Tuesday 28 April 2020

The Journey 38.

Autumn. Terrindim.

"Well, things are a little complicated for sure" says lord Ganulf in a slightly dry tone of voice.
"You think?" says prince Paldim, the king's brother in a sarcastic tone of voice.
Who then lets out a heavy breath, then says "Sorry" to the lord of Highsun.
"No need to apologise your highness" says the nobleman from the northern province of Hanamede, who after a brief pause, adds "You're right though".
The royal brother grunts, then looks out of one of the open windows, then mutters an oath in disgust.
Able airman Orvick looks between the nobleman he's the aide to, and the prince, who previously led the Balford faction.
The young local from here in the city of Fanile, glances sideways at the bosun Cedric who is sitting close by.
The bosun, who is the new offsider to lord Ganulf, sees able airman look his way. And he slightly shrugs to show what he thinks.
As the two of them find themselves in the middle of the largest upheaval in events in the kingdom of Terrindim in recent history.
They're in the offices of prince Waniq, here in the headquarters of the Balford faction in the Royal Palace of Terrindim.
It's near evening, and earlier in the day, in the morning infact. The twin dragons Blackflame and Whitefire left the capital after prince Fallins turned up for the first time in years and spoke to the royal dragons.
They weren't gone long. But a short time after, the rider Daeliss and her dragon Sunbeam showed up in the capital.
And they learnt what happened in the province of Wilshaw, where the Balford and Golmard factions where fighting along a wide battlefront.
At the same time, here in the city of Fanile. Prince Fallins was also going about exacting revenge for the death of his wife, princess Laenna. As the twin dragons apparently did for him as well.
Prince Paldim snorts, and not for the first time today, says "My little brother eh" followed by "He doesn't mess around, that's for sure".
The middle royal brother shakes his head, then loudly mutters "Shame he didn't kill that bitch in there". As he nods in the direction of the so called real palace, which lies behind the nearby high walls.
Prince Paldim, who until about a decade ago, actually led the Balford faction. Until his drinking got in the way, and he thought it best others should lead one of the largest factions in the kingdom.
Lets out a breath, a sigh really, then he quietly says "Ah well, we know why he didn't" followed by "He honours our older brother too much, and won't spill blood in there if he can help it".
As once again, he nods in the direction of the inner sanctum here in the Royal Palace of Terrindim.
Prince Paldim looks over at the lord of Highsun, and asks him "Any idea who my brother will name the new lord of the exchequer?".
"No idea highness" says lord Ganulf the advisor to the crown prince of Terrindim.
"Nor i" says the middle of the royal brothers, who after a moment's pause adds "Well whoever it is, it can't be worse than that asshole Kinvar.
"Thank the gods" says prince Paldim, who grins as he continues with "And thank my little brother" followed by "That he's dead" he then adds in a mutter "Good riddance to him".
There's only a small number of them in the office. Lord Ganulf and his immediate staff. They being his new aide, and new offsider.
As well as a pair of officers, going over the messages and reports that are coming in from throughout the kingdom.
Along with prince Paldim. And his son, prince Craefar. Who at the moment, is asleep on one of the couches here in the office.
He has taken the death of his beloved aunt, princess Laenna the dragon rider quite hard.
And one of the officers, who is a spellcaster, put him to sleep as requested by prince Paldim.
They're waiting for crown prince Waniq to show up. He sent a message earlier in the afternoon that he'd come to the headquarters of the Balford faction.
But he's rather occupied with things in the so called real palace at the moment.
And prince Paldim won't go over there at the moment. For the simple reason his wife the lady Desamo is in there, visiting her cousin, queen Pania.
Both of whom prince Paldim detests. Especially his sister inlaw, the queen, who he absolutely loathes. Especially now, after what's happened in the last couple of days.
Thinking of his wife, along with the queen, the royal brother looks over at the nobleman from the mountainous north of the kingdom, and asks him "You've never married, have you Ganulf?".
After a quick glance at his aide, and his offsider, the lord of the city of Highsun says "No highness, i haven't".
"Lucky you" dryly says the king's brother.
"My family tried to arrange a number of marriages for me, but i refused each one" says lord Ganulf, who slyly grins as he adds "It's one of the reason they hate me so much".
Prince Paldim chuckles for a bit, then he sighs, and says "Wish i could of refused".
The royal brother looks at his sleeping son, then quietly adds "Though, there is my children, I'll be forever grateful i got them out of my stinking marriage".
Prince Paldim looks over to the bench that able airman Orvick and bosun Cedric are sitting on, and tells them "You might not know it lads, but you as commoners have something over the nobleborn like myself and your lord".
The royal brother, the middle one of the three, continues with "You get to marry who you like" followed by "Unlike us".
Both Orvick and Cedric nod. As over the years, they've both heard how most noble marriages are arranged by the respective families.
And for the most part, a lot of the nobleborn's marriages aren't exactly happy, or even healthy.
Prince Paldim, who has made no secret that it's his marriage to the lady Desamo that's driven him to drink, says "Not many of us have marriages that one would call happy".
He's silent for a few moments, before he quietly adds "Fallins got lucky with Laenna" followed by "They were the exception amongst a lot of the nobility".
Lord Ganulf nods in agreement, for he knows few marriages amongst the noble class of Terrindim, where the marriage is a happy one.
Prince Waniq is in such a one. As is young prince Dalvin, the youngest of the king's children. Who at seventeen, recently married who he wanted to. Against the wishes of his mother the queen.
