Thursday 19 March 2020

The Journey 10.

Autumn. The Balford Fleet & Army. Smalsare. Terrindim.

Able airman Orvick, aide to admiral Halmack. Yawns as he crouches down as he waits in the darkness well before dawn.
The teenage airman who is carrying a satchel containing maps and other documents. Who is next to the battlecruiser the Dragon Flame.
Hears a grunt and muttered oath behind him, as someone hops down to the ground from the netting on the port side of the large warship.
Orvick, son of a single mother in the capital, who joined the Balford faction because much of his extended family more or less over the years, served in either the army or fleet in it.
Gets up, and stands upright, leaning to one side, putting weight on his good leg.
"Morning sir" quietly says Orvick the able airman.
"I wouldn't exactly call it morning airman" dryly says captain Jarmic Komav, who after yawning adds in a loud mutter "It's still bloody nighttime".
The warship captain, who from the faint light of a nearby camp fire, can see the young aide to the fleet admiral standing to attention.
Says to him "At ease airman" followed by "You don't have to stand to attention to me" as he knows it's difficult for the able airman with the club foot to stand still like that.
"Thank you sir" says Orvick, who grins as the captain of the Dragon Flame just grunts, then yawns.
The youngest of admiral Halmack's aides, crouches back down, putting weight on his left side, which is a more comfortable position for him, thankful that the Dragon Flame's captain allows him to.
The young airman has always liked captain Jarmic from when he's been around him. And not just because of who he's the older cousin of.
Orvick knows he's popular not just with his own crew, but also crews of other ships in their fleet.
And true the handsome looking battlecruiser captain is a notorious womanizer. Who if rumours are to believed, he's fathered a number of children all across the kingdom.
And yes, he only got the commission of the Dragon Flame at a young age, because of his family's name.
All the same, he's proven more than enough he's earned it. As he's one of the best ship's pilots not just in their fleet. But in the entire Balford faction.
Admiral Halmack has admitted that in private himself. And Orvick has overheard the fleet admiral saying that captain Jarmic Komav is one of the finest airship captains in all of Terrindim.
And that no doubt the daring captain of the Dragon Flame should be a senior captain soon. And after that, a fleet commander.
Though admiral Halmack has expressed an interest that Jarmic Komav could, and should be a fleet admiral one day.
That's never going to happen. Even with his family's name, and who is in his family.
As admirals, and the other most senior officers in both the fleet and army of the Balford faction are positions held by the nobility.
As they are in every other faction throughout the kingdom of Terrindim.
Orvick can't help but softly chuckle when he hears the warship captain loudly mutter "By the gods I'm freezing my bloody balls off here".
Jarmic Komav dryly says "Find that funny airman?".
"Yes, i mean no sir" says the youngest of admiral Halmack's aides.
"I thought it was" quietly says the captain of the Dragon Flame in a put upon tone of voice, which causes the young airman to grin as they wait in the darkness.
Orvick looks away to their left, and he spots one, then a second large shape in the dark, followed by a rumbling voice, then a second. As the dragons Sunbeam and Firelight wake up.
Their riders have probably already woken up, and the dragons, who would like nothing better to do, than sleep in until late in the morning, have been forced to wake.
"Where the bloody hell are they?" is what Orvick hears captain Jarmic Komav mutter.
"They should be on their way sir" quietly says the young airman with the club foot, who then adds "The admiral said he wouldn't be too long".
"It was a rhetorical question airman" dryly says the warship captain, who after yawning again, continues with "You don't have to answer everything".
Orvick nods, then grins as the captain of the Dragon Flame mutters "Especially not this damn early" followed by "And on such bloody cold morning too".
A few moments later, and the two of them turn to their left, as around from the stern of captain Komav's battlecruiser walks admiral Halmack and lord Ganulf, the lord of Highsun, who is also the advisor to the prince.
After the admiral and the prince's advisor greet the warship captain and the able airman.
Admiral Halmack peers through the darkness, and says "Are they awake?".
"They are sir" says Jarmic Komav, who then adds "This way".
Then he leads the other three away from his battlecruiser the Dragon Flame, towards where the dragons Sunbeam and Firelight are.
As they get near to the dragons, they see movement in the darkness nearby, at muttered oaths from soldiers in the army who are taking down the tents of the two dragon riders.
Orvick comes to a stop before he bumps into the back of admiral Halmack and lord Ganulf.
While up infront, the young airman hears captain Jarmic Komav greet his younger cousin, the dragon rider Daeliss Komav.
The able airman knows he's only imagination it, but he feels his heart flutter when he hears the voice of the commonborn dragon rider from the western province of Halvarc.
Suddenly there's a soft light above them, that illuminates the immediate area. And Orvick looks up, and sees the head of the dragon Sunbeam loom out of the darkness, and into the soft white light that he's just provided.
"Thanks Beam" says an appreciative captain Jarmic Komav, who can speak so flippantly with the large dragon, for the simple reason they're see each other basically as family members.
"No problem" replies Sunbeam the dragon, who then says to the gathered group "Good morning all".
