Wednesday 25 March 2020

The Journey 14.

Autumn. The Province Of Smalsare.

As the rear wing of the Balford fleet start heading south. Along with the supply and support vessels in the faction go that way. Or drop down to the ground to start picking up the army, who have got the word to break off, and retreat to the south across the farmland in this part of the province of Smalsare.
And while up ahead, in the frontlines of the aerial battle. Where the senior admiral of the fleet, sir Yammick. Is absolutely furious that the word has come through by spell. That fleet admiral Halmack who is in charge of the rear wing of the fleet. Has ordered his wing to break off from the battle, and fly south.
And has suggested that the three other wings in the fleet that's under the overall command of the senior admiral to break off too.
And as one of the spellcasters onboard senior admiral Yammick's flagship, quickly informs him that another fleet, a fleet from the Salmain faction is rapidly approaching from the north. And will be amongst the two warring factions in no time at all.
The dragon Sunbeam smashes down upon the crimson coloured dragon from the Golmard faction that he and his rider Daeliss Komav have targeted. As it will be in the path of their fleet that's now retreating to the south.
Sunbeam doesn't take the enemy dragon by surprise. It's a little hard to when you drop down out of the sky from nearly twenty thousand feet up, at a speed of well over six hundred knots. So fast that there's a loud boom from his passing, which causes a disturbance in the air, around and behind him.
The crimson coloured dragon from the Golmard faction. Which is similar in size to Sunbeam. But has slight, spike like protrusions sticking out of it's armoured plates down it's back and along it's flanks.
And had two, what can only be described as horns, protruding forward from the top of it's head.
Unlike the large, burnt orange coloured dragon from the Balford faction.
Whose natural armoured plates are relatively smooth, though they're clearly more defined than most other dragons, they're almost perfectly square in shape as they run down his back, and along his flanks.
Though Sunbeam does have a plate that sticks up about five feet, that runs across the entire crown of his skull, semi circular in appearance. That's akin to something like a crown of royalty upon a person's head.
The Golmard dragon was ready for the attack from above, and had turned in midair, claws extended to face the divebomb attack.
Both dragons, unlike most in a battle when various factions in the kingdom of Terrindim are at war with one another. Do have physical wards up around themselves and their riders.
And those are about the only spells the two dragons will cast. Because this is fight between claws and fangs, and brute strength and skill.
Almost primordial, as they physically fight one another. For there's only two outcomes in a fight where warring dragons go into physical combat.
One is that they will break off, most likely injured too. And the other is death, with one killing the other.
Which surprisingly doesn't happen all that often in a physical fight between two warring dragons.
But in the way that Sunbeam came diving down out of the morning sky here over the farmland in the central districts of the province of Smalsare.
And the way in which the crimson coloured dragon from the Golmard faction retaliates. It's clearly obvious that there's going to be just one outcome in this fight. One dragon is going to die. And most likely it's rider will be killed too.
All four sets of claws on both dragons interlock as they grab onto one another as they drop down out of the sky together.
They spin round and round, so fast that it's hard to see them with the naked eye.
The only reason their riders aren't flung to their deaths. Is because of the wards up around the large dragons. Which keep their riders, who are strapped into their saddles. On the back of the large, naturally magical creatures.
Though for all that, Daeliss Komav the dragon rider as she goes spinning around and around in the air at the base of the neck of Sunbeam.
Feels herself blacking out due to the force her body is being put under.
Until the two dragons, who are trying to snap at one another. Are flung apart, and go spinning away from one another as their massive claws lose grip.
They come to an instant, almost unnatural looking stop, just a couple thousand feet apart,
And both dragons, snap their wings flat against their flanks, and shoot forward towards one another.
In those brief moments before the burnt orange coloured dragon, and the crimson coloured dragon smash into one another again, this time, head on.
The rider Daeliss realises that the way the enemy Golmard dragon is moving with it's rider, who like her is warded by barrier and protection spells.
That they must be from a family of wild dragon egg hunters, just like she and Sunbeam are.
As only those dragons and their riders can act, and move so decisively in battle, as they work as one.
Even now, Sunbeam is communicating into the mind of Daeliss, telling her what he's doing.
