Tuesday 5 May 2020

The Journey 43.

Autumn. The Capital City Fanile.

Crown prince Waniq frowns as he looks at the message, then he asks "Are you sure?".
"Yes highness" says the messenger, who continues with "I was there myself and saw it".
"Fuck" the crown prince of Terrindim mutters to himself.
"Very well" says prince Waniq, who then nods his head in dismissal to the messenger, who hurries out of the office.
"Well lad?" asks prince Paldim.
The crown prince turns and looks at his uncle, and repressing a sigh, he walks over to his uncle and hands him the small piece of rolled up parchment.
The middle royal brother quickly reads it, then grimaces and mutters "Fuck".
Before sighing, and handing it to his own son, prince Craefar, who sits beside him on the couch.
The young prince grunts after reading it, then shakes his head, before handing the small piece of parchment back to his cousin the crown prince.
"Sorry cousin" quietly says prince Craefar, who is a fleet admiral in the Balford faction's forces.
Prince Waniq nods his head, and slumps into a cushioned seat, and says "My own sister".
The trio in the royal family of Terrindim are silent as they take into account what they've just found out.
That earlier this morning, before dawn here in the capital city Fanile. Princess Chrisabol was spotted by Balford spies, covertly entering the headquarters of the Golmard faction here in the Royal Palace of Terrindim.
This wouldn't ordinarily arouse suspicion, apart from the fact that the princess. The third of king Crassil and queen Pania's children. Isn't a member of the Golmard faction. And only members of each faction can enter a particular faction's headquarters.
The only person except from this is the sovereign of Terrindim, king Crassil himself.
"So" says prince Paldim, who is the former leader of the Balford faction, who once again this morning, is completely sober.
"The church of Torros is definitely in cahoots with them" adds the middle royal brother. With king Crassil the eldest of the three, and prince Fallins the youngest.
Both crown prince Waniq and prince Craefar nod in agreement. For though princess Chrisabol doesn't have any official position in the church of Torros. It's a well known fact that she's one of the higher ups in that particular church. Who over the last few years, has had a major influence over the direction of the church of the god Torros.
"What are we" says prince Paldim, who briefly pauses before he continues with "I mean, what are you going to do Waniq?" as he looks at his nephew, the crown prince of Terrindim.
Prince Waniq, who is essentially the leader of the Balford faction. Looks at his uncle, the man who inspired him to join the Balford faction, and take a leadership roll in it.
The crown prince then looks at his younger cousin Craefar, a fleet admiral in the faction's military forces.
The father and son, are looking at him expectantly, wondering what he'll do, now they know there's a definite link between their enemy the Golmard faction, and the church of Torros. One of the churches, that both warring factions honour and worship.
"I think it best i confront her" quietly says prince Waniq after a few moments of silence.
The oldest child of king Crassil, and queen Pania, then asks his uncle "What do you think uncle?".
Prince Paldim, who usually has a goblet of red wine in his hand at this time of the morning, but not today, tells his nephew "It doesn't matter what i think" followed by "What matters is what you do".
The middle of the three royal brothers then says "And whatever you do, I'll support it".
Next to prince Paldim, his son prince Craefar the fleet admiral, nods in agreement.
After quickly looking around at the others in the office, the crown prince quietly says to his uncle and his cousin "I might have to kill her".
"You just might" says prince Paldim, who after a moment's pause, nods at the small piece of parchment his nephew the crown prince is holding, then says "Though if my little brother Fallins finds out the same thing, she's as good as dead".
The middle royal brother grimaces, then says "Hell, the way he's going about things at the moment, he'll walk right into main cathedral of the church, and kill her right there".
Both royal cousins grimace as well. And though prince Waniq knows that if he confronts his sister Chrisabol, there's a chance he might have to kill her.
He knows he won't do so in any of the churches of Torros. After all, they're still one of the three churches that the Balford faction honours.
His uncle, prince Fallins won't have such scruples. If he finds out the link between princess Chrisabol, and the Golmard faction.
And if she had anything whatsoever to do with the death of his wife, princess Laenna the dragon rider. He'll kill his niece princess Chrisabol, and not care one iota, where he'd kill her.
