Wednesday 15 April 2020

The Journey 29.

Autumn. The Capital City.

Lord Kinvar sits back in his carriage as it heads through the Royal Palace of Terrindim.
The lord of the exchequer has had to leave his guards behind, as the palace guards won't let them come in any further.
And no way would the king's guards let them enter the inner sanctum, that's often referred to as the real palace, which is lord Kinvar's destination this afternoon.
The lord of the exchequer, the younger brother of queen Pania. Is a man in his early forties, not particularly tall, just like most Terrindiams.
Who he has to admit to himself, that he's put on a bit of weight over the last five years or so.
He was always a lean looking man, but no more, as the twenty pounds he's put on in the last few years, definitely shows considering he's not that tall.
Lord Kinvar, who is just glad he's still got all his hair, and all of his teeth. Looks out the windows of his carriage, watching the palace go by as he heads towards the inner sanctum.
The lord of the exchequer, who goes to meet the king, as he does on this day, every week, at this time.
Sees some of the headquarters of the various factions of Terrindim as his carriage heads further and further into the Royal Palace of Terrindim.
Large, small, they're all here in the vast complex that makes up the palace in the center of the city of Fanile, the capital city of the kingdom.
Lord Kinvar sees his own faction, the Lombac faction, in it's small keep, away to the right as his carriage goes along a roadway that leads to the real palace, where the king of Terrindim lives.
And though the Lombac faction is relatively small, it has a lot of influence over some of the other factions in kingdom. For the simple reason the lord of the exchequer is part of the Lombac faction. And he basically controls the kingdom's treasury.
Lord Kinvar may be part of the small Lombac faction, but there's still close ties between himself and his older sister, the queen of Terrindim, queen Pania. Who effectively leads the Golmard faction.
As the carriage gets closer to the walled off section of the palace, the lord of the exchequer looks away to his right again, and spots the headquarters of one of the largest factions in the kingdom.
The Balford faction, which is less than a hundred yards from the so called real palace. The closest of any of the faction headquarters to the walled off section of the palace.
Lord Kinvar slightly frowns as he looks at the keep that's the headquarters of the faction which is led by crown prince Waniq.
Then the lord of the exchequer slightly grins as he recalls the Balford faction has had a recent defeat in battle, up in the province of Smalsare.
Then the younger brother of queen Pania frowns again, as he also remembers that lord Ganulf, the advisor to prince Waniq. Was successful with a duel just a couple of nights ago. And that the lord of Highsun has challenged two other noblemen to duel.
Which lord Kinvar doesn't know if they've accepted yet. He hopes for their sake that they haven't. As he doubts either one of them could kill lord Ganulf.
His carriage stops at the open gates, and after the senior king's guard on duty speaks to the driver.
He walks back, and looks through one of the glass windows of the carriage. He slightly bows to the lord of the exchequer, before stepping back and looking back through the open gates.
He waits for a few moments, then waves the driver through after getting the signal from inside the walled of section, that's commonly called the real palace, for lord Kinvar's carriage to proceed.
The horse drawn covered carriage goes through the gates and the forty foot tall walls, that are even thicker than they are tall.
Once through them, the lord of the exchequer looks away to the right, where he sees the twin dragons Blackflame and Whitefire lying about at that end of the massive courtyard.
Lord Kinvar looks quickly away from them, hoping they don't take any notice of him. As they could easily read his mind if they wanted to.
And if they found out what he wants, and what he's planning, they wouldn't exactly be pleased with him.
But as usual, the royal dragons ignore him, as they do pretty much everyone else, as they only pay attention to certain people, those that they like.
Well, that's the image the twin dragons portray. And what they've apparently done for more than four centuries now. But in reality, that could be further from the truth.
For as lord Kinvar's carriage comes to a stop, and he gets out of it infront of the keep, that is the king's abode.
Whitefire, who is lying on her back, with her eyes closed on this sunny autumn afternoon.
Cracks an eyelid, and after watching the lord of the exchequer of Terrindim, make his way to the keep his carriage has stopped infront of.
The large white dragon looks over at her twin brother Blackflame. Who seems to be as equally relaxing in the afternoon sunshine, on this relatively warm autumn afternoon.
He too cracks an eyelid, and sees his twin sister look his way. Blackflame slightly snorts in agreement at the silent thought that comes from Whitefire, as the two of them watch lord Kinvar, the lord of the exchequer enter the keep where the king of Terrindim lives and works.
