Wednesday 18 March 2020

The Journey 9.

Autumn. The Province Of Smalsare In Central Terrindim.

"Where have you been all day?" asks captain Jarmic Komav, followed by "I haven't seen the two of you anywhere".
"We've been busy" says Daeliss Komav the dragon rider.
"Doing what?" asks the older of the two cousins, who is the captain of the battlecruiser the Dragon Flame.
"Delivering a message" says the lean young woman with the blonde hair.
With a frown upon his face, captain Komav looks back at the dragon Sunbeam, who has just landed, returning from wherever he and his rider have been.
"A message for who?" quietly asks the airship captain as they walk around the stern of his warship, on their way to admiral Halmack's flagship.
Jarmic Komav sees his younger cousin glance back at her dragon Sunbeam. And he knows that something must of passed between rider and dragon. As Daeliss has admitted in the past to him, that she and Sunbeam communicate with just their minds at times.
"If you really want to know" quietly says rider Daeliss, who wouldn't ordinarily divulge information to anyone, but considering it's her rather rakish, and handsome older cousin, she tells him "For lord Ganulf".
When the airship captain hears that, he frowns even more.
And before he can ask, what, and to who. His younger cousin quietly says to him "To his highness".
"Hell" mutters the captain of the Dragon Flame, who after a moment's pause, asks "The capital?".
The young dragon rider, only recently turned nineteen, nods her head yes in reply as they walk towards the Dragon's Revenge, admiral Halmack's flagship.
Jarmic Komav knew something was up when he didn't see Sunbeam and Daeliss throughout the day as the fleet continued westwards.
And when their fleet finally caught up with other, much larger fleet in their faction, along with a rather large army, here in the province of Smalsare.
And they all set down upon the ground in the early evening, is when Sunbeam finally reappeared again, and landed just a short time ago, near captain Jarmic's battlecruiser.
"What's going on?" quietly asks the warship captain as they approach the admiral's flagship, as he knows it must be pretty important as both Sunbeam and Daeliss didn't try to engage any banter with him, which is often what they do.
"I can't tell you that" is the quiet reply of the commonborn dragon rider, who briefly pauses before adding "Yet".
The two of them get to the Dragon's Revenge, and as they climb up the cargo netting draped over the starboard side hull, the airship captain quietly says "The prince's command ship is here".
"I know" says Daeliss Komav, who has been the rider of the dragon Sunbeam, for a little under three years.
Captain Jarmic Komav grunts as he climbs up over the rail and onto the deck. And the warship captain who was already coming here to the fleet flagship because admiral Halmack called his planning staff to him, quietly asks his younger cousin "You think admiral Halmack will take over the combined fleet here?".
"Do you?" asks the dragon rider, the warship captain slightly grimaces to show what he reckons.
"See, you didn't even have to ask" quietly says Daeliss Komav as they head across deck to the nearest ladder which will take them below deck.
"He should be" mutters Jarmic Komav, his younger cousin slightly nods yes in agreement as they make their way below deck.
As they do, the commonborn dragon rider quietly says "Even though the admiral is a nobleman" she briefly pauses before continuing with "He's not noble enough, if you know what i mean".
The captain of the battlecruiser the Dragon Flame grunts to indicate that he does indeed know what his younger cousin, means. 
"Lord Ganulf?' asks the older of the two Komav dragons as they make their way along a passageway that goes aft.
"Not unless you want most of the fleet to revolt" dryly says rider Daeliss.
The warship captain nods in agreement to that, and falls silent as there's quite a few people here, below deck on admiral Halmack's flagship.
It's not until they're in the passageway that leads to the admiral's wardroom that they speak again.
"I caught up with Marric a little while ago" says Jarmic Komav referring to another of their cousins, who is a captain of cutter in the Balford faction.
"How is he?" asks Daeliss Komav, who has been told by Sunbeam the dragon that lord Ganulf, the advisor to the prince, is already in the admiral's cabin.
"He's fine" replies the captain of the  Dragon Flame who continues with "They and the rest of their fleet had to fly shadow over the army, so that spent well over a week coming here to Smalsare".
