Wednesday 1 April 2020

The Journey 19.

Autumn. The Capital.

A rift appears in the skies just to the east of the capital city Fanile. Out through it flies a tired looking Sunbeam the dragon.
The rift disappears behind the large, burnt orange coloured dragon. Who circles down towards the Balford staging grounds on the northeast side of the city.
In the saddle, Daeliss Komav the dragon rider is almost as tired as her dragon Sunbeam. And it's still only midday.
After Sunbeam rather inelegantly lands, the rider Daeliss gets out of the saddle, and basically slides off the large dragon who has been through a lot so far today.
After patting Sunbeam, Daeliss Komav says "I'll be back soon Beam". For she can't ask more of her dragon, who has given so much this morning.
She turns and sees soldiers, airmen, officers and others running towards her and Sunbeam from the closest barracks.
The dragon rider from the western province of Halvarc, who is still only nineteen years old, is about to call for a horse.
When an officer, a sorcerer pushes his way through the crowd that surrounds her, and says to Daeliss "Rider with me".
The officer then shouts "Out of the way!" and the gathered throng quickly backs away.
A moment later, a rift appears infront of the officer, and the dragon rider. And the two of them step through it.
The otherside of the rift, is on the rooftop of one of the proscribed towers on the fringes of the Royal Palace of Terrindim.
A pair of palace guards look at the two new arrivals, and the sorcerer says "Undercaptain Forst of the Balford faction".
"Rider Daeliss of the dragon Sunbeam of the Balford faction" adds a tired sounding Daeliss Komav, who wipes soot off the arms and shoulders of her leathers.
After the pair of palace guards bow to the dragon rider, one of them looks away to their left, further into the palace complex.
He then nods, and says to the members of the Balford faction "Proceed".
"Thank you" says the undercaptain, who then looks further into the large complex that's the Royal Palace of Terrindim.
Before he touches rider Daeliss on the left arm, and the two of them disappear as he teleports them away.
They reappear on the rooftop of the headquarters of the Balford faction. Where they're confronted by a squad of twenty soldiers in their faction, when there's usually only about half a dozen on duty on the roof.
A senior officer steps forward, and after bowing to the young dragon rider, he asks "Rider, what would you like?".
"His highness, where is he?" asks the commonborn dragon rider from the west of the kingdom.
"In there" says the senior officer in the Balford faction's army, who hikes a thumb in the direction of what's known as the real palace.
"Can you get me in?" asks Daeliss Komav, who has been here inside the Royal Palace of Terrindim numerous times. Especially here to what's essentially a keep, that's the headquarters of the Balford faction.
But she's never been into the inner sanctum itself, behind the forty foot tall walls which houses the real palace.
The senior officer slightly winces, then says "I can't do that" followed by "You know you have to be invited in, or been one of those who have permission to enter".
He briefly pauses then adds "Just go to the front gates, and ask to enter" he slightly shrugs before continuing with "You are a rider, so you might be allowed to enter, it all depends".
Daeliss Komav nods, then says to undercaptain Forst "Teleport me down".
It's less than a hundred yards to the front gates of the so called real palace, and the rider Daeliss is there in an instant.
The senior king's guard on duty, bows to the dragon rider, who he easily identifies by the leathers she wears, then asks her "How may i help you rider?".
"Daeliss of the Balford faction" says the commonborn dragon rider from the province of Halvarc in western Terrindim, who follows that with "I'm here to see his highness, the crown prince".
The senior king's guard on duty nods, then he turns and looks through the open gates. Where through the tunnel that goes through the thick wall. Stands another senior guard, who briefly nods, then steps to one side, out of view.
Daeliss Komav waits knowing she'll either be allowed to enter the real palace, or she'll be refused entry. She's rather hoping she'll be allowed to enter. After the struggle it took for her and Sunbeam to come here to the capital city Fanile.
The rider Daeliss doesn't see the signal, but after a few moments of silence, the senior king's guard on this side of the gates says "You may enter rider Daeliss".
"Thank you" says the commonborn dragon rider, who then moves forward, and makes her way through the open gates.
She walks through the wall, that's thicker than it is tall, and she walks out into the sunlight, on what's now a mild autumn day, after it was fairly cool here earlier in the capital during the morning.
