Sunday 29 September 2019

A Grand Design 33.

Winter. Western Girdane.

The bulk of the kingdom's army broke fairly quickly, what with them having no commander and senior officers to lead them, it was bound to happen.
Even so, the battle wasn't easy, nor is it over. As over the last day and a half they've pursued the retreating army across most of the duchy of Isanor.
With the kingdom's forces, in particular the mercenary companies they've hired. Putting up a stout rear guard action as they've fled back eastwards.
Tamric Drubine the field commander has had to be more conservative than he would like to be.
As he can't risk stretching out their own lines as they chase after the fleeing enemy.
Not to mention their supply lines, which are stretchered all the way back through the duchy of Poldis, and into the duchy of Dalmar.
And the further east they go through the duchy of Isanor, the less they're able to protect their own supply lines.
Though in one definite advantage of defeating the kingdom's army in battle in just one afternoon.
Is that the crown's army left a lot of their own supplies behind as they quickly retreated. Which was taken by the rebel army from the three most western duchies in the kingdom of Girdane.
The young field commander in the armies of Farque who is in charge of the campaign for the dukes of Dalmar, Girnath and Falosen, in their rebellion against the crown.
Who has had to temper down the expectations of dukes Hilloc, Korros and Lombasil. Is proven right to not advance too quickly in the pursuit of the fleeing enemy.
As reports start coming in of an attack upon their own forces to the rear.
On part of the supply line. Where wagons in the duchy of Girnath's army were attacked first thing this morning.
Attacked by waagen, who had not been seen or heard of in a number of days.
They killed about fifty wagon drivers, carters and auxiliaries, and an equal amount of horses in the army of duke Korros a good twenty miles behind the bulk of the rebel army.
Destroying at least twenty five wagons in the process.
They would of done more destruction if it wasn't for the roaming companies that field commander Drubine has going up and down the long line of supply. Who came upon the waagen, and attacked them.
And though in the past, the waagen would of probably fought who ever attacked them, no matter the numbers.
This time they fled, much to the surprise of the mounted company led by Farqian soldiers, and consisting of horse troopers from the three duchies of Falosen, Girnath and Dalmar.
They didn't flee all that far, they disappeared through a rift only having lost one of their number.
Unfortunately there was no spellcaster in the rebel army in the vicinity to sense which way that rift went.
But a pretty clued up Farqian subaltern in the mounted company. Who has been through many a rift, gateway, and portal in his time.
Saw the direction the waagen went through the rift, and that direction was east.
And spellcasters being spellcasters, and are often predictable at times. They tend to face their spells such as a rift, in the direction they're going.
It's truly a cunning practitioner of magic who will cast a rift, or similar spell. Facing one direction, and actually go in a completely different direction.
Such as if it's facing east, and entering it that way. But the otherside of it is to the north or south. Or even more cunning, west.
This was reported to the nobleborn teenager from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin who is now a field commander in the armies of Farque.
Who talks about it with Helbe the elven thief. And the two of them wonder about the sudden reemergence of the waagen after a period of no sightings from them.
And why they attacked the rebel army, and not the retreating kingdom's army this time.
They both take note of this. For if in the future, the waagen only attack the rebellious army from the three duchies in the very west of the kingdom. And not the crown's forces.
Then they know they've got a new problem with the waagen. As that will be a sign that they could very well be in cohoots with the kingdom's army.
But for now, the young field commander in the mercenary army from the lands Farque has got another problem.
And that's reigning in the very front ranks of his army as they give chase to the fleeing enemy.
Not the Farqian army itself. But those companies in the armies of the duchies of Dalmar, Girnath and Falosen who are amongst the front ranks.
Who always want to take off and pursue the enemy whenever they catch sight of them.
Not knowing that half the time this happens, it's a trap that the kingdom's army are trying to lure them into.
A frustrated duke Hilloc of Dalmar rides back in the company of some of his men, including his cousin sir Passic the swordmaster.
With them is a number of Farqian soldiers. Including a young woman, who appears to be a messenger of all things, who ordered the duke and those of his army at the front. Not to advance when they caught sight of a number of the enemy.
The nobleman who is effectively the leader of the rebellion against the crown of Girdane. Knew better than to argue with a lowly messenger.
