Monday 6 April 2020

The Journey 22.

Autumn. The Capital City Fanile.

Daeliss Komav the dragon rider takes her dragon Sunbeam for a flight over the countryside around the capital Fanile.
Sunbeam who is well and truly rested after the ordeal that took place yesterday. Enjoys the flight around the countryside that surrounds the largest city in the kingdom, on what's quite a cold autumn morning.
Around the capital Fanile, are towns and villages on the roads that lead to the capital city.
Infact there's well over a dozen towns and villages within ten miles of Fanile. Making this district within the province of Galmede, the most heavily populated region in all of Terrindim.
It makes a vast contrast to the western province of Halvarc where Daeliss and Sunbeam are from. Which is the least populated region in the entire kingdom. And in the north of Halvarc, from the northwest border over to the northeast, where it borders the mountain provinces. You're most likely to find wild dragon eggs.
The rider Daeliss looks down as they fly over a village. And she sees people looking up at Sunbeam, watching him fly by.
No matter what, people whether they be dirt poor peasants, or the wealthiest of nobles. Will look up and watch a dragon as it passes by.
The feeling the commonborn dragon rider gets from seeing that will never get old to her.
Daeliss may only be nineteen, and only been Sunbeam's rider for three years. But she will always feel she's extremely privileged to be one of the select number throughout the kingdom to be able to ride a dragon.
As they sweep eastwards and head back towards the capital city, the lean, blonde haired, and beautiful looking dragon rider in the Balford faction looks further away to the east, and pauses as she spots another dragon in the sky on this cold autumn morning in the province of Galmede.
It's a fairly dark coloured dragon, and she wanders if it's a shade of blue. As the dragons of the Salmain faction are.
She slightly nods as Sunbeam informs her by way of the mindspeech spell they use when flying.
That the other dragon is a dark green coloured beast. A sure sign that it belongs to the Welmid faction.
A faction that's in a war itself, against the Fornam faction. Essentially a low level trade war between those two factions. That has been going on for a number of years.
Daeliss Komav suspects the Welmid faction are probably grateful that lord Ganulf killed Sir Wassen of the Fornam faction early yesterday evening in a duel.
The commonborn dragon rider from the western province of Halvarc winces at the memory of that.
For though she's witnessed a couple of duels between nobles in the past.
She's never witnessed anything like last night, outside the residence of sir Wassen.
Who lord Ganulf, the lord of Highsun, and advisor to prince Waniq, dispatched sir Wassen with ease.
It was tantamount to murder in the way the lord of Highsun first set up the young nobleman from the Fornam faction.
And with contempt, killed him with little effort on his part. All because sir Wassen's brother is lord Palmac. The brother inlaw of lord Ganulf's older sister the lady Janna. And because there's a hidden link between the Salmain faction and the Fornam faction. As on the lands of lord Palmac there's a lot of shipbuilding yards. Where a large number of the Salmain factions vessels are built.
The Salmain faction who the Balford faction are now at war against.
"A three way war now" murmurs Daeliss Komav the dragon rider, who then dryly adds "Well, i should say a two against one war".
The young dragon rider from the province of Halvarc faintly smiles as within her mind, Sunbeam tells her that it can't be helped, as he shrugs his massive shoulders as they head back to the capital Fanile.
The large, burnt orange coloured dragon, who has been in the Komav family since the egg.
Then tells his rider not to worry about it, and that they will defeat both the Golmard and Salmain faction.
The rider Daeliss can't fault her dragon's confidence. Confidence that she definitely doesn't feel at the moment, as she thinks about being at war against the other large faction in the kingdom. And also, now one of the largest of the so called smaller factions found throughout Terrindim.
They circle around towards the city, approaching the northeast corner, where the Balford faction has their staging grounds on that particular fringe of the city.
Because their faction is so large, they're allowed to stage their armies and fleets here in this part of the kingdom, at the capital.
Where so many of the other factions aren't. As they have to stage further out from Fanile. At the nearby towns and villages.
Though unfortunately for Daeliss, Sunbeam and the rest of the Balford faction.
Their enemy the Golmard faction can stage here on the edges of the capital city too. Their staging grounds are on the south side of Fanile.
Also allowed the same privilege, is the Salmain faction. Who as one of the larger so called smaller factions. They too have staging grounds on the outskirts of the capital city.
They're a bit closer, on the north side of Fanile, with a few other so called smaller factions.
As Sunbeam nears their staging grounds, the rider Daeliss looks to the north side of the capital city. And spots a handful of warships on the staging grounds of the Salmain faction.
