Tuesday 24 September 2019

A Grand Design 30.

Winter. The City Of Oaklynn. The Kingdom Of Girdane.

In the south of the city of Oaklynn, on top of a section of wall, that was built centuries ago, before the city expanded, making it unable to actually have city walls.
Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy looks southwards, watching a column of soldiers in the army of the regent of Oaklynn, approaching the city.
They're from their barracks about twenty or so miles south of the city. They're at least a battalion in strength, and the fourth such column to come this way over the last few days.
The spy originally from the elven principality of Alínlae, suspects that they'll quickly head west like the other battalions that the regent has brought up from their main barracks south of the city.
As lord Sammis is hell bent on exacting revenge upon those who killed the king of Girdane. Which is now common knowledge throughout the city, and has started to spread throughout the duchy of Marsin. And to further afield here in the east of the kingdom.
There's only one problem with that. It's that the dukes of Dalmar, Girnath and Falosen, who have rebelled against the crown. Had nothing whatsoever to do with the death of king Jarnard the Second of his name, along with others in the palace at the start of the week.
Now what's essentially a civil war has intensified. As the regent of Oaklynn, who has no mandate to send his army beyond the immediate surroundings of the city of Oaklynn.
Is sending at least half of his army out west to join the kingdom's army who are already engaged with the rebellious dukes and their forces.
As the spy Tanith watches the column of soldiers coming towards the capital city. He knows, as does Mira Reinholt the mage, and Shur Kee the monk. That something or more precisely someone else is at play here.
And that they're manipulating the situation, so that both the king of Girdane has been killed. And that the civil war has now been expanded. As there's now talk of the duke of Marsin and other eastern dukes joining the crown's war against the three most western duchies in the kingdom.
Dalinvardél Tanith or Dalin as he's more commonly called by the others in the group. Watches the column of the regent's soldiers approaching the city for a little while longer.
Then he makes his way along the top of the old wall, and heads to a set of steps.
The elven spy who once served in one of the more prominent noble houses in his homeland of Alínlae. Isn't the only person on top of the section of wall. As there must be at least twenty locals also on the wall, watching the approaching battalion.
For they, like just about everyone else in the city of Oaklynn, want to see justice for the murder of their king, and the royal family.
Once the elven spy who is an officer in the armies of Farque, is down the steps, many of which are crumbling, and in a state of disrepair.
He starts making his way north through the capital city on this calm and sunny, but cold winter's day. Dalin is to meet up with Mira Reinholt the mage, and Shur Kee the monk at a taverna they frequent near the long street in the middle of the city, where the palace of the king, along with the city council building, and the regent's mansion is located.
Mira Reinholt the mage is the first one to get to the taverna where they're meeting. The long street that's nearby, is open again over the last couple of days. After being closed to the public for a few days immediately after the death of the king.
Once again, it's easier and quicker to walk through this part of the city with the long street open again.
The spellcaster who was once the most powerful mage of his generation to be found anywhere in the Southlands. Until he was stripped off the majority of his powers when he went offworld through a rift/void he accidentally cast.
Takes a seat inside the taverna, even though it's a fine, and sunny, but cold day outside.
The mage from the city-state of Vexil, who is in exile from his homeland. Doesn't want to be interrupted, or spoken to by any of the regent's soldiers. As they've been stopping foreigners and visitors to Oaklynn on the streets. And questioning them, wanting to know what they're doing in the capital city of the kingdom of Girdane. As they try to find those who were responsible for the death of king Jarnard the Second and others in the palace at the start of the week.
After ordering something to drink and eat, the spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster. Listens to the conversations in the taverna as he waits for Shur Kee the monk and Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy to show up.
The once powerful mage isn't at all surprised that the topic that's dominating the conversations from his fellow customers. Is the death of the king, and how the regent of Oaklynn has taken charge of things.
As those who attacked the palace that night at the start of the week. Are hunted by not just the regent's men, and the crown's soldiers. But also nearly every other noble's soldiers from the eastern duchies of the kingdom.
The mage Reinholt isn't all that surprised when he hears a couple of visiting merchants. Vexilian like he is, complaining about being stopped every time they're out and about on the city streets.
And that the sooner those responsible for the death of king Jarnard the Second are caught, the sooner things can get back to normal for them.
As the swordmaster from the city-state of Vexil drinks from a goblet of mulled wine that's been heated. And eats various slices of cheese that are melting on toasted slices of bread.
He looks up as the front door opens, and sees Shur Kee the monk enter the taverna.
