Monday 30 September 2019

A Grand Design 34.

Winter. The Capital City Oaklynn. The Kingdom Of Girdane.

The regent of Oaklynn, lord Sammis is in a meeting with members of court. When an officer in his army hurries into the meeting chamber. And makes his way to where the regent is sitting at the table.
The officer briefly whispers something to the regent of the capital city. Who after a slight pause, nods his head yes.
"Members of court" says lord Sammis the regent of Oaklynn when there's a pause in the conversation.
"If you will excuse me, there's something i have to attend to" adds the nobleman who is effectively the acting sovereign of the kingdom of Girdane.
The regent gets up, and says to the members of court here in the chamber "Carry on, i shall return as soon as i can".
Lord Sammis then follows his officer out of the chamber, while inside, the meeting amongst members of the court continues.
"Where?" asks the regent of Oaklynn as he and the officer in his army hurry down a hallway. The officer tells him where, then he says "They came right here".
Regent Sammis slightly grimaces at that, then quietly tells the officer "I hope we don't have to send more of our army out west".
The officer nods in agreement. But from the sudden appearance of those who have just returned to the palace. He thinks more of their army heading out west might be a distinct possibility.
They make their way to an antechamber near the back of the palace. A smaller chamber guarded by the regent's soldiers, and not the palace guards who can be found throughout the palace. Whose morale is low ever since the king, and others in the royal quarters were murdered.
Lord Sammis enters the antechamber, where he finds captain Kilmane pacing back and forth. While Sarmac the keeper stands at the window looking outside. And a tired and unkempt Haric the wizard sits at the table, breathing heavily with his head in his hands.
With the officer who brought the regent here, closing the door, and remaining outside.
Lord Sammis who wants to know why they've returned unexpectedly, looks at the captain, the officer in his army he trusts the most, and asks him "What's happened?".
"Just about everything" dryly says captain Kilmane who stops his pacing to look at the nobleman who is the regent of the capital city of Oaklynn.
"That's what's happened" adds the captain in the regent's army.
Regent Sammis slightly nods and doesn't say anything. He lets the captain take his time, as he knows Kilmane will divulge why he, along with Sarmac and Haric have returned to Oaklynn, when they should be still out in the west of the kingdom.
Captain Kilmane walks over to the table where the wizard Haric is sitting. The officer in the army of the regent leans against the table, and takes a deep sigh like breath.
"Where to begin?" muses captain Kilmane who then looks at the tired looking wizard in the rumpled, ruby coloured robes. Then over at the keeper Sarmac who is still looking out the window. Seemingly not paying attention to the other three in the antechamber.
"Well for starters" says the captain as he looks back at the regent who is standing in the middle of the antechamber.
"The kingdom's army has been defeated in battle against the rebels" adds the captain in the regent's army.
There's a few moments of silence as a shocked looking lord Sammis takes this in, then the regent of the capital city of Oaklynn says "What?".
Captain Kilmane nods, then says "Absolutely routed from what we could see" as the stunned looking regent looks at him, the captain adds "They're fleeing back east, with the enemy in pursuit of them".
The regent of Oaklynn is silent for a moment or two as he takes this in, then he says "How the hell was this able to happen?" he continues with "Even without our army joining them, they still outnumbered those western rebels".
Kilmane slightly shrugs, then says "From what we could find out, the general and most of his senior staff were killed either just before the battle started, or when it got underway" the captain follows that with "Either way, the army was leaderless, and they were trounced and on the retreat in just an afternoon".
"Fucking hell" mutters the regent of Oaklynn, as this defeat of the kingdom's army has, to say the least, put his plans back.
Captain Kilmane then goes onto explain "We got the waagen and went to attack the rebels, but we didn't know they were spread out all through Isanor. We came across a bunch of their supply wagons by accident" he continues with "We attacked them, then took off fairly quickly when a mounted patrol of their's found us".
The captain in the regent's army shakes his head, then says "We came back a little to the east, and attacked some more of them" he then adds "Once again another mounted company of their's found us, and almost got us before we were able to get away again through one of Haric's rifts".
The captain momentarily pauses, before he tells regent Sammis "We left the remaining waagen out west in Isanor, and told them to attack the rebels whenever they could".
"At least that's something" quietly says lord Sammis, the captain, wizard, and the keeper at the window, all nod in agreement with their lord.
Then captain Kilmane says "We headed back east into Wostin, and that's when we found the next thing".
"Oh?" says the regent of Oaklynn, the captain in his army nods, then he slightly winces because he doesn't want to say it, but he continues on with "One of our battalions we sent out west was wiped out" he quickly follows that with "And another one is missing".
The regent's jaw drops down in surprise as he looks at his captain, then the wizard, and the keeper. He looks back at captain Kilmane, who then says "We found the third battalion, the one commander Kaim went out with, they're in Summerton". A town in the duchy of Fandell.
"We told him what happened, and he's going to remain in the duchy of Fandell for now" says the captain in the regent's army.
Lord Sammis who was in shock about hearing the defeat of the kingdom's army. Is absolutely bewildered about what's happened to two of three battalions in his own army he's sent out west to help fight alongside the kingdom's army against the rebels of the duchies of Dalmar, Girnath and Falosen.
"How the hell has this happened?" asks the regent of Oaklynn who doesn't know who to look at as he tries to comprehend what's happened.
"Their army is smaller than the kingdom's one, more so if you add ours" says lord Sammis who follows that with "And they're less experienced than both ours and the kingdom's".
Captain Kilmane nods in agreement with the regent of Oaklynn, then says "You're right my lord" he continues on with "But I'm guessing that mercenary army they've hired know what the hell to do" followed by "And that they're definitely experienced".
The nobleman who as the last living member of the extended royal family, is essentially the defacto sovereign, grunts at that assessment from his army captain.
Then he does so again, when Kilmane tells him "It was only the mercenary companies in the kingdom's army that withstood the enemy and put up a fight against the rebels" the captain in the regent's army then adds "If it wasn't for them i suspect that army would've basically been wiped out in that battle".
Lord Sammis sighs, and looks over at the keeper Sarmac and can now understand why he's standing there, staring out the window.
The regent makes his way to the table, and pours himself a goblet of wine from one of the bottles on it.
He looks at the wizard Haric, who still has his head in his hands, looking down at the table as he sits there, breathing slowly and heavily.
"Will he be alright?" asks lord Sammis who nods at the wizard, who is slightly trembling.
"He should be fine with some rest" says captain Kilmane, who continues with "He exhausted himself magically, i guess that takes a lot out of a spellcaster".
The captain may not particular like the overweight and unkempt wizard. But he has to hand it to Haric, who got them out of a few dangerous situations while they were out in the west of the kingdom.
For if it wasn't for the wizard in the regent's army, they would've of got back to Oaklynn, or got out of those situations alive.
After gulping down the rest of the wine in the goblet, the regent of Oaklynn quietly says "What the hell can we do?" he pauses for a few moments then he adds "Send the rest of our army out west to fight the rebels?".
The other three are silent for a few moments, then Sarmac the keeper turns from the window he's been looking out of, and says "Maybe".
The gamekeeper who previously served on the lands of the family of his lord, then looks at captain Kilmane as he adds "The captain has got a few thoughts on the matter".
Kilmane nods, and after pouring himself a goblet of wine, and another which he places infront of Haric, and says to the wizard "Drink" followed by "It'll help".
He looks at the regent of the capital city Oaklynn, and tells him "We could do that" he briefly pauses, before continuing on with "But what we really need is for the eastern dukes, and those in the central region to get involved".
The captain in the regent's army then says "The duke of Poldis just let the rebels pass through his duchy".
"Western sympathiser" mutters lord Sammis in disgust.
"And the duke of Isanor wisely got his forces out of the way of things" says captain Kilmane who then adds "He would of been crushed between those two armies".
The regent of Oaklynn grunts and concedes that point from the captain, who then says "But we caught sight of some of the duke of Wostin's men" he follows that with "They looked ready to fight, but they won't because they'll be badly outnumbered once the kingdom's force retreat back through there, and into Fandell".
The captain in the regent's army says "If the eastern dukes were to combine with those in the center of the kingdom like the dukes of Wostin and Fandell. I'm sure the western rebels won't be able to get to the eastern duchies, and that we'll be able to defeat them".
Lord Sammis nods to that, then he says "You know what that'll mean don't you?" the nobleman who has devised a plan that's taken him years to bring about, which will see him on the throne, adds "It will be a full on civil war we've got on our hands".
"That's what you've got anyway" says a tired sounding Haric the wizard as he speaks up for the first time "Might as well make it official" adds the spellcaster, who with trembling hands, picks up the goblet of wine captain Kilmane put infront of him. And surprisingly without spilling a drop, the rumpled looking wizard in the ruby coloured robes drinks from it.
"If we don't" says captain Kilmane, who looks at his lord, and tells him "You can kiss goodbye to those years of plans of yours" followed by "And any chance of seeing yourself on the throne as king".
From anyone else, lord Sammis would take umbrage at someone speaking to him like that. But since it's from his most trusted officer in his army. He's not upset at all. Infact, he can see the truth in what his captain just said.
"Yes" says the regent of Oaklynn, who then adds "We have to get the eastern and central duchies involved" he follows that with "A few of the dukes here in the east want to get involved anyway" lord Sammis continues with "With this defeat of the kingdom's army, I'm guessing they'll want to be involved even more so".
Captain Kilmane nods, then says "The sooner the better, if we want to stop the rebels somewhere in the center of the kingdom" he continues with "They'll soon know about the defeat, there's no way we could keep that secret" followed by "Someone will arrive in the capital in the next day or two with information about what's happened out west".
"They're all here at court, i was meeting with some of them when i got the message that you were here" says the regent of the capital city of the kingdom of Girdane, who continues on with "It shouldn't be too difficult to persuade them into fighting against the western rebels".
They quickly go over what they can do, then lord Sammis asks the officer in his army he trusts the most "Those waagen won't prove to be loose ends will they?".
Captain Kilmane shakes his head no, then says "I'm guessing they'll eventually all be killed as they continue to randomly attack the rebels".
"They didn't ask about the ones we brought here to the capital did they?" asks the regent of Oaklynn.
Once again the captain shakes his head no, then he says "It's why we had them in separate groups" he follows that with "So they didn't know what the other groups were up to".
Next to the window, the keeper Sarmac nods, as he devised that. So the groups of waagen didn't interact or work together. As they've created havoc whenever they've gone across the west of the kingdom.
"Good" murmurs lord Sammis who doesn't want anything to come back to him in relation to the death of his cousin, king Jarnard the Second of his name, and others here in the palace.
The regent of Oaklynn then tells the trio who have unexpectedly returned to the capital "I need to gather the other dukes here at court" followed by "And get them to agree to fight those rebels from out west".
Captain Kilmane nods to that, then he says "Even if they don't all agree, there should still be plenty enough to join the survivors from the kingdom's army, and defeat the western rebels". Lord Sammis grunts in agreement, then says "I'll be off to do that". Then looking at three who are part of his army, he asks them "What will you lot do?".
"Get some sleep for the rest of the day" replies captain Kilmane, who like Sarmac and Haric, hasn't had any rest over the last couple of the days, as they've constantly been on the go.
"We'll be up to whatever you want us to do tomorrow morning" adds the captain in the regent's army, both the keeper and the wizard nod in agreement with him.
"Very well" says the regent of Oaklynn, who heads to the door, and before he opens it, looks back at the trio who went out west, and says to them "I'll see you in the morning".
Lord Sammis exits the antechamber, and with the officer who brought him the message that Kilmane, Sarmac and Haric had returned.
They head back to the meeting chamber here in the palace, where members of the court are.
As they do, the regent of Oaklynn tells the officer to send out messengers to those dukes in the city, and not in the palace to attend court.
And to send out riders to all the duchies here in the east of the kingdom, and to the duchies in the center of Girdane. And have those dukes not already in Oaklynn, to quickly come to the capital.
The kingdom's army might of been defeated. And one of his battalions in his own army has been wiped out, and another one is missing.
But that's not going to stop lord Sammis continuing on with his plans that he's worked on for years, that will see him take the throne, and be the king of Girdane.
No one is going to stop me, the regent of Oaklynn thinks to himself as he makes his way through the hallways here in the palace of the king.
I will be the king of Girdane, and that's that, silently adds lord Sammis, who after he's finished with things here in the palace later today, or this evening.
Intends to return to his mansion further down the long street here in the center of Oaklynn.
There he intends to take his wife, the lady Mera by force again. For she never willing comes to there bed these days.
The regent of Oaklynn hopes to get her pregnant, so in the future he can have a son that will follow him onto the throne, and be the king.
Even with the recent setbacks, lord Sammis can't help but slightly smile as he makes his way through the palace, that he hopes in the near future, will be his, when he's the king of Girdane . . . . . .