Lord Kinvar actually likes king Crassil of Terrindim, and infact he gets along with his sister's husband.
It's just that the lord of the exchequer wishes the king would go off and get himself killed. As that would make things a hell of a lot easier for the nobleman who controls the royal treasury.
And though lord Kinvar wouldn't actually try to kill the king. The same can't be said for the king's oldest son, crown prince Waniq.
The lord of the exchequer would love to hold the hilt of a sword that could run prince Waniq through.
Lord Kinvar, like his older sister, queen Pania. Wants the crown prince dead. And if they could do it themselves, they would've done so already. At least a fair few years ago, before the crown prince effectively became the leader of the Balford faction.
The lord of the exchequer waits, appropriately in a waiting room, up on the second floor of the keep.
His only company are a pair of king's guards, as he sits on a plush chair, with a ledger and a rolled up piece of parchment in his lap.
Lord Kinvar of the Lombac faction looks out the windows opposite him, and is unable to see the twin dragons. Who for the most part are the only things you can see in the massive courtyard out infront of the keeps, broaches and towers that make up the so called real palace.
One of the guards must of heard something, because he slightly opens the door he's infront of, and quietly speaks to someone on the other side.
After the conversation at the door is over, the king's guard tells the lord of the exchequer that he can enter.
With the ledger and parchment in hand, lord Kinvar makes his way to the door that's been opened, and he enters the chambers on the otherside. He bows to his majesty, king Crassil of Terrindim who is waiting for him in the chambers, as the door is closed behind him.
A little later in the afternoon, and after lord Kinvar has shown the king the state of the royal treasury over the last week, and how it's standing so far this year.
He goes in search of his older sister Pania, the queen of Terrindim, and the leader of the Golmard faction.
A faction that is at war with the Balford faction, which is led by the queen's oldest son, crown prince Waniq.
The lord of the exchequer who is absolutely scrupulous with his accounts, and managing of the royal treasury.
Something he dare not mess up for his, his faction's, or his sister's benefit.
He's meticulously on how the treasury is run. And even though he would prefer the king was dead.
Lord Kinvar makes sure the treasury is at it's best for his majesty and the kingdom.
Infact the lord of the exchequer takes great pride in how he manages the royal treasury.
For he knows that how he legitimately runs the treasury. Gives him free reign in his more illegitimate activities he partakes in.
The nobleman, whose family is originally from here in the province of Galmede.
Heads to the usual rendezvous point with his older sister, Pania the queen of Terrindim.
Lord Kinvar meets his sister in a garden between the main keep, and a side broach.
The queen who is accompanied by a few of her ladies in waiting, who she tells to wait on a couple of benches here in what's essentially an ornamental garden more than anything else.
Makes her way over to her younger brother Kinvar, who is standing to the side of the path that winds it's way through the garden, here next to one of the side broaches.
After the siblings greet one another, they wonder through the ornamental garden, arms linked as they do so.
"As good as can be i guess" quietly says lord Kinvar, the lord of the exchequer in response to his sister, queen Pania of Terrindiam asking him "How fares the royal treasury?".
The queen nods, and as they walk slowly through these gardens, she asks her younger brother "And other things?".
Not always saying whatever they would like to say, here in the inner sanctum of the Royal Palace of Terrindim.
Lord Kinvar nods his head, then says "Things are proceeding well" he pauses for a few moments, before he adds "Interesting addition to things".
Knowing exactly what her brother is referring to, queen Pania who has grown a bit stout over the years, says "Yes it is" followed by "It was bound to happen considering how much they hate the lord of Highsun" she then adds "They just waited for the opportune time to do so".
The lord of the exchequer nods, and they stop at a bench beside the path, infront of a bush that's been shaped to resemble a dragon.
After the siblings sit down, lord Kinvar quietly asks "Have they declared what their intentions are?" followed by "We've only heard that they're now at war with the Balford faction".
"You mean the egg?" asks the queen, whose marriage was of course arraigned.
Her younger brother nods yes, and she tells him "They haven't" she continues with "They've just declared war on the Balford faction, and not the right to have that family from out in Halvarc with the new egg to join them".
"That could change" quietly says the lord of the exchequer.
"I am well aware of that" quietly says queen Pania, who is the leader of the Golmard faction, one of the two largest factions in the kingdom, along with the Balford faction.
Lord Kinvar of the Lombac faction is quiet for a few moments and looks around at the ornamental garden that's been created and maintained by the royal gardeners.