"It might not be all that different for us if i confront her" quietly says the crown prince of Terrindim, who continues with "Even if i don't kill her, the damage to our ongoing relationship with the church of Torros will be lasting".
Both prince Paldim, and his son prince Craefar wince as they see the truth of that.
"No matter what you do, our ties with the church will be forever strained?" says the young fleet admiral Craefar.
"Looks like it for sure" quietly says prince Waniq, who continues on with "In all likelihood it will be severed if i do actually kill her".
Both father and son, respectively uncle and cousin to the crown prince, nod in agreement with him.
Prince Waniq sighs, then mutters "What a mess" as he contemplates the recent major upheaval here in the kingdom of Terrindim, due to the fact that the Balford faction, is at war with the Golmard faction.
As two of the largest factions in the kingdom of Terrindim, fight for the right to have a family of wild dragon egg hunters, who recently found a wild dragon egg, to join their particular faction.
"I don't think i could kill her" quietly muses the crown prince referring to his sister Chrisabol.
He knows it's not like his mother queen Pania, who straight out hates him, and wants him dead.
And if things come to a head, the crown prince is pretty certain he could kill his own mother to protect himself, and his immediate family.
Though the prospect of him using a weapon of any kind, doesn't fill himself with confidence.
As it's fairly well known that he isn't the best with any kind of weapon. He's likely to hurt himself, as much as anyone he attacked with a sword.
Though when it comes to his sister, princess Chrisabol. He doesn't know if he could actually kill her.
Though if things are what they seem, she could easily order his death if she wanted to.
"Sormis must be loving this" sourly says prince Waniq referring to his brother prince Sormis, the second of king Crassil and queen Pania's children.
Then after a moment as he thinks about something, the crown prince of Terrindim looks sharply at his uncle, and younger cousin.
"Shit" mutters prince Paldim, who then says "You don't think".
"Hell" says prince Craefar, as he too comes to a similar conclusion.
Prince Waniq winces, then calls over an officer, and asks him for all the current information they have about prince Sormis, and the Grayvin faction, which he's officially the head of.
"Just like bloody Sormis" quietly says the crown prince referring to his brother, who openly dislikes him.
Infact, prince Sormis the head of the Grayvin faction dislikes all of his siblings. Prince Waniq, princess Chrisabol, and prince Dalvin.
With a shake of his head, crown prince Waniq quietly says "If one of the two largest factions in the kingdom, was so badly defeated, and they were depleted so much in their war against their enemy" he then adds "Which other faction would fill the void, and take their place?".
"The Salmain faction" says prince Paldim, who briefly pauses, then winces as he adds "And the Grayvin faction".
The cousins, the princes Waniq and Craefar, mutter "Hell" in unison.
After letting out a sigh, the crown prince of Terrindim, says "One more thing we'll have to deal with".
Then prince Waniq gets up, and makes his way over to one of the tables, to see what the officer he spoke to, has gathered about the comings and goings of prince Sormis, and what the Grayvin faction is up to.
The father and son, prince Paldim and prince Craefar share a look. Then the former leader of the Balford faction, and the young fleet admiral in the Balford forces.
Get up off couch they're sitting on, and make their way over to the table where the crown prince is standing, reading one of the missives one the officers hands to him.
The colour drains from the face of prince Waniq, who then hands the missive to his uncle prince Paldim.
The middle royal brothers grimaces after he reads it, then mutters "Fucking hell" before he hands it to his son prince Craefar.
While the crown prince calls over his good friend sir Gilbane the sorcerer. Who he asks to get in contact with lord Ganulf, the advisor to prince Waniq.
A little while later, and the lord of Highsun, lord Ganulf. Along with his offsider, the bosun Cyril. And his aide, able airman Orvick, enter the office.
The crown prince of Terrindim informs his advisor of the latest information they've found out. And the ramifications of what they've learnt this morning.
"Hell" says lord Ganulf, the advisor to prince Waniq, who continues with "You think your brother Sormis is playing you and your sister off against one another?".
"There's a pretty good chance that he is, don't you think?" says the royal who effectively leads the Balford faction.
"Could be" quietly says the lord of the city of Highsun, who after frowning asks "Doesn't the queen dislike him too?" followed by "Infact doesn't she dislike all of you except for your sister?".