Sunday 29 September 2019

A Grand Design 33.

Winter. Western Girdane.

The bulk of the kingdom's army broke fairly quickly, what with them having no commander and senior officers to lead them, it was bound to happen.
Even so, the battle wasn't easy, nor is it over. As over the last day and a half they've pursued the retreating army across most of the duchy of Isanor.
With the kingdom's forces, in particular the mercenary companies they've hired. Putting up a stout rear guard action as they've fled back eastwards.
Tamric Drubine the field commander has had to be more conservative than he would like to be.
As he can't risk stretching out their own lines as they chase after the fleeing enemy.
Not to mention their supply lines, which are stretchered all the way back through the duchy of Poldis, and into the duchy of Dalmar.
And the further east they go through the duchy of Isanor, the less they're able to protect their own supply lines.
Though in one definite advantage of defeating the kingdom's army in battle in just one afternoon.
Is that the crown's army left a lot of their own supplies behind as they quickly retreated. Which was taken by the rebel army from the three most western duchies in the kingdom of Girdane.
The young field commander in the armies of Farque who is in charge of the campaign for the dukes of Dalmar, Girnath and Falosen, in their rebellion against the crown.
Who has had to temper down the expectations of dukes Hilloc, Korros and Lombasil. Is proven right to not advance too quickly in the pursuit of the fleeing enemy.
As reports start coming in of an attack upon their own forces to the rear.
On part of the supply line. Where wagons in the duchy of Girnath's army were attacked first thing this morning.
Attacked by waagen, who had not been seen or heard of in a number of days.
They killed about fifty wagon drivers, carters and auxiliaries, and an equal amount of horses in the army of duke Korros a good twenty miles behind the bulk of the rebel army.
Destroying at least twenty five wagons in the process.
They would of done more destruction if it wasn't for the roaming companies that field commander Drubine has going up and down the long line of supply. Who came upon the waagen, and attacked them.
And though in the past, the waagen would of probably fought who ever attacked them, no matter the numbers.
This time they fled, much to the surprise of the mounted company led by Farqian soldiers, and consisting of horse troopers from the three duchies of Falosen, Girnath and Dalmar.
They didn't flee all that far, they disappeared through a rift only having lost one of their number.
Unfortunately there was no spellcaster in the rebel army in the vicinity to sense which way that rift went.
But a pretty clued up Farqian subaltern in the mounted company. Who has been through many a rift, gateway, and portal in his time.
Saw the direction the waagen went through the rift, and that direction was east.
And spellcasters being spellcasters, and are often predictable at times. They tend to face their spells such as a rift, in the direction they're going.
It's truly a cunning practitioner of magic who will cast a rift, or similar spell. Facing one direction, and actually go in a completely different direction.
Such as if it's facing east, and entering it that way. But the otherside of it is to the north or south. Or even more cunning, west.
This was reported to the nobleborn teenager from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin who is now a field commander in the armies of Farque.
Who talks about it with Helbe the elven thief. And the two of them wonder about the sudden reemergence of the waagen after a period of no sightings from them.
And why they attacked the rebel army, and not the retreating kingdom's army this time.
They both take note of this. For if in the future, the waagen only attack the rebellious army from the three duchies in the very west of the kingdom. And not the crown's forces.
Then they know they've got a new problem with the waagen. As that will be a sign that they could very well be in cohoots with the kingdom's army.
But for now, the young field commander in the mercenary army from the lands Farque has got another problem.
And that's reigning in the very front ranks of his army as they give chase to the fleeing enemy.
Not the Farqian army itself. But those companies in the armies of the duchies of Dalmar, Girnath and Falosen who are amongst the front ranks.
Who always want to take off and pursue the enemy whenever they catch sight of them.
Not knowing that half the time this happens, it's a trap that the kingdom's army are trying to lure them into.
A frustrated duke Hilloc of Dalmar rides back in the company of some of his men, including his cousin sir Passic the swordmaster.
With them is a number of Farqian soldiers. Including a young woman, who appears to be a messenger of all things, who ordered the duke and those of his army at the front. Not to advance when they caught sight of a number of the enemy.
The nobleman who is effectively the leader of the rebellion against the crown of Girdane. Knew better than to argue with a lowly messenger.
He would've argued with the Farqian subaltern with them. But that officer agreed with the messenger. And a Farqian captain in charge near the front, an elf of all things. Ordered the duke and his men back to where field commander Drubine is.
The duke of Dalmar happily follows orders, after all he's not exactly experienced at warfare. And only his older cousin Passic amongst his men with him. Has been to war before. And not just the skirmishes they have with raiders from the unruled lands to the west. Who sometimes cross over the border into the kingdom of Girdane. Where they steal livestock and equipment from farms. Often killing those farmers in the very west of the duchy of Dalmar.
But duke Hilloc wouldn't mind having things explained to him a bit more. And not get ordered about by a young woman, who doesn't even have a rank from what he can tell.
As they ride back, the duke of Dalmar glances at his cousin Passic riding beside him. The swordmaster looks back, and shrugs.
His younger cousin the duke sourly smiles. As sir Passic thought that if they were ordered to stay put and not advance. Then there was a reason to do so. And therefore nothing to complain about.
The finest swordsman in the very west of the kingdom of Girdane. Has repeatedly told his cousin the duke that they'll get orders that they don't understand, and some they won't even agree with.
And also told him not to worry about it when that happens. As they only see what's around them. And not the larger picture of the battle overall.
Duke Hilloc of Dalmar slightly shakes his head, as he recalls his older cousin sir Passic the swordmaster telling him a number of times over the last day and half "We've defeated the crown's army in battle, now we're driving them back to the central duchies"  followed by "I think they know what they're doing".
Referring to the mercenary army from the lands Farque who the dukes of Dalmar, Girnath and Falosen have hired to take command of their campaign against the crown of Girdane.
The duke of Dalmar is silent the rest of the way back. And when they get back to what is effectively a staging point. The nobleman who is leading the revolt against the crown, dismounts and looks over at his cousin the swordmaster.
"Waiting for everyone to catch up by the looks of it" quietly says sir Passic the swordmaster after they hand their mounts over to some grooms.
The slightly older of the noblemen gestures all around as he adds "A lot of our forces must be stretched out as we chase them all over Isanor".
The duke of Dalmar nods, then orders his men to go and find something to eat.
Then he along with his cousin Passic, follow the subaltern and the messenger, heading to a nearby rise on this fine and clear, but cold winter's day.
Upon the rise are a number of people, the first of whom is a figure in dark armour who the duke of Dalmar recognises as the avenger sir Kamson.
Who the messenger speaks in elven to for a bit, followed by the subaltern. The avenger replies in kind, then the subaltern turns and slightly bows to duke Hilloc, before heading back down the rise.
"This way" says sir Kamson the avenger in the common language to the duke of Dalmar and his cousin the swordmaster.
Who follow behind the former member of the Knights of the Dark, who is the second in command to Tamric Drubine.
The avenger continues to quietly talk to the messenger in elven as they cross the top of the rise, which gives a pretty good, and unrestricted view to the east.
Up here on top of the rise, the duke of Dalmar finds duke Korros and one of his senior officers.
Duke Hilloc and his cousin the swordmaster join them, as the avenger sir Kamson and the messenger go and speak with field commander Drubine and some others.
"They pulled me back off the frontline" quietly says duke Korros of Girnath after he greets his fellow duke.
"Same" quietly says duke Hilloc of Dalmar, who nods his head, as his fellow co-conspirator in the rebellion against the crown continues with "I kept wanting to chase after them whenever i saw them".
The duke of Girnath in his heavy iron plate armour nods over to where the others are on top of the rise, and quietly adds "They weren't too pleased about that".
"Same with me" quietly says sir Hilloc of Dalmar, next to him, his cousin sir Passic the swordmaster nods to that.
Duke Korros of Girnath, the youngest of the three dukes who have rebelled against the crown grunts, then quietly says "The young field commander will probably give us a telling off".
The duke of Dalmar slightly grimaces at the prospect at that. Then he glances at his cousin the swordmaster, who just shrugs in a manner that duke Hilloc knows means "I told you so".
Then the four of them, the two dukes, the swordmaster and the officer look over at the others who are on top of the rise here in the east of the duchy of Isanor.
"They just get enthusiastic is all" says sir Kamson the avenger, who shrugs his heavily armoured shoulders and adds "It can't be helped".
Nodding in agreement with the avenger, the messenger Lisell Maera says "They follow orders even when they don't particularly like or understand them" the attractive young woman originally from the city-state of Brattonbury continues with "That's something i guess".
"I'll keep the two of them back anyway" says Tamric Drubine the field commander as they converse in the elven language.
The nobleborn teenager who hails from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin continues with "Duke Lombasil can stay towards the front for a while" he follows that with "The duke of Falosen seems to the one who is the less impulsive out of the three, and does what he's told without complaint".
The others all nod, then Lisell Maera or Lis as she's more commonly called by those who know her well, says "Have we heard anything from further east?" the messenger adds "From the central duchies?".
"Nothing so far" is the reply of the young field commander who was the former heir of a previous knight of castle Drubine, which is located in the forested north of the kingdom of Sarcrin.
"The regent's forces coming out this way might of run into the lord and those with him" continues Tamric Drubine or Tam as more often than not he's called by the others in the group.
The nobleborn teenager who is in charge of the bulk of the army from the very west of Girdane, where the duchies of Dalmar, Girnath and Falosen have rebelled against the crown, quietly adds "That would explain why this lot we defeated, haven't suddenly stopped, which they would have done if lord Farque and his force struck them from behind as we had planned".
They all nod to that, as things seem to of changed with what they planned. Though field commander Drubine can't deny the fact that they defeated the crown's forces in battle, a lot easier than he thought they would.
Now the nobleborn teenager who is waiting for their forces spread back across the duchy of Isanor to catch up. And for them to secure their supply lines further back to the west into the duchy of Poldis, then into Dalmar.
Quietly tells the others he's meeting with here upon a rise in eastern Isanor "We might be able to push them into Wostin fairly soon" he continues with "And though the terrain there is supposed to be fairly benign and flat, and they'll be able to move more quickly, so will we".
Nodding his head, sir Kamson the avenger says "The duchies in the center of the kingdom are small compared to the ones here in the west" followed by "We could be through them in a matter of days, and into the eastern duchies within a week".
"Once we're there in the east, particular the duchy of Marsin, it'll be over" states Tamric Drubine, the young field commander in the armies of Farque who continues with "They can't defend the capital Oaklynn, they'll have to try and make a stand somewhere further west" he then adds "When they do, the dukes will have their victory".
"Then what?" asks Lisell Maera who glances over to where the dukes of Dalmar and Girnath are standing, watching them.
"That's up to them to decide" says the nobleborn teenager from the kingdom of Sarcrin, who continues with "They've hired us for their campaign and nothing else" Tam then adds "What they do after we get them their victory, is entirely up to them".
The others nod, as they all wonder who'll be the new king of Girdane. If it'll be one of the three dukes who have rebelled against the crown. Or if it'll be someone else.
Whoever it will be, the dukes of Dalmar, Girnath and Falosen will have a large say in the matter, that's for sure.
"First thing first" says field commander Drubine, who then adds in a slightly dry tone of voice "We have to actually get them the victory".
Then the young field commander in the armies of Farque starts issuing some orders, and after his officers go off to carry out those orders, Tamric Drubine says "Might as well speak to them now" as he looks over to where the two dukes are standing on one side of the top of the rise.
The nobleborn teenager says to his second in command "Go and get them Kamson".
As the large, heavily armoured avenger does, Lisell Maera quietly asks Tam "Where's Helbe?".
"He's gone to check up on something" is the quiet reply from the young field commander.
The attractive young woman from the coastal city-state of Brattonbury, whose mother was a street prostitute and whose father, who she never met, was a sailor. Arches a questioning looking eyebrow as she looks at Tamric Drubine.
"I'll explain later" says field commander Drubine as the two dukes and those with them, follow sir Kamson across the top of the rise to where Lis and Tam are standing.
Then the nobleborn teenager whose father was a previous knight of castle Drubine, which is in the very north of the kingdom of Sarcrin, switches to the common language, and says "So good of you to join us" as the two dukes stop before him and the messenger.
"Now, there's something I'd like you and the companies you've got at the front to do" says Tamric Drubine after the dukes of Girnath and Dalmar greet him.
The young field commander in the Farqian mercenary army on this cold and sunny winter's day here in the west of the kingdom of Girdane, then explains to the dukes Hilloc and Korros, what he wants them to do . . . . . .

