Thursday 5 September 2019

A Grand Design 17.

Late Autumn. The City Of Oaklynn. The Kingdom Of Girdane.

Earlier in the morning, lord Sammis the regent of the city of Oaklynn. Went through the secret underground tunnel that connects his plush residence with the council building next door.
The nobleman who effectively rules the capital city of Oaklynn, spent most of the morning in the council chambers, with the city council. Going over what's expected for the coming winter, here in the capital of the kingdom of Girdane.
Everything from the sewers being kept clear and running. To the prices the stall holders have to pay to have access to the public markets.
After much deliberation, and a fair bit of grumbling from council members.
They decided to slightly drop the charges for the stall holders in the public markets. For the simple reason it's winter, and people tend to spend less in the colder months in the year.
With the firewood and coal sellers really the only ones making a profit at this time of the year.
Besides, the council agreed, at the suggestion from lord Sammis himself. That the taxes the crown gets from the very west of the kingdom. Should cover any shortfall the council has from lowering the charges for the stall holders in the public markets in the city.
The relationship between the city of Oaklynn and the rest of the kingdom, which is the crown, in this case the king. Is a little murky and convoluted to say the least.
The capital city is supposed to be run separately from the rest of the kingdom. That's why Oaklynn has a council, which is headed by the regent.
But it's not that simple. Infact it's far from it. Especially considering the current regent, and the current king. Are cousins, who are close. Or so it seems.
The crown, who at this moment is king Jarnard the Second. Is still close with his cousin the regent.
And by all appearances, lord Sammis the regent of Oaklynn is close with his cousin. But appearances are deceiving.
For the king of Girdane, doesn't know that his cousin, who is one of his best friends. Has been working on a plan for several years now.
A plan that started when he suggested to his cousin the king to increase the taxes for the three most western duchies in the kingdom. Falosen, Girnath and Dalmar.
The king was intending to do that, just not at the amount his cousin suggested it be raised to.
And when the council of lords at the king's court heard of this. Information that was cleverly leaked by regent Sammis.
They wholeheartedly agreed on increasing the taxes upon the three most western duchies in the kingdom, to the level that the regent suggested.
Even though they all knew the duchies of Dalmar, Girnath and Falosen wouldn't be able to afford it in the long run.
As they're the remotest part of the kingdom, with the smallest population, who have never generated wealth like the rest of the kingdom.
Especially compared to here in the east of Girdane, where the capital Oaklynn is located.
After that lord Sammis concocted the next part of his scheme. Which was more of a happy accident than anything else.
Which resulted in his marriage to the lady Mera, younger sister of duke Hilloc of Dalmar.
True it was a forced marriage, and against her wishes. But she could do nothing to stop it. Especially after lord Sammis beat her so much. That she was basically unconscious as a frightened priest married the two of them in private.
The regent of Oaklynn knew that duke Hilloc wouldn't let things go with his sister Mera marrying lord Sammis. Whose two previous wives died in rather suspicious circumstances.
And that the rumours of rebellion in the very west of the kingdom, with the tax increases a couple of years earlier.
The forced marriage of the younger sister of the duke who is seen as the leader of the potential rebellion. Would push things even closer to a revolt against the crown.
Now, some eighteen months after his marriage to the lady Mera of Dalmar. The regent of Oaklynn has set the next phase of his scheme into motion.
First with the outbreak of the plague in the very west of the kingdom, at the end of summer, early autumn.
A plague that was magically created by his own wizard, the wizard Haric who serves in his army.
Then in the middle of autumn, he suggested to his cousin the king. That they do something to stop the plague that's hit the duchies of Dalmar, Girnath and Falosen. Just incase it comes eastwards, into the heart of the kingdom.
Which again, both his cousin king Jarnard the Second, and the council of lords agreed to.
And now, the regent of Oaklynn has set the latest part of his plan into action during the end of autumn.
A part that's been in the works for a couple of years. As he's thought of a way to have a force  of unstoppable soldiers working for him.
And now he's just waiting for confirmation of that latest part of his scheme has been successful or not.
He's hoping it has been. And that his plans are working as he'd always hoped they would.
It's late in the morning, when a royal messenger from the palace arrives at the council building, and is ushered into the chambers where the council meets.
Where he informs that lord Sammis the regent of Oaklynn is immediately summoned to the palace.
The regent of the capital city of the kingdom of Girdane, refrains from grinning when he hears that.
He summons his carriage, as he doesn't like to walk down the longest street in the city to get to the palace.
And a short while later, and the regent of Oaklynn, along with one of his advisors. As well as the general of his army. Are in the covered carriage. Heading towards the palace.
"Who's in that one?" quietly asks Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy, who follows that with "And what are they doing?".
"I don't know" is the quiet reply of Mira Reinholt the mage, who then dryly adds "I have to be able to see someone to read their minds".
As they sit at a table infront of a taverna, on a side street, off the longest street in the city of Oaklynn.