"She does" says the crown prince, who follows that with "She dislikes all us boys" he briefly pauses before he adds "Well, she straight out hates me, and wants me dead".
Behind prince Waniq, his uncle prince Paldim nods in agreement with his older brother's eldest child.
"I think prince Sormis is more of an opportunist than not" says lord Ganulf who continues with "I don't think he had anything to do with the death of princess Laenna" followed by "From what i understand, he liked and got along with your aunt, the rider Laenna". The crown prince of Terrindim grunts to acknowledge that this is true.
The nobleman from the northern province of Hanamede, then says "So he's definitely trying to advance the fortunes of the Grayvin fraction, hoping that either us or the Golmard's are wiped out as a significant force in the kingdom".
Prince Waniq, along with his uncle and cousin nod in agreement with that.
Then lord Ganulf quietly says "More pressing concerns is the princess Chrisabol, and her ties to the Golmard faction" he briefly pauses before he adds "With what's she's done, it could break our ties to the church of Torros forever".
Looking at the crown prince, who he advises, the lord of Highsun asks him "Do you want this to happen?".
"If need be" is the immediate answer from the oldest offspring of king Crassil and queen Pania.
The nobleman from the mountainous north of the kingdom nods, then he quietly asks the prince he advises "What do you intend highness?".
"To confront her" is the reply of the crown prince of Terrindim.
"Very well" says lord Ganulf with a nod of his head, who then asks "When?".
"Might as well be now" states prince Waniq.
"Might as well" says the lord of Highsun.
They set off, making their way out of the headquarters of the Balford faction.
There's the crown prince, along with his uncle and cousin. His advisor, and his advisor's offsider and aide. Along with the sir Gilbane the sorcerer, and half a dozen soldiers in the Balford faction.
As they walk through the Royal Palace of Terrindim, prince Waniq quietly asks his advisor "Where were you earlier this morning?".
"Standing out front of the headquarters of the Salmain faction" says lord Ganulf with a grin upon his face "Pacing back and forth, annoying the hell out of them" adds the nobleman from the northern province of Hanamede.
The advisor to the crown prince, who last night, set into motion a number of attacks against the Golmard faction, one of which he actually took part in. The burning of a shipbuilding yard in the eastern city of Cimvac.
"Thought it best we start doing something more against them, since they have declared faction war against us" says lord Ganulf, who continues on with "I was there on the pretense of waiting for the answer to a challenge to a duel" he then adds "Which of course was declined".
The lord of the city of Highsun, follows that with "Still didn't stop me from walking back and forth infront of their place, annoying the hell out of them".
Crown prince Waniq grins, then quietly says "I guess we'll have to keep an eye on the Grayvin faction more closely too?".
"Looks like it" quietly says lord Ganulf who then adds "Your brother Sormis is ever the opportunist, and no doubt he's waiting for the chance to jump in, and take over our or the Golmard's spot as the most dominant faction in the kingdom".
Prince Waniq grunts, then he winces as he whacks himself in the left leg with the sword he has on left hip.
"Hell" mutters the crown prince, who snorts then says "It's still in the scabbard and I'm hitting myself".
"Just hold the hilt, and hold it out from you to the side a bit as you walk highness" quietly says lord Ganulf.
Prince Waniq does so, and nods his head as he finds it easier to walk with the sword after those instructions from his advisor.
And though the lord of Highsun wears his sword as he always does. Along with his offsider, the bosun Cyril. So does lord Ganulf's aide, able airman Orvick, who has a shortsword. Prince Craefar also wears his sword.
They're all in the fleet of the Balford faction, and have experience with fighting with weapons.
Not so prince Waniq, who though has practiced with weapons, and isn't particularly good with them, has never actually used a weapon in combat in anyway.
As they turn off the main roadway that goes south through the vast complex of the royal palace, and walk along a path.
The crown prince of Terrindim, looks between two buildings up ahead, where in the distance, the steeple of a cathedral can be seen.
"There it is" quietly says prince Waniq, as the main cathedral of the church of Torros, which they're heading towards, can be seen, and isn't all that faraway now . . . . . .

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