Thursday 26 September 2019

A Grand Design 32.

Winter. Central Girdane.

Dorc da Orc yawns after opening his eyes, then he rolls over and grunts as he sees where he is.
The large ork who is within some woods, spots some of the black clad soldiers in the Farqian army through the trees.
Then the ork warleader sourly smiles as he sees sir Percavelle Lé Dic walking this way through the early morning light.
"You're awake then beast" says sir Percavelle Lé Dic in a tone of disdain.
The nobleborn knight from the kingdom of Druvic who wouldn't normally speak to the big, burly ork from the southern polar region of the world, but he's been ordered to.
Tells the ork general "Move your overly large carcass, the lord wishes to speak with thee".
"The fuck you goin' on about cunt?" mutters Dorc da Orc in the ork language, as he struggles to understand the former earl of Lé Dic at the best of times, let alone the first thing in the morning, just after waking up.
The large ork then grunts as the myriad of voices in his head, predominantly the one that belongs to his mother.
Tells him that the heavily armoured knight is telling him that lord Farque wants to see him.
"Why you not fucken say that cunt" mutters Dorkindle as he gets up from where he slept, while the former paladin who is member of the order of the Knights of Saint Mar-che, frowns as the ork weaponsmith is still speaking in his native language. Which just about no one else understands.
"He's that" says the nobleman from the kingdom of Druvic, who sourly smiles and falls silent when the warleader of the ork race, interrupts him, by saying "Me know where the fuck he is" and in the common language too, so that the former knight of the first class understands him.
"Silly fucken knight cunt" loudly mutters Dorc da Orc, also in common so that the nobleborn knight understands him again.
Then the large ork, who is a general in the armies of Farque. Sets off, heading to where he can smell the cold scent of lord Farque, which is distinctive even on this cold winter's morning.
Though it's a morning that isn't particularly cold for the weaponsmith from the wolf tribe of orks. This morning feels like a midsummer's day in the southern polar region to the big, burly ork from the frozen bottom of the world.
Sir Percavelle Lé Dic or Percy as he's more commonly called by the others in the group, sets off as well. Heading to where lord Farque is too.
The former earl of Lé Dic, which is his family's fief in the east of the kingdom of Druvic. Keeps as much distance as possible between himself and the large ork.
To say the two of them don't get along is an understatement. The two of them, before the nobleborn knight joined the group. Spents years trying to kill one another in various conflicts and battles across the Southlands.
Now that they've been in the same group for the last few years. They've become bitter rivals, trying to one up one another, and outdo each other.
Also secretly trying to get the other one killed in the campaigns they've been a part of.
At the edge of the trees, lord Farque looks away to the left, to the east. To the road that's a couple hundred yards away in that direction.
The undead warlord who was hoping to head back west, and cross into the duchy of Isanor, to attack the bulk of the crown's forces from behind.
Has had to change tactics, now that the regent of Oaklynn's army has joined the crown's army, in their war against the rebellious duchies of Falosen, Girnath and Dalmar.
The undead warlord who is standing with the war engineer Tovis, and the sorcerer Larris, as well as a subcommander.
Senses both Dorc da Orc and sir Percavelle Lé Dic heading through the trees behind him, making their way to where he is.
As he does, the heavily armoured deathlord keeps looking to the east, as he knows a battalion in the army of the regent of Oaklynn is that way, heading west as they pass through the duchy of Wostin here in the central region of the kingdom.
The lord and ruler of the lands Farque has already sensed their fore riders early this morning, they're still about eight miles away. But they'll be here in short time, as the road is good, and the terrain here in the middle of the kingdom is fairly easy.
Glancing back behind them, and spotting both Dorc da Orc and sir Percavelle Lé Dic heading this way, Larris the engineer quietly says in the elven language "They're almost here my lord".
Lord Farque, or Draugadrottin as he's also known by, to the people of his lands, nods his full helmed head. And continues to wait in silence for the ork general and the former paladin.
Grunting as he stops beside the lord and ruler of the lands Farque, Dorkindle glances sideways and sees sir Percavelle Lé Dic stand on the otherside of the nearby subcommander. The furthest distance away from the ork warleader, whilst still being relatively close to the large, heavily armoured deathlord.
"What fucken happening?" asks the ork general "The enemy are approaching from the east" is the reply from lord Farque.
"Not north" mutters Dorkindle, who then grunts when the lord of the death realm tells him "A large battalion of the regent's army" and continues on with "Around a couple of thousand".
"We can fucken take 'em" states the big, burly ork who is from the southern polar region of the world.
"That's not the fucking point" says lord Farque in the ork language, which causes Dorc da Orc to grunt, then ask in the same language "Then fucken what?".
The undead being who is the lord and ruler of the lands Farque then explains to the ork general what they're going to do.
Causing a frown to appear on the wide, green, feral looking face of the weaponsmith from the wolf tribe of orks.
The warleader of the ork race then adds "Fucken all of 'em?".
Des'tier as he's known by to an older generation of elven kind, shakes his full helm head no, then says "We'll take some of them prisoners" followed by "Whoever is in command, and any fucking officer we can get out fucking hands on".
The ork general grunts in satisfaction when the undead warlord says "The rest of the cunts we kill".
Which is fine by Dorkindle, as he was going to suggest they do that anyway.
And they should be able to, since their force, which is about a third of the Farqian army that's taking part in this campaign between the rebellious dukes of Falosen, Girnath and Dalmar against the crown of Girdane.
Will easily outnumber and out match the battalion of the regent's army heading this way.
"I want you to lead part of the charge on them" says Draugadrottin, who then points to a part of the road, and explains to the large ork what he wants done.
The son of the former matriarch of the wolf tribe of orks immediately grasps the idea of what the lord and ruler of the lands Farque wants done.
For though Dorc da Orc like all orks, is more than a little bit crazy, infact he's a raging psychopath. But he's also has a knack for battle. And can see tactics clearly playing out in his mind. Which is usually a chaotic place, full of vile and disgusting thoughts. Plus has a myriad of voices, all clamoring for his attention.
"There, and fucken there" says the warleader of the ork race as he points to a couple of spots.
The lord and ruler of the lands Farque nods his full helmed head, then says "Preferably off the fucking road" who then mutters in a language Dorkindle, or anyone else for that matter, doesn't understand "If not, that'll be fucking annoying trying to bury them".
Then switching back to the ork language, the heavily armoured deathlord asks "You got that cunt?".
"Dorc fucken got it" says the large ork, who was exiled from his homeland the Ork Range, after he killed his mother, the former matriarch of the wolf tribe of orks.
Draugadrottin nods again, then switching to the elven language, he says to the subcommander "Have our scouts and rangers move in" followed by "Their fore riders will be here soon, i want them taken care of".
"Yes my lord" says the subcommander, who after bowing to his lord, turns and heads back into the trees.
Switching to the common language, lord Farque says "Percy, you'll go with the subcommander's company" followed by "You'll keep him out of trouble" the lord of the death realm then adds "You understand?".
"Of course good sir" says sir Percavelle Lé Dic who then adds "Keep the officer safe wot".
The lord and ruler of the lands Farque slightly nods, then says to Tovis the war engineer and Larris the sorcerer "You two are with me" followed by "One of you go and get Beldane, he's back with the healers".
The sorcerer bows to his lord, then turns and heads back into the woods to get the fighting cleric.
Draugadrottin looks at Dorc da Orc and tells him "The companies who will lead the charge with you have been picked, go back and wait with them".
The ork general grunts, then turns and heads back through the trees. He's followed a few moments later by his bitter rival, sir Percavelle Lé Dic. Who goes in search of the subcommander, who'll he'll be with in the upcoming attack upon the enemy.
With just Tovis the war engineer and lord Farque at the edge of the trees. Apart from a few of the scouts who are lookouts, a bit further away to either side of them.
The young engineer who is originally from the kingdom of Druvic, where he served in the army of a baron Harkonin. Glances up at the large, heavily armoured figure of the deathlord of Farque standing beside him.
"How many will stay here with you, while the rest go back west?" quietly asks Tovis the war engineer, who then adds "My lord".
"A small number" replies Des'tier, or The Destroyer as his elven name is translated to common.
The lord and ruler of the lands Farque who has every intention of sending his force back west to attack, and harass the crown's army from the rear.
It's just that he has to wait until later on today to do so. As first he needs another substantial sized force to stop the regent's army that's coming west from the capital Oaklynn.
And it's lucky the undead warlord has such a force. That being the first battalion of that very same army, which isn't all that faraway now.
It's one of the advantages of being the lord of the death realm. Any force he commands doesn't necessarily need to be alive. Being dead will do just as well.
"You lot might as well stay behind" says lord Farque meaning those members of the group who are with him at the moment. Namely, Dorc da Orc, sir Percavelle Lé Dic, Beldane the cleric, and Tovis himself.
"Maybe Larris as well" adds the undead warlord who continues with "Though our force will be down another spellcaster for a while, so i might send him along with them".
The young engineer originally from the kingdom of Druvic nods in understanding, then the two of them look to their left, as a company of the scouts and rangers make their way out from the trees.
The black clad soldiers cross the gentle terrain of the countryside, heading towards the road. Where a pair of their number already are. The two water elementals with this force from the Farqian army that's been hired by the dukes Hilloc, Korros and Lombasil in their rebellion against the crown of Girdane.
The lord and ruler of the lands Farque, and the war engineer are soon joined by Beldane the cleric and Larris the sorcerer.
They all step back behind the first of the trees when the heavily armoured deathlord tells them too.
Without looking back, Draugadrottin knows that Dorc da Orc and those he's with are in position. As are the subcommander, as well sir Percavelle Lé Dic and those who will attack with them.
For when the regent's battalion gets to just before the section of the road that lord Farque has decided to attack them.
The Farqian companies led by Dorc da Orc will make their way from the trees, and cross the fairly open ground to the road. Forcing the enemy to a stop, who'll have to turn and face the threat coming from the woods.
They wait in silence, until eventually lord Farque says to Beldane the cleric and Larris the sorcerer "Hold your power within yourselves" followed by "They've got a couple of spellcasters with them". The subaltern and the fighting cleric do as ordered.
And a short time later, the lord of the death realm says "Their fore riders are almost here".
It's a squad of six riders, and they're ambushed by the Farqian scouts who have hidden themselves near the road.
After they're taken care of, Tovis the war engineer slightly smiles as he sees their dead horses one at time, sliding along the ground, seemingly if by magic.
When infact, it's the water elementals who are moving them. Hiding them behind bushes and shrubs, so that they can't be seen from the road. As the bodies of the dead enemy are hidden too.
And in short time, all trace of the fore riders from the regent's army is gone. And the company of Farqian scouts and rangers head beyond the road, to the otherside, going south. Heading for more cover about fifty yards away. Where a row of trees has been planted on the edge of a farmer's field.
Once they're out of sight over there. They along with those in the woods to the north of the road, patiently wait for the battalion in the regent of Oaklynn's army heading this way to show up.
Eventually lord Farque turns, and looks to where Dorc da Orc is, and says "Move out".
The large ork grunts, then orders the companies who will be with him, and who'll initially attack the regent's forces, to advance.
They move quickly out of the trees, nearly a thousand of them. Just as the battalion in the regent of Oaklynn's army comes into view on the road.
The balance of the Farqian soldiers still in the woods, to be led by the subcommander. Will wait before the enemy engages those led by the ork general, before they advance.
Then as the enemy soldiers spot those approaching the road from the woods, and start shouting and pointing at those who are about to attack them.
Lord Farque has a slight smile on his face, that's definitely wry in nature. Then he slightly nods his full helmed head in satisfaction. When the enemy get a some order into their ranks. And they start to move off the road to confront those Farqian companies led by Dorc da Orc who are about to attack them.
Draugadrottin intends to raise every single enemy soldier they kill here, to attack the next of the regent of Oaklynn's battalion heading this way. While his force heads west into the duchy of Isanor to attack the bulk of the kingdom's army from the rear . . . . . .