Then he quietly asks his sister, who is the older sibling by about six years "And the other thing you have afoot?".
"It's going ahead" says the queen of Terrindim, who follows that with "She has too much influence by far" she continues in a tone of contempt with "Hopefully that son of mine reacts, and reacts badly".
Lord Kinvar nods in agreement, then quietly says "Be careful all the same" he then adds "Even though you're protected by it being a faction war, things have been know to happen".
"I am well aware of that" quietly says the queen, who to calm the fears of her brother, who has the same goals as she does, she tells him "I'll be careful, i promise".
The lord of the exchequer nods, and though he knows his older sister is an excellent planner and schemer. After all she has planned the war against the Balford faction by her faction, over the past five years.
Knows that once plans are in action, her emotions can get the better of her, especially if things don't go her way.
Lord Kinvar then says "The other major problem i see, is as always that advisor to your oldest".
The queen of Terrindim sourly smiles at the mention of lord Ganulf, the lord of Highsun.
"He's a cunning one for sure" quietly says the younger of the two siblings, who continues with "And now he's gone back to challenging everyone and anyone".
The lord of the exchequer then mutters "Hell, he might even challenge me to a duel one day".
The queen grunts at that, then says "I hoping you won't except if he does".
Lord Kinvar sourly smiles, as he has no intention whatsoever of accepting a challenge to duel from anyone, let alone the lord of Highsun, lord Ganulf.
"Yes, hopefully this will end up dealing to him too" says queen Pania, who then adds "Though i suspect with the Salmain faction involved now, he will be distracted and not have his mind fully on the war".
The lord of the exchequer nods, then after a brief pause, he asks "And the other thing?".
"Not here" quietly says the queen of Terrindim, who then adds "Let us continue our walk shall we".
They head back the way they came from, and rejoin the queen's ladies in waiting.
The siblings walk out infront, as they continue through the ornamental garden, heading around to the front of the main keep, where lord Kinvar's carriage awaits.
As they walk from the garden between the main keep, and one of the side broaches here in the so called real palace.
The lord of the exchequer quickly glances in the direction of the twin dragons, Blackflame and Whitefire. Who as usual ignore anyone they don't get along with. Which is just about everyone, except for a few they consider friends. And now the two who are the closest to them, when before there was only one.
Lord Kinvar refrains from wincing as he looks sideways at his sister Pania. Who has given up all hope of having one of her favourites be the next sovereign of the kingdom. Now that the twin dragons have picked the new heir. Sarsha, the daughter of crown prince Waniq.
Because of that, the queen of Terrindim wants her eldest son dead even more.
She despises her son Waniq because the twin dragons didn't pick him to be the heir when he was a child.
What was all the more galling to her, is how readily and easily he accepted that decision.
And she outright hates her son Waniq for joining the Balford faction. Which was ever the rival faction to her own faction, the Golmard faction.
From the day he chose the Balford faction, queen Pania has wanted her son the crown prince dead.
As they approach his carriage, lord Kinvar glances in the direction of the twin dragons again. Who in all the time he's been coming to the real palace, even before he was named lord of the exchequer, he's never spoken with them.
Nor really has his sister Pania. Who has only spoken to them once. And that was only to Blackflame, on the day she first came to inner sanctum of the Royal Palace of Terrindim.
When she first met her soon to be husband, well over thirty years ago now.
Blackflame briefly greeted her, and has ignored her ever since. Whitefire didn't even greet her that day. And like her twin brother, has not spoken to the queen in all the time she has lived here in the so called real palace.
Lord Kinvar who knows this has a lot to do with the way things have progressed in the kingdom over the last couple of decades.
Can't help but wonder if the twin dragons were a little bit more friendlier to his sister Pania. Things might be a little bit different here in the kingdom of Terrindim.
Then again, knowing his sister like he does, he rather doubts it. As she has always been ambitious, and wants things her way, and no other's.
"Best of luck" says lord Kinvar "And to you brother" replies queen Pania, who hugs her brother, before he gets into his carriage.
As the lord of the exchequer calls out to his driver to leave, he waves farewell to his sister, and out the open window he says to her "I'll see you later". "As will i" says queen Pania of Terrindim.
The covered carriage sets off across the large courtyard, it's wheels in motion, just like the new plans the siblings Kinvar and Pania have for how they want the kingdom of Terrindim to be governed . . . . . .

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