The short, statured monk wearing the odd, conical shaped hat looks around, and spots the once powerful mage sitting at one of the corner tables.
The acolyte in the philosophical order of Bru Li, who is not a Southlander, but hails from the otherside of the continent. Where his homeland, the kingdom of Wah Lee is located on the far east coast. Makes his way over to the corner table.
Mira Reinholt notices the physical adept is going about with his staff now, when previously he wasn't.
After the short, statured monk sits down, and  greets the Vexilian mage in exile, then orders something from a passing serving woman.
Shur Kee the monk quietly says "I was stopped again this morning" the once powerful mage nods his hooded head when he hears this.
The physical adept, who is the conduit or living incarnation of the Jade Warrior Bru Li, quietly continues with "I told them i was a mercenary looking to be hired by the crown, as i heard about it whilst travelling here".
The short, statured monk who has taken off his odd conical shaped hat, then adds "They seemed pleased with my answer, then gave me directions to one of the barracks of the kingdom's army where the hiring officers are".
"It almost happened a couple of times with me this morning too" quietly says Mira Reinholt the mage, referring to the regent's soldiers who are stopping and questioning people, predominantly foreigners, as they go about their business on the streets of Oaklynn.
"But i" says the spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster, who after a slight pause, continues on with "Shall we say, persuaded them not to bother me".
Shur Kee faintly smiles in understanding, as he knows the once powerful mage who is a member of the personal council to the lord and ruler of the lands Farque. Is using spellcraft to be left alone as he walks the city streets.
The acolyte in the order of Bru Li looks towards the front door of the taverna, and quietly asks "Any sign of friend Dalin?".
"Not yet" is the quiet reply from the exiled Vexilian mage, who then asks the acolyte in the order of Bru Li "What did you find out?".
"Supplies and soldiers are coming upriver" quietly says Shur Kee, who has been out to the docks on the river Tambir, which is a few miles to the east of the city of Oaklynn.
"Supplies are coming upriver from Vexil too" adds the short, statured monk who is originally from the otherside of the continent.
The swordmaster Reinholt nods his hooded head, as he saw similar at the airdocks, where he spent the morning.
"War is good for business" quietly says the once powerful mage, who faintly smiles as lord Farque often told him that many years ago, when Mira first met the undead warlord and Dorc da Orc, during the battle of Vexil.
The mage Reinholt didn't believe him at first. But over the nearly twenty years since the battle of Vexil, the spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster has come to see that, infact war is actually good for business.
It's proven by the pair of Vexilian merchants at the nearby table. Who even with the inconvenience of being repeatedly stopped, and questioned by the regent's soldiers when they're out on the streets of Oaklynn.
They're still here selling their wares. Which by the sounds of it, is leather. Which is in high demand by armourers, who are outfitting not just the crown's army, and the regent's army. But also the many mercenaries who are in the city, looking to be hired on by the crown, for their war against the dukes of Falosen, Girnath and Dalmar who have rebelled against the crown.
The once powerful mage and the short statured monk look to the front door of the taverna as it opens again. And see Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy enter.
The tall elf in the grey hooded cloak makes his way over to the corner table where they're sitting.
And after he takes a seat, Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy quietly says to them "Another battalion in the regent's army is approaching the city" he follows that with "They're fitted out for war, they'll be heading west straight away".
The mage Reinholt slightly nods his hooded head, then he brings up the subject they've repeatedly discussed since finding out about the attack upon the palace, that saw the king of Girdane killed.
"So" quietly says the exiled Vexilian swordmaster "Who has benefited the most in all this?" quietly adds the spellcaster who was once the most powerful mage of his generation to be found anywhere in the Southlands.
All three of them have their opinion on this. And they're all in agreement on it. Just that trying to prove it, has been difficult to say the least.
"We all know who" quietly says the spy Tanith, who continues with "He's basically the defacto sovereign and those at court are behind him" Dalin then adds "Not to mention he's the only living relative of king Jarnard the Second, and was the previous heir before Jarnard was born".
Both Mira and Shur Kee slightly nod, then the spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster who has cast a spell so that people can't listen in on their conversation, quietly says "But why would he?" followed by "Considering he and his cousin the king were the best of friends".
"That is what we have to find out" quietly says Shur Kee the monk, who after a moment's pause, adds "That is if he is the one responsible for all this".
Lord Sammis the regent of Oaklynn slaps his wife across the back of the head, then shoves her back down onto the bed after he climaxes in her.
Breathing heavily, the regent looks at his beautiful young wife in disgust as she lies naked on their bed.