Wednesday 25 September 2019

A Grand Design 31.

Winter. In The West Of The Kingdom Of Girdane.

It's early in the morning, on another cold winter's day here in the duchy of Isanor in western Girdane.
Duke Hilloc of Dalmar who has woken early, is standing upon a rise looking east, as the sun starts to come up over the horizon.
It snowed last night, not heavily. So that there's just a light dusting of it across the countryside. The duke of Dalmar guesses it will melt away sometime later today, especially if the wind picks up, as it often does here in the west of the kingdom.
The nobleman who is looking in the direction of the duchy of Wostin, the first of the central duchies in the kingdom, which is still out of sight at the moment.
Has been in a reflective mood ever since finding out that king Jarnard the Second is dead.
The duke, like his fellow dukes Korros and Lombasil, was in denial at first when they heard that the king of Girdane was dead.
But eventually he came to accept it, and that their rebellion against the crown had slightly changed for them.
For the man who raised their taxes in an unfair manner. Knowing that the three most western duchies of the kingdom couldn't afford them.
Is now dead, but things haven't changed. As the crown's army are still fighting them.
And now that there's reports that the regent of Oaklynn is sending at least half of his own army out west to fight against the trio of dukes who have rebelled against the crown.
And though the rebellion against the crown has changed slightly with the king's death. For duke Hilloc it has without doubt intensified.
For the man who is his brother inlaw, the man who married his younger sister Mera by force. Lord Sammis the regent of Oaklynn has now committed his forces to fight against the rebellious dukes.
When by the law of the kingdom, the regent of Oaklynn is not allowed to send his forces beyond the countryside surrounding the capital city. Basically they're not allowed outside of the duchy of Marsin unless the kingdom is invaded by another nation.
And for duke Hilloc who is fighting for the people of his duchy, and their survival against the disproportionate level of taxes imposed upon them.
It was always more than that for him. For him, the rebellion is also because of his younger sister. Who he doesn't know if he'll ever see again. But he'll do his best to get her away from the man who forced her into marriage.
And as he stands there upon the rise looking eastwards as the sun rises on another winter's day here in the west of Girdane.
The duke of Dalmar clenches and unclenches his fists as he thinks about what he'd do if ever gets his hands on lord Sammis, the regent of Oaklynn.
Lord Hilloc then turns, and looks back at the camp. And spots his cousin sir Passic walking between the tents, heading this way.
The swordmaster is yawning, and has a sour looking expression on his face. The duke of Dalmar grins when he sees this, as his cousin was never particularly fond of waking up early.
"Another fine day by the looks of it" quietly says duke Hilloc of Dalmar when his cousin Passic stops beside him.
The swordmaster, who is the older of the two cousins, grunts as he looks eastwards at the rising sun.
"Hopefully that is an omen for us, and that things will bode well for us" adds the duke of Dalmar, who is the one the other two dukes, look to for guidance and leadership.
After clearing his throat, sir Passic says "Let's hope alright" then the older of the two cousins dryly adds "Since winter is the best weather we get all year, apart from it being cold and windy most of the time, you'd think we'd have good omens coming out of our arses".
Lord Hilloc chuckles, then says "You really don't like waking up early do you?". His cousin the swordmaster just grunts in reply to that as the two of them look to the east, watching the sunrise.
Then after a few moments of silence, and after sir Passic lets out an almost sigh like breath, the older of the two cousins quietly says "At least things change today" he follows that with "So that is something good really".
The duke of Dalmar nods in agreement, for today things do change.
As so far in their rebellion against the crown. The armies of the duchies of Falosen, Girnath and Dalmar have yet to engage the enemy directly, or in numbers.
True, some of their forces have gone forward with the mercenary army from the lands Farque to fight against the crown's army.
But they have only done so in small companies, never more than a couple of hundred at a time from each of the dukes armies.
Now that's about to change, as field commander Drubine in the mercenary army form the nation that lies somewhere faraway to the south, who has command of the campaign. Has devised new tactics, and he now wants a number of battalions from each of the dukes armies to be involved with the fighting against the enemy.
Who aren't all that faraway, and by all reports, will be increasing in numbers as the regent of Oaklynn's army starts showing up.
After watching the sunrise for a little bit longer, the two cousins turn, and head back into camp, some of which has started to be broken down. As a fair number of them get ready to advance.
Some of duke Hilloc's army has already gone forward. And he along with his cousin Passic will go forward with more of them this morning.
Lord Hilloc will be going forward with at least half of his army, nearly five thousand soldiers. His fellow dukes, Korros and Lombasil will be going forward with similar sized forces. As they, for the first time, prepare to engage the enemy, the crown of Girdane who they've rebelled against.
After seeing to his command tent being pulled down, and packed up. Then speaking to a number of his commanders, duke Hilloc of Dalmar mounts up. And with his cousin Passic riding beside him. They're near the front of five of his battalions, who set off eastwards. Along with a similar number from the armies of the duchies of Girnath and Falosen.
After riding for a little while, the duke of Dalmar has a messenger ride back to tell the dukes Korros and Lombasil, whose armies are following. To come forward and ride with him.
And a little bit before midmorning, the two other dukes, and a couple of their officers. Are up near the front of the duchy of Dalmar's army.
"I wonder why they decided to leave half of our armies behind?" muses duke Korros of Girnath, the youngest of the trio of dukes who have rebelled against the crown.
"Just incase we're no good and we get wiped out" says duke Hilloc, the other two dukes and their officers look at him.
The duke of Dalmar shrugs his shoulders, then says "The young field commander Tamric Drubine admitted it himself" lord Hilloc follows that with "If we get wiped out in battle, at least there'll be half of our armies still around that he can command to defeat the crown's forces".
"That does wonders for the confidence" sourly says lord Korros, who though fairly short, is resplendent in his suit of heavy iron plate armour.
"He's got a point my lords" says sir Passic, who continues with "Most of our soldiers have little experience in warfare, and the only combat some of them have seen is fighting raiders from the unruled lands across the kingdom's western border".
The swordmaster who is the older cousin of the duke of Dalmar then adds "And those like myself who actually have experience in war".
Sir Passic who is a veteran of the battle of Vexil which was nearly twenty years ago, then says "Are already forward, fighting alongside the mercenary army".
The dukes of Falosen, Girnath and Dalmar all nod, as the smaller companies they've already sent forward, all consist of those who have experienced actual warfare in the past. Mostly being veterans of the battle of Vexil. When many of them were teenagers when they took part in the war that was the largest the Southlands had seen in four and half centuries.
Since the Holy Norstran Empire crossed the Great Western Ocean and invaded the Southlands. A war that lasted over two years, and only ended when the emperor of Norstran, and his main army was defeated.
Coincidently by the same person whose army has been hired by the three dukes of the duchies of Dalmar, Girnath and Falosen in their rebellion against the crown of Girdane.
Soon they start encountering those in the mercenary army from the lands Farque, who are already on the road as they go through the duchy of Isanor, heading east towards the duchy of Wostin. Which is the first of the duchies in the central region of the kingdom.
The central region, where the duchies are smaller, and easier to travel across, even with the higher population they have compared to the western duchies of the kingdom of Girdane.
Especially the three most western duchies of Dalmar, Girnath and Falosen. Which are the largest duchies in the kingdom, though the least populated. Not to mention they have the toughest terrain in Girdane, with the least amount of useable farmland.
Around midday, and their armies are ordered to stop. And the dukes Hilloc, Korros and Lombasil, along with their senior officers like sir Passic, are waved forward.
They ride through some fields, and go through some woods on a farm that's been abandoned with so many soldiers in the vicinity.
And with a squad of black clad soldiers in the mercenary army from the lands Farque, they're led up a hill, near the top of which, they're told to dismount.
The three dukes and their officers continue the rest the way up the hill on foot, and when they get to the top of it, there's a number of people already there.
"Hell" murmurs lord Hilloc as he looks to the east, he continues in a murmur with "By the gods" even though he's not a particularly pious or religious person.
While next to him, the younger lord Korros, who has been always been expressive, and doesn't hide his emotions, or what he's thinking, says in tone of astonishment "Damn, would you look at them all".
The duke of Girnath then loudly mutters "How many of the bastards are there?".
"About thirty thousand or so" says Tamric Drubine the field commander as he turns to look at the new arrivals, who have just got to the top of the hill.
"It's the bulk of the crown's army, and the mercenaries they've hired" continues the nobleborn teenager who hails from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin.
The duke of Dalmar looks at his cousin sir Passic, who has told him in the past that there was army well over three hundred and fifty thousand soldiers, made up from various nations, including Girdane, that attacked the city of Vexil nearly twenty years ago.
If lord Hilloc thinks the thirty thousand strong army of the crown just a couple of miles away is large, he can't even imagine an army well over ten times that size would look like.
After having a quick look around, the duke of Dalmar says "Will this area be a suitable place for a battle?" he gestures to the east between here and the enemy army and adds "There's some farmers fields down there, but there's also a lot of streams, and even a river, as well a few woods".
Lord Hilloc knows he's no expert when it comes to warfare. But even he can tell a lot of the terrain between here and the enemy isn't an ideal place for a battle.
"It will have to be" says Tamric Drubine who is more commonly called Tam by those who know him well.
"Because we will have to try and smash them before the regent's army starts showing up" continues the young field commander in the armies of Farque, who then adds "We're already outnumbered, but we'll be badly outnumbered once the regent of Oaklynn's army starts showing up in this part of the kingdom".
The trio of dukes nod in understanding, even though all three of them look worried at the prospect of the coming battle.
Seeing this, field commander Drubine flashes a smile, then says "Not to worry" he gestures towards the enemy army in the distance as he tells the dukes of Dalmar, Girnath and Falosen "Who ever it is that's in command of that army is dead" he slightly pauses, then adds "Or they're about to be".
Lord Hilloc frowns as he wonders what the young field commander could mean.
Then the duke of Dalmar looks around, and notices that the elf in the white hooded cloak by the name of Helbe, who is always with field commander Drubine.
Isn't here on top of the hill, with the others who are usually in attendance of the young field commander.
Helbe the elven thief walks through the enemy camp, who have set up across the fields of a farm they've taken over.
The elven magic user who is blurred and shielded, looks around wherever he goes. Studying the enemy, and the way they've prepared for battle.
The young elven noble from the island principality of Laerel thinks the crown's army is no better, or no worse than most armies he's come across in his lifetime.
He can see some of the companies in the kingdom's army are better than others. But some of the mercenary companies they've hired are clearly better than them. Being better equipment, and most obviously far more experienced.
The elven master assassin who is a member of the personal council to the lord and ruler of the lands Farque.
Figures he'll have to deal to some of the commanders of those mercenary companies while he's here.
But first, the grandson of the ruling prince of Laerel has to complete the task he's actually come here for.
The elven masterthief heads out of their camp, to where the bulk of the enemy army have set up as they prepare for battle.
As the crown's forces knows the armies of the rebellious dukes from western Girdane are less than two miles away, behind a hill to the west.
Infact, on this clear and sunny, though cold and windy winter's day, some of them can be seen on the hill.
The highly talented elven magic user who has searched the command tent at the front edge of the camp, and been unable to find the commander of the kingdom's army.
Glances at his right shoulder, when Narladene the ground pixie appears on it, and quietly says to him in the elven language "I've found their general".
The naturally magical creature who is originally from the Sunreach Mountains, who attached herself to the elven princeling a number of years ago in the city of Leeabra, the capital of the kingdom of Druvic, continues on with "He's up near the front of their ranks".
"What an idiot" murmurs Helbe the elven thief who shakes his hooded head, then the blurred and shielded elven magic user adds "Does he think himself a hero or something?".
That's exactly what councillor Reinholt thinks to himself a little bit later once he's made his way through the enemy ranks, to be near their forward positions. Where he finds the general in command of the crown's army.
Obviously a nobleman, in a suit of steel plate armour, polished to a bright sheen that it glistens in the weak winter sunlight.
Prince Helbenthril Raendril thinks it would probably make sir Percavelle Lé Dic a little envious at how bright it is, making the enemy general stick out like a sore thumb.
Though with the former earl of Lé Dic when he sticks out in any army making himself a target in his highly polished silver armour, and his snowy white cape.
He can back up his bravado with actual skill. And lets face it, complete dare do. As the former paladin in the order of the Knights of Saint Mar-che is more than a little bonkers.
Who also happens to have a powerful magical shield at his disposal. And a fairly powerful weapon too. That's if Dorc da Orc hasn't stolen it off him again.
The same can't be said for the general who commands the kingdom's forces here in the duchy of Isanor.
The elven magic user can tell without even reading his mind. He's not that experienced, and being under thirty, this is probably the first major campaign he's been in.
The enemy general is off his horse, speaking to a number of officers as they look to the west.
Helbe the elven thief is looking that way too. And when the young elven noble from Laerel sees some of his own army, and that of the three rebellious dukes. Start to come up over the hill to the west, and head down it.
He steps up behind the enemy general who has his full helm up off at the moment. And kills him with ease by slamming the spike puncher from the mechanism hidden in his right sleeve, into the back of the enemy general's head, at the base of the skull.
As the commander of the kingdom's army drops dead to the ground. The rebel army from the very west of Girdane, starts to pour over the hill less than a couple of miles away, and head this way . . . . . .

