Monday 13 August 2018

The Homecoming 157.

The Edge...

"What happened over there?" asks Tovis the war engineer, Shur Kee the monk looks to where the young engineer from the Harkonin fief points, and quietly says "Friend Mira blew that up a number of years ago".
Tamric Drubine and Lisell Maera look sharply at one another, then across the massive square to the remains of one of the palaces over at the edge of the second domain.
"Hell, that must of been a couple hundred yards long at least" says Tamric Drubine "Indeed it was" says the short, statured monk from the far eastern coast of the continent.
The physical adept who is an acolyte in the philosophical order of Bru Li looks at Tamric Drubine and Lisell Maera, and quietly tells them "Now you know why when they say friend Mira was powerful, he truly was that powerful".
Both the nobleborn teenager from the kingdom of Sarcrin and the attractive young woman from the city-state of Brattonbury nod their heads as they look across to the evidence of the mage Reinholt's former power.
Tamric Drubine or Tam as he's more commonly referred to by the rest of the group, glances away to the right and quietly says in elven "Do you remember that happening?" as he nods over to the edge of the second domain, and the remnants of a once mighty palace.
"I don't" says Darid Parsen who speaks the elven language a little haltingly at the moment, he briefly smiles and continues with "Because i wasn't here at the time" he pauses then adds "I first met the group after they had left here" he pauses once more before continuing with "Just as the civil war took hold throughout the kingdom".
The young soldier from the Lé Dic fief takes a deep breath, as that was a little difficult to say in the elven language. As he's still getting used to speaking not just the common language, but a number of other languages.
Something Darid couldn't do previously. But now he's really Darid aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman, he finds that he can now speak at least a handful of other languages.
"Wonder why they haven't rebuilt it" muses Tovis who is ever the engineer as they stand infront of a building at the northern end of the one of the massive squares in the city of Leeabra.
"Probably because it was built during the reign of the current king's grandfather, and his uncle who he took over from when the civil war finally ended" says Mira Reinholt the mage as he rejoins them after coming out of the large building they're standing infront of.
"Did you really blow that" says Tovis the war engineer who is interrupted by the once powerful mage who dryly says "Yes" followed by "Over a decade ago now".
The Vexilian mage in exile then looks across the massive square to the left, the eastern edge of it. Where he can see the humongous building, that's an arcade of shops and markets, where he lost his left arm from the elbow down, when he confronted the dragon Nol who was his friend until he turned on him and the kingdom of Druvic.
After the mage Reinholt was in the faction in the kingdom that took part in the invasion of the Sunreach Mountains to the north of the kingdom.
The dragon Nol who killed the once powerful mage from the city-state of Vexil.
"Memories Mira?" quietly asks Lisell Maera in the elven language as she notices the look upon the face of the spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster.
The Vexilian mage in exile sourly smiles then nods his hooded head towards what's basically the largest building in a city full of massive buildings, and he says in a slightly dry tone in the elven language "I died over in that building" followed by "A friend wasn't particularly pleased with something that i did, so he killed me".
Both Lisell Maera and Tamric Drubine look from the mage Reinholt to Darid Parsen, then back again. The highly skilled swordmaster grins then says "I wasn't that far gone" he continues with "Though, you know who, did bring me back" Mira Reinholt then adds "Thankfully to my own body" who holds up his left arm and says "Minus most of this arm".
Both Tam and Lis nod as they know the once powerful mage is missing his left arm below the elbow, and that he has an automaton arm designed by Dorc da Orc as a replacement.
It's one of the few things the large ork has actually done for the mage Reinholt in all the years that they've known one another.
They all turn as Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy, sir Percavelle Lé Dic, followed by Dorc da Orc and lord Farque make their way from the large building that the exiled Vexilian mage was just in.
"Hey killer, that's where me killed that fucken dragon buddy of yours that got you" says a grinning Dorc da Orc who waves towards the massive building, that's well over a mile and half in length, that's on the eastern side of the square they're at the northern edge of.