Alongside them is a light coloured blue dragon. Which the commonborn dragon rider from the western province of Halvarc keeps a close eye on.
And though she can feel Sunbeam slightly tense at the sight of the enemy dragon.
He continues on towards their staging grounds without veering off course.
For just as dragons aren't allowed to fly over the Royal Palace of Terrindim, and for that matter, all of the capital city Fanile.
They are also not allowed to fight one another in and around the largest city in the kingdom. If they do, they're basically forfeiting their lives.
And though it's only happened a handful of times in the last four hundred years.
Dragons who haven't been able to control themselves. Where enemy has fought enemy, in or near the capital city.
They've ended up dead. As the royal dragons Blackflame and Whitefire are spurred into action whenever that happens.
And the twin dragons, who came from the same egg, and are the largest dragons in the kingdom. About twenty feet longer than even Sunbeam, who is considered a large dragon himself.
Are so interlinked, that when it comes to aerial combat. No one can dare stand up to them for long.
It also helps that they hardly ever fly with their rider the sovereign, at this point in time, king Crassil of Terrindim. And never in combat with their rider.
Which gives them a huge advantage over any dragon or rider who flouts the law of flying in combat in and around the capital.
No one has done so in more than a couple of generations. The last time was when the grandmother of Daeliss was Sunbeam's rider.
Who witnessed the battle in question, who told Sunbeam's current rider's father when he was young before she died.
And in turn he told Daeliss about it when she was a young girl. With Sunbeam telling her at the same time. The only time he's mentioned it to Daeliss.
As he was a young dragon at the time, he still is, as he's only been out of the egg for just eighty years.
And it was his during his first journey to the capital, and by the sounds of things, it left a lasting impression upon him.
As he saw the royal dragons, who fight in unison like no other. Easily tear and rend apart two dragons from warring factions. Who couldn't control themselves, and fought above the city of Fanile, and the Royal Palace of Terrindim.
The rider Daeliss knows that she and Sunbeam fight well in a team, with say sir Malfane and his dragon Firelight. But they're no way near the level that the twin dragons, Blackflame and Whitefire fight at.
Sunbeam sets down upon the staging grounds of the Balford faction, and Daeliss Komav gets out of the saddle, and hops down to the ground.
The commonborn dragon rider from the western province of Halvarc is just about to ask her dragon if he can teleport her into the city, when Sunbeam suddenly says "Firelight".
Daeliss looks up into the sky to the right, to the north, where her dragon is looking to, and sees a rift in the morning sky appear.
A moment later, and the dragon Firelight wings her way out of the rift. The deep yellow coloured dragon then glides down towards the Balford staging grounds, here at the northeast corner of the city's limits.
As the two Balford dragons roar in greeting, and Firelight sets down. Daeliss Komav hurries over to the new arrival, as sir Malfane slides down off his dragon.
"Good to see you" says sir Malfane the dragon rider after he shakes hands with his fellow dragon rider, who like him is from the province of Halvarc.
"What a day yesterday was" adds the nobleborn dragon rider in the Balford faction, who then says in a dry tone "I need a bloody bath".
A short while later, after sir Malfane has quickly bathed in one of the barracks here in the Balford faction's staging grounds. And he's donned a clean set of riding leathers.
He says to his fellow dragon rider as they walk to where their two dragons are laying about, chatting in the language of dragons "I see there's one those damn blues over on the north side of the city".
Daeliss Komav nods, then says "Beam says it's the only one they've got here in the capital" followed by "It arrived first thing this morning".
"There'll be more" quietly says the older of the two dragon riders, who has been a rider, just as long as Daeliss has, he then adds "They're bringing down dragons and airships from their northern provinces" followed by "Ill expect to see some of them here in Fanile over the next day or two".
The commonborn dragon rider nods her head, and says in a slightly sour tone "The usual three reds are around on the south side of the city".
Sir Malfane grunts, then sourly says "Those three practically live here" he continues with "They push the limit for sure, only leaving before the twins get too annoyed and scare them off".
The rider Daeliss nods in agreement, as it's common knowledge that a trio of Golmard faction dragons spend an awful lot of time here in the capital. Staying here for weeks on end. And though the royal dragons tolerate a dragon staying in Fanile for a couple of weeks in a row. Any longer and you're pushing the limit.
It's why they're called the faction staging grounds. And not their bases. As they're only to be used temporarily by the faction's dragons. Airships, whether they be warships or support vessels can stay for an extended period of time. But not dragons. Everyone abides by the laws. Though those three Golmard dragons and their riders do push things to the limit.