He would've argued with the Farqian subaltern with them. But that officer agreed with the messenger. And a Farqian captain in charge near the front, an elf of all things. Ordered the duke and his men back to where field commander Drubine is.
The duke of Dalmar happily follows orders, after all he's not exactly experienced at warfare. And only his older cousin Passic amongst his men with him. Has been to war before. And not just the skirmishes they have with raiders from the unruled lands to the west. Who sometimes cross over the border into the kingdom of Girdane. Where they steal livestock and equipment from farms. Often killing those farmers in the very west of the duchy of Dalmar.
But duke Hilloc wouldn't mind having things explained to him a bit more. And not get ordered about by a young woman, who doesn't even have a rank from what he can tell.
As they ride back, the duke of Dalmar glances at his cousin Passic riding beside him. The swordmaster looks back, and shrugs.
His younger cousin the duke sourly smiles. As sir Passic thought that if they were ordered to stay put and not advance. Then there was a reason to do so. And therefore nothing to complain about.
The finest swordsman in the very west of the kingdom of Girdane. Has repeatedly told his cousin the duke that they'll get orders that they don't understand, and some they won't even agree with.
And also told him not to worry about it when that happens. As they only see what's around them. And not the larger picture of the battle overall.
Duke Hilloc of Dalmar slightly shakes his head, as he recalls his older cousin sir Passic the swordmaster telling him a number of times over the last day and half "We've defeated the crown's army in battle, now we're driving them back to the central duchies"  followed by "I think they know what they're doing".
Referring to the mercenary army from the lands Farque who the dukes of Dalmar, Girnath and Falosen have hired to take command of their campaign against the crown of Girdane.
The duke of Dalmar is silent the rest of the way back. And when they get back to what is effectively a staging point. The nobleman who is leading the revolt against the crown, dismounts and looks over at his cousin the swordmaster.
"Waiting for everyone to catch up by the looks of it" quietly says sir Passic the swordmaster after they hand their mounts over to some grooms.
The slightly older of the noblemen gestures all around as he adds "A lot of our forces must be stretched out as we chase them all over Isanor".
The duke of Dalmar nods, then orders his men to go and find something to eat.
Then he along with his cousin Passic, follow the subaltern and the messenger, heading to a nearby rise on this fine and clear, but cold winter's day.
Upon the rise are a number of people, the first of whom is a figure in dark armour who the duke of Dalmar recognises as the avenger sir Kamson.
Who the messenger speaks in elven to for a bit, followed by the subaltern. The avenger replies in kind, then the subaltern turns and slightly bows to duke Hilloc, before heading back down the rise.
"This way" says sir Kamson the avenger in the common language to the duke of Dalmar and his cousin the swordmaster.
Who follow behind the former member of the Knights of the Dark, who is the second in command to Tamric Drubine.
The avenger continues to quietly talk to the messenger in elven as they cross the top of the rise, which gives a pretty good, and unrestricted view to the east.
Up here on top of the rise, the duke of Dalmar finds duke Korros and one of his senior officers.
Duke Hilloc and his cousin the swordmaster join them, as the avenger sir Kamson and the messenger go and speak with field commander Drubine and some others.
"They pulled me back off the frontline" quietly says duke Korros of Girnath after he greets his fellow duke.
"Same" quietly says duke Hilloc of Dalmar, who nods his head, as his fellow co-conspirator in the rebellion against the crown continues with "I kept wanting to chase after them whenever i saw them".
The duke of Girnath in his heavy iron plate armour nods over to where the others are on top of the rise, and quietly adds "They weren't too pleased about that".
"Same with me" quietly says sir Hilloc of Dalmar, next to him, his cousin sir Passic the swordmaster nods to that.
Duke Korros of Girnath, the youngest of the three dukes who have rebelled against the crown grunts, then quietly says "The young field commander will probably give us a telling off".
The duke of Dalmar slightly grimaces at the prospect at that. Then he glances at his cousin the swordmaster, who just shrugs in a manner that duke Hilloc knows means "I told you so".
Then the four of them, the two dukes, the swordmaster and the officer look over at the others who are on top of the rise here in the east of the duchy of Isanor.
"They just get enthusiastic is all" says sir Kamson the avenger, who shrugs his heavily armoured shoulders and adds "It can't be helped".
