Sunday 1 September 2019

A Grand Design 13.

Late Autumn. In The West Of The Kingdom Of Girdane.

A squad of duke Lombasil's men ride up to the top of a rise, and stop where one of their scouts is waiting for them.
They look to where the scout points, and in the distance on this cold, but clear late autumn day.
They see a village near some woods, here in the northeast of their duchy of Falosen.
A plague flag is flying from a pole on top of a roof in the middle of the village. Which isn't that much of a surprise. But what is surprising. Is who is in the village in the distance.
For even from where they are on top of a rise nearly half mile south of the village. They can see the soldiers in and around the village. Soldiers in the army of the king of Girdane.
What's even more surprising, is who is with the king's soldiers.
They can see priests, clerics, nuns and monks from various churches and temples with them.
Going in and out of houses, as well as doing chores throughout the village.
But what's most surprising of all, is that the king's soldiers. Many of whom look like they're on guard duty. Stopping anyone from getting close to the village.
Have spotted the squad of duke Lombasil's men upon the rise to the south of the village.
And they're not doing anything about them. Just occasionally looking in their direction. But for the most part, they're ignoring them.
The squad leader shares a look with the scout. Who lifts his eyebrows in a questioning manner, then shrugs his shoulders.
The squad leader rubs his chin as he thinks about what they've seen. Then he makes a decision.
He orders them around, and back to camp. Where he'll do what the lower ranks have done for ages in armies across the world of Volunell.
He'll pass this information on to someone of a higher rank and let them come up with a decision.
And when their squad does get back to camp. They find out they're not the only squads here in the duchy of Falosen. As well as in the duchies of Girnath and Dalmar.
To come across the king's army, who have ignored them, and instead are going about with what looks like the healing, and stopping the spread of the plague that's hit the very west of the kingdom of Girdane.
That very night, they come through the woods, approaching the same village that duke Lombasil's men watched from a rise a half mile to the south of it.
They move in near silence, even those who have grown expeditiously more than some of the others over the last few weeks.
And though nearly all of them are young, except for the one leading them. They know what to do, as they move quickly and with stealth towards the village.
Those of the king's soldiers on guard duty near the woods are struck down without knowing what's hit them. As the smallest and quickest of them are the first to strike the king's men.
Then they, and the others, rush into the village, and the slaughter begins.
Soldiers, officers, nuns, monks, priests and clerics are all struck down. So are the villagers. Those who are recovering from the plague. As well as those who have recovered, and are now healthy. Men, women and children. They're all killed as they go on a killing spree.
Soldiers try to fight back, and though they wound their attackers. They're unable to stop them.
As are those clerics and healers with spellcasting abilities. For though they try to fight with their magic. They find that their attackers are immune to direct magic.
Though they learn that too late. And are killed as they try to cast again, wondering why their spells aren't working against those who have attacked them this cold, late autumn night. Here in the northeast of the duchy of Falosen.
As quickly as it began, it's over. And after killing everyone in the village. They move off, heading back through the woods, to disappear into the night. Just as quickly and easily as they appeared.
It's not the first time they've done this, and it definitely won't be the last.
For they are the unknown factor, in what appears to be a revolt by the three western most duchies in the kingdom of Girdane against the crown and king.
The next morning, and the squad of duke Lombasil's men return to the rise half a mile south of the village.
Though this time with them, is a sergeant at arms, as well as an officer.
And what they see this morning. Is completely different to what they saw yesterday.
For at a distance they can see the bodies strewn in and around the village. King's soldiers, lie next to priests and monks. Villagers next to clerics and nuns. Even from on top of the rise a half a mile south of the village. Everyone looks to be dead.
The officer takes one look at the village, and has two of the squad return to camp to inform them what's happened.
Then he and the rest the squad ride down to village, to get a better look at what's happened.
Not knowing that they too will soon all be dead like those in the village. For waiting in the nearby woods are those who attacked the village last night.
And a squad of a dozen of duke Lombasil's men are no match for them.
Three days later, and in the duchy of Dalmar. Tamric Drubine the field commander looks over at the duke's command tent where a messenger has just ridden into camp, and dismounted infront of it.
From the sigil, or coat of arms on the messenger's uniform. He's from the duchy of Falosen, one of duke Lombasil's men.
