Thursday 16 August 2018

The Homecoming 160.

The King's Domain...

"Here now" says one of the king's guard at the open gates, he continues with "What are you doing there?".
While one of the guards behind him murmurs "What is it?" followed by "That's not a troll is it?". "I don't think so" is the reply of one of the other guards on duty at this particular gate, along an avenue on the east side of the king's domain.
"You can't just stop here" says the first guard, who can't actually believe what he's seeing, and he yells "You can't do that!".
The guards at the gate get a clear view of Dorc da Orc squatting just a few yards infront of them, with his back to them, as he pulls down his pants and proceeds to take a crap.
At first the shit that comes out fairly instantly, is solid. Though a couple of moments later, what comes out of the rather large rear end of the big, burly ork, definitely isn't solid.
The ork warleader who has a rather contempt looking smile upon his broad, green, feral looking face. Starts spraying greenish, brown looking watery shit in the direction of the king's guards on duty at this particular gate.
And though they all want to do something to curtail what's happening. The sheer horrific smell keeps them away. Infact it drives them all back into the nearby gatehouse.
"Go" orders lord Farque from across the avenue. They all make their way from around the large tree they've been standing behind.
With the exception of Mira Reinholt the mage, who says "Fuck that" as he has no intention of going by what Dorc da Orc has just done.
As the others rush across the avenue, the once powerful mage teleports across and avenue, and through the open gates in the tall, wrought iron fence, and into the king's domain.
The exiled Vexilian mage has been around the ork warleader long enough over the years they've known one another. That be doesn't want to be anywhere near where Dorkindle takes a crap.
"Move you fucking idiot" says the undead warlord as he runs by Dorc da Orc who is straining to shit more, as he's all but sprayed everything he's stored up since taking a crap in the morning, just after they arrived outside the city of Leeabra.
Darid Parsen screws up his face, and covers his mouth and nose with the traditional black cloth from the southern tundra he wears around his neck, as he goes by the ork warleader who is still squatting infront of the gates.
"Ugh!" says sir Percavelle Lé Dic who almost throws up in his full helm as he runs by the large ork, and the excrement splattered across the ground.
The former paladin is holding the arm of the knights general of the order of the knights of Saint Mar-che. Sir Dalacell, who goes pale, as he gags in disgust as he runs by the ork warleader who is still squatting there, grunting as he tries to shit some more.
The eyes of Tovis the war engineer go wide, as his sense of smell is assaulted by what Dorc da Orc has done, as he runs by the big, burly ork who hails from the southern polar region of the world.
The young engineer from the Harkonin fief in the east of the kingdom of Druvic has covered his nose and mouth with a corner of his cloak. As he's seen Lisell Maera and Tamric Drubine, who are infront of him, have done.
Even so, he still feels like he's going to throw up as the stench from the large ork's excrement wafts around the area, in and around these particular gates on this side of the king's domain.
"Hurry friend Dorc" quickly says Shur Kee the monk who is the last to hurry by the ork weaponsmith. The acolyte in the order of Saint Mar-che is made of stern stuff, and he barely flinches as he's hit by the smell of Dorkindle's runny shit, as he goes by the warleader of the ork race, then through the open gates into the king's domain.
"Get some" says Dorc da Orc with a chuckle as he stands up, turns around, and makes his way through the open gates in the tall, wrought iron fence that runs along much of this side of the first, or king's domain of the city.
The large ork only pulls up his pants as he walks quickly by the nearby gatehouse, just behind and to one side of the open gates.
Two of the king's guards at the open door of the gatehouse, back away, and head further inside. When the son of the former matriarch of the wolf tribe, hurries close by, pulling his grubby, knee length pants up over his shitty ass.
The ork warleader grins at them as he hurries by the open door of the gatehouse that they're in.
Dorkindle, which is his given name. Well part of it at least. As the rest of it is far too difficult to pronounce. And the fact that it keeps changing depending on how Dorc da Orc feels.
As he like all orks, adds onto and changes his full name, depending what they've done, or how they feel, or anything else that takes their fancy.
Hurries to catch up to the others, who are making their way along a wide street like path that goes through this part of the king's domain.
Here in this part of the eastern side of the first domain of the city of Leeabra. There's parks and gardens more than buildings.
And the path goes through the park like surrounds, as it heads deeper into the king's domain.
As the large ork catches up to the others, he looks back. And sees, that it's only now, the king's guards who he sent scrambling as he took a dump. Are finally making their way out of the gatehouse.
As to ether side of the gates, and in the avenue outside them. It's completely empty, as people have fled the pile, well puddle really. Of ork excrement that's splattered across the ground infront of the open gates.
The big, burly ork from the bottom of the world, chuckles as he sees how many people he has sent running due to the crap he just took.
Further in the king's domain of the city, making his way through one of the many palaces. Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy, who is wearing a cloak provided by Helbe the elven thief. That makes him appear to be a visiting elven noble.
Nods his head as he listens to one of the functionaries of the king's court, who thinks the spy Tanith is visiting from the elven principality of Envadarlen, to talk trade between the kingdom of Druvic, and the principality, that the elven spy has only ever visited a couple of times.