A few tears come to the eyes of prince Paldim, who dashes them away with a quick rub of a hand, then after clearing his throat, he asks "Anything new about my little brother?".
Able airman Orvick looks quickly over to the table the two officers are sitting at on the opposite side of the large chamber, here on the third floor of the keep that's the headquarters of the Balford faction.
The officers, both shake their heads no, and Orvick the aide to lord Ganulf says to the royal brother "Nothing new since earlier highness".
"Hmmmmm" murmurs prince Paldim, who is the tallest, and largest of the three royal brothers.
"Wonder if he's gone off and killed anyone else?" muses prince Paldim who led the Balford faction for over a dozen years before he quit as leader about a decade ago.
"We can hope so" quietly says lord Ganulf, who looked up to, and modeled himself after the youngest of the royal brothers, prince Fallins the swordsman.
The royal brothers, who though have similar facial features. Are completely different in looks and temperament than three brothers could ever be.
The oldest, king Crassil of Terrindim. Is the more considered one of the three. Who is of average height, and is lean like his four children.
While prince Paldim, isn't just the largest in size of the three. He's the one with the largest personality too.
He's what people call brash, and that's putting it lightly.
Though he's much more subdued at the moment. Because of the death of his sister inlaw, the rider Laenna.
And because he's totally sober, as he hasn't had a drop of anything to drink since he found out about the death of princess Laenna the dragon rider.
While the youngest of the three royal brothers, prince Fallins. Is lean like his oldest brother the king. But he's not particularly tall at all.
He's the quietest of the three by far. Considered the calm and thoughtful one of the trio of royal brothers.
He's also by far, the deadliest of three. Who trained with the sword since he was a child. And is a master swordsman.
"You think he'll go off and kill anyone else of significance highness?" asks lord Ganulf, who is standing and leaning back against a table behind him.
"Most definitely" is the reply of prince Paldim who is sitting on one of the couches here in third floor chamber that's one of the offices of prince Waniq in the headquarters of Balford faction.
"You think he might kill your niece?" quietly asks the lord of Highsun who is the advisor to crown prince Waniq.
The middle royal brother grimaces, then quietly replies with "He might just do" followed by "If he finds out what Chrisabol has been up to".
Prince Paldim is silent for a few moments, before he says "Though only if she had anything to do with Laenna's death".
"She probably did" quietly says lord Ganulf.
The prince grimaces again, as he's in agreement, that his brother, king Crassil's daughter, the princess Chrisabol. Most likely had something to do with the death of the dragon rider Laenna.
"That girl was always to damn close to her mother" mutters prince Paldim, followed by "And always to much involved with that stupid bloody church".
The middle of the royal brothers, has made it no secret over the years that he doesn't particularly like the churches and temples here in the kingdom of Terrindim.
And though the average Terrindiam is a devout individual. And all the factions in the kingdom honour and worship a trio of the gods.
Prince Paldim does not, as he's basically an atheist, something of a rarity in the kingdom of Terrindim. Especially as a member of the royal family.
"I think you may be right your highness" says the nobleman from the northern province of Hanamede.
"I know I'm right" sourly says prince Paldim, who falls silent as an officer enters the chamber.
Who delivers a message to the two officers sitting at one of the table.
Then he goes over to another of the tables to where able airman Orvick, and bosun Cedric are sitting on a bench.
He whispers something to the newly appointed aide to lord Ganulf, before he exits the chamber.
"Highness, my lord" says Orvick to the prince and the lord "The Lombac faction has declared faction war upon the Welmid faction" adds the teenage airman with the club foot.
The lord of the city of Highsun just shakes his head, while prince Paldim just snorts in disgust, then says "The idiots should of just declared war upon my little brother".
The middle of the royal brothers who previously led the Balford faction then says "He's just going about exacting revenge upon those who had anything to do with his wife's death" followed by "He couldn't give a shit about which faction they belong to".
Lord Ganulf nods in agreement. As he thinks the Lombac faction, which lord Kinvar belonged to. Has made a grave mistake declaring a faction war upon the Welmid faction. Which prince Fallins, and his deceased wife Laenna are part of.
"Kinvar was only with them to look like he was neutral" quietly says the lord of Highsun, who continues with "Everyone and their dog knows he had strong links with his sister's faction, our enemy the Golmard's".
The others all nod in agreement. Then they all look to the open door, as the crown prince of Terrindim, prince Waniq enters the chamber.
"Sorry I'm a bit late" says prince Waniq, who follows that with "I had to settle Sarsha" he slightly winces as he continues with "It was difficult telling her of princess Laenna's death".
Prince Paldim nods, and looks over at his sleeping son, fleet admiral Craefar. Who has also taken the death of the rider Laenna with difficulty too.
The crown prince looks at his advisor, and asks him "What is it that you wanted to tell me?".
"Highness, with what's happening, and with the death of those four Golmard dragons and riders" says lord Ganulf, who continues with "And the death of the lord of the exchequer" followed by "And whoever else your uncle Fallins has gone off and killed".
The lord of the city of Highsun briefly pauses then says "We've got the opportunity to take advantage of the situation with our war against the Golmard and Salmain factions".
After a few moments, the crown prince of Terrindim, who is effectively the leader of the Balford faction, nods his head, then says "I'm listening".
Lord Ganulf then explains what they should do, as he's thought up something to take advantage of what's happening at the moment in the kingdom . . . . . .

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