"I don't know if it's all that good" dryly says the captain of the Dragon Flame, who then adds in a mutter "By the gods it's still bloody nighttime".
Sunbeam chuckles, then with a nod of his massive head, he acknowledges the morning greetings from admiral Halmack, lord Ganulf and able airman Orvick after they bow to rider Daeliss.
"Sir Malfane?" asks the fleet admiral.
"He's coming" is the reply from Daeliss Komav the dragon rider, who gestures away into the darkness away to the right, where the bulk of the dragon Firelight can just be seen.
A few moments later, a yawning sir Malfane the dragon rider walks into the soft white light.
The nobleborn dragon rider from the western province of Halvarc just grunts in reply to the good mornings from captain Jarmic Komav, admiral Halmack, lord Ganulf and able airman Orvick after they bow to him.
Seems the rider Malfane dislikes early morning starts just as much as Jarmic Komav.
And so apparently does his dragon, who in the darkness away to the right, can be heard muttering "I'm going back to sleep" in her deep, rumbling voice.
Orvick watches as sir Malfane straps his leathers on properly, then he grunts in response to rider Daeliss asking him "Ready?".
The lean, blonde haired teenage dragon rider looks up at her dragon Sunbeam.
The large dragon, probably the largest in the entire Balford faction. Leans back on his haunches, lifts his head up, and extends his neck, and takes a look around.
Able airman Orvick suddenly feels something happening to him. He doesn't know what, just that it's something.
Then he suddenly disappears from where he just was. And just as suddenly he finds himself somewhere else.
He blinks as he realises he's still with the others, just that they're now on the deck of the Dragon Claw. The flagship of senior admiral Yammick.
Where one of the senior admiral's aides greets them, first by bowing to the two dragon riders. Then he asks the group to follow him.
Able airman Orvick walks alongside captain Jarmic Komav, who quietly tells him "Back here with me airman" followed by "Us less important folk are always at the back".
They head below deck, and the senior admiral's aide leads them to the wardroom along the stern of the battlecruiser, the flagship of the entire fleet.
And though the prince's command ship is with the fleet. The prince himself isn't. So this force of the Balford faction is lead from senior admiral Yammick's battlecruiser, the Dragon Claw.
They're bowed into the largest cabin onboard by one of the ship's stewards. And that they find that they're the last to arrive.
Even though they were teleported here in an instant by the dragon Sunbeam.
The fleet which was led by admiral Halmack. Is situated at least a mile away from the middle of the faction's forces here in the province of Smalsare.
There's that many ships here. There's nearly two hundred and fifty warships here. And half again as many in support ships, like supply runners.
Not to mention the massive army that's with the fleet.
And this is just part of the total military force of the Balford faction. Which is one of the two largest factions in the kingdom of Terrindim. The other being the Golmard faction, who they're at war with. As they fight to have a family of dragon egg hunters join them.
Orvick sees that in addition to senior admiral Yammick, and his planning staff of five warship captains. Along with his aides in attendance.
There's three other fleet admirals in the wardroom of the Dragon Claw. Who like admiral Halmack, have brought along a single captain from their own staff, as well as an aide.
There's five dragon riders already here in the large cabin that runs along the entire stern of the battlecruiser.
And the riders Daeliss and Malfane go over and stand with them after the others in the large cabin, including senior admiral Yammick bow to them in greeting.
The odd man out in the room, so to speak, is lord Ganulf, the lord of Highsun, and the advisor to the prince.
And after Orvick hands the leather satchel he's carrying to admiral Halmack.
And he takes a seat on the bench with the aides of the three other fleet admirals.
He sees that although there's a space next to the senior admiral for the lord of Highsun to stand.
The advisor to the prince stands on the otherside of the table next to fleet admiral Halmack. With captain Jarmic Komav standing behind the two of them.
A stance not lost on anyone else in attendance in this briefing. Including sir Malfane, who is finally fully awake and alert.
The nobleborn dragon rider from the western province of Halvarc isn't the only one to raise an inquiring eyebrow as to why lord Ganulf remains to stand next to fleet admiral Halmack, and not with senior admiral Yammick.
Orvick slightly gulps as he realises that there's a power play of politics going on here.
Between the senior admiral who is a relation of the prince. And the prince's advisor, who though not exactly the most popular person in the faction. He is one of the most important. Who has just instigated this power play.
There's silence in the wardroom, and able airman Orvick looks at the admiral he serves. Who is caught up in the middle of this power play between the nobleman from the mountain province of Hanamede, and the nobleman from the southern province of Dershin.
The able airman with the club foot quickly looks over to where the dragon riders are standing. And sees the riders Daeliss and Malfane share a look. And after sir Malfane slightly shrugs.
Daeliss Komav takes a step forward, and into the growing silence in the suddenly tension filled wardroom, the commonborn dragon says "If we can proceed".
She briefly pauses before she gestures back at sir Malfane and adds "My fellow rider Malfane disagrees with such early starts, as does his dragon Firelight" Daeliss continues with "The last thing we want is an upset dragon on the morning of battle".
"Of course rider Daeliss" says senior admiral Yammick with a bow to the rider of Sunbeam the dragon.