Tuesday 24 September 2019

A Grand Design 30.

Winter. The City Of Oaklynn. The Kingdom Of Girdane.

In the south of the city of Oaklynn, on top of a section of wall, that was built centuries ago, before the city expanded, making it unable to actually have city walls.
Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy looks southwards, watching a column of soldiers in the army of the regent of Oaklynn, approaching the city.
They're from their barracks about twenty or so miles south of the city. They're at least a battalion in strength, and the fourth such column to come this way over the last few days.
The spy originally from the elven principality of Alínlae, suspects that they'll quickly head west like the other battalions that the regent has brought up from their main barracks south of the city.
As lord Sammis is hell bent on exacting revenge upon those who killed the king of Girdane. Which is now common knowledge throughout the city, and has started to spread throughout the duchy of Marsin. And to further afield here in the east of the kingdom.
There's only one problem with that. It's that the dukes of Dalmar, Girnath and Falosen, who have rebelled against the crown. Had nothing whatsoever to do with the death of king Jarnard the Second of his name, along with others in the palace at the start of the week.
Now what's essentially a civil war has intensified. As the regent of Oaklynn, who has no mandate to send his army beyond the immediate surroundings of the city of Oaklynn.
Is sending at least half of his army out west to join the kingdom's army who are already engaged with the rebellious dukes and their forces.
As the spy Tanith watches the column of soldiers coming towards the capital city. He knows, as does Mira Reinholt the mage, and Shur Kee the monk. That something or more precisely someone else is at play here.
And that they're manipulating the situation, so that both the king of Girdane has been killed. And that the civil war has now been expanded. As there's now talk of the duke of Marsin and other eastern dukes joining the crown's war against the three most western duchies in the kingdom.
Dalinvardél Tanith or Dalin as he's more commonly called by the others in the group. Watches the column of the regent's soldiers approaching the city for a little while longer.
Then he makes his way along the top of the old wall, and heads to a set of steps.
The elven spy who once served in one of the more prominent noble houses in his homeland of Alínlae. Isn't the only person on top of the section of wall. As there must be at least twenty locals also on the wall, watching the approaching battalion.
For they, like just about everyone else in the city of Oaklynn, want to see justice for the murder of their king, and the royal family.
Once the elven spy who is an officer in the armies of Farque, is down the steps, many of which are crumbling, and in a state of disrepair.
He starts making his way north through the capital city on this calm and sunny, but cold winter's day. Dalin is to meet up with Mira Reinholt the mage, and Shur Kee the monk at a taverna they frequent near the long street in the middle of the city, where the palace of the king, along with the city council building, and the regent's mansion is located.
Mira Reinholt the mage is the first one to get to the taverna where they're meeting. The long street that's nearby, is open again over the last couple of days. After being closed to the public for a few days immediately after the death of the king.
Once again, it's easier and quicker to walk through this part of the city with the long street open again.
The spellcaster who was once the most powerful mage of his generation to be found anywhere in the Southlands. Until he was stripped off the majority of his powers when he went offworld through a rift/void he accidentally cast.
Takes a seat inside the taverna, even though it's a fine, and sunny, but cold day outside.
The mage from the city-state of Vexil, who is in exile from his homeland. Doesn't want to be interrupted, or spoken to by any of the regent's soldiers. As they've been stopping foreigners and visitors to Oaklynn on the streets. And questioning them, wanting to know what they're doing in the capital city of the kingdom of Girdane. As they try to find those who were responsible for the death of king Jarnard the Second and others in the palace at the start of the week.
After ordering something to drink and eat, the spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster. Listens to the conversations in the taverna as he waits for Shur Kee the monk and Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy to show up.
The once powerful mage isn't at all surprised that the topic that's dominating the conversations from his fellow customers. Is the death of the king, and how the regent of Oaklynn has taken charge of things.
As those who attacked the palace that night at the start of the week. Are hunted by not just the regent's men, and the crown's soldiers. But also nearly every other noble's soldiers from the eastern duchies of the kingdom.
The mage Reinholt isn't all that surprised when he hears a couple of visiting merchants. Vexilian like he is, complaining about being stopped every time they're out and about on the city streets.
And that the sooner those responsible for the death of king Jarnard the Second are caught, the sooner things can get back to normal for them.
As the swordmaster from the city-state of Vexil drinks from a goblet of mulled wine that's been heated. And eats various slices of cheese that are melting on toasted slices of bread.
He looks up as the front door opens, and sees Shur Kee the monk enter the taverna.
The short, statured monk wearing the odd, conical shaped hat looks around, and spots the once powerful mage sitting at one of the corner tables.
The acolyte in the philosophical order of Bru Li, who is not a Southlander, but hails from the otherside of the continent. Where his homeland, the kingdom of Wah Lee is located on the far east coast. Makes his way over to the corner table.
Mira Reinholt notices the physical adept is going about with his staff now, when previously he wasn't.
After the short, statured monk sits down, and  greets the Vexilian mage in exile, then orders something from a passing serving woman.
Shur Kee the monk quietly says "I was stopped again this morning" the once powerful mage nods his hooded head when he hears this.
The physical adept, who is the conduit or living incarnation of the Jade Warrior Bru Li, quietly continues with "I told them i was a mercenary looking to be hired by the crown, as i heard about it whilst travelling here".
The short, statured monk who has taken off his odd conical shaped hat, then adds "They seemed pleased with my answer, then gave me directions to one of the barracks of the kingdom's army where the hiring officers are".
"It almost happened a couple of times with me this morning too" quietly says Mira Reinholt the mage, referring to the regent's soldiers who are stopping and questioning people, predominantly foreigners, as they go about their business on the streets of Oaklynn.
"But i" says the spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster, who after a slight pause, continues on with "Shall we say, persuaded them not to bother me".
Shur Kee faintly smiles in understanding, as he knows the once powerful mage who is a member of the personal council to the lord and ruler of the lands Farque. Is using spellcraft to be left alone as he walks the city streets.
The acolyte in the order of Bru Li looks towards the front door of the taverna, and quietly asks "Any sign of friend Dalin?".
"Not yet" is the quiet reply from the exiled Vexilian mage, who then asks the acolyte in the order of Bru Li "What did you find out?".
"Supplies and soldiers are coming upriver" quietly says Shur Kee, who has been out to the docks on the river Tambir, which is a few miles to the east of the city of Oaklynn.
"Supplies are coming upriver from Vexil too" adds the short, statured monk who is originally from the otherside of the continent.
The swordmaster Reinholt nods his hooded head, as he saw similar at the airdocks, where he spent the morning.
