Sunday 19 August 2018

The Homecoming 161.

The Halls Of Power...

"If you think it's appropriate, then that's what we shall do" says sir Twimen the lord high constable of the kingdom of Druvic to one of the adjunctants who works for him.
The man nods and says "Very well, we shall do it my lord" who then nods to the most important noble in the kingdom who isn't part of the royal family.
Before he heads back down the hallway, the lord high constable and those with him, have made their way through.
Sir Twimen nods to the pair of king's guards at the open doorway he and the others with him, briefly stop infront of.
The lord high constable of the kingdom goes through the doors, and enters the large hall, which is the court chambers of the king of Druvic.
Sir Twimen glances at those with him, and slightly nods. They spread out amongst those who have gathered here in the court of the king of Druvic.
And though only a couple of them are in the secret cadre that the lord high is a part of. Where they hope to spread the old ways, in particular the ways of the dark druid.
All of those sir Twimen has brought with him to court this afternoon. Either from the law courts, or from his personal fleet within the kingdom's aircorp. Are fiercely loyal to him.
Within the king's court, the lord high constable catches the eye of the admiral of the fleet. And though sir Twimen nods to the commanding officer of the Druvician aircorp.
Who frowns as he looks back at sir Twimen, before nodding in return.
The lord high constable might not particularly care for the admiral of the fleet. A feeling that's mutual from the senior officer in the kingdom's aircorp.
As he knows the aircorp's admiral. Would be fit to burst if he ever discovered sir Twimen was a believer, not just in the old ways, but in the ways of the dark druids.
Be that as it may, the aircorp admiral and the lord high constable are on the same book when it comes to other matters that the kingdom has to deal with.
Sir Twimen looks around the massive chamber to see who else is here in attendance for this afternoon's session.
There's various nobles from throughout the kingdom, though predominantly those who stay here in the capital of Leeabra, more than they do their own fiefs.
There's a few members of the magic guilds based here in the capital city. And though the lord high constable doesn't particularly care for their influence. He can appreciate their dedication to the throne and the kingdom. As many of their members are part of the royal army, the kingdom's aircorp, the city guards, and sir Twimen's own constabulary.
He sees religious leaders and representatives from the philosophical orders. All of whom sir Twimen definitely doesn't care for.
As he's at odds with their beliefs, and if they knew his, they'd be appalled.
For though belief in the old ways is tolerated. Not so if you believe in the ways of the dark druids.
The lord high constable spots various members of the rich and wealthy from amongst the merchants and traders of the city and kingdom. Those that many of the nobility forget are the source of most of the kingdom's revenue.
But not sir Twimen, for that reason he's forged close ties with many of them. A few of whom, from the east of the kingdom of course. Are believers in the old ways. He has yet to confirm if any of them follow the ways of the dark druids yet.
The lord high constable sees the various others from within the kingdom's society, who are here in attendance at court this afternoon.
The last of the week as it's fifth day. For the end of the week, sixth and seventh day. The king, like his predecessors, doesn't hold court.
Sir Twimen spots the common folk who have been admitted. Most in the spectators galleries. But some on the floor, who hope to be heard.
The lord high constable slightly frowns, as the king, who if he attends this afternoon. Often listens to the supplicants amongst the common folk, much to the annoyance of the nobleman who is originally from the east of the kingdom, from the Harkonin fief. Where his father was a vassal knight, before moving to the capital to join the royal army when Twimen was very young.
The lord high constable, actually hopes the king isn't in attendance. For if he isn't, the prime minister, doesn't care to listen to the common folk, unless it's of a matter that's of importance.
Sir Twimen sees the usual from the various embassies of other nations. The lord high constable doesn't show it as he nods in greeting to some of them. But he thoroughly despises the foreign dignitaries.
And wishes that the king's court wasn't open to them. Even the previous king, Newkym the second, the current king's uncle. Allowed the foreigners at court. Much to the annoyance of sir Twimen back then, when he was an adjunctant to the lord high constable at the time.
Then the nobleman from the Harkonin fief, which he hasn't lived in since he was a child. Spots those at court, who are of the greatest annoyance to him. Members of various knightly orders.
Who as ever, are a law onto themselves. Some are from the nobility of the kingdom. Or are nobles from other nations.