"You killed it?" says the spellcaster who was once the most powerful mage of his generation to be found anywhere in the Southlands, who looks over at lord Farque, then back at the ork warleader.
After clearing his throat, Dorkindle says "Well me helped fucken kill it" the big, burly ork from the southern polar region of the world continues with "Me rode that scaly fucken cunt when he flew through that building over there".
Still grinning, the ork weaponsmith with his knuckles, taps the black armoured chest plate he wears, and says "Got this sweet piece of fucken armour of that big dragony cunt".
"After the lord brought it down" says Mira Reinholt with a nod of his hooded head to the undead warlord who is quietly talking to the spy Tanith off to one side.
"And Helbe and Seph finished it off" adds lord Farque as he looks over at them, before returning to his quiet conversation with the elven spy from the principality of Alínlae.
"Me forgot all that shit" says the ork warleader in an offhanded manner "Conveniently" dryly says the Vexilian mage in exile, which causes the son of the former matriarch of the wolf tribe of orks to chuckle.
As Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy hurries away, heading north. Tamric Drubine looks at sir Percavelle Lé Dic, who seems to have calmed down a bit since the lord and ruler of the lands Farque announced that they were going to head north through the city, to the third domain, where the grounds of the order of the knights of Saint Mar-che are located.
As the lord of the death realm nods his hooded head for them to get going, and make their way in the direction that the spy Tanith took off in.
Tovis the war engineer who is walking with Tamric Drubine and Lisell Maera, says "They don't do things by half here in this part of the city" he continues with "Everything's massive, the buildings, squares and avenues, all of them are beyond belief".
"I know what you mean" says the attractive young woman from the west coast of the Southlands, who follows that with "Brattonbury is a far larger city, but even the largest buildings there are small in comparison to some of the monsters here".
Tamric Drubine nods his head in agreement with Lisell Maera, who is more often referred to as just Lis by the others in the group.
Then the son of a former knight of castle Drubine in northern Sarcrin asks "Where exactly are we going?".
"There, more or less" says Mira Reinholt the mage who walks beside sir Percavelle Lé Dic infront of the three youngest members of the group.
While lord Farque and Dorc da Orc, still carrying the unconscious wizard in the airscorp of Druvic over his right shoulder, lead the way infront of the once powerful mage and the former earl of Lé Dic
And Shur Kee the monk and Darid Parsen bring up the rear of the group, following behind the three youngsters.
"What's that over the trees that way?" asks the young engineer Tovis, pointing in the direction that the mage Reinholt just gestured to "Looks like they're rebuilding that dome on top of it" adds the former war engineer to baron Raevar Harkonin.
"That in all it's glorious splendour is a testament to the god Narille in the form of the basilica of Saint Mar-che" answers sir Percavelle Lé Dic who continues with "It's in the western quarters of my order's grounds".
"Damn" murmurs the young engineer from the Harkonin fief in the very east of the kingdom of Druvic, who then asks "Exactly how large is the grounds of your order sir Percavelle?".
"It's a bloody large park" dryly says Mira Reinholt who knows the city of Leeabra fairly well, since he used to live here about a decade ago.
The former paladin grins, then says "Indeed it is" then the grin slips off the face of the nobleborn knight, and he slams shut the visor of his faceplate when the highly skilled swordmaster walking beside him says "Not me, it was the lord, he found it annoying, not to mention the perfect target for a distraction with a magetube when we were in city at the time of the outbreak of the civil war".
In reply to Tovis asking "Did it get damaged in an earthquake or something?" followed by "Or did you blow that up as well mage?".
"A decade, and they're still fixing it" says Tam who continues with "Your order isn't exactly getting it back to it's previous splendour in quick fashion are they Percy?".
"They must be busy" says the former earl of Lé Dic with a nonchalant wave of a hand "Like interfering in the politics of the court, all to hunt you down and if not kick you out of the order, trying to kill you" quietly says the exiled Vexilian mage to the heavily armoured knight walking beside him.