"You better hope you fall pregnant my dear" says lord Sammis the regent of Oaklynn as he gets his breath back, who as he pulls up his hose, and does up his belt he continues with "And that we have a son" the regent grins as he silently adds, who will be king after me.
The nobleman, who for all intensive purposes, is the acting sovereign of Girdane. Looks at his wife, who is more than twenty years younger than him. Wondering if she'll cry, as she often does when he takes her by force.
He grunts in satisfaction, as she lies there face down on the bed, silent apart from breathing in ragged breaths.
Satisfied he doesn't have to beat her. The regent of Oaklynn dons his tunic, then his jacket. He puts on his boots, followed by his cloak which is lying on the floor where he dumped it.
Lord Sammis heads to the bedroom door, saying to his wife "I don't know when I'll be home tonight" he continues with "What with things being so busy at the palace after the death of my dear cousin Jarnard". The regent of Oaklynn is smirking as he says that last bit.
Then he opens the bedroom door. And makes his way through their private chambers.
Meanwhile back in the bedroom, the lady Mera, the younger sister of duke Hilloc of Dalmar, and the wife of lord Sammis the regent of Oaklynn.
Lies there, trying to gather and compose herself after her husband took her by force again, as he always does.
The young noblewoman originally from the very west of the kingdom of Girdane, is just glad her husband didn't beat her up as well.
She suspects he would have if it was nighttime. But as it's the middle of the day, he can't afford to waste his time. As things are actually quite busy at the palace. Where the regent of Oaklynn has spent a lot of his time since the death of his younger cousin, king Jarnard the Second of his name.
Looking around the hallway corner, the house maid Lissa watches lord Sammis head down towards the other end of the hallway after exiting his private rooms.
The regent of Oaklynn is followed by a pair of his guards, and once they've gone around the corner at the far end of the hallway.
Lissa hurries forward to the quarters of the regent and his wife. The house maid hurries to check on her lady, as she has a fair idea why lord Sammis returned to the mansion during the midday break at court.
Lissa just hopes the regent didn't beat up the lady Mera as he's want to do wherever he rapes her.
And when the house maid gets to the bedroom, and finds the regent's wife hasn't been beaten this time. She breathes a tiny sigh of relief, before she takes hold of the noblewoman, and hugs her while the lady Mera sobs.
"Tower lookouts have reported that the latest battalion should be here fairly soon" says captain Kilmane who is waiting outside, next to the enclosed coach.
"Good" says lord Sammis the regent of Oaklynn, who then nods as the captain adds "Commander Kaim wants to know if he should go out west with this one".
The nobleman climbs up into the coach, followed by the captain in his army. While the two guards get up on the footman's stand on the back.
Once they have, the driver sets off, heading around to one side of the mansion, to the long front courtyard.
"He can go with this lot" says the regent of Oaklynn who continues with "He's been champing at the bit to go out west ever since i decided to send our army to help fight those rebellious dukes".
The captain, who is the regent's most trusted officer, nods his head as the horse drawn coach goes out through the gates, and turns right, and starts going down the long street towards the palace.
"Do you want me to go back out west too?" asks captain Kilmane, who continues with "To deal with the remaining waagen?" he then adds "They don't exactly discriminate, they'll just as happily attack our army as much as the enemy's or the crown's".
"Hmmm" murmurs regent Sammis, who thinks the waagen have used up their usefulness, as those that were brought to the capital, helped carry out his plan to takeover the crown, before he had them killed.
"I'm sure Sarmac and i can get the remainder to only attack the rebels" says captain Kilmane, who continues with "They can still be of use to us, until we finally get rid of them".
Lord Sammis slowly nods as he thinks about it for a moment, then the nobleman who is the only living relative of his cousin, king Jarnard the Second, who he had killed, says to the captain "Alright, do it".
Then the regent of Oaklynn, who is looking out one of the door windows, that are slightly open as the coach approaches the palace, says "Look at the fellow there, what a strange looking hat he's wearing".
Captain Kilmane glances out of the same window, and sees the person the lord Sammis has identified, a short individual in a white cloak, wearing an odd conical shaped hat.
He's walking with two others, one in a black hooded cloak about six foot tall, and a taller individual, well over six foot tall, in a grey hooded cloak.
"Mercenaries" says the captain, who continues with "Hopefully they join up, and head out west to fight the rebels".
Rebels who don't know they've been lured into a war of my choosing, lord Sammis the regent of Oaklynn thinks to himself . . . . . .

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