"Hopefully they stay too long, and the twins do us favour and kill them" dryly says sir Malfane.
"Let's hope so" says Daeliss Komav, who then asks "So what's been happening?".
The two dragon riders exchange information, with them telling one another what's been happening since the battle yesterday morning up in the province of Smalsare. Where the third fleet of the Balford faction was defeated.
The nobleborn dragon rider is honestly surprised when Daeliss Komav informs him that lord Ganulf and two others survived the destruction of the Dragon's Revenge. Admiral Halmack's flagship.
And that the lord of Highsun, has already started to retaliate against his family's faction. The Salmain faction, who have declared a faction war against the Balford faction.
"Hell, he moves quick doesn't he" mutters sir Malfane who grimaces after his fellow dragon rider informs him how lord Ganulf killed a certain sir Wassen in a duel early last night.
"I suspect he's planning something else already" quietly says Daeliss Komav, followed by "Against both the Golmard and Salman factions too".
"I wouldn't put it past him" murmurs sir Malfane, who doesn't particularly like lord Ganulf, but he can appreciate the man's efforts in trying to get the Balford faction a victory, against the Golmard faction, and now the Salmain faction.
"Think they'll turn on one another?" quietly asks the nobleborn dragon rider from the province of Halvarc, referring to the Golmard and Salmain factions.
"We can only hope they do" replies the commonborn dragon rider from the same province, who quietly continues with "I suspect that's what lord Ganulf is actually working on".
Daeliss Komav briefly pauses, before she adds "Because this is going to be a struggle for us".
"I agree" quietly says sir Malfane as he contemplates a war against two factions, the largest other faction in the kingdom, and the largest of the so called smaller factions.
The rider Daeliss has her dragon Sunbeam teleport her and her fellow dragon rider to one of the proscribed towers at the edge of large complex that's the Royal Palace of Terrindim.
After the palace guards on top of the tower bow to them, then ask them what they wish. And Daeliss tells them that they wish to enter. And they're given permission to do so.
The commonborn dragon rider has Sunbeam teleport her and sir Malfane to the headquarters of the Balford faction here in the vast complex that's the palace grounds.
A short time later, and they're in the offices of lord Ganulf, the lord of Highsun, and the advisor to the prince.
Sir Malfane who is glad to see that one of the other survivors from the destruction of the battlecruiser the Dragon's Revenge, is the young able airman Orvick.
Who is sitting at a desk with a scribe, and a priest of Torros, busy writing something for lord Ganulf.
The able airman with the club foot, who sir Malfane saw quickly look up, and blush when he saw the rider Daeliss enter.
Which of course, the commonborn dragon rider from the province of Halvarc completely missed.
Causing the nobleborn dragon rider to slightly shake his head, as to how oblivious Daeliss is at times to certain things around her.
Before he reports to lord Ganulf of the remainder of the Balford faction's third fleet who are flying south to the capital Fanile, after their defeat early yesterday morning against the Golmard fleet, then the Salmain fleet that turned up.
The lord of Highsun is fairly quiet as he listens, only saying a few words here and there as he listens to the nobleborn dragon rider, who he does not like.
Though he puts aside his differences with sir Malfane, for the better good of the Balford faction.
After her fellow dragon rider informs lord Ganulf of the status of the remainder of the third fleet, who should start arriving here in the province of Galmede sometime during the night.
Daeliss Komav who is looking out one of the windows towards the inner sanctum of the Royal Palace of Terrindim, the so called real palace, asks the lord of Highsun "Is his highness in there at the moment?".
"He is" says lord Ganulf, who turns to look at the walled off inner sanctum of the large palace complex, that's less than a hundred yards away from the headquarters of the Balford faction.
"It's seventh day today" states the lord of Highsun, both of the dragon riders slightly frown, and the advisor to the prince explains to them "The royal family get together and have the midday meal with each other on seventh day".
"What all of them?" asks Daeliss Komav in surprise.
"Yes, well all of them here in the capital" replies lord Ganulf.
"Hell" mutters the rider Daeliss with a grimace, next to her sir Malfane grimaces too.
"Exactly" dryly says the lord of Highsun, who is the advisor to the crown prince, prince Waniq.
"And they say my family is dysfunctional" dryly adds lord Ganulf with a shake of his head as the look towards the so called real palace, which lies behind forty foot tall walls, here in the Royal Palace of Terrindim . . . . . .

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