Others aren't of noble birth in some of the orders. But they're in just as important roles within their various orders as those who are nobleborn.
And though many of them are at odds with one another. Infact some of the representatives of the knightly orders are fierce rivals who find themselves on opposite sides of the battlefield throughout the Southlands.
But lord Twimen sees even them standing together, chatting and joking with one another.
If the lord high constable had his way, he'd not just ban them from court. He'd ban them from being based here in the city of Leeabra.
But he knows that will be an impossibility, as they have far too much power and influence, not to mention wealth.
Sir Twimen sees that amongst them, some are absent this afternoon. Including sir Dalacell, the knight's general of the order of Saint Mar-che. The largest of the knightly orders based here in the capital of the kingdom of Leeabra.
The lord high constable sourly smiles, as he allowed a member of the order of the knights of Saint Mar-che to go with three of his ships within his personal fleet in the kingdom's aircorp.
That flew to the east of the kingdom, to check on the growing tension between the Harkonin and Lé Dic fiefs. Well that was what he told the public, but in reality, they were to assist the Harkonin fief in the invasion of the Lé Dic fief, and taking castle Lé Dic.
Sir Twimen is on friendly terms with the knights general of the order of Saint Mar-che. Even though he despises sir Dalacell's influence here at court like the leaders of the various other knightly orders.
And that's the only reason he allowed one of the senior members of the knights of Saint Mar-che to fly eastwards with the trio of warships he sent there.
For they want to see the end of sir Percavelle Lé Dic, a former earl of Lé Dic, who is a member of their order, who apparently did something that the knights general and the higher ups in the order of Saint Mar-che aren't happy with.
Sir Twimen knows that having one of them go out east, and view what's happening there. Then wiping out the Lé Dic army, and taking castle Lé Dic by baron Harkonin would have some legitimacy in the eyes of those at court. And it's not just the lord high constable sending some of his own fleet to help out the army of the fief of his birth, wipe out their neighbours.
The lord high constable glances at one of his adjunctants who has just made his way back to him from the far side of the chamber, where he's spoken to some of the king's guards, one of whom is a boyhood friend. The adjunctant quietly says to the most important nobleman in the kingdom outside of the members of the royal family "The king will be attendance this afternoon".
"Very well" quietly says sir Twimen, who then tells the adjunctant "Have the others stay where they are, but send Karol over here".
The adjunctant nods, then heads off, making his way to where another of those the lord high constable brought with him from the law courts this afternoon.
As he waits for Karol to make his way to him, sir Twimen spots members of the royal family have made their way into the massive chamber here in the main palace in the center of the king's domain, where the sovereign of Druvic holds court.
The lord high constable glances away to his right, where in the public galleries he sees one of the court functionaries, a glorified tour guide in the opinion of sir Twimen. Escorting an elf to one of the more comfortable seats in that particular gallery.
Sir Twimen guesses the elf is an important visitor from somewhere else in the Southlands, if the way the functionary is being deferential to him is anything to go by.
The lord high constable of the kingdom then looks ahead, and spots Karol walking this way. Though the man who has been in the kingdom's constabulary as long as sir Twimen himself, just over twenty years.
Karol who is officially an adjunctant, is actually far from it. He's the lord high constable's hatchet man. His problem solver. His killer and assassin when the lord high constable is unable to eliminate those he disagrees with in a lawful manner. He also happens to be from the east of the kingdom like lord Twimen, and like the lord high constable, he believes in the ways of the dark druids.
Karol, a short man with a greying beard, stops beside sir Twimen, and lifts a questioning eyebrow.
"The king will make an appearance at court soon" quietly says the lord high constable, who for the most part agrees with what the king has done since taking the throne after the civil war ended.
Though the king's dislike of the old ways, and the dark druids is something sir Twimen has to be delicate in how he deals with.
For though the lord high constable is powerful for one who is not of royal blood. The king has absolutely authority here in Druvic. Not to mention he's extremely popular. Not just here at court, but also amongst the populace throughout the kingdom. Though that doesn't particularly guarantee anything. As the king's uncle, the previous king, was popular too. That still didn't stop the civil war from breaking out after the incident here in Leeabra at the end of the winter a decade ago.