The nobleman from the east of the kingdom of Druvic looks sharply at the once powerful mage, and though he doesn't say anything in response to what the swordmaster Reinholt just said.
He does slightly nod his full helmed head in agreement with the spellcaster, who is still the youngest ever member of the mage council of his homeland, the city-state of Vexil.
The mage Reinholt who was once a member of one of the three magical guilds here in the city of Leeabra.
Is glad that he's wearing the amulet that hides that he's a spellcaster. As he has sensed quite a lot of practitioners of magic as they've made their way through the city today.
The once powerful mage who is also a highly skilled swordmaster, says in elven to lord Farque walking infront of him and sir Percavelle Lé Dic "Are they there?".
"They're already in the grounds" is the reply of the undead warlord in the same language, the deathlord of Farque, who also goes by the name of Draugadrottin to the people of his lands, continues with "They should be able to extract him without anyone noticing".
The Vexilian mage in exile nods his black hooded head, then says "And i guess Dalin has gone ahead to wait for them?".
"He has" is the reply of the lord of the death realm, who to an older generation of elven kind, also know him by the name of Des'tier, which translates in the common language to, The Destroyer.
The undead being in the dark blue and black heavy plate armour, though really it might look like plate armour, it's something else entirely different, that's not of this world.
Glances back at the former earl of Lé Dic walking beside the mage Reinholt.
In elven, the lord of the death realm tells the spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster "You might want to disguise Percy" Draugadrottin continues with "The closer we get to his order's grounds, it's more likely we'll run across one of those bastards who'll recognise the idiot".
The mage in the black hooded cloak nods his head, and as they turn onto a street, the first one in a while that's relatively normal in size, then they turn into the first lane on the left.
Mira Reinholt by way of a spell, changes the appearance of the knight in the order of Saint Mar-che.
Tam and Lis following the heavily armoured knight and the once powerful mage aren't taken by surprise in the change of the former knight of the first class. After all they heard lord Farque say in elven to the exiled Vexilian mage what he wants done.
Not so Tovis the war engineer. Who is taken by surprise by the change in the appearance of the former paladin, that he almost trips over in disbelief.
And doesn't so, only because Tamric Drubine reaches out and grabs him as he trips forward.
"How?" says a stunned looking war engineer from the Harkonin fief as the group walk through the lane that is empty, apart from them.
"A spell from Mira" says the nobleborn teenager from the kingdom of Sarcrin to the young engineer.
Tovis nods as he looks at the short, fat man, in rather shabby looking clothing, who is walking beside the mage Reinholt, infront of him, Tam and Lis.
Dorc da Orc who still carries the unconscious wizard over one of his massive shoulders, glances back and chuckles as he sees what sir Percavelle Lé Dic looks like.
And though the former paladin's appearance has changed drastically, the ork warleader can still smell the distinctive smell of the heavily armoured knight.
"What are you laughing at you smelly" says Percy who cuts off in mid sentence as he sounds completely different to what he normally sounds like.
The former earl of Lé Dic, who still looks like he does, to himself but not the others, with the exception of lord Farque.
Looks sharply at the spellcaster from the city-state of Vexil who is walking beside him, and quickly asks him "What did you do mage?". The knight in the order of Saint Mar-che winces as he hears his voice. Which definitely doesn't sound like him. Infact he finds it grating and annoying.
"Just changed what you look and sound like" is reply of Mira Reinholt, who then adds "Don't want anyone who might recognise you taking notice".
The former paladin sourly smiles, then asks "What do i look like?".
"Like a short, fat, ugly looking fucker" chortles Dorc da Orc as he looks back at the nobleborn knight.
The former earl of Lé Dic sourly smiles once more, then he mutters in a tone to match his sour smile "How charming". As they continue northwards through the third domain, towards the grounds of the order of the knights of Saint Mar-che . . . . . .

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