Thursday 26 March 2020

The Journey 15.

Autumn. Smalsare In Central Terrindim.

On the stern deck of the battlecruiser the Dragon Flame. The captain of the warship, captain Jarmic Komav has his right arm raised in the air.
And along the deck, all the way forward to the bow. Officers and bosuns are watching their captain, waiting for his order.
The Dragon Flame's captain as he stands near the helmsman and the wheel, looks away to starboard, forward in the bow quarter. Watching Sunbeam the dragon, who he's known all his life. In the fiercest battle Jarmic Komav has ever seen him in with another dragon.
Infact it's the most violent and brutal looking battle that everyone onboard the Dragon Flame has ever witnessed between two dragons.
They're close enough now, that the warship captain can now clearly see his young cousin, Daeliss Komav in the saddle at the base of Sunbeam's neck.
The dragon rider, though strapped into the saddle, is being flung from side to side as she holds on for dear life.
As the two large dragons, one from the Balford faction, and the other in the Golmard faction.
Claw and bite at each other, and thrash and smash into one another. Trying to destroy their physical wards so that they actually damage one another.
And though dragons are immune from spellcasting, they still can't get through a spell cast on another dragon. Like a ward, which has to be depleted like any other ward.
Jarmic Komav winces as he watches Sunbeam and Daeliss battle the large crimson coloured dragon from the Golmard faction.
While next to the captain, the sorcerer Sarvon has one eye on his captain, and the other on the battling dragons.
Everyone onboard the Dragon Flame flinches as the sound of a loud boom comes from the two dragons. As one of them casts a spell to distract the other.
Which ever one did it, was unsuccessful as both of them are still trying to kill one another.
The two large, naturally magical creatures slam into one another again. And once more as they clinch, they go into a tumble sideways, rolling and flapping in midair. Coming ever closer to the Dragon Flame.
As they do, captain Jarmic Komav after having a quick look around. And he sees that the rest of their wing who are fleeing the battle. Are going more to the southeast to try and avoid the two large dragons hell bent on trying to kill one another.
Knows that what he's about to do, if it isn't at least partially successful. Will doom him and his crew. With their battlecruiser most likely being destroyed by an irate dragon.
The warship captain, usually a relaxed and quite convivial fellow. Always willing to chat and joke around with the poorest of peasants to the highest of nobles.
Who is one of the most popular officers in all of the Balford faction. Who will admit to himself, and no one else. That yes, he is a notorious womanizer, known throughout a lot of the kingdom for being so. Something he tries to play down publicly, though he's failed spectacularly trying do so.
Is almost the complete opposite when he's in the thick of a battle. He usually only speaks to give orders. And when he does have a conversation, it's usually with the sorcerer Sarvon.
His crew respect that, for he's got them out of battle after battle they've been in.
And though they've been damaged a number of times. The Dragon Flame has always been relatively intact.
That might not be the case now. As the warship captain stands there with his right arm raised.
Waiting for a signal himself, along with what has to be highly accurate guess on his part.
As he and everyone else onboard the battlecruiser out infront of the rest of their fleeing wing. Watch the two battling dragons come tumbling sideways, rolling over one another, trying to bite and claw through their wards, as they get even closer and closer to the Dragon Flame.
Then captain Jarmic Komav drops his right arm and shouts "Launch!" as he sees the two dragons slowing in their tumble. While at the same time he hears the same command in his mind from the dragon Sunbeam.
They're large barrels, larger than the largest ale barrel. Barrels usually used for hauling iron stock and rod.
They're full of large rocks. And sometimes during the winter. They might be frozen with water poured in with the rocks.
They're extremely heavy, and it's why you'll only ever find them on the largest of warships in the kingdom of Terrindim. Warships like the battlecruiser the Dragon Flame.
The triple masted airship has seven small catapults onboard. Three on either side, and one in the bow.
They could be used in ship to ship combat. But that would be a waste of time. As spells from further afield are far more successful than the small catapults, that don't have much of a range.
They're used more as a defensive weapon. And not necessarily against other warships who get in close. As they try to board an enemy vessel and attempt to capture it.
They're used primarily in a defensive fashion against dragons. And true in normal circumstances they are absolutely useless against dragons.
Who often attack by teleporting in and causing as much damage as possible before teleporting away again.
But if a dragon is locked in combat with another dragon. So much so, that they don't care about anything else, apart from trying to kill one another.
The small catapults, with their loads of large barrels. Can sometimes be effective. Though an enemy dragon has to get very close. And be preoccupied with another dragon that's trying to kill it.
Just like now, here this morning in the skies above the farmland of the province Smalsare, in the central region of the kingdom of Terrindim.
The starboard side catapults and the one on the bow deck launch their large barrels.
Loads that ordinarily wouldn't damage a dragon's wards that much. Even if they hit their target at the same time.
But in conjunction with an attack by another dragon. That's an altogether different prospect. Especially if they get the timing right.