"Most likely more reports of unusual happenings" quietly says the avenger sir Kamson who has quietly walked up beside the nobleborn teenager originally from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin.
Looking at the tall, heavily armoured officer in the armies of Farque who arrived at the beginning of the week with the bulk of the army from the lands Farque.
Tamric Drubine the field commander asks "You think so?". "Of course" says the avenger who is originally from the southern kingdom of Melaurn "That's pretty much every message that comes into camp now" adds the officer, who was formerly in the order of the Knights of the Dark.
Tamric Drubine or Tam as he's more commonly called by the others in the group, can't help but agree with the avenger. Who though older than him by more than a decade. Is one of his subordinates.
Then the young field commander in the armies of Farque quietly says in the elven language "You're right" followed by "Especially from up in the duchy of Falosen".
The former knight, nods his head in agreement, then quietly says in the same language to his field commander "We'll never head east if we keep stopping, to try and figure out every strange occurrence that's happened" sir Kamson pauses, before continuing on with "Though, you'd have to admit, there's been some pretty strange ones for sure".
Once again the nobleborn teenager from the kingdom of Sarcrin is in agreement with one of his officers as they stand outside the field commander's own tent.
Then Tam waves over a runner, and quietly says to her "Inform our lord and his councillors that another messenger from the duchy of Falosen has ridden into camp".
The messenger nods, and hurries off to inform lord Farque and the councillors, prince Helbenthril Raendril and Arvelle Ganard the plainsman.
"Come on, let's go and find out what's happened this time" quietly says field commander Drubine to sir Kamson the avenger.
And as they walk over to duke Hilloc's command tent, Tamric Drubine looks around and spots the sorcerer Larris. The nobleborn teen who is the son and former heir of a previous knight of castle Drubine, in the forested north of the kingdom of Sarcrin. Waves to the spellcaster to join him and sir Kamson.
The sorcerer in the armies of Farque, who was formerly in one of the engineering corps, joins the young field commander and the avenger.
The army from the lands Farque started arriving in the duchy of Dalmar in western Girdane last week. With the bulk of them arriving at the start of this week.
Only a small number of those who took part in the campaign between the robber barons of the unruled lands to the north of the kingdom of Nastell, and duke Hargen of Phelm, during the summer in the duchy of Phelm in the north of the kingdom of Nastell.
Have come north with this army from the lands Farque. Larris the sorcerer being one of them.
As the undead warlord wants more of his armies to take part in campaigns outside of his lands. Now that he has decided to hire them out to those who are willing to pay for their services.
There's nearly ten thousand of them from the lands Farque, here now in the duchy of Dalmar, in western Girdane.
A mercenary army that's brought the numbers up for the dukes of Dalmar, Girnath and Falosen. In their revolt against the crown and king.
So that they're now almost equal in numbers to the size of the army that the king of Girdane can field against them.
After listening to what the messenger says, lord Farque nods then dismisses her. Then the undead warlord looks over at two of his councilors, Helbe the elven thief and Arvelle the plainsman.
"Might as well see what's happened this time" says lord Farque, then the three of them exit the heavily armoured deathlord's tent, which is in the middle of their army.
Their camp is two days ride to the east of the town of Salme, still in the duchy of Dalmar Though close to the border with the duchy of Poldis, the closest duchy to the east of the duchy of Dalmar.
The mercenary army from the lands Farque are camped to one side of a hill, while the army, predominantly made up of duke Hilloc's army, and those of his vassals here in Dalmar. Are camped on the otherside of the hill.
The heavily armoured deathlord, along with the elven magic user, and the plainsman who is a former illegal wrecker. Make their way up the hill to where field commander Drubine has his command tent.
As they head uphill, those in the army from the lands Farque. Stop and bow to their lord as he passes by.
The lord of the lands Farque acknowledges every single one with a slight nod of his full helmed head when they bow to him.
When they get to the top of the hill where Tamric Drubine has his command tent. They cross over to where duke Hilloc has his own command tent.
Which they enter when the duke's guards step aside for the three of them. And inside, they find the avenger sir Kamson and the sorcerer Larris are with their young field commander.
While duke Hilloc has a number of his advisors and officers with him. Including his older cousin, sir Passic.
"What is it this time?" quietly asks lord Farque in a murmur in the royal elven language.