For though there's no seniority amongst the dragon riders in the Balford faction, or any faction for than matter.
And the fact Daeliss is the youngest dragon rider present by quite a number of years. Infact she's the youngest in the entire Balford faction.
There are some differences in the way some dragons, and their riders are perceived.
And as Daeliss is from a family who were originally dragon egg hunters. Who have had the dragon Sunbeam since the egg.
They're seen as inscrutable, absolutely loyal to the faction no matter what. As they and their dragon will stay in the faction for the entirety of Sunbeam's life.
Other dragons, there's a rare chance they might leave the faction if and when their rider dies. It doesn't happen often, but it does happen when such a dragon isn't happy with the candidates it's given to choose from.
It's happened just the twice in the last one hundred and fifty years in the Balford faction. But it's always a possibility.
And it's why they, along with the Golmard faction are at war, and are fighting so hard to gain the family of dragon egg hunters, who have recently found a wild dragon egg.
Although there's three other dragons with such families in the Balford faction.
Daeliss Komav is the only one present who has such a dragon, who belongs to such a family.
Orvick watches as the commonborn dragon rider from the province of Halvarc steps back, and nods. After basically telling the senior admiral to hurry up and get a move on.
As admiral Halmack opens the leather satchel, and places his maps down on the large table with all the others.
Senior admiral Yammick, who just over the age of thirty, is very young to be in command of all the fleets of the Balford faction.
Infact no other senior admiral in any other faction throughout the kingdom is as young as him. He's the youngest by more than a decade.
Says to those in the meeting in his wardroom "What we do today could change our faction for a century".
He briefly pauses before adding "It could help gain us another family with an egg".
The senior admiral of the Balford faction, nods in the direction of rider Daeliss as he adds "Not since the Komav family joined the faction a hundred years ago has this happened to us".
There's nods all around at this. For the Balford faction has been involved in three wars over the last one hundred years that were exactly like this.
Where they were fighting for a family of dragon egg hunters to join them. Three wars that they lost, one of which was eventually won by the Golmard faction.
Though those wars, like pretty much every war where the victor earns a new dragon egg. Didn't have two warring sides for long. As eventually other factions joined in on the war.
It isn't without precedent that a smaller faction can be victorious in such a war.
Infact it happens quite often. As the last two such wars in the kingdom in the last thirty years. One of which involved the Balford faction.
It was a smaller faction that come out triumphant and gained a family of dragon egg hunters, and their wild dragon egg.
As he sits on the bench with the other fleet admirals aides. Able airman Orvick thinks about this as he watches and listens to the discussion around the large table here in the wardroom of the Dragon Claw.
The youngest of admiral Halmack's aides looks at lord Ganulf who remains silent as he stands there next to fleet admiral Halmack.
The young aide with the club foot wonders when the lord of Highsun will make his play. And show the senior admiral the scroll from the prince he received yesterday.
Infact Orvick wonders if the senior admiral doesn't know already. As he has two of the five other dragon riders in his personal fleet. And they most likely keep in contact with the prince in the capital quite regularly.
Apparently not, for a little while later in the early morning briefing, when there's a brief pause in the conversation at the large table, lord Ganulf says "I have some new information".
And from inside his cloak, he takes out the roll parchment delivered to him yesterday by the rider Daeliss. He reaches over, and places it infront of senior admiral Yammick.
Whose face briefly goes still when he sees the broken seal of the prince on the rolled up parchment.
The wardroom is silent as he picks it up, unrolls it and starts to read it.
After he does, the prince's relation from the southern province of Dershin looks at the advisor to the prince and asks him "You think they will?".
"I'm certain of it" says lord Ganulf "And the prince is taking the threat seriously, as he's taking things into consideration at what we'll do" adds the advisor to the prince.
The senior admiral nods, and the lord of Highsun, who doesn't particularly like the prince's relation from the south of the kingdom, because he doesn't think he's worthy enough, or tactically sound enough to be the senior admiral for the entire Balford faction.
Tells admiral Yammick "Our spellcasters and riders must be doubly alert in today's battle" the noblemen from mountainous province of Hanamede in the north of the kingdom then adds "They could very well join the war in the middle of today's battle knowing them".
The lord of the city of Highsun, briefly pauses before he continues with "It's what i would do if i was still with them". Referring to his former faction, the Salmain faction, which the senior members of his own family, are in command of.
"I see" says senior admiral Yammick, who follows that with "We shall certainly take that into consideration".
As he sits there on the bench with the aides of the three other fleet admirals.
Able airman Orvick wonders if the senior admiral actually will take what lord Ganulf said into consideration.
And as the young aide with the club foot looks at some of the others here in the wardroom of the Dragon Claw.
He sees that some of them are probably wondering the same thing.
Orvick the airman figures today is going to be a highly eventful day with the battle, and he hopes he's not going to be in the thick of it.
Though he knows he probably will, as he serves onboard the Dragon's Revenge, the flagship of admiral Halmack.
He lets out a slow breath at the prospect of a totally hectic day, that he might not survive . . . . . .

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