"War is good for business" quietly says the once powerful mage, who faintly smiles as lord Farque often told him that many years ago, when Mira first met the undead warlord and Dorc da Orc, during the battle of Vexil.
The mage Reinholt didn't believe him at first. But over the nearly twenty years since the battle of Vexil, the spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster has come to see that, infact war is actually good for business.
It's proven by the pair of Vexilian merchants at the nearby table. Who even with the inconvenience of being repeatedly stopped, and questioned by the regent's soldiers when they're out on the streets of Oaklynn.
They're still here selling their wares. Which by the sounds of it, is leather. Which is in high demand by armourers, who are outfitting not just the crown's army, and the regent's army. But also the many mercenaries who are in the city, looking to be hired on by the crown, for their war against the dukes of Falosen, Girnath and Dalmar who have rebelled against the crown.
The once powerful mage and the short statured monk look to the front door of the taverna as it opens again. And see Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy enter.
The tall elf in the grey hooded cloak makes his way over to the corner table where they're sitting.
And after he takes a seat, Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy quietly says to them "Another battalion in the regent's army is approaching the city" he follows that with "They're fitted out for war, they'll be heading west straight away".
The mage Reinholt slightly nods his hooded head, then he brings up the subject they've repeatedly discussed since finding out about the attack upon the palace, that saw the king of Girdane killed.
"So" quietly says the exiled Vexilian swordmaster "Who has benefited the most in all this?" quietly adds the spellcaster who was once the most powerful mage of his generation to be found anywhere in the Southlands.
All three of them have their opinion on this. And they're all in agreement on it. Just that trying to prove it, has been difficult to say the least.
"We all know who" quietly says the spy Tanith, who continues with "He's basically the defacto sovereign and those at court are behind him" Dalin then adds "Not to mention he's the only living relative of king Jarnard the Second, and was the previous heir before Jarnard was born".
Both Mira and Shur Kee slightly nod, then the spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster who has cast a spell so that people can't listen in on their conversation, quietly says "But why would he?" followed by "Considering he and his cousin the king were the best of friends".
"That is what we have to find out" quietly says Shur Kee the monk, who after a moment's pause, adds "That is if he is the one responsible for all this".
Lord Sammis the regent of Oaklynn slaps his wife across the back of the head, then shoves her back down onto the bed after he climaxes in her.
Breathing heavily, the regent looks at his beautiful young wife in disgust as she lies naked on their bed.
"You better hope you fall pregnant my dear" says lord Sammis the regent of Oaklynn as he gets his breath back, who as he pulls up his hose, and does up his belt he continues with "And that we have a son" the regent grins as he silently adds, who will be king after me.
The nobleman, who for all intensive purposes, is the acting sovereign of Girdane. Looks at his wife, who is more than twenty years younger than him. Wondering if she'll cry, as she often does when he takes her by force.
He grunts in satisfaction, as she lies there face down on the bed, silent apart from breathing in ragged breaths.
Satisfied he doesn't have to beat her. The regent of Oaklynn dons his tunic, then his jacket. He puts on his boots, followed by his cloak which is lying on the floor where he dumped it.
Lord Sammis heads to the bedroom door, saying to his wife "I don't know when I'll be home tonight" he continues with "What with things being so busy at the palace after the death of my dear cousin Jarnard". The regent of Oaklynn is smirking as he says that last bit.
Then he opens the bedroom door. And makes his way through their private chambers.
Meanwhile back in the bedroom, the lady Mera, the younger sister of duke Hilloc of Dalmar, and the wife of lord Sammis the regent of Oaklynn.
Lies there, trying to gather and compose herself after her husband took her by force again, as he always does.
The young noblewoman originally from the very west of the kingdom of Girdane, is just glad her husband didn't beat her up as well.
She suspects he would have if it was nighttime. But as it's the middle of the day, he can't afford to waste his time. As things are actually quite busy at the palace. Where the regent of Oaklynn has spent a lot of his time since the death of his younger cousin, king Jarnard the Second of his name.
Looking around the hallway corner, the house maid Lissa watches lord Sammis head down towards the other end of the hallway after exiting his private rooms.
The regent of Oaklynn is followed by a pair of his guards, and once they've gone around the corner at the far end of the hallway.
Lissa hurries forward to the quarters of the regent and his wife. The house maid hurries to check on her lady, as she has a fair idea why lord Sammis returned to the mansion during the midday break at court.
Lissa just hopes the regent didn't beat up the lady Mera as he's want to do wherever he rapes her.
And when the house maid gets to the bedroom, and finds the regent's wife hasn't been beaten this time. She breathes a tiny sigh of relief, before she takes hold of the noblewoman, and hugs her while the lady Mera sobs.
"Tower lookouts have reported that the latest battalion should be here fairly soon" says captain Kilmane who is waiting outside, next to the enclosed coach.
"Good" says lord Sammis the regent of Oaklynn, who then nods as the captain adds "Commander Kaim wants to know if he should go out west with this one".
The nobleman climbs up into the coach, followed by the captain in his army. While the two guards get up on the footman's stand on the back.
Once they have, the driver sets off, heading around to one side of the mansion, to the long front courtyard.
"He can go with this lot" says the regent of Oaklynn who continues with "He's been champing at the bit to go out west ever since i decided to send our army to help fight those rebellious dukes".
The captain, who is the regent's most trusted officer, nods his head as the horse drawn coach goes out through the gates, and turns right, and starts going down the long street towards the palace.
"Do you want me to go back out west too?" asks captain Kilmane, who continues with "To deal with the remaining waagen?" he then adds "They don't exactly discriminate, they'll just as happily attack our army as much as the enemy's or the crown's".
"Hmmm" murmurs regent Sammis, who thinks the waagen have used up their usefulness, as those that were brought to the capital, helped carry out his plan to takeover the crown, before he had them killed.
"I'm sure Sarmac and i can get the remainder to only attack the rebels" says captain Kilmane, who continues with "They can still be of use to us, until we finally get rid of them".
Lord Sammis slowly nods as he thinks about it for a moment, then the nobleman who is the only living relative of his cousin, king Jarnard the Second, who he had killed, says to the captain "Alright, do it".
Then the regent of Oaklynn, who is looking out one of the door windows, that are slightly open as the coach approaches the palace, says "Look at the fellow there, what a strange looking hat he's wearing".
Captain Kilmane glances out of the same window, and sees the person the lord Sammis has identified, a short individual in a white cloak, wearing an odd conical shaped hat.
He's walking with two others, one in a black hooded cloak about six foot tall, and a taller individual, well over six foot tall, in a grey hooded cloak.
"Mercenaries" says the captain, who continues with "Hopefully they join up, and head out west to fight the rebels".
Rebels who don't know they've been lured into a war of my choosing, lord Sammis the regent of Oaklynn thinks to himself . . . . . .

Monday 23 September 2019

A Grand Design 29.

Winter. Western Girdane.