Blinking in the sunlight after walking through the tunnel, Daeliss Komav looks to her left as the senior king's guard on duty on this side of the wall steps forward, and after bowing to her, says "That broach there rider Daeliss" he briefly pauses before adding "Though you might have to wait awhile".
The commonborn dragon rider looks across the vast courtyard, that's the size of one of the larger city squares in the capital. And looks towards the broach tower the senior king's guard has pointed to.
Daeliss Komav blinks in surprise as she sees why she might have to wait. Because there's two large dragons playing in the courtyard.
"Might have to go around them" dryly says the senior king's guard on duty on this side of the wall. The dragon rider nods, then she sets off across the large courtyard.
The rider Daeliss has of course seen the twin dragons Blackflame and Whitefire a number of times in the past. And has even spoken with Blackflame.
Just a few weeks ago infact. When the Balford faction went to war against the Golmard faction.
And the large black dragon, who is probably twenty foot longer than her dragon Sunbeam, who is the largest dragon in the Balford faction.
Winged his way across the city, and landed in the middle of the staging grounds of the Balford faction. So that he could watch the preparation of the fleet led by admiral Halmack.
Blackflame wandered over to where Daeliss and Sunbeam were and out of nowhere started chatting to them about everything and anything.
They talked most of that morning, on various topics. From the price of fruit in the city markets. To airships, and those who fly upon them. The commonborn rider from the province of Halvarc learnt the king's dragon has definite opinions about that.
They only stopped chatting just before midday, when Blackflame announced he had to go. And he winged his way back into the city.
The large black dragon, and his twin sister Whitefire are the only dragons permitted within the vast complex that's the Royal Palace of Terrindim.
And though other dragons are technically allowed within the city. They avoid it, and land amongst the staging grounds along the outer fringes of the city. It's best not to antagonize the royal dragons.
Who have been with the royal family for over four hundred years. Well, they've been with the sovereign, who rules Terrindim. They see it, as more like the royal family are with them. Since they only hold allegiance to the sovereign, and whoever the heir is. That just tolerate the rest of the royal family. Some more than others.
Daeliss Komav stops as she hears a young child's squeal of delight. The commonborn dragon rider stops, and blinks in surprise. As she watches Whitefire, the supposed lazy, and so called reclusive one of the twin dragons. Galloping across the square, pushing a large leather ball, about ten foot high. With her snout, in the direction of her brother, Blackflame. Lying in wait between two of the broach towers. One of which, the rider Daeliss is heading towards.
What's caused the commonborn dragon rider from the western province of Halvarc to stop.
Is that there's a small girl, running with Whitefire, right beneath her maw. Keeping up with the large dragon. There's a shout from the child.
And the large white dragon, who is the same size, and looks exactly like her twin brother, except their colouring.
Thumps the large leather ball with her snout, sending it across the courtyard at speed towards her twin brother.
Who lies there in crouch, like a cat watching it's prey, and when the ten foot wide leather ball gets close, he dives to stop it rolling by him, and between the two broach towers.
He misses, intentionally of course. Though only he and his twin sister know that.
And the ball goes by him, which earns a loud childish scream of triumph from the small girl.
Memories flash within the mind of Daeliss Komav. As she remembers being a small child. And all of sudden she had a new play friend in Sunbeam the dragon. Her father's dragon at the time, who absolutely spoiled her, and doted on everything she did.
The rider Daeliss watches the young girl, probably about four years old. Run at Blackflame as he rolls onto his back, and as she's about to run straight into him. She floats up into the air, still in a running motion. Laughing and giggling as she does so. Until she lands upon Blackflame's stomach, and she starts running up it. Towards his throat and head.
Daeliss Komav slightly shakes her head as she watches prince Waniq's youngest child, his daughter Sarsha.
The rumours are true then, Daeliss the dragon rider thinks to herself, as she looks at the young girl, who will be the next sovereign of the kingdom of Terrindim.
For whoever the twins dragons Blackflame and Whitefire start paying due attention to. Will be the heir to the throne, and the next sovereign of the kingdom.
As they've picked each one for the past four centuries or so. Ever since the royal family were originally land poor nobles from the western provinces of Terrindim. When they were wild dragon egg hunters.
Daeliss Komav looks up at the surrounding broach towers and keeps, here in the so called real palace.
And sees people at the open windows watching what's happening down in the large courtyard.
