Sunday 19 April 2020

The Journey 31.

Autumn. The City Of Fanile. The Province Of Galmede. The Kingdom Of Terrindim.

Crown prince Waniq is up early in the morning, and after wishing his wife Kelriss a good day, and telling her he'll back for the noon time meal with her, and their daughter Sarsha.
He makes his way from the so called real palace of Terrindim, and heads to the nearby headquarters of the Balford faction within the Royal Palace of Terrindim.
When he gets there, he finds his advisor lord Ganulf, has been up for quite some time, and is already hard at work.
Planning to win their war against both the Golmard faction, and the Salmain faction.
As the two of them enter the offices of the crown prince, followed by the lord of Highsun's new aide and new offsider. Both of who still look a little bit sleepy after being woken up so early by lord Ganulf.
The two noblemen, quietly discuss more of the plans they hope to use to win their current faction war against both the Golmard, and Salmain factions.
"We'll have to redistribute the remnants of the third into the other fleets" says Waniq the crown prince of Terrindim.
"I've started to already to do that with the remaining senior admirals highness" states lord Ganulf, the lord of Highsun.
The crown prince slightly winces at that, as he's reminded of putting his second cousin Yammick in command of the Balford faction's third fleet. A decision that his advisor, lord Ganulf was dead set against.
Infact the lord of Highsun told him that it was the one of the dumbest things the prince has ever done.
Prince Waniq, who isn't going to make a mistake like that again if he can help it, nods his head, and says "I'll trust you and the senior admirals to best handle that" says the oldest of king Crassil and queen Pania's children.
The nobleman from the northern province of Hanamede nods, then says "We'll have to distribute the dragons and riders from the third too".
"Thoughts on that?" asks the crown prince of Terrindim who is studying the last known locations of the enemy on one of the map tables in his offices.
"The rider Daeliss and Sunbeam will of course go where captain Jarmic and the Dragon Flame are assigned" says the lord of Highsun.
The prince nods, then quietly says "Two in less than a week" followed by "Hell, that's something".
"I know" says lord Ganulf after a few moments of silence and a shake of his head, at the fact the rider Daeliss and her dragon Sunbeam killing two enemy dragons in fairly quick succession.
Something not done in recent memory, definitely not in this generation of riders and dragons in the kingdom.
"We may have lost that battle up in Smalsare" says crown prince Waniq, who continues with "And you're family's faction has entered the frey" he then adds "But a lot of the talk throughout the palace and the city is of the rider Daeliss and Sunbeam killing two of the Golmard dragons".
He pauses for a moment, before saying "And you and your latest duel, and the other challenges you've put out".
The prince's advisor nods, for that's what he wanted to happen. Get the general populace talking about other things, instead of the defeat of the Balford faction's third fleet to the Golmard faction up in the province of Smalsare.
Then the lord of Highsun, gets back to the topic they were discussing, and says "Sir Malfane and Firelight should probably go where the rider Daeliss and Sunbeam go" followed by "They make a good team".
Lord Ganulf who dislikes the dragon rider sir Malfane intensely, for the simple reason he ended up being Firelight's rider instead of the lord of Highsun.
Will admit that the land poor nobleborn dragon rider from the western province of Halvarc works well in battle in conjunction with the rider Daeliss and her dragon Sunbeam.
Prince Waniq glances at advisor and nods his head, and says "If you think best".
As he knows how much lord Ganulf hates sir Malfane. And to admit something like that, probably took a lot of effort on his part.
The lord of Highsun then goes through the rest of the dragons and riders from the third fleet of the Balford faction, and tells the prince where they should go.
As the Balford faction now finds itself in a war not just against the Golmard faction, but also the Salman faction.
The faction primarily based up in the northern mountainous provinces, led by lord Ganulf's family.
The lord of the city of Highsun waves over one of the officers sitting at the side tables, and gives him a few orders.
Then after the crown prince and his advisor discuss a few other matters, prince Waniq quietly asks the nobleman from the northern province of Hanamede "Any replies to your challenges?".
"Nothing so far" is the quiet reply from lord Ganulf, who after a slight pause adds "I sent off another one last night".
The crown prince of Terrindim slightly winces, then asks "Who?".
