Sunday 22 March 2020

The Journey 11.

Autumn. Smalsare Province. The Kingdom Of Terrindim.

In the predawn light. A priest standing near the bow of the battlecruiser the Dragon Flame gives a prayer to those about to enter battle today.
A lot of the crew up on the deck of the triple masted airship are standing there, heads bowed as they listen to the priest in the church of Glaine.
One of the three gods worshiped by the Balford faction. And true there are those in the faction who honour many of the gods of Volunell.
It's to the three of Glaine, Galavin and Torros that they worship. Which along with their political beliefs, sets them apart from other factions throughout the kingdom of Terrindim.
The dragon rider Daeliss Komav stands nearby listening to the long verse prayer by the priest.
Away to the right, a cleric in the church of Torros. Is giving a similar prayer to a company of soldiers in the army who are kneeling in rows infront of him.
The rider Daeliss who isn't a very religious or pious individual. Stands there all the same listening to the prayer from the priest standing next to the bow of her cousin Jarmic's warship.
When the priest comes to the end of the long verse and moves away, as the airman up on the deck say "May the gods be with us".
Daeliss glances over her right shoulder, as behind her, Sunbeam the dragon says the exact same thing.
Much to the delight of the nearby crew of the Dragon Flame, as well as the cleric and soldiers about forty yards away to the right.
The commonborn dragon rider who hails from the western province of Halvarc, refrains from wryly smiling.
For she knows her dragon Sunbeam doesn't believe in the gods at all. The large dragon believes they exist. But in no way believes in them.
All the same, Sunbeam follows the form of those he was raised with. And true not all of the Komav family are dedicated to their faction's  beliefs, like Daeliss isn't.
Many of them are though, especially the older generations in the extended family. Many of whom grew up with Sunbeam after he hatched from the egg about eighty years ago.
The rider Daeliss turns and climbs up into the saddle after Sunbeam drops his head and neck down for her to mount.
The lean, blonde haired young woman who recently turned nineteen, looks towards the stern of the Dragon Flame, and spots her older cousin Jarmic Komav.
The captain of the battlecruiser looks her way, and waves out to her. The dragon rider waves in return.
Then she and her dragon watch as the warship starts to lift up off the ground, as others in the fleet are doing.
Daeliss and her dragon Sunbeam watch for a few moments more. Then once captain Jarmic's battlecruiser is a few hundred feet up in the air.
The commonborn dragon rider tells Sunbeam to lift off. The large, burnt orange coloured dragon leaps up into the air, and shoots up into the predawn sky as the Balford faction goes into battle this morning.
Wars between factions in the kingdom of Terrindim are fought differently than say those between warring nobles.
Whereas nobles at war with one another will think nothing of burning down a village, and killing every peasant and commonborn farmer on their enemy's lands.
A war between factions, to be exact, a battle in such a war. Is fought entirely differently.
Considering there's massive fleets and armies involved. Especially in the war between the Balford and Golmard factions. The two largest factions at the moment in the entire kingdom.
Battles are fought as far away from any population center as possible. It's an agreed upon term between any factions who might be in any war with one another.
And true, enemy garrisons and shipyards in a town or city might be attacked.
Those such attacks are invariably undertaken by dragons. Who will try to minimise any damage to the innocent surrounding such targets.
It's why you'll never see one faction's warships or a battalion of their army. Attack such targets in a town or city.
The fleets and armies of factions at war with one another. Will fight their battles out in the countryside. Or even better, in and above the wilderness.
And because much of the east of the kingdom, particularly the southeast of Terrindim is covered in forest. Forests that are important for the building of the many airships found throughout the kingdom.
Battles between factions tend to be fought in the central and the western provinces of Terrindim.
And though they're occasionally fought in the mountainous provinces in the north of the kingdom.
More often than not they're fought in the western provinces, which is less populated, and far more arid than the rest of Terrindim.
And in the central provinces, which is far more populated than the east, north and west of the kingdom. And is covered in areas of farmland for miles and miles on end.
Such as there is here in the province of Smalsare, where in the middle districts of the province. The Balford and Golmard factions are about to go into battle again.
As they continue their war to see which of their factions will have a family of dragon egg hunters, who recently found a wild dragon egg, will join their faction.
The Balford fleet lifts off from the ground, with much of the army already on the move.
Smaller picket or runner ships lifted off earlier, and are out ahead of the fleet. Heading northwest across this district in the province of Smalsare, as the enemy are coming from that direction.
Next in the fleet, are the smaller fighting ships. Followed by the frigates, then the last of the war galleys, the battlecruisers.
Finally comes the support ships, such as the supply vessels, and healers vessels and transporters. Those airships that are last to lift off the ground in the predawn light.
Though senior admiral Yammick is in overall command of the Balford fleet. Each of the other fleet admirals are essentially his wing commanders. And those admirals will still command those wings, to a certain degree.
For the senior admiral has already given them their positions. And the fleet led by admiral Halmack. That rider Daeliss and her dragon Sunbeam are part of. Are at the rear of the formation. Just infront of the support vessels. Who subsequently number well over a hundred ships. While there's over two hundred and fifty fighting ships in this particular Balford force. Along with their most lethal and destructive weapons. Seven dragons.