Many of them court officials, and visitors to the real palace, while some of them are members of the extended royal family.
She suspects some of them are happy with what they're seeing, safe in knowing that the kingdom has a heir to the throne.
While others not so much, as they see their chance has gone, for they, or someone they want to be the next sovereign of the kingdom of Terrindim.
Daeliss Komav continues on her way, and as she sees a number of people are standing outside the keep she's heading to.
The commonborn dragon rider from the province of Halvarc in the west of the kingdom.
Glances at the two dragons, who by the looks of it are chatting to the young girl, though you can't hear what they're seeing.
The rider Daeliss sees Whitefire briefly glance her way, assessing her no doubt. Before she goes back to the conversation with her twin brother, and the youngest child of the crown prince.
Daeliss Komav, who has to walk around Blackflame's tail, and keep well clear of it, as it's flicking back and forth like a dog wagging it's tail, as he lies there on his back, talking with the young girl who is sitting on his chest.
The dragon rider in the Balford faction finally gets a good look at those who are standing just outside the broach tower.
There's the crown prince himself, along with his wife, and some of her ladies in waiting.
Beside them, are members of prince Waniq's planning staff. Members of the Balford faction that Daeliss knows.
The commonborn dragon rider from western Terrindim pauses, and blinks in surprise. For standing next to them is lord Ganulf, and a pair of airmen.
One a bosun she vaguely recognises. And the other, the able airman by the name of Orvick, who is an aide to admiral Halmack.
Daeliss Komav is surprised, not just to see them here in the capital, but to see them alive. Considering admiral Halmack's flagship the Dragon's Revenge was destroyed this morning in the battle up in the province of Smalsare.
The crown prince notices the dragon rider approaching, and turns to her as she walks up to him.
Prince Waniq bows to her before she does to him. The others here outside of the broach tower bow to the dragon rider too.
For though some of them are of the royal family. Dragon riders, commonborn or nobleborn, are held in the highest respect here in the kingdom of Terrindim.
Only the sovereign is held in more revere that the dragon riders of the kingdom.
"Rider Daeliss reporting highness" says the commonborn dragon rider from the province of Halvarc.
"Report" says prince Waniq, who can clearly see how weary the young dragon rider looks.
"The faction's third fleet has been defeated" says Daeliss Komav, who then adds "The remnants are flying south, back to the capital, they should be back in a couple of days".
The crown prince, who at times is a temperamental man, takes a calming breath, then asks "How bad?".
"I'd say at least two thirds of the third has been destroyed" says the rider Daeliss, who didn't exactly want to say that, but she did.
A scowl briefly crosses the face of the crown prince, who is of a similar colouring as the commonborn dragon rider. A testament of his heritage, coming from the western provinces of the kingdom.
"The senior admiral and all of the fleet admirals of the third are dead, and their flagships destroyed" states the rider Daeliss, who continues with "Though all of our dragons who were with the third are intact".
"At least that's something" is what the dragon rider hears his highness mutter.
Daeliss Komav glances in the direction of lord Ganulf, before she tells the crown prince "Once the enemy knew they were victorious they broke off from the battle".
The nineteen year old, lean, blonde and quite tall for a Terrindiam woman, then says "A fleet from the Salmain faction had turned up, and when the enemy broke off, they moved in, and attacked our ships who had yet to break away, and flee".
A look of pure rage crosses the face of lord Ganulf, the lord of Highsun when he hears that.
Prince Waniq sighs, then mutters an oath, he then turns to his wife and says "Dear, I'll be inside, there's things i need to discuss".
His wife the princess nods, and tells him she'll remain outside to keep an eye on their youngest child, who is still sitting on the chest of Blackflame, chatting away with the twin dragons about something.
"Flame!" calls out prince Waniq, who then adds "Don't be all afternoon!".
"Yes, yes i know" says the dragon Blackflame in his deep, rumbling voice, who continues "The little one needs her nap and all".
Despite what Daeliss Komav has told him, the crown prince can't help but smile as he looks at the twin dragons and his daughter.
Then he says to the commonborn dragon rider and those of his staff in the Balford faction "Inside" followed by "There's things we need to discuss and to do".
The rider Daeliss nods her head, and along with the crown prince and the others, she makes her way into the broach tower, here within the inner sanctums of the Royal Palace of Terrindim . . . . . .

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