Helbe the elven thief who when they stepped into the tent, read the mind of the messenger from duke Lombasil's army, who duke Hilloc and his cousin sir Passic are deep in conversation with.
Quietly informs the lord of the death realm in the same language. That a village affected by the plague in the northeast of the duchy of Falosen. That was being treated by the king's soldiers, and those they've brought out west with them. Have been wiped out. By who? Nobody knows.
All the villagers, as well as everyone from the capital who were in the village were killed. Along with a small squad of duke Lombasil's soldiers. Who checked on the village the day following the attack.
"Now that is odd" murmurs lord Farque, or Draugadrottin as he's also know by to the people of his lands.
Helbe the elven thief nods his hooded head in agreement, and quietly says in the language of the elven royalty "The first time they've been wiped out as well as any of the local soldiers". As up until now, it's only been one side or the other. And not both.
The heavily armoured deathlord nods his full helmed head, and the three of them go and stand beside the young field commander Drubine, along with sir Kamson the avenger, and Larris the sorcerer.
"Have they told you what's happened?" quietly asks lord Farque, who also has the elven name of Des'tier, which means, The Destroyer.
"Briefly" replies Tamric Drubine, who like the undead warlord, quietly speaks in the elven language.
"What are we going to do?" quietly adds the nobleborn teenager who hails from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin.
"What do you suggest?" asks the lord and ruler of the lands Farque, who is letting the senior officers, such as the young field commander, make most of the decisions in the campaign so far. Not that there's been much of a campaign to speak of.
"We should probably check it out" says Tamric Drubine, who continues with "Though we don't want to waste anymore time" he briefly pauses before he adds "Which we've done already" the young field commander then says "Don't really want to send any of our army up there".
The undead warlord nods his full helmed head, then quietly says "Correct".
"You want me to go up there and check things out?" asks Helbe the elven thief.
The deathlord of Farque shakes his head no, and says "Best you remain here".
Then after glancing at his other councillor, the tall plainsman with the shaved head, the lord of the death realm says to him "You and the rest of the group go up to Falosen and see what's happening".
Des'tier continues with "See if there's any link to the other odd occurrences that have popped up".
The lord and ruler of the lands Farque then adds "Besides, it's best you got going, Hilloc has been asking questions about why spending all your time down here, and why you haven't gone back north to the Kaldel Plains".
Arvelle Ganard the plainsman nods, then quietly says "I'll go and inform the others" the former illegal wrecker then asks "Should we take anyone else with us?".
Realising that the group will have only one spellcaster, that being Beldane the cleric.
The undead being says "Larris go with councillor Ganard and the others".
"Yes my lord" says Larris the sorcerer, who is a subaltern in the armies of Farque.
"Travel quickly" says Draugadrottin to Arvelle the plainsman, who nods his shaved head, then along with Larris the sorcerer, they make their way out of duke Hilloc's tent, and go and find the rest of the group.
"Implore upon the duke that the more time we waste here doing nothing, the more he has and his allies have to pay us" quietly says the undead warlord to the young field commander.
The nobleborn teenager from the kingdom of Sarcrin nods his head, then he quietly says "The start of this rebellion is a little odd to say the least".
Lord Farque, Helbe the elven thief, and sir Kamson the avenger all nod in agreement to that.
For the armies of the dukes of Dalmar, Girnath and Falosen have encountered the king's forces who have come out here to the very west of the kingdom. But they've yet to engage in battle with any of them.
For the simple reason the king's soldiers haven't come out here to fight. They're out here in the very west of Girdane to stop the plague, and heal those who have been affected by it.
Bringing scores of healers from various churches and temples along with them, to help accomplish this task.
And even though they know the dukes Hilloc, Korros and Lombasil have gathered their armies, and are preparing to push east in an attempt to rebel against the crown.
For now, they're doing nothing to prevent them starting their revolution.
Duke Hilloc of Dalmar along with his cousin sir Passic the knight finish speaking with the messenger from the duchy of Falosen.
And field commander Tamric Drubine and sir Kamson the avenger of the armies of Farque, step forward to speak with them.
While lord Farque and Helbe the elven thief after sharing a look remain near the door of the command tent, watching and listening to the discussion now taking place here in the command tent of duke Hilloc . . . . . .

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