And she likewise offers suggestions in mere moments.
The commonborn dragon rider from the western province of Halvarc knows that she and Sunbeam are in the fight of their lives. As they take on an enemy dragon and rider, who are probably just as good as they are. As one large dragon tries to kill the other, as the war between their factions, here in the province of Smalsare continues on this cool autumn morning.
The battlecruiser the Dragon Flame has pushed forward amongst those in their wing who are at the front of the retreat south.
Captain Jarmic Komav knows that his warship and some of the others will have to lead the way.
As admiral Halmack has positioned his flagship the Dragon's Revenge, along with another battlecruiser in their wing, at the very rear of those fleeing south.
The captain of the Dragon Flame winces as he sees Sunbeam and the enemy dragon smash into one another again, a few thousand yards away to starboard, and further south.
The two large dragons are clinched together, trying to claw and bite one another. Unsuccessful so far, as their physical wards are still protecting them.
Though captain Komav knows that even physical wards cast by dragons are depleted the more times they're struck, with the weight behind the strike also having an effect upon them.
That's why the burnt orange coloured dragon from the Balford faction, and the crimson coloured one from the Golmard faction. Are hitting one another so often, and with such force. They're trying to deplete one another's wards, so that they can inflict actual damage upon one another.
The warship captain who out of the corner of his eye, spotted the prince's command ship, trying to put on as much sail, as they too flee southwards after the order came from fleet admiral Halmack to do so.
Hopes to the gods Glaine, Galavin and Torros, and to all the other gods if he's honest. That his younger cousin Daeliss Komav stays safe in the saddle upon the back of Sunbeam.
As one of the dragons, captain Komav isn't too sure which. Spews fire, which pretty much engulfs the two of them.
So much so, that those watching the two dragons that have engaged in physical combat. Can just see their tails, or a portion of flank, or a wing once in a while. As they're so thoroughly covered in dragon fire. 
After a moment's contemplation, captain Jarmic Komav calls out "Prepare the barrels!".
Next to the warship captain, the sorcerer Sarvon looks at him, and lifts a questioning looking eyebrow.
"Just incase they get close" explains the captain of the Dragon Flame with a nod of his head towards the two dragons locked in deadly combat.
"Well, that other one really, not Beam" adds captain Jarmic Komav as the two dragons part again, this time through fire and smoke in their patch of the sky.
At the rear of the wing who have turned south, onboard the flagship the Dragon's Revenge. Able airman Orvick looks aft, and clearly sees the Salmain faction's fleet, and three of their dragons to the north.
They're heading straight towards the battle between the Balford and Golmard factions.
The young aide to admiral Halmack, who is saying "Hopefully that Salmain bunch will give pause to the enemy too, as they figure out what they're up to".
"Hopefully" says lord Ganulf the lord of Highsun, the advisor to the prince continues with "Though I'm guessing only briefly" followed in a dry tone with "It's no secret my former faction want me dead".
The fleet admiral grunts, then nods to that, then he quietly says "Wonder if their dragons know you're here?".
"Could do is the quiet reply from the lord of the city of Highsun that Orvick just catches, followed by "We'll know soon enough".
Admiral Halmack nods again, then he looks forward as the lookouts up top, yell down that the dragon Sunbeam is fighting the enemy dragon to the south.
The fleet admiral calls out the order of "Prepare the barrels!".
Both lord Ganulf and the wizard Morsen look at the nobleborn admiral, who tells them "Just incase they get close" followed by "It could help Sunbeam".
Behind the three standing behind the helmsman at the wheel. Able airman Orvick gulps, for if what the admiral wants, that means the dragons, in particular the enemy dragon has to be fairly close to the Dragon's Revenge. At least a few hundred feet at the most.
Throughout the aerial battle between the Balford and Golmard factions here in the province of Smalsare. The new arrivals have well and truly been spotted.
And though the commander of the Golmard faction is pretty sure they're not here to attack his fleet and army. He knows the Salmain faction are an opportunistic bunch to say the least. A relatively small faction just fifty years ago. Which is now dominated by basically one nobleborn family. Who are now one of the most influential and important of those considered the minor factions.
Infact they're probably the most important of the second tier of factions in the kingdom.