The lord of Highsun doesn't answer immediately, and the prince looks up from the map and looks at his advisor, who finally says "Your cousin Simeon".
Prince Waniq winces again, then mutters "Hell" as he thinks of his cousin Simeon, who is the oldest son of his uncle Fallins and aunt Laenna the dragon rider.
"I did it" says the lord of Highsun, who is interrupted by the crown prince who says "I know why you did it".
The oldest child of the king and queen of Terrindim, then sourly says "I don't like it, but i know why you did it".
As his cousin Simeon, just twenty, is married to the lady Kallie. Who is a younger cousin of lord Ganulf. The lady Kallie, who is the public face of the Salmain faction here in the capital Fanile.
"I bloody well like Simeon" mutters the crown prince as he thinks of his cousin, who is trapped in a unhappy marriage.
"I know that highness" says lord Ganulf, who continues with "I don't expect him to accept" followed by "Out of all those I've challenged over the last couple of days, he will not accept".
"You hope" mutters prince Waniq, who after a slight pause, adds "With that cousin of yours he's married to, who knows what the hell she might goad Simeon into doing".
The lord of Highsun, who challenged the young royal cousin to a duel, for the simple reason of upsetting his cousin Kallie, nods his head then says "I suspect your aunt and uncle will step in and stop him if he goes to accept my challenge to duel".
"True" says the crown prince of Terrindim, who as an immediate royal to the king. Is above the law when it comes to duels. And is unable to be challenged. And vice, versa, is unable to challenge others to duels.
But not so the royal cousins, as they're fair game to other nobles throughout the kingdom when it comes to duels.
Though it's very rarely that they are challenged to a duel, and even rarer that they accept.
The crown prince only remembers one duel in his lifetime involving a member of the extended royal family, and that's when he was young child.
"Let's hope it doesn't get to that" quietly says prince Waniq, who then changes the subject.
The crown prince of Terrindim and his advisor discuss a few other topics, giving out orders, and listening to messengers who come in.
And as early morning moves on this cool autumn day in the capital city of Fanile, one of the officers in contact with spellcasters on duty on the rooftop of the keep, comes over and says "Highness, there's a visitor to see you".
"Who is it?" aaks prince Waniq, who is watching another officer and an aide, changing the markers on one of the map tables, showing the latest locations of the enemy and their movements throughout the kingdom.
"Your aunt, the rider Laenna" is the reply from the officer.
The crown prince looks sharply at his advisor lord Ganulf, who slightly grimaces.
"Hell" mutters the prince under his breath, who then says to the officer "Out front?".
"Yes highness" is the reply from the officer.
Prince Waniq nods, then says to the lord of Highsun "Come along then" followed quietly by "I hope to hell Simeon hasn't accepted your challenge" he then silently adds, and that this is about something else.
They head out of the offices, and make their way downstairs. Followed by a couple of officers who act as aides to the prince. Along with lord Ganulf's new aide and offsider.
When they get downstairs, they met the young airship captain Craefar, who says "Aunt Laenna is outside".
Craefar, who is the son of prince Paldim and lady Desamo. Walks alongside his cousin, the crown prince of Terrindim.
Outside, as they make their way around the front of the keep, to the path that leads to the roadway that goes through this part of the vast complex that makes up the Royal Palace of Terrindim.
They find the riders Daeliss and sir Malfane making their along one of the side paths, heading towards the keep that's the headquarters of the Balford faction. They stop and have a quick word with the two dragon riders from the western province of Halvarc.
"The three have left the city" says Daeliss the dragon rider.
Both prince Waniq, and his advisor lord Ganulf share a look, at the mention of the trio of Golmard faction dragons, who basically live on that faction's staging grounds on the south side of the city.
"One left yesterday afternoon, my cousin Jarmic saw it heading north when he brought what was left of the third back" says the lean, attractive blonde dragon rider from the west of the kingdom, who continues with "The other two left this morning, just a short time ago".
"It's rare that at least one of them doesn't try to overstay it's welcome here" adds sir Malfane the dragon rider, the rider Daeliss nods her head in agreement with the nobleman from her home province of Halvarc.
"What the hell are they up to?" mutters lord Ganulf.