Which has the palace on it, as well as the regent's residence, which is essentially a mansion. And the council building, that's next door to it.
Though they're at the other end from the massive palace, which is the largest structure in Oaklynn. If you discount the massive airdocks, that are just outside of the city proper.
The once powerful mage then reads the mind of the carriage driver, then he slightly nods his hooded head.
The spellcaster who is from the city-state of Vexil, which he's in exile from, quietly says to the spy Tanith "It's the regent, and couple of his lackeys".
The mage, who is also a highly skilled swordmaster, who is speaking in the elven language, adds "He's been summoned to the palace".
"Something must of happened" quietly says Dalinvardél Tanith, who is more commonly called Dalin by the others in the group.
The Vexilian mage in exile nods in agreement with the spy originally from the elven principality of Alínlae.
Then Mira Reinholt says to the elven spy "We'll find out soon enough i suppose".
"Have you been able to read his mind at all?" asks the spy Tanith referring to lord Sammis, the regent of the city of Oaklynn.
"I haven't" says the highly skilled swordmaster, who continues on with "He never seems to go out in public" followed by "Well, at least not any where I've been".
The spellcaster, who was once the most powerful mage of his generation to be found anywhere in the Southlands.
Who lost the majority of his vast amount of powers when he accidentally cast a rift/void that sent him offworld.
Then quietly says to the elven spy from Alínlae "When i do know of his whereabouts, he's always in his damn carriage" the exiled Vexilian mage then mutters "Lazy ass noble".
Even though the enclosed carriage is now out of view, the elven spy looks in the direction it was going, and quietly says to the once powerful mage "You might have to think about sneaking into his mansion, or the council buildings next to it".
Dalin briefly pauses, then adds "Or maybe even the palace itself" he follows that with "That's looking like the best chance to read his mind, and of his cousin the king" the elven spy then says in a dry tone "I doubt there's any other way concerning the king".
The mage Reinholt, who knows the city of Oaklynn fairly well. As it's the closest city to his homeland of Vexil. And he visited the capital city of the kingdom of Girdane quite often when he was young.
And repeatedly again, after he went into exile when he was just seventeen years old, which is more than eighteen years ago now.
Sourly smiles at hearing that from the elven spy from the principality of Alínlae.
"At least the regent actually goes out into the city, unlike the king" sourly says the spellcaster who also happens to be a highly skilled swordmaster.
For in their time here in the city of Oaklynn during the autumn, they've yet to see the king of Girdane leave the palace.
And from what information they've gathered. Like the gossip Dalin has got from the young court official Larn, who is often drunk.
They've found out that king Jarnard the Second hardly ever, or that should be, rarely ever leaves the palace.
And when he does, it's always on official matters. And since that hardly ever comes along. He rarely makes his way from the palace.
"There's Shur Kee" says the spy Tanith when he spots the short, statured monk round the corner from the main street, and make his way towards the outdoor table the two of them are sitting at infront of a taverna.
"Something must be happening at the palace" says Shur Kee the monk when he gets to their table, and takes a seat.
"Oh?" says Mira Reinholt who shares a look with Dalinvardél Tanith.
Nodding his head, the physical adept who is originally from the otherside of the continent, the kingdom of Wah Lee to be exact, says "Yes, i saw quite a few people hurrying in through the gates" he continues with "Riders too".
Once again, the once powerful mage and the elven spy share a look. Then they get up, and head to the street corner.
Refraining from sighing, Shur Kee, who is an acolyte in the philosophical order of Bru Li, gets up too, and follows them.
At the corner, they look down the long street, where in the distance is the royal palace. They see riders in the king's army hurrying in through the open gates.
The mage Reinholt and the spy Tanith glance at one another, then the spellcaster who was once the most powerful mage of his generation, to be found anywhere in the Southlands. Who in all likelihood, would of become a battlemage. Sometimes called a warmage or house mage many centuries ago.
Then quietly says to Dalin and Shur Kee "I think we should wander on down there".
The Vexilian swordmaster in exile quietly continues with "I should be able to find out what's happening".
Both the elven spy and the short, statured monk nod in agreement. Then the three of them, start making their way down the long street, heading for the palace of the king of Girdane.
"Read this" says Jarnard the second of his name, king of Girdane, who throws the parchment he's holding, at his cousin, lord Sammis the regent of Oaklynn.
The regent of the capital city Oaklynn, takes a seat at the table in one of the meeting chambers in the royal palace.
While his cousin Jarnard, the king of Girdane, paces back and forth infront of a large fireplace, that has a fire burning in it.
Regent Sammis looks suitably shocked as he reads what's written on the parchment, even though he had a fair idea what it would be.
Then to make things look, and sound authentic, lord Sammis says in a tone of surprise "What the hell?".
From infront of the fireplace where he's pacing back and forth, the king of Girdane, Jarnard the Second grunts.
