.
While lord Farque, along with Dorc da Orc, who has the unconscious prisoner over his right shoulder, lead the way.
Tamric Drubine finds himself walking beside Tovis the war engineer, who is wide eyed as they approach the city of Leeabra.
Behind them walks Shur Kee the monk alongside Darid Parsen. While at the rear of the group is Lisell Maera and Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy.
Meanwhile infront of the nobleborn teenager and the young engineer from the Harkonin fief. Walks Mira Reinholt the mage, and a seething sir Percavelle Lé Dic.
The former paladin has been in a sour, and quite frankly angry mood. Ever since lord Farque told him not long after they left his family's castle two mornings ago.
That members of his knightly order, the order of Saint Mar-che. Want him kicked out of the order.
Infact a knight of fairly high rank was traveling with the warships in the personal fleet of the lord high constable of Druvic, that were on their way to castle Lé Dic to help the Harkonin army. Until the lord and ruler of the lands Farque, along with the Vexilian mage in exile, Mira Reinholt. Brought down those two destroyers in the lord high constable's fleet.
The former earl of Lé Dic has been muttering to himself on and off since they caught sight of the capital before dawn.
The heavily armoured knight is continuing to mutter to himself, as they walk along one of the roads that leads to the east side of the capital city.
Tamric Drubine or Tam as the rest of the group more commonly refer to him by, glances at the war engineer Tovis who has just murmured "Hell".
"What is it?" quietly asks Tamric Drubine as he walks beside the young engineer who until last week, was the war engineer to baron Raevar Harkonin.
"Up there" says Tovis the war engineer, the young nobleborn teen who hails from the kingdom of Sarcrin looks up into the fairly clear sky to the north where Tovis nods.
There he sees a pair of wyverns, mostly likely messengers for the kingdom's army. Flying towards the capital.
"First time seeing wyverns?" asks the former heir of castle Drubine in northern Sarcrin, the young engineer from the east of Druvic, nods his head yes.
Tam faintly smiles, then quietly says to the war engineer "Wait until you see a dragon".
Tovis looks sideways at the nobleborn teenager, with a look upon his face that can only be called incredulous.
Tamric Drubine looks at those in the group infront of them, and the rest of the group following them. Then he quietly tells Tovis in a slightly dry tone  "Trust me, with this group, you'll see a dragon one day".
The war engineer who once served in the Harkonin army, lifts his eyebrows to that.
Then he and Tam look at sir Percavelle Lé Dic infront of them, who looks back, and says in his overly loud voice "You two are going on about wyverns and dragons and the like" the heavily armoured knight then continues with "And here i am, walking towards the viper's pit to confront my brother knights who have betrayed me".
People walking by on the otherside of the road, heading away from Leeabra, look towards the boisterous knight.
At the front of the group, lord Farque without looking back says "Percy".
The former earl of Lé Dic, who looks forward, says in a rather disgruntled tone "What?".
"Shut up" says the undead warlord. The knight in the order of Saint Mar-che, who is walking with the visor of his full helm open, sourly smiles, though he does fall silent.
While beside him, the mage Reinholt slightly smiles. And out infront, next to the lord and ruler of the lands Farque, Dorc da Orc chuckles at the reprimand to the nobleborn knight from the heavily armoured deathlord.
Tamric Drubine and Tovis the war engineer are silent for a little bit. And though the young engineer from the fief to the east of sir Percavelle's family's fief. Looks back to the rear of the group to where Lisell Maera is walking with the spy Tanith.
The war engineer doesn't look back all that often at the young woman he's more than a little smitten with.
At the back of the group that's nearing the city of Leeabra, Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy, who has just spotted Tovis looking back in this direction, quietly says in elven "What are you going to do about that?".
"About what?" asks Lisell Maera in the same language. "That" says the elven spy from the principality of Alínlae who nods his hooded head to where Tovis the war engineer is walking with Tamric Drubine, infront of Shur Kee and Darid Parsen.
The attractive young woman who hails from the city-state of Brattonbury wryly smiles and rolls her eyes, then she quietly says in a dry tone "Hell, does everyone know?". "Just about" says Dalinvardél Tanith or Dalin as he's more commonly called by the rest of the group, as the two of them quietly converse in the elven language.
The elf who once served in one of the more prominent noble houses in his homeland of Alínlae, then adds "Well maybe not Dorc and Percy" he continues with "Those two don't exactly take notice of what's going on amongst the group" Dalin briefly pauses before saying in a dry tone "Unless it involves themselves".
The elven spy from the principality of Alínlae, then nods at the soldier from the Lé Dic fief walking infront of them with Shur Kee the monk.
"Darid might not know too" quietly says Dalinvardél Tanith, who then quietly tells Lis "Unless he's remembered".
The attractive young woman from the west coast of the Southlands slightly nods, then holds back a sigh she feels like letting out.
She doesn't particularly want to deal with the war engineer Tovis, and his growing infatuation with her.
But she knows she has to deal with it sooner rather than later. Nip it in the bud, so to speak.
After all it can only end badly for the young engineer, who is attracted to the young woman from the coastal city-state of Brattonbury.
"I deal with it once we've got matters in the city sorted out" quietly says Lis in elven to the spy Tanith.
The elf from the principality of Alínlae nods his hooded head, then quietly says to the attractive young woman "Let's hope for his sake, and yours, things in the city we've got to deal with, don't take too long".
Lisell Maera nods her head in agreement with that, as they get closer and closer to the city that's the capital of the kingdom of Druvic.