The crown prince wonders the same thing, but he says "First thing first, i have to see what my aunt wants".
They continue on the path, with the two dragon riders joining them. And once they're around the front of the keep.
They see the dragon rider Laenna standing where the path meets the roadway.
The rest of them stop on the path, while the crown prince continues on his way towards the roadway, that leads to the nearby walled off section of the Royal Palace of Terrindim, often referred to the real palace.
Prince Waniq greets his aunt the dragon rider, by bowing to her, then kissing her on the cheek.
"Nephew" says Laenna the dragon rider, wife of prince Fallins, the youngest brother of king Crassil.
"Aunt Laenna" says the crown prince to the most famous dragon rider in the kingdom of Terrindim, behind only the king himself. Though the populace don't actually think all that much of their king being a dragon rider.
"Walk with me" says the rider of the dragon Greenfire, who is part of the Welmid faction.
Arm in arm, they walk slowly along the roadway. As they do, the rider Laenna glances in the direction of the group standing on the path infront of the keep that's the Balford faction's headquarters.
"I see that advisor of yours challenged Simeon to a duel" wryly says princess Laenna.
The crown prince slightly grimaces as he knew his aunt would mention that, he was rather hoping she wouldn't.
After clearing his throat, prince Waniq, who is effectively the leader of the Balford faction, says "Ah yeah" followed by "He did".
"I know why he did" dryly says the dragon rider, who is just over a decade older than her nephew.
"Not to worry, Simeon definitely won't accept" continues the rider Laenna, after a slight pause she says "The lord Ganulf shouldn't let his hate for his own family get in the way of his decisions" followed by "He's a little obvious at times at what he's doing".
"I shall quietly tell him that" says the crown prince of Terrindim.
The dragon rider in the Welmid faction stops, and looks at the walled off section here in the very heart of the Royal Palace of Terrindim.
"That's not what I've come to speak to you about" quietly says the princess Laenna.
"Oh?" says prince Waniq, who stands there waiting for what his aunt, the member of his extended family that he's closest to, has to say.
"A warning for you Waniq" eventually says the famous dragon rider from the southern province of Cramoor, where she lives with her husband, prince Fallins.
The crown prince looks quickly around, and his aunt tells him "Not to worry, no one can hear us".
He nods, as he realises the dragon Greenfire has made their conversation private.
"Be careful of your sister" quietly says the only member of the royal family apart from the king, who is a dragon rider.
The crown prince, who was not expecting to hear that, blinks in surprise, then says "Chrisabol?".
The rider Laenna nods her head, then says "Yes" followed by "Be very careful of her".
Prince Waniq who is more likely to have problems with his brother Sormis than his sister Chrisabol, frowns then says "Why?".
"Because she is rapidly rising in the church of Torros, and is doing her best to have it influence matters at court" quietly states the nobleborn dragon rider.
"Er aunt" says the crown prince of Terrindim, who follows that with "That's not such a bad thing, considering Torros is one of the three gods my faction honours and worships".
"Yes" says the wife of prince Fallins, who continues with "But you've seem to of forgotten that it's also one of the three gods that those in the Golmard faction worship".
Prince Waniq blinks in surprise, as he had forgotten that. For his faction's main rivals, and who they're at war against, the Golmard faction. Have just one thing in common with his faction the Balford faction, their worship of the god Torros.
"Hell" mutters the crown prince.
"Rather appropriate all things considered" wryly says the rider Laenna, who continues on with "Your sister is ambitious, not that she looks like it" followed by "So be very careful there".
Princess Laenna after a brief pause adds "Even though both of your parents are annoyed with her continuing infatuation with the church of Torros" followed quietly by "All the same, out of the four of you children, she was always the closest to your mother".
Prince Waniq is silent for a few moments, then he slowly nods, and quietly says "Yes she was".
The rider Laenna nods, then says "I must be off".
She kisses her nephew on the cheek, whispering to him "Be on your guard" before she disappears.
The crown prince of Terrindim stands there on the roadway for quite some time as he thinks about the warning given to him by his aunt Laenna.
Then he slowly walks back to the path infront of the keep that's the headquarters of the Balford faction, where the others are waiting for him . . . . . .

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