Tuesday 21 August 2018

The Homecoming 163.


He goes completely still when sir Dalacell the knights general of the order of Saint Mar-che says a name. It's his name. And all eyes in the chamber of the court of the king look in his direction.
Those who are standing near him, take a step away from him. Including those who are in the kingdom's constabulary.
He goes to say something in his own defence. But he's unable to open his mouth and utter a single word.
Infact he finds that he can't even move. And realises the movement he has is a slight turning of his head from side to side. Along with his eyes, which still retain full movement.
Apart from that, he's stuck to where he stands.
He looks around for the other member of the cadre he belongs to. And finds him a bit further out on the floor, in the back half of the chamber.
He too is completely still, as he looks towards the raised part of the platform where the king sits upon the throne.
"These are serious allegations sir Dalacell" says the duke of Carville, Anders the First, king of Druvic "And against one of the most important men here at court" adds the king.
"I know your majesty" says sir Dalacell the knights general of the order of Saint Mar-che, who gestures to the wizard standing to the left, and adds "This officer in the aircorp, is part of his personal fleet he can verify it's true".
The most senior member of the knights of the order of Saint Mar-che then gestures to sir Percavelle Lé Dic who stands to his right, then says "Evidence of this foul worship was found in the Lé Dic fief, where villagers were abducted and sacrificed by one of the dark druids in a hidden underground stone circle that those of the dark old ways preform their rights in".
Gasps of horror can be heard coming from many in the massive hall when they hear sir Dalacell say that.
While upon the throne, king Anders the First grimaces in disgust, before looking at the former earl of Lé Dic, and saying to him "Is this true sir Percavelle?".
After bowing to his sovereign, sir Percavelle Lé Dic says "It is true your majesty". The former paladin who has been warned by lord Farque to not elaborate and carry on in his usual manner, if he's asked any questions whilst here in the king's court, adds "The knights general speaks the truth your majesty, those vile dark druids did do murder upon my niece's people".
The heavily armoured knight in the order of Saint Mar-che falls silent as he sees the full helmed head of lord Farque turn slightly in his direction, indicating that he's spoken long enough for what should of been a rather simple answer.
The Druvician king sits back in his throne, then glances at his second cousin, who is his prime minister.
Sir Galbrath the prime minister of Druvic lifts both eyebrows, then steps closer to the king and murmurs to him "If this is true, they'll be hell to pay" he continues with "By the gods he's the lord high constable, your most senior lawman in the kingdom".
King Anders the First nods his head, then looks over to where the lord high constable, sir Twimen stands in a pocket of isolation where the other influential nobles and senior court officials are standing.
"Whatever you do cousin, make sure you find out the truth of it" the prime minister murmurs to the king, who slightly nods in agreement with his cousin.
Then the king of Druvic looks away to his left, to where some of the officers in the royal army stand. And he says to one of them "Cousin Lafielle, do these two fine knights speak the truth?" after a pause he adds "You have my permission to cast in the chamber".
One of the senior officers steps forward, and after bowing to his younger cousin upon the throne, Lafielle the sorcerer looks at sir Dalacell and sir Percavelle, knights in the order of Saint Mar-che, and casts a spell to see if they spoke the truth to the king.
The eyes of the army officer in the dark uniform open wide in surprise. Then the sorcerer Lafielle looks to his younger cousin upon the throne, and slightly nods his head yes.
As gasps once again reverberate throughout the massive hall, the king of Druvic winces, while he hears his cousin the prime minister mutter "Shit".
The sovereign looks away to where sir Twimen the lord high constable stands, and he calls out "Twimen step forward!".
And though those who were near him have already stepped away, they move even further away from sir Twimen the lord high constable. Who suddenly finds himself moving, walking towards the raised part of the floor where the king sits upon the throne.
The most important noble in the kingdom outside of those in the royal family. Doesn't want to be walking towards the king, but he can't help himself, as he finds himself doing so against what he wants.
The lord high constable who wants nothing more than to turn and run, and flee from the massive hall where the king holds court.
Finds himself walking purposefully across the floor towards the raised section at one end where the king of Druvic sits upon the throne.
Against his wishes, sir Twimen finds himself stopping, and standing next to those who have accused him of being in cahoots with the dark druids. Which is infact true, as he leads the cadre that wants to see the worship of the dark druids spread throughout the kingdom of Druvic.
And while the wizard Calrik, who is in the personal fleet of the lord high constable, keeps his eyes fowards, looking at the king.
Both of the knights in the order of Saint Mar-che, sir Percavelle Lé Dic and sir Dalacell turn their heads and look at the most important, and influential noble in the kingdom outside of the royal family.
He can look sideways at them, but his head remains still, and pointed towards the throne, and the king upon it.
"These are serious allegations directed at you Twimen" says the duke of Carville, Anders the First, king of Druvic, who continues with "Which seem to be true".
The sovereign is silent for a few moments, which is matched by the silence within the massive hall, as the people aren't even moving as they watch and listen to what's happening.