The young dragon rider nods, and after a steward bows to her, and opens the door to the admiral's cabin. The two Komav cousins enter the wardroom, in which most of the admiral's planning staff are waiting, along with his aides, and the nobleborn admiral himself.
Along with them are sir Malfane the dragon rider, and lord Ganulf, the lord of Highsun, the advisor to the prince.
The two noblemen, one from the western province of Halvarc and the other from the northern mountain province of Hanamede are at opposite ends of the large cabin.
Those in attendance in the wardroom with the exception of rider Malfane bow to rider Daeliss.
Who Jarmic Komav sees looks at her fellow dragon rider for a brief moment, and figures that something must of passed between them. As they can silently communicate with one another thanks to their dragons Sunbeam and Firelight.
Who captain Komav figures is probably watching and listening to everything that's going on here in admiral Halmack's cabin.
Unlike the last meeting to take place in the wardroom of the Dragon's Revenge, there's just over a dozen in attendance, and that includes the admiral's aides.
As Jarmic Komav makes his way over to the large table to join the admiral and the others in his planning staff, and wait for the last two of the staff to show up.
Rider Daeliss makes her way over to where lord Ganulf stands by himself.
And as the last two captains in the admiral's planning staff enter the wardroom, spot the dragon riders, and bow to both of them, then hurry to the large table where the rest of the staff are waiting.
Jarmic Komav watches as his younger cousin Daeliss gives a rolled up sealed parchment to lord Ganulf.
The rider Daeliss speaks with the lord of Highsun, and he replies. The two of them have a conversation. Which is completely silent to everyone else in the wardroom. No doubt thanks to a spell cast by the dragon Sunbeam.
The captain of the Dragon Flame, at twenty eight years of age, is still the youngest captain of any battlecruiser in the entire Balford faction.
Looks at admiral Halmack who is saying to his planning staff "The enemy has a force just as large, if not larger than our combined one" he briefly pauses then adds "With two more dragons than us".
All of the planning staff, all of whom are warship captains, who are standing around the large table, either wince or grimace at hearing that last bit.
"Indeed" says the nobleborn admiral when he sees that reaction from his staff to what he just said.
As admiral Halmack, a greying figure in his early fifties, who like most people of Terrindim, is lean, but not particularly tall, says "We can't wait for any of the rest of the faction to join us, as we'll engage with the enemy sometime tomorrow".
Captain Jarmic Komav looks over to where his cousin is with lord Ganulf, the advisor to the prince.
The lord of the city of Highsun, who at a couple inches over six foot, is rather tall for someone in the kingdom. Is reading the parchment he's been given, and speaking to the commonborn dragon rider at the same time.
The captain of the battlecruiser the Dragon Flame, sees that the advisor to the prince looks extremely thoughtful at whatever is that's written on the parchment he's reading.
Jarmic Komav who hopes his young cousin Daeliss tells him later, what's going on with lord Ganulf, and the message she gave to him from the prince.
Pays attention to the admiral, who says to his planning staff and aides "As you know with such a large force of our faction here, we'll need an overall commander" he briefly pauses before adding "So I'll be handing over our fleet to admiral Yammick, it's been decided he'll command our faction in the upcoming battle".
Well that sorts out that, Jarmic Komav sourly thinks to himself, as he figured it would probably be admiral Yammick who took control of the Balford forces in the battle tomorrow.
After all, the senior admiral is related to the royal family. So it's no real surprise he'll be in command.
The captain of the Dragon Flame is disappointed all the same. So are the rest of the planning staff of admiral Halmack, as too are his aides.
For the simple reason their admiral is a far better tactician than senior admiral Yammick, a nobleman in his early thirties, from the southern province of Dershin, who is related to the prince.
Who if rumours are true, only became a warship captain when he begged the prince about a decade ago, to let him be one. As Yammick's father was pressuring him to join the army full time. A much more dangerous prospect than being in the fleet.
Captain Jarmic Komav who is looking down at the maps, and the counters on one of the maps, that are the known numbers and position of the enemy Golmard forces.
Looks up, and sees his cousin Daeliss crossing the cabin to join her fellow dragon rider sir Malfane. No doubt the two of them are going to chat about what's going on with lord Ganulf, and the message he's received from the prince.
