Wednesday 11 September 2019

A Grand Design 21.

Late Autumn. Oaklynn & Surrounds. The Kingdom Of Girdane.

Once the coach is within the grounds of the regent's barracks and it stops infront of the buildings.
Lord Sammis the regent of the city of Oaklynn hops out of it, followed by his army's commander and one of his advisors. And they enter one of the buildings.
"Sir Welson can you go and check on how our men are faring, now that more of them are being deployed around the city and up at the docks" says lord Sammis the regent of Oaklynn as the three of them head down a hallway.
"Yes my lord" says sir Welson, a nobleman from the duchy of Marsin, who is the regent's closest advisor.
Sir Welson turns left at a branch in the hallway, heading for the officers quarters in this particular building.
While regent Sammis and his army commander, who share a look, continue down the hallway.
For sir Welson might be the closest advisor to lord Sammis. But not everyone in his inner circle is privy to his plans that he's worked on for a number of years. Infact very few of them are.
The regent Sammis and his army commander, a man by the name of Jaqor Kaim. A man not of noble birth, who was a controversial appointment when he was made commander of the regent's army five years ago by lord Sammis.
For he was previously a commander of a mercenary company who were based here in the city of Oaklynn. A mercenary company that was absorbed into the regent's army when Jaqor Kaim was made commander.
Make their way through the building, and exit it. They cross the windswept courtyard behind it. Heading to a set of stables.
At one end of which, stands two soldiers in the regent's army, who have only recently returned to the city of Oaklynn.
After the two soldiers bow to their lord, one of them opens one of the stable doors. And the regent and his army commander enter the stables. The stable door closes behind them.
Inside the stables, captain Kilmane who is looking at one of the horses in one of the stalls, turns and makes his way to his lord and his commander.
While the wizard Haric is dozing nearby on some hay bales.
After bowing to the regent of Oaklynn, and greeting his commander, captain Kilmane says "They're further north of the docks, thought it would be little safer if they weren't in the city at this time" followed by "Sarmac and some of the others are with them".
In response to lord Sammis asking him "Where are they?".
After hearing that reply from the captain, the officer he trusts most in his army, even more so than commander Kaim.
So much so, he put Kilmane in charge of his plans out in the very west of the kingdom during the summer and autumn.
The regent of the capital city Oaklynn nods, then asks "How many did you bring with you?".
"A little over thirty of them" is the response from captain Kilmane, who is still out of uniform, and wearing the armour and clothes he wore while he was out in the very west of the kingdom. Which he only returned from late yesterday morning.
"That's well under half of them" continues the captain in the regent's army, who then adds "But they're the best at following orders, and have proved to be the best in combat so far".
"Good to hear" quietly says lord Sammis, who then asks "And what's their best like?".
"Those thirty, even though they've only recently been turned, could easily wipe out a company of two and hundred and fifty of our best men" says captain Kilmane.
"Hell" mutters Jaqor Kaim the army commander, while the regent of Oaklynn grins at what he's just heard from the captain.
"Grance has come along with them to keep them inline" says the captain in the regent's army.
"One of those three we hired isn't he?" asks lord Sammis "He is" says Kilmane who continues with "Him being here might be a bit of a problem, considering he refuses to change to his human form".
"Hmmm" murmurs the regent of Oaklynn who is a cousin of the king of Girdane.
Lord Sammis mulls this over for a few moments, then he says "We'll have to work something out, and keep him out of sight".
Captain Kilmane nods, then the regent asks him "And the others?" followed by "Still out west?".
"They are" says the captain in the regent's army, who follows that with "They're hanging back for now. But once the king's army engages with the forces of those three dukes. They'll start picking both sides off at opportune times".
Both lord Sammis and commander Kaim nod in satisfaction at that. Then the king's older cousin looks over at the dozing wizard, and dryly asks the captain "How was he out there?" as he gestures at the spellcaster on the nearby hay bales.
Even though he doesn't particularly like Haric the wizard, captain Kilmane says "He was more than adequate" as they look at the overweight, and slovenly looking wizard in the rumpled, ruby coloured robes.
"He looks a state, and he's annoying" says the captain in the regent's army, who continues with "But he gets the job done, so that's all that matters".