'What have you to say for yourself Twimen?" asks the king of Druvic, who has been on the throne for a little over six years, since the end of the civil war, which his faction won after the death of his uncle, king Newkym the second during the incident here in Leeabra a decade ago.
The sovereign glances over at his other cousin in the army, the sorcerer Lafielle, and nods in the direction of the lord high constable. The senior officer nods in understanding, as he knows his younger cousin wants to know if sir Twimen will tell the truth when he speaks.
The lord high constable sir Twimen finds that he's finally able to open his mouth and speak after he automatically bows to the king.
He speaks, though what he says, is definitely not what he wants to say. And within his mind, he screams at himself, wondering why he's just said, what he's said.
"It's true your majesty" is what sir Twimen the lord high constable of the kingdom of Druvic just said "What knights general Dalacell said about me, is all true" adds sir Twimen as he publicly admits in the king's court his guilt. Even though he doesn't want to, but he just can't help himself from doing it.
King Anders the First quickly looks over at his cousin the sorcerer in the royal army. Who after staring in surprise at the lord high constable. Looks at his cousin the king, and nods his head yes.
As the duke of Carville, the king of Druvic lets out a pent up breath he was holding, as he can't quite believe that the top lawman in the kingdom, is guilty of conspiring with, not just those of the old ways, but with dark druids themselves.
The most perverted of those who follow the old druidic ways here in the kingdom of Druvic.
And his cousin the prime minister, sir Galbrath mutters in shock "Holy fucking shit".
The massive hall that's the chamber where the king's court is held, bursts into noise and chatter. As those who have gathered here for this afternoon session, realise that the most important and influential noble in the kingdom, who isn't part of the royal family.
Has admitted to being in league with the secretive dark druids who are in Druvic, particular in the east of the kingdom. Where in general, many still follow the old ways, the druidic ways.
Though even there in the east, the ways of the dark druids is seen as abhorrent. And one not to be worshiped.
"True" murmurs the sovereign with a shake of his head. Then king Anders the First who despises the very thought of dark druids, says to his lord high constable "Well since you've already admitted your guilt Twimen, you might as well tell me who else is involved in all this. And what you and they, along with these dark druids have been up to".
The lord high constable of Druvic against his wishes, finds himself speaking of his involvement with the cadre who wish to spread the ways of the dark druids throughout the kingdom.
He talks about who is in the cadre. And also what they've been up to in the kingdom of Druvic. As their activity has picked up since the end of the civil war. And since the dark druid Palvarc, who is now dead. Became the personal advisor to baron Raevar Harkonin, who is also dead.
Not that sir Twimen knows that as he speaks about the cadre and those in it, and what they've been up to in recent years.
The lord high constable who doesn't want to confess all to the king. Finds himself doing so because of the spell upon him. That's been cast by a blurred and shielded Helbe the elven thief. Who is standing on the left side of the massive hall. Near where the nobility and senior court officials are standing. Watching in silence, as everyone else in the chamber is once again doing. They're watching and listening to the lord high constable who is divulging all he has done, and what he knows of, concerning the cadre that wish to spread the ways of the dark druids back across the entire kingdom.
As he listens in silence to sir Twimen, king Anders the First glances at his cousin Lafielle. The army officer when he sees his younger cousin looking his way, nods his head yes to indicate that everything the lord high constable is saying, is true.
Well, I'm going to need a new lord high constable, the king of Druvic dryly thinks to himself as he listens to what's basically a confession from sir Twimen.
As he does, his cousin the prime minister steps away and has a quiet word with some of the kings guards.
They move off across the floor, out amongst those who have gathered for this afternoon's session of court. Until they get to a member of the constabulary. Who is standing completely still. As if he's unable to move.
And when the kings guards take hold of him. As he's one of those sir Twimen has just identified as being in the cadre involved with the dark druids. He's finally able to move and speak.
People turn and watch him as he loudly protests against his handling, as the kings guards haul him away and out of the massive hall where the court of the king is held.
"There's going to be a lot more of that in the coming days and weeks" the prime minister sir Galbrath quietly says to his second cousin the king "It has to be done" quietly says king Anders the First.
"What judgement will you pass on them?" quietly asks the prime minister, who then nods when the king gives him a look indicating precisely what he'll do to those who have conspired to spread the ways of the dark druids throughout Druvic.
As sir Twimen continues to confess his guilt. Those who have brought word of his conspiracy. Stand there in silence listening and watching him.
And though most of them are pretty indifferent to what the lord high constable is saying.
Not so sir Percavelle Lé Dic, who is both disgusted at what sir Twimen is divulging. But also pleased that he's doing so.
As the lord high constable of Druvic confesses, the look upon the face of the former earl of Lé Dic often changes between a scowl when sir Twimen speaks about what the dark druids have been doing of late.
To a grin, whenever the lord high constable gives up a name of another within his cadre who have been helping the dark druids.
And though the former paladin is conflicted at what he's hearing, he's also highly satisfied with what sir Twimen the lord high constable is divulging to everyone here at court . . . . . .

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