As she flies above the wing led by fleet admiral Halmack. Daeliss Komav knows exactly why they're flying at the rear of the formation.
Lord Ganulf, the lord of Highsun, the advisor to the prince, that's why. As he's onboard admiral Halmack's flagship, the Dragon's Revenge.
Senior admiral Yammick wasn't exactly pleased with being shown up in his own briefing earlier this morning by lord Ganulf.
So he's punished admiral Halmack and his fleet of about fifty warships for it. And put them at the rear of the formation.
Even though just about every airman in the entire Balford faction knows admiral Halmack is the best fighting commander in the faction's fleets.
Not that it means anything in a powerplay between two of the most important noblemen in the Balford faction.
Daeliss Komav who knows lord Ganulf's popularity, or lack of it. Has cost admiral Halmack a chance of having a major influence over today's battle.
Isn't too concerned over the position of admiral Halmack's wing. For the simple reason she knows airborne battles between factions. Especially two large factions such as the Balford and Golmard factions. Quickly deteriorate into what can only be called a mess.
And though she knows admiral Halmack's recent tactics are totally different to what's the norm here in Terrindim when it comes to airborne battles.
As they were good enough a handful of days ago when his fleet defeated a larger Golmard fleet.
Though mainly due to the death of an enemy dragon. Which has finally been officially attributed to Daeliss and Sunbeam. Even though they had nothing whatsoever to do with it.
But they were the closest dragon to the enemy dragon Sunblaze. So they were given the kill.
Daeliss knows admiral Halmack's different type of tactics for aerial combat will be completely wasted here at the rear of the formation of fighting vessels.
As the sun starts to rise in the east, Daeliss Komav the dragon rider asks "Beam give me longsight please".
The next moment, the commonborn dragon rider from the western province of Halvarc can see for miles upon miles in all directions.
Sunbeam who is a couple of thousand feet above the fleet, higher than any of the other Balford dragons. Is flying with his head down, looking at Jarmic Komav's battlecruiser, the Dragon Flame.
Which is following behind a few of the other battlecruisers in admiral Halmack's wing. Including the fleet admiral's own flagship, the Dragon's Revenge.
The large, burnt orange coloured dragon gives a grumbling like rumble as he sees how far back the Dragon Flame and the rest of admiral Halmack's wing are.
There's more than two hundred other fighting vessels infront of them. Much to the disappointment of Sunbeam. Who was hoping his fleet would be in the thick of the action.
His fleet might not. But he certainly will. For though Sunbeam and his rider Daeliss are technically part of admiral Halmack's fleet, or wing in this instance for the upcoming battle.
They can do whatever they want to do, whenever they want to do it, during today's battle.
As they as rider and dragon take no direct orders from anyone in battle. Infact they take no orders from anyone in the faction. Not even the prince himself.
They're free to make their own decisions. Though for the most part in battle, they stay with, or at least stick close to, their own fleet, or wing as it is in this instance.
Though as rider Daeliss looks around, that might not be the case in today's battle.
The lean, blonde haired teenager looks to the rear of admiral Halmack's wing. And spots the prince's command ship is back there. Right infront of the first of the support airships.
True the prince isn't here with the faction's forces. He has onboard his command ship, those he trusts to watch overall what the fleet and army does. To see how the battle goes against the largest of the Golmard forces they've yet to come up against in their war with them. A war that's just a few weeks old.
Daeliss Komav looks straight down, and between the layers of warships a couple thousand feet below her and Sunbeam. She looks at the ground, and the rather large army of nearly twenty five thousand soldiers led by general Lapleen.
Who though a close personal friend of the prince. He has got to the rank of general, and leading an army of his own, all on his own merit. Earning the right to lead. Due to the smaller wars they've fought against other factions in the last dozen years or so.
He might be a personal friend of the prince, but general Lapleen is a land poor nobleman from the western province of Halvarc. Just like sir Malfane the dragon rider is.
Normally such a nobleman, even a personal friend of the prince. Would never take command of one of the faction's armies.
Especially since he started his army career as teenager, as a junior officer of a company. Who if he was lucky, might of had prospects of ending up being an overcaptain on a general's staff.
But through sheer brilliance in tactics, and innovation. He's got to the rank of general himself.
Daeliss Komav is of the opinion that the faction's fleets should be more like general Lapleen and the army he leads.
But she knows that won't be a possibility anytime soon. As there's too many nobles of a certain type within the higher ranks of the Balford faction's various fleets. Including their senior admiral. Who happens to be a relation to the prince himself.
The commonborn dragon rider slightly shakes her head at the thought of the prince doing a favour for his relation. And not one for one of his personal friends. Who had to earn his rank in the army the hard way.
While his relation, the senior admiral was given his position on a plate. Handed the rank of senior admiral without being a fleet admiral, or even the captain of a battlecruiser.
Some families eh, Daeliss Komav thinks to herself, who then looks away to the northwest, and in the distance, with the aid of the longsight spell Sunbeam has cast upon her, spots the enemy faction in that direction.