Which is what captain Jarmic Komav is hoping for here. If not, the enemy dragon from the Golmard faction. Could destroy his battlecruiser with ease if he thinks they're an annoyance.
The warship captain who is from the western province of Halvarc. Watches as the four large barrels stuffed full of big rocks go sailing out from the Dragon Flame.
Jarmic Komav knows that beside him, Sarvon the sorcerer is casting a spell, maybe even two. Hopefully to get at least two of the barrels to fly straight and true through the air. On the way to their target. Who is tumbling very close towards the battlecruiser that's leading the retreat away to the south.
Sunbeam the dragon as they slow their tumble through the air with the enemy dragon called Deepsun.
Gets beneath the crimson coloured dragon from the Golmard faction. And squeezes as he pushes up, forcing the enemy dragon to roll again. As he does, Sunbeam bites at the neck of Deepsun the dragon.
Just then, three of the four large barrels shot from the small catapults onboard the Dragon Flame, that's just a hundred and fifty feet away now, hits the large crimson coloured dragon in the left flank and left wing.
And though that would normally be enough to smash through the hull of another airship.
It barely depletes the wards around the dragon from the Golmard faction.
But that's enough, because of the pressure being put on by Sunbeam as they're tight in a clinch.
Who feels the wards give way around large crimson coloured dragon as he bites away at the neck of the enemy dragon.
Daeliss Komav the dragon rider hears the shout of triumph from Sunbeam within her mind.
As all of sudden the Golmard faction dragon lets out a roar of anger and pain as Sunbeam bites into it's armoured neck.
The dragon Deepsun shoots out a jet of flame out to the side. Aiming for the battlecruiser the Dragon Flame.
Which fortunately, captain Jarmic Komav ordered to climb right after they launched the large barrels from four of the small catapults onboard.
The line of dragon fire passes harmlessly beneath the large triple masted warship.
As it does, Daeliss Komav who knows this is her best opportunity, watches carefully, and as the head and neck of the enemy dragon whips down as it tries to break free from Sunbeam.
The lean, blonde haired, attractive teenager from the western province of Halvarc takes action.
The bolt in Daeliss Komav's small hand held crossbow shoots off. And travels just thirty feet or so.
And because the dragon Deepsun no longer has wards up around him as he tries to scramble free.
The crossbow bolt slams into the rider in the saddle who briefly comes into the view of Daeliss Komav.
The commonborn dragon rider in the Balford faction was aiming for the enemy rider's midriff.
But she's off, she strikes him in the neck instead. Going right through it, spraying blood everywhere.
As that happens, Sunbeam the dragon, with all the strength he possesses. And with more effort he's ever done in his life to date.
Shoves the enemy dragon away from him, using all four of his legs to do so. As he does, he keeps his jaws clamped down on the neck of the dragon from the Golmard faction.
A snarling grin can just be glimpsed on the maw of the large, burnt orange coloured dragon in the Balford faction.
As he feels one, then two, and a third, then a fourth. Of the natural armoured plates around the neck of the enemy dragon get torn away in his jaws as he thrusts the large crimson coloured dragon away from him.
Deepsun the dragon lets out a gurgling roar as blood sprays everywhere from his ripped apart neck as he drops away in the sky. Trying to flap his wings, to no avail. As all that does, is spray the blood out of his ripped open neck and throat even quicker.
While hanging by the straps in the saddle at the base of his neck. Is his rider, dying from a similar wound to his throat and neck. As he falls out of control down through the air towards the ground below.
Both Sunbeam and Daeliss watch the dying dragon and rider falling towards the ground for a few moments.
Then the dragon that's been in the Komav family since the egg. Who is more exhausted than he's ever been in his life. Who feels absolutely battered and bruised as his wards were severely depleted.
Flaps his wings slowly, as he glides away to get out infront of the battlecruiser the Dragon Flame. To lead the retreat of the Balford faction to the south.
At the rear of the wing that's in retreat, a cheer goes up from the crew of the Dragon's Revenge when the lookouts up top, call down that the dragon Sunbeam has killed the enemy dragon that was away to the south. In the way of the fleeing wing in the Balford fleet.
Admiral Halmack is suitably impressed and says "Hell, that's two in one week that Sunbeam and Daeliss have killed".
Though technically the commonborn rider Daeliss Komav and her dragon Sunbeam didn't actually kill the other enemy dragon earlier in the week in another battle.
But since no one knows how that particular dragon was killed, it was attributed to the rider Daeliss and her dragon Sunbeam.
As some of the crew hurry to the starboard rail, and look down in that direction, where they spot the enemy dragon. Dying or already dead as it falls down through the air towards the farmland below.
Lord Ganulf the lord of Highsun, and the advisor to the prince says "That is impressive" followed by "That must be some kind of record, I've not heard of a dragon and it's rider kill two other dragons from a different faction in less than a week".
The nobleman from the city of Highsun, which against his family's wishes, he's still the lord of.
Isn't enamoured that a young commonborn rider is probably the best rider and dragon combination in the Balford faction.