"Yes, that's all that matters" says the regent Sammis as he looks at the spellcaster, who though younger than him by fifteen years or so. He got to know well, as he was brought up and raised on the regent's family lands. Which are further to the north of the city of Oaklynn.
And they became good friends, not that that's common knowledge. As the newly made lord at the time, found the young spellcaster to have an extremely quick mind. Who could come up with complex ideas with ease.
Even though his appearance, isn't what you'd expect with someone with an agile mind.
"Wake him up" says lord Sammis as he gestures at the dozing wizard "I want to see them for myself" adds the regent of Oaklynn, who is the older cousin of king Jarnard the Second of Girdane.
Captain Kilmane nods, then walks over to where the dozing wizard is, and kicks one of the hay bales Haric is sleeping on.
"Wake up wizard, we've got visitors" says the captain in the regent's army.
The spellcaster grunts, and opens his eyes "Sammis?" says the wizard Haric as he peers through the gloomy stables at the two figures standing near the end of the stalls.
The overweight wizard in the rumpled robes gets up with a groan, then says "My lord" as gives a perfunctory bow to the nobleman he serves.
The regent of Oaklynn steps forward and nods, then he says "Haric" by way of greeting, followed by "Take us to them".
The portly wizard who knows exactly who the regent means, grunts again then says "Of course".
He then takes a deep breath, and casts a rift spell here in the stables. It quickly forms as they're not going all that far.
Captain Kilmane is first through it, followed by commander Kaim, then regent Sammis himself. The wizard Haric is the last one through the rift.
The otherside of the rift, which disappears once Haric has come out of it. Is to the north of the city of Oaklynn.
Amongst the rows of warehouses just beyond where the airdocks are. They're about a half a mile from the massive docks. And a further mile and a half from the city itself.
They're at the northern end of the warehouses. Behind one of them, that have a handful of the regent's soldiers, out of uniform. Watching it from nearby.
"Best to keep your hands away from your weapons" says Haric the wizard to the regent and the army commander.
"The children don't particularly care, but Grance doesn't like it when you rest a hand on a hilt, or hold onto a weapon" adds the spellcaster who is originally from further north here in the duchy of Marsin, where the city of Oaklynn is located.
Captain Kilmane nods in agreement, then says "He can be a bit touchy about things like that".
The regent nods, then asks "We have any problems with that out there?" followed by "We lose any of our men to them?".
"Just the two" says Kilmane who continues with "One who kept holding onto his dagger when he was around Grance" the captain then adds "And another who was accidentally mauled by one of the youngsters".
Captain Kilmane shakes his head in disgust, as he says "The idiot got too close to the child after it first changed" he then adds in a slightly dry tone of voice "You want to give them room when the first change after being turned".
"I'll make sure to remember that" wryly murmurs lord Sammis, the regent of Oaklynn.
They walk up to a plain looking door at one end of the warehouse, and captain Kilmane knocks upon it.
A couple of moments later, it opens, to reveal the keeper Sarmac, who bows and says "My lord".
"We're here to see them Sarmac" says the regent Sammis, who has known Sarmac since childhood, as he was the apprentice gamekeeper on his family's lands, eventually becoming the full time gamekeeper, before joining the regent's army.
"Of course my lord" says Sarmac, who steps aside, allowing those outside to enter the warehouse.
The warehouse is over two hundred feet long, and in places it's stacked with crates and boxes, and barrels. While towards this end, there's piles of sacks full of grain more than anything else. Along with thirty or so children and youngsters, who are spread out across this end of the warehouse.
The regent of Oaklynn knew that they were all children and adolescents. But actually seeing them, and knowing what they can turn into, and what they're capable of. Is something else entirely different.
"You wouldn't think of it by looking at them, at what they can do" quietly says lord Sammis in barely more than a whisper.
"No use keeping quiet my lord" says the keeper Sarmac, who continues on with "They can hear you even if you whisper".
Both captain Kilmane and the wizard Haric nod in agreement with the keeper, who wears a leather smock like the one's worn by blacksmiths.
The regent of Oaklynn nods, then he looks at the captain in his army, and says "In your messages, you said they're still growing".