And it's with actions like this one this morning, which will increase their influence within the kingdom of Terrindim.
The commander of the Golmard faction here in the province of Smalsare, ever one for the political movements of the various factions, knows this.
And even though he's in the middle of the battle here against the Balford faction. He'll do something to curb what the Salmain faction intends to do here this morning.
He tells one of the spellcasters here onboard his flagship to inform all dragon riders, what they should try and do if they get the chance.
The dragon Deepsun is out of the question. For though he's probably the dragon closest to who the commander wants eliminated.
The crimson coloured dragon, the largest and most skillful of the dragons here with the Golmard faction in the province of Smalsare. Is locked in a battle to the death with an enemy dragon, just as large. And from the looks of what's happening away in the sky to the south, is just as skillful as Deepsun.
The sorcerer near the commander on the stern deck of the flagship of the Golmard faction informs him that one of the other dragons will try and do it.
The commander of the Golmard faction faintly smiles, for if that's successful. Then he'll not just curb the influence of the Salmain faction. He'll not just get rid of basically the most important noble in the Balford faction with the exception of the prince.
But he'd also eliminate the best admiral by far in the entire Balford faction. Which frankly is just as important during a time of war between factions. In this case, the two biggest factions in the entire kingdom of Terrindim. Who are fighting over the right to have a family of dragon egg hunters, and their newly found wild dragon egg join one of the faction's or the other.
Sunbeam the dragon instantly spins in midair, compacting and coiling, before he springs forward as he and the enemy dragon spew fire at one another again, as once more they fly basically head first at each other.
There's a loud thud as they slam into one another, and they claw at one another, as their hind claws clamp onto one another. And though their grip is powerful. It's not entirely steadfast due to the wards they've got up around themselves, and their riders.
Though both of the large dragons, Sunbeam of the Balford faction, and Deepsun of the Golmard faction. Can feel one another's wards rapidly depleting. Getting weaker and weaker as each blow they inflict upon one another, does more and more damage to their wards.
The two large dragons go tumbling sideways in a clinch. Though thankfully for their riders, no where as fast and as chaotic as the spin they were in, when they first struck one another.
As Sunbeam tumbles sideways through the air. Daeliss Komav who sees the ground one moment, then the sky further up the next, and so on and so forth as they tumble.
Catches out of the periphery of her vision. Some of the airships in the wing of the Balford fleet that they serve in.
The rider Daeliss is pretty certain she sees her cousin Jarmic's battlecruiser the Dragon Flame, towards the front of the ships fleeing south.
And as Sunbeam slams his head down at the enemy dragon hoping to shatter it's wards, then it's snout.
And he flings his right front leg forward, like a person would a punch. As the large dragon in the Golmard faction rakes at his underside with it's two front claws hoping to destroy Sunbeam's wards.
He hears in his mind something that his rider Daeliss suggests. And though it might be a little tricky to accomplish. It will be extremely dangerous, not just to the two of them, but also to an entire airship in their fleet.
Onboard the Dragon Flame as he watches Sunbeam in a clench with the enemy dragon. Tumbling sideways through the air, more or less in this direction as they claw, bite and whack one another, trying to destroy their opponent's wards.
Captain Jarmic Komav suddenly hears the voice of Sunbeam the dragon in his head, who quickly tells him something.
"Full turn to starboard!" shouts the captain of the Dragon Flame.
The sorcerer Sarvon looks sharply at his captain, as that order takes them straight towards the two dragons who are locked in lethal combat.
"Starboard side and bow ready to launch!" adds captain Jarmic Komav.
The captain of the battlecruiser then quietly says to the sorcerer next to him "See if you can get some of them to hit the target cleanly".
The sorcerer Sarvon winces then mutters "Oh shit" as he realises what the captain of the Dragon Flame intends to do.
His confidence isn't helped at all, when Jarmic Komav nervously chuckles, then quietly tells him "If this doesn't work, then we're fucked" followed by "Because it's going to be pissed off with us for sure".
The sorcerer Sarvon, not a religious man at all, starts to silently pray to the three gods predominantly worshiped to within the Balford faction. Praying and hoping that what they're about to do, isn't going to get them all killed . . . . . .

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