The two of them are followed by a small group of members of the court. All minor officials, no one of importance from what Dalinvardél Tanith can work out. Behind them are a couple of domain guards, who look rather bored as they follow behind the group making their way through one of the many palaces within the king's domain.
Dalinvardél Tanith or Dalin as he's more commonly referred to by the others in the group, looks away to his right as they make their way out a pair of large doors in the side of the palace, he's basically just been given a tour of.
As the court functionary, who is a member of the nobility, from the north of the kingdom. Continues to lavish compliments upon his esteemed noble guest from Envadarlen, as he hopes a trade deal can be done between their two nations.
Dalin who has spotted Narladene the ground pixie, slightly nods his head when she points to one of the other buildings nearby. Also a palace, as are all the buildings here in the middle of the king's domain.
The tiny winged creature has just pointed at the palace, where the king resides, and has his court. A palace that was badly damaged in the incident a decade ago that started the civil war, sometimes called the war of succession.
It was quickly restored after the war came to an end. With the new king, sparing no cost to have the best builders and masons in the kingdom to repair the main palace within the king's domain.
As they start making their way through an ornate garden alongside the palace he's just had a tour through, Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy interrupts his guide, and says "I do believe that over there is the actual court of the king".
The spy Tanith who has just pointed at the main palace in king's domain, which had one end of it badly damaged by an explosion caused when Mira Reinholt the mage attacked and killed the conjurer Milo Baines during the incident that caused the war of succession.
"I've heard much about it" adds the elf who is really from the elven principality of Alínlae, and not from Envadarlen, he continues with "Even in Envadarlen the king's court in Leeabra is talked about".
Dalin plasters a smile upon his face as he says "It's one of the architecture wonders in the all the Southlands". Infact the elven spy thinks it looks rather plain and blocky. And that there's a couple of the other palaces within the king's domain that are far more aesthetically pleasing.
"I had so hoped to of seen it during my visit" says the elf who once served in one of the more prominent noble houses in his homeland of Alínlae.
"Why of course my lord" says the court functionary, who speaks in elven. Though rather badly in the opinion of the spy Tanith. Even Mira Reinholt the mage, who butchers the elven language with his horrendous pronunciation, does a better job speaking it than the court functionary who is Dalin's guide here in the king's domain.
"That would be much appreciated my lord" says Dalinvardél Tanith in the common language, as he hopes the court functionary will stick to speaking that instead of continuing to mangle the elven language.
It also helps that Dalin refers to him as my lord. When his guide is only the younger son of a vassal knight to an actual lord of one of the fiefs in the north of the kingdom.
The spy Tanith is out of luck when it comes to the court functionary continuing in common, as he sticks to speaking in elven.
Dalinvardél Tanith refrains from wincing as he listens to his guide as they make their way towards the main palace that holds the king's court. Followed by the small group of court officials, and two of the domain guards. Who though are pleased to be doing something a little bit different out of their normal routine, it's still boring. As they can't understand much of what's being said between the court functionary and the elf they think is visiting from the principality of Envadarlen.
Narladene the ground pixie comes up through the floor of the main palace in the king's domain. The naturally magical creature finds that she's in one of the chambers off to one side of central chamber where the court of the king of Druvic is held.
She wings her way through a wall, and makes her way down a hallway. Like pretty much every other hallway in this, and the other palaces in the king's domain. Is large and long, with vaulted ceilings. With this one having ornate looking pillars running down either side of it.
The ground pixie who senses a half a dozen spellcasters in this palace alone, heads towards one of them.
She flies up through the ceiling of the hallway, and makes her way up to the second floor of the palace that's also the king of Druvic's actual home.
Narladene who was living here in the city of Leeabra over a decade ago. In one of the older, more overgrown parks in the third domain in the west of the city. When she first met Helbe the elven thief and others in the group at the time, and decided to attached herself to the elven princeling.
Passes through a door in the room she's come up into, and makes her way along a corridor to a balcony, that overlooks a wide, curved staircase that comes up from the ground floor of the palace she's in.
She lands upon the right shoulder of the blurred and shielded elven magic user she's attached to.
"Dalin is making his way to this palace" quietly says Narladene the ground pixie, who is speaking elven, she continues with "The others have entered the domain and are heading this way too".
The tiny winged creature pauses for a moment, then she asks the young elven noble from the island principality of Laerel "Is he one of them?".
"He is" is the quiet reply of Helbe the elven thief who is watching a group of people making their way down the wide, sweeping, curved staircase that the balcony they're on, overlooks.
"The pair following the two infront, the one on the left with the gold thread running through his green cloak" quietly says the prince Helbenthril Raendril.
The ground pixie from the Sunreach Mountains nods her tiny head as she looks at the man that the elven masterthief has indicated.
Narladene lifts an arched eyebrow when the elven master assassin tells her "They're off to see the king".
"How appropriate for us" murmurs the naturally magical creature "Indeed" quietly says the highly talented elven magic user as they watch sir Twimen, the lord high constable of the kingdom of Druvic head down the stairs as he and those with him, make their way to meet the king . . . . . .

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