That's if the commonborn dragon rider hasn't told the nobleborn dragon rider already.
The admiral continues with his briefing, with his staff occasionally chipping in with what they think tomorrow's battle plans should be.
After a while, the two dragon riders make their way over to the large table, and offer their suggestions.
Making it pretty obvious what they think should happen. The destruction of the enemy command vessel, and their flagships. By their dragons of course.
Though those warships in the Golmard fleet will be heavily protected by the enemy dragons, who unfortunately have a numerical advantage.
And if the enemy admiral in command has any wits about him. He'll try the same tactic.
Though in large battles between factions here in the kingdom of Terrindim. The most obvious and destructive tactic isn't sometimes applied. For the simple reasons factions absolutely loath losing dragons in battle.
And makes the loss of the enemy dragon Sunblaze in the battle a few days ago further to the east, in the south of the province of Darnass so important.
Even with their numerical advantage when it comes to dragons, the Golmard faction will be cautious in their use in the upcoming battle.
As his young cousin Daeliss speaks, captain Jarmic Komav glances sideways to where the admiral's aides are sitting on a bench up against the bulkhead here in the admiral's wardroom.
And though all the young aides are absolutely enthralled by what the young, lean, blonde and frankly attractive dragon rider is saying.
It's the youngest of the aides, able airman Orvick, who sits there, absolutely with his heart in his eyes as he intently watches what the dragon rider Daeliss has to say.
Captain Komav refrains from grinning and shaking his head. And looks back at his young cousin, who is totally blind to the fact that able airman Orvick is so in love with her.
The captain of the battlecruiser the Dragon Flame wonders if Sunbeam knows about the aide Orvick being madly in love with his rider.
The older Komav cousin suspects so, and that the dragon probably hasn't mentioned it to Daeliss. For the simple reason that the commonborn dragon rider from the western province of Halvarc isn't interested in the young aide to admiral Halmack.
The fleet admiral is speaking again, and Jarmic Komav pays attention once more.
"Admiral Yammick has called a meeting early in the morning, well before dawn" says the nobleborn admiral.
Who then looks at the warship captains in his planning staff, then says "Jarmic you will accompany me to the meeting".
"Yes sir" says the captain of the Dragon Flame.
The fleet admiral looks over at where his aides are sitting, then says "You as well Orvick" as he picks the youngest of his aides to accompany him to the early morning briefing from senior admiral Yammick.
"Of course the riders will be there" says admiral Halmack nodding to the two dragon riders.
"Definitely" says sir Malfane the rider of Firelight the dragon. Next to him, Daeliss Komav nods in agreement.
Then the admiral looks over to where lord Ganulf is now sitting, holding the rolled up parchment from the prince given to him by the rider Daeliss.
Admiral Halmack lifts a questioning eyebrow, and the lord of Highsun nods his head to indicate that he'll definitely be at the early morning briefing from admiral Yammick.
"Very well, that's it for now" says the nobleborn admiral, who follows that with "All the best for tomorrow" he then adds "May the gods grant us victory".
The meeting breaks up, and the admiral's planning staff return back to their own ships.
And as captain Jarmic Komav walks with the two dragon riders back to his own ship the Dragon Flame, as their dragons are resting on the otherside of it.
The battlecruiser captain after glancing at sir Malfane, asks his younger cousin Daeliss "So, what is it?".
"Might as well tell him" Daeliss Komav says to her fellow dragon rider sir Malfane, who just grunts in agreement.
"Lord Ganulf is more than certain the Salmain faction are going to enter the war" says the commonborn dragon rider, who follows that with "And fairly soon too".
Jarmic Komav winces at hearing that, as they always knew that was a possibility.
"And he's asked the prince to be prepared to take them on" says Daeliss Komav, she continues with "The prince is taking it into consideration".
"Because they're definitely not going to be on our side, that's for sure" sourly adds sir Malfane the dragon rider.
The rider Daeliss Komav nods her head in agreement, while her older cousin, captain Jarmic Komav winces again, then mutters "Hell".
As the war they're in to have the family of dragon egg hunters, who have recently found a wild dragon egg, is about to get a hell of a lot more difficult for the Balford faction . . . . . .

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