It's not too long before the group enters the city of Leeabra. The capital of the kingdom doesn't really have walls as such.
And the group, along with others who are on the road to the east of the city. Are soon into the capital of the kingdom. Making their way along the streets in the east of the capital. Going through the fifth domain of Leeabra.
The city of Leeabra is made up of domains. Five of them, that are like rings within an orb. The fifth domain, is the furthest one out, which completely circles the rest of the city.
While the first domain, which is called the king's domain, the only one to have a name. Is basically the center of the city, it's actually just off center really. Where the royal palaces are located.
The third domain, which encircles the first and second, is actually the largest of all five domains. And it's towards that domain the group sets off for, with lord Farque leading the way.
"Where we fucken going?" asks Dorc da Orc as he walks in the lead with lord Farque, the ork warleader who is speaking in his native language, continues with "We meeting that fucken tree humper Helbe?".
"Soon" says the lord and ruler of the lands Farque in the same language, as he and Dorkindle, well the large ork more than him, garner more than a few looks from others on the streets here in the east of the city.
The heavily armoured deathlord who can sense someone coming towards them, glances back at the others as they cross a city square.
The undead warlord who is also know as Draugadrottin to the people of his lands. Looks back at the disgruntled looking sir Percavelle Lé Dic.
The lord of the death realm knows that they'll have to deal with the nobleborn knight's situation with his order.
Infact it's probably best that they deal to that first. That's unless who it is that's coming towards them, has any other information to do with the other reason they've traveled to the city of Leeabra for.
"Come here" wryly says lord Farque who reaches out and grabs Dorc da Orc's left arm, and hauls him back next to him after the ork weaponsmith from the southern polar region of the world said in a tone of delight "Oooohhhh cakes" when he spotted a bakery on the corner of the square, and started going towards it.
"Some yummy fucken cakes there for Dorc" grumbles the big, burly ork as he looks at the bakery on the otherside of the square from where they leave it.
The warleader of the ork race lets out a rather dramatic sigh as they head down a lane. Then as he sniffs, the son of the former matriarch of the wolf tribe of orks, suddenly growls. And Draugadrottin has to grab him again, this time keeping a firm hold of him, as he was about to run down an alley to their right. Where at the far end, a pair of dwarves have just walked by.
"Fucken can't eat cakes, and fucken can't kill them midget cunts" mutters the large ork as the lord and ruler of the lands Farque keeps a firm grip upon his left arm, that from experience, Dorc da Orc knows he can't break no matter what he does.
Then after they cross a street, and go down another lane, the ork weaponsmith, who still to this day, is the still the largest member of his tribe, the wolf tribe.
Sourly smiles, and grunts as he smells who is coming towards them after coming up through the ground across the street from the lane they've just walked out of.
"Well?" asks lord Farque in the ground pixie language when Narladene the ground pixie comes to a hover beside his head.
The naturally magical creature, who is only visible to the undead warlord.
Explains to the lord of the death realm what she and Helbe the elven thief have been able to find out about certain things, concerning the reason they've all traveled here to the city of Leeabra, the capital of the kingdom of Druvic.
The heavily armoured deathlord who to an older generation of elves, is also know by the name of Des'tier. Listens in silence to the tiny winged creature as he and the rest of the group, continue on their way through the fifth domain, in the east of the city.
After the ground pixie has explained what she and the young elven noble from the island of Laerel have found out, the lord and ruler of the lands Farque quietly asks her in her native language "And Percy's order, what have you been able to find out there?".
The naturally magical creature who is attached to prince Helbenthril Raendril then tells the lord of the death realm what she and the elven masterthief have been able to find out about the knights of the order of Saint Mar-che, and how some of them want to get rid of sir Percavelle Lé Dic, who they see as embarrassment to their order.
Not to mention a thief and an oath breaker. As he stole the shield of Saint Mar-che. And he went off on an unsanctioned holy quest a number of years ago.
A quest to find the ork named Dorc da Orc and kill him. And though he found the ork a handful of years ago. He definitely hasn't been able to kill him.
Not from a lack of trying too. For even since he's joined the group, the former paladin has occasionally tried to kill the ork warleader without success. Much to the disgust of the knight in the order of Saint Mar-che.
Lord Farque slightly nods his full helmed head after Narladene has explained to him what she and Helbe the elven thief have discovered about sir Percavelle's knightly order, and how amongst them, there's some links to the king's court.
Which the king, and the royal family of course don't know about.
"We'll deal with the knight's first" quietly says Draugadrottin in the ground pixie language as he continues to keep a firm hold of the left arm of the big, burly, seven and half foot tall, seven hundred and fifty pound ork walking beside him.
"Should i go and tell Helbe?" asks Narladene the ground pixie as she flies alongside the heavily armoured deathlord whose lands are faraway to the south here in the Southlands.
Des'tier nods his full helmed head yes, and the naturally magical creature wings away after he quietly tells her "Tell him to meet us near the knight's grounds".
After the tiny winged creature disappears beneath the street just up ahead, Dorc da Orc who grunts after he smells Narladene has gone, quietly asks in his native language "What we gonna fucken do?".
After looking back at sir Percavelle Lé Dic in the group, the lord and ruler of the lands Farque tells the big, burly ork who he named warleader, quite a few years ago now "We're heading to the third domain, just north of the middle of the city".
With a frown upon his broad, green, brutish looking face, Dorkindle asks "What's fucken there?".
"The grounds of the order of the knights of Saint Mar-che" is the reply of the lord of the death realm as they continue walking through the city of Leeabra, the capital of the kingdom of Druvic . . . . . .

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