Nodding in agreement with the avenger, the messenger Lisell Maera says "They follow orders even when they don't particularly like or understand them" the attractive young woman originally from the city-state of Brattonbury continues with "That's something i guess".
"I'll keep the two of them back anyway" says Tamric Drubine the field commander as they converse in the elven language.
The nobleborn teenager who hails from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin continues with "Duke Lombasil can stay towards the front for a while" he follows that with "The duke of Falosen seems to the one who is the less impulsive out of the three, and does what he's told without complaint".
The others all nod, then Lisell Maera or Lis as she's more commonly called by those who know her well, says "Have we heard anything from further east?" the messenger adds "From the central duchies?".
"Nothing so far" is the reply of the young field commander who was the former heir of a previous knight of castle Drubine, which is located in the forested north of the kingdom of Sarcrin.
"The regent's forces coming out this way might of run into the lord and those with him" continues Tamric Drubine or Tam as more often than not he's called by the others in the group.
The nobleborn teenager who is in charge of the bulk of the army from the very west of Girdane, where the duchies of Dalmar, Girnath and Falosen have rebelled against the crown, quietly adds "That would explain why this lot we defeated, haven't suddenly stopped, which they would have done if lord Farque and his force struck them from behind as we had planned".
They all nod to that, as things seem to of changed with what they planned. Though field commander Drubine can't deny the fact that they defeated the crown's forces in battle, a lot easier than he thought they would.
Now the nobleborn teenager who is waiting for their forces spread back across the duchy of Isanor to catch up. And for them to secure their supply lines further back to the west into the duchy of Poldis, then into Dalmar.
Quietly tells the others he's meeting with here upon a rise in eastern Isanor "We might be able to push them into Wostin fairly soon" he continues with "And though the terrain there is supposed to be fairly benign and flat, and they'll be able to move more quickly, so will we".
Nodding his head, sir Kamson the avenger says "The duchies in the center of the kingdom are small compared to the ones here in the west" followed by "We could be through them in a matter of days, and into the eastern duchies within a week".
"Once we're there in the east, particular the duchy of Marsin, it'll be over" states Tamric Drubine, the young field commander in the armies of Farque who continues with "They can't defend the capital Oaklynn, they'll have to try and make a stand somewhere further west" he then adds "When they do, the dukes will have their victory".
"Then what?" asks Lisell Maera who glances over to where the dukes of Dalmar and Girnath are standing, watching them.
"That's up to them to decide" says the nobleborn teenager from the kingdom of Sarcrin, who continues with "They've hired us for their campaign and nothing else" Tam then adds "What they do after we get them their victory, is entirely up to them".
The others nod, as they all wonder who'll be the new king of Girdane. If it'll be one of the three dukes who have rebelled against the crown. Or if it'll be someone else.
Whoever it will be, the dukes of Dalmar, Girnath and Falosen will have a large say in the matter, that's for sure.
"First thing first" says field commander Drubine, who then adds in a slightly dry tone of voice "We have to actually get them the victory".
Then the young field commander in the armies of Farque starts issuing some orders, and after his officers go off to carry out those orders, Tamric Drubine says "Might as well speak to them now" as he looks over to where the two dukes are standing on one side of the top of the rise.
The nobleborn teenager says to his second in command "Go and get them Kamson".
As the large, heavily armoured avenger does, Lisell Maera quietly asks Tam "Where's Helbe?".
"He's gone to check up on something" is the quiet reply from the young field commander.
The attractive young woman from the coastal city-state of Brattonbury, whose mother was a street prostitute and whose father, who she never met, was a sailor. Arches a questioning looking eyebrow as she looks at Tamric Drubine.
"I'll explain later" says field commander Drubine as the two dukes and those with them, follow sir Kamson across the top of the rise to where Lis and Tam are standing.
Then the nobleborn teenager whose father was a previous knight of castle Drubine, which is in the very north of the kingdom of Sarcrin, switches to the common language, and says "So good of you to join us" as the two dukes stop before him and the messenger.
"Now, there's something I'd like you and the companies you've got at the front to do" says Tamric Drubine after the dukes of Girnath and Dalmar greet him.
The young field commander in the Farqian mercenary army on this cold and sunny winter's day here in the west of the kingdom of Girdane, then explains to the dukes Hilloc and Korros, what he wants them to do . . . . . .

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