"They are" says captain Kilmane, who follows that with "Normally in their human forms, but far more so in their other form" he then adds "Some of them are nearly six foot tall in their other form".
The regent nods as he looks at the children, who after a curious look at the new arrivals, have gone back to doing what they were doing when lord Sammis and the others entered the warehouse.
Some are reading books, others are playing children games, like knucklebones, with real knucklebones. While others are sleeping on sacks of grain and flour.
Lord Sammis slightly smiles as he watches them. As they'll be his instrument of change here in the capital city. When he unleashes them to do what he's planned.
Then the regent looks at the former gamekeeper at his family's estate further north in the duchy of Marsin, and asks him "And Grance?".
"Grance!" calls out Sarmac the keeper, who then tells the regent and the others "He's down the far end".
From between the rows of boxes and crates that are stacked up towards the roof of the nearly twenty foot high warehouse. Walks a massive form, that's nearly seven foot tall, and must weigh in excess of four hundred pounds.
As it gets closer, the regent of Oaklynn, and his army commander. Sees that it's fur is dark in colour. And that it's snout and maw, isn't particularly elongated, but more snub nosed than what they were expecting.
All the same, when looking at it. The fully grown waagen gives off a look of strength and power, coupled with extreme violence. Which they've been told, it's certainly capable of.
And though both the regent and his army commander what to feel the reassuring touch of the hilt of their swords in their hands as they watch the large creature walk this way.
They do what Haric the wizard told them to do, and they keep their hands away from their weapons.
When he reaches them, and after looking at the regent of Oaklynn, Grance the waagen says "Lord Sammis i assume?".
"I am" says the king's older cousin, who wasn't expecting to understand the waagen so easily "Good to finally meet you" adds the regent, who had the wizard Haric search throughout the central region of the Southlands for the last few years, for something like a waagen.
And the rather slovenly looking spellcaster in the last two years was able to find not just one waagen, but three.
All of whom are mercenary in nature. Who are willing to do anything for a price. A rather large price at that.
Something which lord Sammis is willing to pay. As it will more than help with his plans.
"I hope everything is to your satisfaction" says the regent of Girdane as he gestures around at the warehouse they're in.
"I've been in worse accommodations" says the large creature in a slightly dry tone of voice, the waagen then continues with "But it's adequate".
Grance after a slight pause, then adds "Though the food is a bit disappointing".
"The waagen prefer fresh, or live food my lord" says Sarmac the keeper, who nods to some of the nearby children, and adds "Even in their human froms".
The former gamekeeper from the estate of the regent's family, then says "We've got some animals coming in from the stock pens near the airdocks" Sarmac nods at Grance and some of the nearby children, as he adds "That should state their appetite".
"To a point" sourly says the large canine like creature that stands on two legs. Towering over everyone else in the warehouse.
Lord Sammis lifts a questioning eyebrow as he looks at the keeper Sarmac, then captain Kilmane, and finally the wizard Haric. Whom all slightly grimace.
Then Kilmane tells the regent of Oaklynn "Waagen prefer humans for their food my lord".
"What, alive?" asks lord Sammis, captain Kilmane nods yes. And the regent of the capital city slightly grimaces. While a grin appears on the canine like, short muzzle of Grance.
The king of Girdane's older cousin, then looks at commander Jaqor Kaim, and says "We might have to clear out some of the city's jails" followed by "People won't miss the lowlife reprobates".
The army commander nods his head, as the city's regent gestures at the nearby waagen, then at Grance as he adds "Anything to make our visitors stay here more accommodating".
Grance the waagen grunts in satisfaction at that, as he thought he might have to forgo the taste of human flesh while they stay here in the city of Oaklynn.
Then the large creature, who is immune to magic, looks down at lord Sammis and asks "So when do you want us to do this?".
"Hopefully within the next few weeks" is the reply of regent Sammis, who continues with "Not until the king's army is fully engaged in the war with the rebels from out west".
They all nod at that. While the regent of Oaklynn can't wait for the next phase of his plan, or his grand design if you will.
Jarnard won't have any clue what's about to hit him, lord Sammis thinks to himself, referring to his younger cousin, king Jarnard the Second, king of Girdane. Who has absolutely no idea what regent Sammis has install for him . . . . . .

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