"Hell" mutters Lisell Maera the messenger as she ducks down, and another enemy arrow passes overhead.
"Why the hell am i up here?" adds the attractive young woman originally from the city-state of Brattonbury as she takes cover behind some rocks.
The messenger in the armies of Farque is part of the scouts and rangers division. And as most of them are with the advanced force led by the council member, Arvelle Ganard the plainsman. They're out infront of everyone else, and are engaged in combat with the bulk of the king's forces here in the duchy of Isanor. The closest of the western duchies in the kingdom to the more populated central duchies.
The only real advantage apart from their training and experience the scouts and rangers in the army of Farque have is that they're up some hills at the moment.
And that the enemy they're fighting against at the moment, have to come up to them if they want to engage in armed to armed combat.
Lisell Maera or Lis as she is more commonly called by those who know her well. Sourly smiles, as it's just like her to be at the very front fighting the enemy.
The messenger, who at the moment is pinned down. Wonders if she should lean to the side, and take a pop shot at the enemy with her crossbow. Or just run for it, as she has been ordered back to get her company's latest orders.
Knowing her luck, Lis thinks she'll probably miss if she shoots off her crossbow, or end up getting shot by one of the enemy archers if she runs back up the slope.
The attractive young woman is just contemplating what to do, when one of the rangers comes strolling down through the trees, not caring that he's a target for the enemy.
Lisell Maera winces as she watches the Farqian ranger, who she sees is an elf.
Who calmly steps behind a tree, and an enemy arrow passes through where he was just standing.
He steps out from behind the tree with his elven longbow drawn, and releases a shaft.
The messenger hears the yard long arrow thud into an enemy body. And the arrows that were flying in Lisell's direction suddenly stop. As the elven ranger shoots off three more shafts in quick succession.
"Runner!" calls out the elven ranger in his native language, who then adds "Move!".
Lisell Maera gets up from behind the rocks she has taken cover behind. And she runs up the hill towards the tree line.
The attractive young woman who hails from the coastal city-state of Brattonbury, whose mother was a street prostitute. And whose father, who she never met, was a sailor.
Refrains from wincing as she sees the elven ranger she's running towards, draw back his longbow, looking like he's going to shoot directly at her.
Lis keeps running, and she's sure she feels the arrow pass right by her head, on it's way towards another target down the hillside.
"Thanks" gasps Lisell Maera in the elven language to the Farqian ranger as she runs by him.
The elven ranger in the hooded cloak, nods his head, and takes another arrow from his quiver, and puts it to his longbow, and looks for another enemy archer to kill.
The messenger heads uphill through the trees, passing a number of her fellow scouts and rangers who have been sent forward to help her company, and the other companies at the very front, fighting the leading elements of the king of Girdane's army.
The long legged, lean, athletic looking woman gets to the top of the hill, then heads down the otherside.
It's not long before she's off the hill, and down on a cart track, heading towards a nearby farmhouse which is the acting command post for Arvelle Ganard the plainsman.
Lis waits outside the farmhouse which is less than a mile from the very front.
She waits with a couple of other messengers who have also come back from their companies to get their latest orders.
They're soon called inside, and the attractive young woman from the city-state of Brattonbury, is glad to be out of the cold wind this afternoon.
As Arvelle Ganard the plainsman quietly speaks with one of his subcommanders in the kitchen of the farmhouse.
Another officer in the main room, gives Lis and the other two messengers their companies latest orders.
They're dismissed, and as they go to leave the farmhouse, another messenger enters. He's from the bulk of their army, who is back further to the west, under the command of field commander Tamric Drubine.
The latest arrival has a quick word with the officer who spoke to Lis and the other two messengers.
The officer, looks to the open kitchen, and she says "Councillor, urgent message from the field commander".
Arvelle Ganard the plainsman breaks off his conversation with the subcommander, and the two walk into the main room.
Where the messenger who has recently arrived, hands the tall plainsman with a shaved head, a folded up piece of parchment.
Councillor Ganard, who isn't what he appears. As he's really a hordes outrider from the southern tundra by the name of Zubutai Timaginson, who just happens to find himself inhabiting the body of Arvelle Ganard.
Feels a slight tingling sensation in his hands when he opens the sealed parchment. He knows that there was a spell on it, and that if anyone apart from himself was to open the the folded parchment up. What was written would of been destroyed.
The member of lord Farque's personal council slightly frowns as he reads the missive that he recognises is written by Helbe the elven thief.
The message is short, telling him to quickly return to the bulk of their army. While the forward elements remain engaged with the enemy they've encountered.
Arvelle Ganard the plainsman is silent for a few moments, then he turns to the subcommander and tells him "You're in command" followed by "I have to return to speak to the field commander" he then adds "Keep advancing, and keep the enemy engaged with us".
Arvelle aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman continues with "The more they concentrate on us, the less they'll have to deal with what's coming at them from the rear".
As the force led by lord Farque himself, which went north into the Kaldel Plains, then headed east before returning to the kingdom of Girdane, into the duchy of Wostin.
The first of the central duchies, and the one east of the duchy of Isanor, where the king of Girdane's army is based. The forward elements of which, are less than a mile away from the farmhouse that's councillor Ganard's command post.
"Yes councillor" says the subcommander in response to the tall plainsman, who is a former illegal wrecker who plied his trade up on the Kaldel Plains.
Arvelle Ganard looks around, and he spots Lis, and after a moment, he says "You're coming with me" and he tells her "Go and get us a couple of horses".
As the messenger heads outside, the member of the personal council to the lord and ruler of the lands Farque says to the other officer "Have another messenger send the latest orders to the third company, and have them stay with them since they'll be down a runner for the foreseeable future".
"Yes councillor" says the female officer, who starts calling out orders, as Arvelle aka Zubutai Timaginson after getting his pack from the bedroom, makes his way outside, where the messenger Maera is waiting with a pair of saddled horses.
The two of them are soon heading back to the west, riding throughout the rest of the afternoon, on what's been a cold and windy winter's day.
They ride into the night, where thankfully the wind dies down, as it seems to do most nights, here in western Girdane.
They encounter a number of Farqian soldiers on their way back to the bulk of their army, who are with the armies of the dukes of Dalmar, Girnath and Falosen.
Large squads of Farqian soldiers are about, just incase the waagen who have sporadically shown up out of nowhere, attacking both sides of the conflict. Should turn up and attack those riding between the bulk of the army, and the forward elements.
As they ride into the night, Lisell Maera and Arvelle Ganard don't speak much. Only occasionally saying something to one another. Usually when they encounter those in their army, who are watching the road between the bulk of the army and the forward elements.
They soon get to the outer pickets and guards of the main army. They avoid where the dukes have camped.
And instead head to where their army from the lands Farque have camped for the night.
After dismounting, and handing the reins of their mounts to a pair of guards. The tall plainsman with the shaved head, and the attractive young woman from the city-state of Brattonbury are led to the command tent of Tamric Drubine.
Inside they find the nobleborn teenager from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin, along with Helbe the elven thief. As well as two soldiers, guards specifically trained by the elven masterthief to be both guards and assassins.
After prince Helbenthril Raendril of the elven principality of Laerel nods for the two guards to leave, and the two of them do.
Arvelle Ganard looks at the young field commander, and the young elven noble and says to the two of them "We got here as soon as we could".
The member of lord Farque's personal council then adds "Now what's so important that you couldn't tell me in a spelled message?".
Tamric Drubine or Tam as he's more commonly called by the others in the group, shares a look with the elf who is a member of the personal council of the lord and ruler of the lands Farque.
Then after a few moments of silence, Helbe the elven thief says "The king of Girdane is dead".
Arvelle aka Zubutai the son of Timagin blinks in surprise, while next to him, Lisell Maera is equally surprised.
"The fuck?" murmurs the former illegal wrecker, then the tall plainsman with the shaved head adds "You're shitting me?".
Shaking his hooded head no, the highly talented elven magic user says "I'm not" the young elven noble from the island principality of Laerel then adds "So is his wife and children, along with his sister's family and her children. Not to mention a whole lot more people in the king's palace in Oaklynn".
The grandson of the ruling prince of Laerel lets that sink in for a few moments, then he says "That means there's no heirs".
Councillor Ganard nods his shaved head, then says "Who did it?".
"Apparently we did" is the reply of the elven master assassin, who then adds "Well, or at least some of the dukes men was supposed of done it".
"Huh" murmurs the former illegal wrecker, who then says "Well i be" then he adds "So i guess we've won then, and the dukes rebellion was successful".
Lisell Maera doesn't seem to think so, as just this afternoon, the king's soldiers were doing their best to kill her.
The attractive young woman from the coast of the Southlands, who suspects Arvelle Ganard was being facetious there.
Nods her head when the elven princeling from Laerel dryly says "Unfortunately not" he continues with "When a message finally gets through to their army to what's happened, they'll push even harder as they'll be getting more reinforcements".
The elven masterthief who like the former illegal wrecker, is a member of the personal council to lord Farque then says "The regent of Oaklynn has taken charge of things in the capital, and he'll been sending a fair chunk of his own army out this way to join up with the kingdom's army to fight us and the dukes".
The former illegal wrecker originally from the Kaldel Plains, though in reality he's a hordes outrider from the southern tundra, who just happens to inhabit the body of Arvelle Ganard.
Then asks his fellow councillor "If their army doesn't know yet, how did we find out?".
"Lord Farque took down one of their airships over in the duchy of Wostin yesterday morning" says Helbe the elven thief, he continues with "They were flying out this way to inform their army about what's happened in the capital" the highly talented elven magic user then adds "One of the messengers in the lord's force got in about midday and told us, i sent a messenger out to you straight after".
Arvelle aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman is about to ask how one of the messengers with lord Farque got across part of the duchy of Wostin so quickly, then across much of the duchy of Isanor to get here. Avoiding or going around the enemy army as they did so.
Then the tall plainsman who hails form the Kaldel Plains recalls that the undead warlord took the handful of water elementals in their army with him.
"Hmmm so now we'll be fighting against an even larger army" quietly says Arvelle Ganard, his fellow councillor nods his hooded head in agreement.
Then after a few moments of silence in the lamp lit command tent, the tall plainsman with the shaved head asks "Do the dukes know?".
"Not yet" says Tamric Drubine the field commander, who after a slight pause, adds "That's what we've been discussing, and what we've been waiting for you to come back for".
The former illegal wrecker nods his shaved head, then after a moments contemplation, he says "Might as well tell them" followed by "They'll find out eventually anyway".
Both Tamric Drubine and Helbenthril Raendril nod, then the elven princeling from the island of Laerel, says "I'll inform them first thing in the morning".
Arvelle aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman nods, then he asks his fellow councillor, and the young field commander "Do we know how big the regent's army is?".
"Over twenty thousand strong" is the reply from the nobleborn teenager originally from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin.
The former illegal wrecker who previously plied his trade on the Kaldel Plains winces when he hears that.
Then he grunts when field commander Drubine tells him "Though from what the lord could ascertain from that enemy airship he took down, only about half of them with any kind of battle experience will come out west" Tam continues on with "The rest are only good for breaking up fights in tavernas, and locking up pickpockets, thieves and street thugs. They'll be no use in battle, and will remain in and around the capital".
"That's something at least" quietly says councillor Ganard who follows that with "Though we'll still be outnumbered".
His fellow council member nods his hooded head in agreement, then the elven magic user says "That can't be helped" he continues on with "All we can do is try and defeat the enemy, and gain a victory for those who have hired us".
The other three, along with Narladene the ground pixie who is on the right shoulder of the elven princeling she's attached to, all nod in agreement with the elven master archer.
Then the young elven noble, who if he thinks about it, is basically doing the same job his great uncle, Quinid Raendril the Sage did four and half centuries ago for lord Farque, when he was alive and a battlelord, not yet warlord and leader of his nation. Which didn't come about until the then Kaiuss Farque was killed in battle.
Says to the others "We'll have to change our tactics a bit to deal with this influx of new troops heading out this way" he looks at Tam, then the map table as he adds "You'll have to come up with some new strategies we can implement".
As the young field commander looks at the maps on the table, Lisell Maera who so far has remained silent, speaks up and says "What i want to know, is if we didn't kill the king, nor did the dukes" she slightly pauses before adding "Who did?".
"That" says Helbe the elven thief, who continues on with "Is hopefully what those three in the capital are trying to find out".
Referring to Mira Reinholt the mage, Shur Kee the monk and Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy, who are in the city of Oaklynn . . . . . .

Sunday 22 September 2019

A Grand Design 28.

Winter. Central Girdane.