The regent of the city of Oaklynn looks over at his cousin, and asks him "Has this been confirmed?".
"It has" says king Jarnard the Second in an angry tone of voice as he briefly stops in his pacing.
He sets off pacing again, when his cousin Sammis the regent mutters "What the hell". Though on the inside, the regent of Oaklynn is laughing, and doing his utmost best to compose himself. And to not grin in glee, which is what he feels like doing.
After reading the message again, lord Sammis clears his throat, and his cousin the king looks his way.
"May i?" asks the regent of Oaklynn as he holds up the piece of parchment, as he nods over to where his advisor and general are standing with two of the king's advisors, and his senior military staff.
The king of Girdane says "My advisors will tell them what's happened" then Jarnard, second of his name, says "Leave us" to the others in the meeting chamber.
The advisors, and the military staff, from both the king's army and the regent's, bow to their king, before they make their way out of the chamber.
After the door shuts, the king of Girdane makes his way over to the table, and sits down at the head of it, and sighs.
"Why the hell would they start doing this?" asks lord Sammis with a shake of his head "And it's almost bloody winter too" adds the regent of the capital city.
"Who knows?" says king Jarnard who is tapping the fingers of his right hand upon the table top "Wiping out those we've sent to help those suffering from the plague, as well as their own villagers suffering from the plague" adds the king, who continues on with "Now they're attacking our supply wagons and troops, as well as messengers, including royal post riders!".
King Jarnard the Second is silent for a few moments before he says "What the hell are they thinking?".
"That's exactly the problem" says lord Sammis, who follows that with "They're not thinking" the regent of Oaklynn then mutters "The idiots".
His cousin the king of Girdane, nods in agreement, then he quietly says "Added with the reports that their armies are mobilising" followed by "And that they've got far more troops than we thought they were capable of having" he then adds after a moment's silence "It can only mean one thing".
"War" says lord Sammis with a nod of his head, who then silently adds, i bloody well hope so, I've spent years trying to get it to happen.
King Jarnard the Second nods, then he says to his cousin the regent "Well if they bloody well what their rebellion, they can have it" the king of Girdane continues with "And we'll damn well crush them for thinking they can take on the crown" he then adds in a mutter "Damn western upstarts".
His cousin, the regent of the capital city Oaklynn nods in agreement, then he quietly says "My forces are at your disposal cousin".
The king looks at his cousin, and after thinking about it for a few moments, Jarnard, second of his name says "Thank you Sam" he follows that with "But we best not" he continues on with "We'll do this by the laws of the kingdom, and have you and your forces stay out of this".
Lord Sammis looks like he's going to object, then he nods and says "Of course, you're right as usual cousin" the regent then silently adds in a gleeful tone, and that's how you do that.
The cousins, the regent of Oaklynn, and the king of Girdane. Look so similar, that they could be brothers instead of cousins. About five foot ten inches tall, with dark hair, and of thin build. Though as he's got older, lord Sammis has started to put weight on around the gut.
The cousins are five years apart, with the regent of Girdane, who is in his early forties, the older of the two.
And Sammis, who until he was five years old and Jarnard the Second was born. He was heir to the previous king, Jarnard the First of his name. The father of Jarnard the Second.
Something that Sammis has not forgotten since his childhood. Even though he didn't exactly know what it meant when he was so young.
But as he got older, he knew exactly what it meant. And over the years resentment started to grow, that he should of been king of Girdane, and not his younger cousin Jarnard the Second.
The resentment didn't actually blossom until Jarnard the Second was actually crowned king of Girdane. And Sammis, who at that time was now regent of Oaklynn, realised what could of been. How he could of been king instead of his younger cousin.
And in the years since, he's slowly built up a plan that will see himself as the king of Girdane. A grand design if you will. That's come into fruition in the last five years or so. And now is in full bloom.
Sammis, the regent of Oaklynn, who actually liked his younger cousin for the longest of time. Until their personal circumstances veered off in different directions.
With the king happily married, with two children, who are his heirs. While the regent of Oaklynn is on his third marriage, with no children and heirs. Nor bastards as well. Not from a lack of trying too.
And that resentment that's built up over the years on the part of lord Sammis, has turned into dislike of his cousin Jarnard the Second.
Though from outward appearances, the regent of Oaklynn, still acts if he's close and the best of friends with his cousin the king.
Looking at his younger cousin the king of Girdane, regent Sammis asks him "What do you plan to do?".
"Gather my army, and head out west" says king Jarnard the second of his name, who follows that with "And crush them before they come too far east".
The regent of Oaklynn nods, then asks "Are you going?".
"I am" says Jarnard the Second, king of Girdane, who continues on with "Best for appearances if i go, as the crown puts down this upstart rebellion from those western idiots".
And that's how i become king of Girdane, lord Sammis thinks to himself in satisfaction as his plans have finally worked out to be as successful as he thought they would be . . . . . .

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