"There they are" says the commonborn dragon rider, who continues with "Do you see them?".
"I do" says Sunbeam the dragon who isn't even looking at the enemy, but still down at the Dragon Flame with the rest of admiral Halmack's wing.
Daeliss rolls her eyes, but figures her dragon is watching the enemy too. For he doesn't have to look at them, to actually see them.
After a few moments as he continues to watch what the fleet is doing below them, the large dragon asks "Any ideas?".
"Thinking of a few" says Daeliss Komav, her dragon Sunbeam grunts at that, and waits for his rider to tell him what she thinks.
For Daeliss and Sunbeam are unique as rider and dragon from a family of dragon egg hunters, who Sunbeam has been with since the egg, tend to be.
The rider and dragon from those particular families truly work as a team. Making their decisions together. They even argue about what they'll do, especially in battle.
But no matter what, they'll come to a consensus, and decide together what's to be done.
True some of the other riders, who don't come from a family of dragon egg hunters. Work well as a team with their dragon.
Such as sir Malfane, and his dragon Firelight. Who Daeliss thinks are the best such rider and dragon combination from a non dragon egg hunter family in the Balford faction.
But they're never totally in unison like Daeliss and Sunbeam. For if sir Malfane gets into trouble, his dragon Firelight takes over, and makes all the decisions.
And though Sunbeam will do so if Daeliss is in danger. It's rarely happened, especially of late since Daeliss Komav has got more experienced. For the simple reason that the commonborn dragon rider from the western province of Halvarc keeps herself, and her dragon out of danger as much as possible.
Though that doesn't make them any less lethal in battle. Infact it's entirely the opposite. As you'll often find them in the thick of battle. Taking on both enemy dragons, and enemy warships, often at the same time. They're also the ones most likely to instigate a battle. Which is exactly what the rider Daeliss is intending to do this morning against the Golmard faction.
After Sunbeam the dragon says "There's a fair few spells about to be cast down in our fleet" and he looks up, and towards the enemy as he adds "And in their fleet too".
Daeliss Komav says "I think Jarmic and our wing will be safe for at least the start of the battle".
The large male dragon who has been in the Komav family for a century, grunts in agreement, then says "Of course" in reply to his rider asking him "You will keep an eye on him, won't you?".
The rider Daeliss then tells her dragon Sunbeam "This is what i think we should do" the commonborn dragon rider then explains to the large dragon what they should do.
There's a few moments of silence after Daeliss has explained what they should do, then Sunbeam chuckles in his rumbling laugh, and he says "I like it".
"Then we'll do it" says the dragon rider from the west of the kingdom of Terrindim.
"Agreed" says the large dragon, who then asks "When?".
"No time like the present" says Daeliss Komav with a chuckle.
Sunbeam chuckles his rumbling laugh too, then he twists in midair, and goes into a dive, heading downwards at an incredible speed of knots as he prepares to teleport as the sun continues to rise over the horizon to the east.
Combat for a dragon in a battle between warring factions usually involves fighting against enemy dragons, and the enemy fleet.
For a lot of the riders of the dragons of the kingdom of Terrindim, are nobleborn.
And they see the death of an enemy dragon as the most important thing, followed by the destruction of as many enemy warships as possible as the next most important. Anything else is just a bonus, and not really considered all too important to a dragon and it's rider.
Daeliss Komav thinks along similar lines most of the time. But she knows it doesn't always have to be that way. As you can be just as destructive, and lethal doing other things.
And that's exactly what Daeliss and her dragon Sunbeam are about to do. They've got just a few moments to act after Sunbeam teleports them. As enemy dragons will easily sense what they're up too.
The large, burnt orange coloured dragon as he closes in on their own fleet. Disappears as he suddenly teleports himself and his rider Daeliss away.
They reappear about nine miles away to the northwest, over some farmland, flying horizontal with the ground, less than a hundred feet above it.
There the dragon Sunbeam and his rider Daeliss Komav start the battle between the two warring factions.
As the large dragon opens his maw, and sprays dragon fire. Raining it down upon the Golmard army.
Who first thing this morning, did not expect to be attacked by an enemy dragon. When above them, their own fleet, and their own dragons. Have yet to even engage with the enemy fleet, and their dragons.
Scores, then hundreds of Golmard soldiers are instantly incinerated, while others are set alight by the fire that's rained down upon them.
Then Sunbeam heads straight up towards the enemy warships above the Golmard army. As suddenly one, then a second enemy dragon appear out of thin air just a few hundred feet behind the large dragon in the Balford faction.
"Here we go then" murmurs Daeliss Komav the dragon rider after glancing back, and catching sight of a pair of Golmard dragons in pursuit of them.
There's a tight grin on the face of the commonborn dragon rider as her dragon Sunbeam flies straight upwards, shooting dragon fire forward of him, directly up at a pair of large enemy warships.
One of which is a flagship of one of the Golmard fleet admirals, as the rider Daeliss and her dragon Sunbeam start the day's battle, between the two warring factions . . . . . .

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