In the duchy of Wostin in central Girdane. Tovis the war engineer walks along a road that cuts through farmland.
The young engineer originally from the kingdom of Druvic, stops and looks at the scene before him.
Next to him, Larris the sorcerer has stopped too. As they look at the line of wagons, many of them burning.
It's a supply line of the king of Girdane's army. That was attacked by a substantial force from the lands Farque.
Who left the kingdom of Girdane, and traveled across part of the Kaldel Plains. Before turning back south, and coming back into Girdane.
Into the central region of the kingdom, after leaving from the western part of Girdane.
They attacked the supply line a little earlier this morning. Wiping out everyone in the various wagons.
From soldiers in the king's army, to mercenaries hired by the king's army. To carters and wagoners, to camp followers and auxiliaries.
All killed, and those that fled, they're being pursued at the moment by elements in the army from the lands Farque.
A mercenary army hired by the three dukes from western Girdane, who have rebelled against their king this winter. And are at war with him at this moment in time.
The war engineer, who is a captain in the armies of Farque. Who has spotted Dorc da Orc wandering through some of the wreckage. Looking for anything that might take his interest.
Tovis suspects it's booze the large ork is searching for. That tends to be the main thing the ork warleader looks for whenever they go somewhere new.
The war engineer who previously served in the army of a baron Harkonin in the east of the kingdom of Druvic.
Has also spotted sir Percavelle Lé Dic standing off to one side of the road. Full helm off, tucked under his right  arm. With a scowl of disapproval upon his face, as he looks at the big, burly ork who is from the southern polar region of the world. Who is now a general in the armies of Farque.
The young engineer is just about to ask Larris the sorcerer something, where he hears someone calling out his name.
The war engineer, along with the sorcerer turn, and spot a messenger running towards them.
"War engineer" says the runner when he gets to them, who then adds "My lord Farque wishes to speak with you". The messenger, a young teen, points eastwards, to a nearby hilltop, then says "Up there".
"Very well" says Tovis the war engineer, who follows that with "I'll be there shortly" as he can see the undead warlord up on the hill that the messenger has pointed to.
After the runner takes off to deliver another message, Tovis quietly says to Larris the sorcerer "Come on, let's go and see what he wants".
The spellcaster in the armies of Farque nods, then Tovis calls out "Dorc, Percy we're going" the young engineer points to the hilltop that the lord and ruler of the lands Farque is on.
"Up there!" adds the war engineer when the ork weaponsmith and the former paladin turn and look to where he's pointing.
The captain in the armies of Farque nods to the sorcerer who is a subaltern in the same army.
And the two of them set off for the nearby hilltop that the deathlord of Farque is on. Leaving the line of burning wagons behind them.
Up on the nearby hill, lord Farque or Draugadrottin as he's also known by, to the people of his lands.
Stands there, looking away to the east, sensing as he does so.
The heavily armoured deathlord is sensing an airship, a warship to be exact. Some ten miles or so away, heading westwards, more or less in this direction.
Here in the heart of the farmland in the duchy of Wostin. That's now being affected by the war between the three most western duchies of the kingdom, against the crown and the king of Girdane.
Larris the sorcerer teleports himself and captain Tovis partway up the hilltop. They walk the rest of the way to where the lord and ruler of the lands Farque is standing, looking to the east, on this cold, winter's morning. Here in the middle of the kingdom of Girdane.
"My lord?" says Tovis the war engineer after he and Larris come to a stop near the still figure of the undead warlord, and bow to him.
"There's a warship heading this way" says lord Farque, who continues with "No doubt it's in the king's fleet".
Both Tovis and Larris nod, as that seems certainly likely to them. As they've seen very few merchant ships in the skies since the rebellion began.
Well, very few flying the usual trade routes across the kingdom of Girdane.
"It's moving at a fair clip too" adds the undead being who also has the elven name of Des'tier, which translated to the common language, means The Destroyer.
Gesturing down at the road to where the burning and destroyed wagons are, the lord of the death realm says "If they've got lookouts with any ability, or any non humans onboard, they've probably caught sight of the smoke from the burning wagons" he continues with "If they weren't heading this way anyway, they are now" Draugadrottin then adds "Just to see what's happened, more than anything else ".
Both Tovis and Larris nod, then the lord and ruler of the lands Farque, says to the captain and the subaltern "Might as well see what they're up to".
"Do you want me to bring it down my lord?" asks the powerful sorcerer.
Behind the faceplate of his full helm, the undead warlord faintly smiles at the eagerness of one of his spellcasters wanting to destroy, what's probably an enemy airship.
"Not quite yet" says the heavily armoured deathlord, who can now see the airship that's under ten miles away, as he looks eastwards.
It's a cutter, and moving pretty quickly for a twin masted airship.
"Since they're being so obliging in coming this way" says the lord of the lands Farque, who continues with "We might as well find what they're up to".
Tovis looks back down the hill, and spots both Dorc da Orc and sir Percavelle Lé Dic now heading up it.
The large ork and the heavily armoured knight might be going the same way. But they're definitely keeping as much distance between themselves as they walk up to the top of the hill.
The war engineer looks back at the deathlord of Farque, who is saying "Larris i want you to get me up on that ship when it gets near".
The undead being, whose nation lies faraway to the south, then adds in a slightly dry tone of voice "And that fat fucking idiot Dorc too".
"Yes my lord" says the sorcerer in the armies of Farque, who then nods when his lord tells him "You'll be coming with us".
Then turning to the young engineer, who is originally from the kingdom of Druvic, the lord and ruler of the lands Farque says to him "Tovis you'll remain down here" followed by "As the subcommander's second".
Lord Farque points down to the road, and says "He's already getting our force off the road, and to cover".
The war engineer nods as they look down to the road, and see the substantial size force, numbering about three thousand, that's left the rest of their army. Back west, with the main bulk of the rebels of the duchies of Dalmar, Girnath and Falosen who are at war with the crown and the king of Girdane.
Are moving to cover where they can find it, amongst woods, or behind hills, going around to the western side of them.
The undead warlord, who has taken direct command of this force in his army. As he usually doesn't do that, as he tends to let others take command of his various armies.
Knows that something is amiss with this conflict, or what's essentially a civil war.
First with the magically created plague that hit the remotest areas of the three western most duchies in the kingdom of Girdane.
Then the sudden appearance of waagen of all things. Attacking both sides of the conflict between the rebellious dukes, and the crown and king.
Then with the wyvern rider in the king's army, that he took out of the sky a couple of nights ago.
Who though a courier and messenger in the army of the king of Girdane. Was also a spy for someone else. Who, they're not sure of.
For when Larris the sorcerer read the mind of the wyvern rider that lord Farque and Dorc da Orc had tortured.
The courier in the king's army, didn't know who he was actually spying for. Just that he passed on his information, to various people. All he had never met before, and all he only met the once.
He was doing it for the gold he was paid. Not for any ideals or beliefs.
And now with a warship, heading quickly westwards, from presumably the capital Oaklynn. Out to the king's army, who are fighting the armies of the duchies of Dalmar, Girnath and Falosen.
The undead warlord suspects there's more going on here, than just a sovereign trying to quell a rebellion in his kingdom.
"What we fucken doing?" asks Dorc da Orc when he gets to the top of the hill, at the same time as sir Percavelle Lé Dic. Though thirty yards apart from one another.
"I'll tell you in a moment cunt" says Draugadrottin in the ork language.
The warleader of the ork race grunts, then he looks to the east, and spots the airship that's now about eight miles away.
"Oooohhhh a ship" murmurs Dorkindle in delight, the large ork who is from the frozen bottom of the world has always liked airships, as he enjoys flying. And fancies himself being a captain of many a ship.
The son of the former matriarch of the wolf tribe of orks grunts, when the lord and ruler of the lands Farque says to subaltern Larris "You should be able to see it with a farsight spell now".
Then the ork weaponsmith sourly smiles as lord Farque switches to the elven language, as he continues to speak with Larris the sorcerer and Tovis the war engineer.
The large ork, who is a general in the armies of Farque. Looks over at his rival, sir Percavelle Lé Dic.
Who also has a sour expression on his face. As he looks at the undead warlord, the powerful spellcaster and the young engineer.
All of whom are speaking in elven now, a language he doesn't understand. Just as his rival, the ork warleader doesn't.
The two of them have to wait to know what's going on. Though the big, burly ork from the southern polar region of the world has the advantage of being able to actually see the approaching airship with his naturally enhanced eyesight.
After a little while, the other three start walking to the backside of the hill. Lord Farque gestures for Dorc da Orc and sir Percavelle Lé Dic to follow them.
Then speaking in the ork language, Des'tier says "We're going onto that ship cunt".
Dorkindle grunts, and the lord of the death realm tells him "Kill the crew, but leave the officers and any fucking passengers alone".
The large ork nods, then the undead warlord says in the common language to the former paladin "Percy, stay here with Tovis" he continues with "He'll inform you what to do".
"Of course good sir" says sir Percavelle Lé Dic, who is just glad that by the sounds of things, the ork warleader is going to be somewhere else. Which is always a good thing in his opinion.
"The spellcasters onboard will be able to sense me once i stop holding my power within myself" says Larris the sorcerer a bit later as they can all see the approaching airship now, flying quickly, dropping in altitude as it heads this way towards the road.
Lord Farque nods his full helmed head, then says "It can't be helped, just get us onboard" the heavily armoured deathlord momentarily pauses as he senses, then he says "A pair of wizards are onboard, one below deck, and one on deck, near the wheel".
The undead warlord looks at the sorcerer, and says "The closer you can get us to aft the better".
Larris nods in understanding, as that is where the officers on deck are most likely to be, and where one of the wizards onboard is as well.
Tovis the war engineer and sir Percavelle Lé Dic head down the backside of the hill a bit.
While the other three remain near the crest of the hill, looking eastwards at the approaching airship, which can clearly be seen as a warship flying the king of Girdane's colours.
Taking his mace from his belt when the cutter is about half a mile away, lord Farque glances at Larris and slightly nods.
The sorcerer stops holding his power within himself, then touching both the undead warlord and the ork warleader who are standing to either side of him, the subaltern teleports the three of them after casting a farsight spell again, so he can clearly see where he's going.
They appear on the aft deck of the cutter, which is often called the poop deck. Which Dorc da Orc has always found hilarious when someone has mentioned that to him.
As they appear, the lord of the death realm throws his mace. Which slams into the wizard who turns their way. Shattering the spellcaster's skull to pieces.
Draugadrottin then leaps forward, landing by the wheel. Where he grabs the helmsman, and biffs him backwards over the aft rail. While grabbing the stunned looking captain at the same time.
Meanwhile Dorc da Orc, roaring as only an ork in battle can roar. Has taken off, running at the nearest crew members. Who are stunned at the sudden appearance of the three who have just shown up on their vessel. And as the large ork cuts them down, and also runs them down.
Larris the sorcerer casts a still spell on a couple of nearby officers. Who have only just moved after the sudden violence from the heavily armoured deathlord, and the ork warleader.
Then the subaltern in the armies of Farque hurries over to where his lord is near the wheel. Where the undead being has just kicked a crew member overboard, and punched in the skull of another who has run at him. All the while as he keeps a hold of the captain, who is punching and kicking at him, to no effect.
"Would you fucking stop that" mutters Draugadrottin, who then squeezes the right arm of the captain he's holding, breaking it.
The ship's captain screams in pain. Though he stops kicking out and punching the large, heavily armoured form of the lord of the death realm.
After Larris teleports an air sailor overboard who runs at them wielding a cutlass, the subaltern nods then says "Yes my lord" in elven in response to the undead warlord asking him in the same language "Cast a truth spell on him" as he nods at the ship's captain.
After the spellcaster in the armies of Farque does so, the lord and ruler of the lands Farque gestures along the main deck, where Dorc da Orc has left a trail of destruction on his way before going below deck.
"You better go below and deal to that other wizard down there" says the lord of the death realm who follows that with "And make sure that big green psycho doesn't go firing off any magetubes" he then dryly adds "Knowing him, he'll probably blow us out of the sky".
The next moment, lord Farque sourly smiles behind the faceplate of his full helm, when there's the thud of a magetube firing from below deck.
And they see a magetube shot head out from the port side, streaking through the morning sky.
Larris the sorcerer winces, then the subaltern in the armies of Farque hurries to the nearest ladder that goes below deck.
"Right you, time to answer some questions" says the undead warlord to the ship's captain who is groaning in pain, as he has slumped to the deck.
The deathlord of Farque stands him up, and says "Where are you off to in such a hurry?" Des'tier continues with "And why are you in such in hurry to do so?".
The captain in the king's fleet who is under the truth spell cast by Larris the sorcerer, has to answer, and he does so.
And when lord Farque hears the answer from the ship's captain as the vessel heads due west, with the undead being at the wheel.
Draugadrottin blinks in surprise, and is astonished to hear what the captain has to say.
The fuck is going on? the deathlord of Farque thinks to himself after learning that the king of Girdane, Jarnard the Second of his name, has along with his family, been killed in the palace of the king in the capital city Oaklynn.
Apparently by the forces of the three dukes from the very west of the kingdom, who have rebelled against the crown and the king . . . . . .