"Great" sourly says Karol, who continues with "We'll be here all afternoon if the supplicants amongst the commoners get a chance to speak".
The lord high constable nods his head in agreement with his hatchet man, then quietly tells him "We'll just have to endure then" sir Twimen then adds "We'll get back to things once court has finished for the session".
Karol slightly nods, as he knows what the lord high constable is referring to. And isn't just serving out justice here in the capital of Leeabra, and elsewhere in the kingdom.
It's to spread the word and ways of the dark druids throughout Druvic. And helping the dark druids come up in prominence again after long centuries where they were shunned and vilified throughout the kingdom.
Sir Twimen along with Karol and a few others the lord high constable has brought with him from the law courts, which is housed in another of the palaces here in king's domain.
Have moved up along the left side of the massive hall where the court of the king is held. Here on this side, they stand with other important court officials and nobles who for the most part, live and work in the king's domain.
One of the other adjunctants to sir Twimen quietly says to him "The prime minister has just entered".
The lord high constable who was looking directly across from him, at some of the members of the various knightly orders standing on the otherside of the massive chamber.
Looks towards the front of the hall, towards the throne, and sees the prime minister, a second cousin of the king. Making his way up onto the raised part of the floor where the throne is situated.
Those gathered here in the king's court fall silent as they wait. And when they see the prime minister stand to the right of the throne, indicating that the king will be in attendance soon. The chat within the hall resumes, more excitedly amongst many now that the king himself will be at this afternoon's session of court.
Sir Twimen glances at Karol and is about to tell quietly him that the latest shipment of sacrifices for the dark druids. Children from the far west and north of the kingdom, had yet to show up in the capital, as their airship was expected at least a couple of days ago here in Leeabra.
When he notices that his hatchet man is frowning as he looks to the rear of the massive hall, where most of the doors for entry into the court chamber is located.
"What is it?" quietly asks the lord high constable of the kingdom "The knights general of the order of Saint Mar-che has just come in" is the reply of Karol. "And?" asks sir Twimen as he turns to look to the back of the massive hall.
"Calrik is with him" quietly says Karol "Who?" asks the lord high constable as he stands on tippy toes, to see what Karol, who though short, is extremely sharp eyed, has seen.
"He's an officer on the cruiser Maverick, one of this ship's you sent east the other day" quietly says the hatchet man of the lord high constable, he continues with "He's one of the wizards in the crew".
Karol pauses, then murmurs in disbelief "By the old ways" followed by "That's sir".
"Percavelle Lé Dic" murmurs sir Twimen in shock as he finally spots who his hatchet man has seen at the back of the massive chamber that holds the king's court.
It's sir Dalacell the knights general of the order of Saint Mar-che alright. And with him is the famous sir Percavelle Lé Dic.
As well as an officer in the kingdom's aircorp. Who Karol has identified as being part of the crew of one of the two battlecruisers sir Twimen sent to help baron Harkonin defeat the Lé Dic army and take the massive castle that's the ancestral home of the Lé Dic army.
With them is the largest human knight the lord high constable has ever seen. Though sir Twimen has never seen a knight or paladin where such dark armour. As only avengers or rogue knights where such dark coloured plate armour.
Those four are accompanied by two others. Two young men. One in half plate armour, who the lord high constable figures is an apprentice knight. And another in leather armour, who is most likely a squire.
As many in the gathered crowd start murmuring as they realise that  the famous sir Percavelle Lé Dic is one of the newcomers to enter the massive hall.
Sir Twimen hurriedly whispers to Karol "Find out what the hell is going on here". Then the lord high constable winces, and quickly shakes his head no, when they hear a noblewoman infront of them quietly say "Look it's the king".
Karol slightly grimaces and stays put, as no one is allowed to move about when the king makes his way into massive hall where court is held, and takes his seat on the throne.
As the hall falls silent as the duke of Carville, the king of Druvic makes his way towards the throne, followed by two of his personal guards. Sir Twimen the lord high constable of the kingdom glances to the rear of the hall, where knights general Dalacell stands with sir Percavelle Lé Dic, and the wizard Calrik, who is in sir Twimen's personal fleet.
By the old ways, something seriously wrong must of happened, but what? the lord high constable thinks to himself in disbelief as he wonders what's going on . . . . . .

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