But he can definitely appreciated them and their skills in battle. Especially in killing another dragon in what was basically a physical fight, if what the lookouts called down, was accurate.
As that is not exactly common. Even in the kingdom where there's a large number of dragons in various factions, who are often at war with one another.
"You're right" says the fleet admiral, who looks around, and sees just a handful of ships from the other wings are breaking off, and are heading this way, instead of fighting the enemy Golmard fleet.
Admiral Halmack glances back and sees three of his youngest aides standing behind him, lord Ganulf and the wizard Morsen. Who are situated behind the helmsman at the wheel.
And that all three, are grinning from ear to ear after hearing about the death of an enemy dragon, thanks to Daeliss Komav, and Sunbeam the dragon.
As the two other young aides wander over to the starboard rail, to look down at the enemy dragon that's just hit the ground after being killed by Sunbeam the dragon.
Able airman Orvick looks around, back the way they've come from. And like admiral Halmack he sees very few of the ships in the other wings.
Break off from the enemy fleet, and head south like their wing, and the supply and support vessels are doing.
The sixteen year old airman with the club foot, then looks directly to the north. Where he can clearly see the Salmain faction's fleet, and three of their blue coloured dragons heading to where the two warring fleets are.
Orvick is just wondering if the new arrivals will follow after their wing. After all, lord Ganulf is onboard the Dragon's Revenge. And it's no secret that the Salmain faction want him dead for leaving them.
When suddenly he feels the air behind the fleet admiral's flagship go completely still. The next moment, a couple hundred feet off the stern of the battlecruiser. Appears a red coloured dragon.
"Dragon!" shouts able airman Orvick in warning as he sees the red coloured enemy dragon.
The wizard Morsen spins around, as does both admiral Halmack and lord Ganulf, the lord of Highsun. And they all catch a glimpse of the enemy dragon, just before it casts a spell.
The wizard grimaces as he briefly senses the enemy dragon casting a blast spell. Far too powerful for the wards around the Dragon's Revenge that he and other spellcasters onboard have cast.
The battlecruiser suddenly bucks forward and upwards, and starts to break apart as it's magical keel is destroyed by the dragon's spell.
The entire triple masted warship dips down and forward before it starts to break apart.
And before Orvick looses his footing, and starts sliding down the deck of the warship. The able airman catches sight of the enemy dragon rearing back, as they tend to do when they spray fire from their maw.
Just as it does, another dragon appears out of thin air, and slams into the side of it.
As he's pitched forward down the deck, Orvick is pretty sure that it was the dragon Firelight and her rider sir Malfane who just hit the enemy dragon, and sent them hurtling sideways through the air.
Admiral Halmack as he lies on the deck, reaches out and grabs the youngest of his aides, Orvick. Who is sliding down the deck.
The fleet admiral turns his head when he hears a loud cracking sound. And he sees the midmast of the triple masted warship rip away, while the bow section and foremast has already broken off from rest of the airship.
The admiral looks to his left, and sees his long time friend Morsen the wizard, lying flat on his back on the deck, eyes closed, obviously concentrating on casting something.
The fleet admiral also sees lord Ganulf holding onto the base of the plinth the wheel is on. The lord of Highsun has got a firm grip on the helmsman, who is holding onto him for dear life.
Then as the remains of the Dragon's Revenge tips forward even further. The wizard Morsen opens his eyes and shouts "Through the rift!".
Lord Ganulf lets go of the helmsman, who falls down the deck about a dozen feet, and goes through the rift that's appeared just infront of where the wheel is.
"Move!" shouts lord Ganulf the lord of Highsun, and advisor to the prince. Who lets go of the base of the wheel's plinth. And dives forward through the air, and through the rift.
"Take the lad!" shouts admiral Halmack as his flagship the Dragon's Revenge breaks apart.
The fleet admiral who sees if he does the same thing that lord Ganulf just did with the helmsman. With the youngest of his aides, Orvick. The able airman with the club foot will miss the rift, and fall to his death.
So with an extreme amount of effort on his part. The admiral, a man in his early fifties. Swings Orvick up and over him, and shoves him towards Morsen the wizard.
Who briefly catches the able airman, then basically throws him down the deck. Sending a screaming Orvick tumbling down through the rift.
The next moment, and there's a large cracking sound again. And the deck beneath the fleet admiral and the wizard rips apart.
Shattered wood shoots up, and pierces the wizard Morsen. Going through his back and out his chest.
The rift vanishes as the spellcaster is killed instantly.
Admiral Halmack fares much better. If one can call what happens to him better. As he's flung up into the air.
The fleet admiral, with his destroyed flagship shattered apart all around him.
Falls down through the air, with a bitter smile upon his face. Knowing that he'll soon be dead when he hits the ground.
And as he freefalls to his death, Admiral Halmack is just glad he was able to get at least one of his young aides to safety, along with lord Ganulf.
Who he knows probably holds the key to victory against the Golmard faction, as well as the Salmain faction, who look like they've declared faction war upon the Balford faction . . . . . .

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