Monday 18 May 2020

The Journey 52.

Autumn. Fanile. Galmede. Terrindim.

In the capital city Fanile. Prince Waniq, the crown prince of Terrindim. Finds himself grinning as he stands out infront of the main keep of what's referred to as the real palace of Terrindim.
Even though it's a freezing cold morning, the first such one for the autumn. A sure sign that winter isn't all that far away.
The crown prince can't help but grin as he thinks about things, as he looks in the direction of where the twin dragons are this morning.
"Why are you so cheerful this morning?" asks someone behind the crown prince of Terrindim.
Who turns and finds his youngest brother, prince Dalvin has come outside.
"It's too damn cold this morning for you to be grinning like a fool" adds prince Dalvin, who at the age of seventeen, is the youngest of king Crassil and queen Pania's children.
"I'm in such a good mood little brother" says prince Waniq, the crown prince of Terrindim, who then adds "Because things are going well for me and my faction of late".
"Oh your war" says the younger sibling, in a tone of voice indicating he couldn't care less about the faction war between his oldest sibling's faction, and their mother's faction.
The crown prince rolls his eyes. As he knows his youngest brother doesn't care about any of the factions, and their particular wars.
Prince Dalvin belongs to one of the smallest factions in the kingdom. And even though he's a prince of the realm. He doesn't take much interest in the way the faction he belongs to, is actually run, or how it goes about doing things.
The older sibling quickly tells his youngest brother about what's happened in the last few days in the war between the Balford and Golmard faction.
Most important of which, is that three more Golmard faction dragons were killed recently. And that last night, an entire wing of one of their fleets was completely destroyed.
"Mother is going to be so pissed off with that" quietly says prince Dalvin with a flash of a grin upon his face.
The crown prince knows that his youngest brother, is the other member of their immediate family that their mother, queen Pania absolutely despises.
And though she doesn't want to kill him like she does her oldest son, prince Waniq.
The queen wouldn't exactly shed a tear if prince Dalvin somehow got himself killed.
For the queen was dead set against her youngest child getting married at such a young age, and to someone she didn't approve of.
"That's two things she's pissed off with of late" says prince Waniq.
Which illicits a wince from his youngest brother Dalvin. For that was in reference to their sister Chrisabol. Who was killed recently by one of their uncles.
Glancing sideways at his youngest brother, the crown prince of Terrindim wryly smiles.
For he knows Dalvin didn't particularly care about their sister Chrisabol. As she too was dead set against Dalvin getting married.
And though prince Dalvin by outward appearances, looked like he mourned the death of their sister.
He knows for a fact that the youngest royal sibling isn't all that upset with his sister being dead.
As his young bride told prince Waniq's wife, princess Kelriss in confidence. That neither she or prince Dalvin were all that upset that princess Chrisabol is dead.
Infact even the king himself, even though he showed outward grief that his daughter was killed. Wasn't all that upset she was killed by one of his brothers.
About the only one in the immediate royal family who was upset that princess Chrisabol was killed. Was queen Pania herself.
As she was rather close to her daughter. Especially when it came to ties between the church of Torros, and the Golmard faction. Which the queen is the leader of.
"Is uncle coming today?" quietly asks prince Dalvin, who resembles his oldest brother Waniq more than anyone else in their family.
"He is" says prince Waniq, who continues with "He and cousin Craefar should be here shortly".
"Not uncle Paldim" quietly says the youngest of the royal children, who continues with "I meant uncle Fallins".
"For some reason, i don't think he will" dryly says the crown prince of Terrindim.
"You never know, he is in the city" points out prince Dalvin.
"That may be so" quietly says the older sibling, who follows that with "I don't think he will" he then adds "For father's sake more than anything else".
The younger of the two brothers nods in understanding, then prince Waniq quietly tells him "Let's just say mother is extremely lucky it's scaled back this year" followed by "If it wasn't, and it went through the rest of the palace, and out onto the city streets as it usually does, uncle would kill her out there".
"That's for damn sure" murmurs prince Dalvin with a nod of his head as they watch the preparation for this morning's event.
It's the crowning day of king Crassil of Terrindim. Well, the day in celebration of the king being crowned, and taking the throne, a little over thirty years ago now.
And though usually the day is celebrated with a royal procession, a parade really. That goes out into the rest of the Royal Palace of Terrindim. Then out into the streets of the city surrounding the vast palace complex.
This year has seen a change. As the royal family is officially in mourning. For the deaths of both princess Laenna the dragon rider. And princess Chrisabol, the king and queen's only daughter.
Though in reality, most people in the city, and throughout the kingdom are mourning the death of princess Laenna. Who outside of the king himself, was the most popular noble in all of Terrindim.
And when there's usually representatives from all the factions who join the military and royal parade.
This year, there's just going to be a showing of the king's guards, as well as some of the palace guards.
Which will be witnessed by most of the court officials and others in the nobility in the capital at this time, who have been invited.
As well as by of course, the extended royal family. Who are expected to attend.
As carriages arrive bringing members of the extended royal family, and other nobles who are staying here in Fanile at the moment.
The crown prince of Terrindim looks to the other end of the main courtyard, here within the walled off section of the palace.
There the twin dragons, Blackflame and Whitefire are watching with interest. Those who are arriving, as well as the battalions of king's guards and palace guards, who are assembling.
"Look there's aunt Desamo with uncle Paldim" quietly says prince Dalvin with a nod of his head at one of the carriages that's come in through the gates.
Prince Waniq winces, and hopes his uncle Paldim hasn't reverted back to drinking, as he's been sober for the last, little while.
But if there's anything that will drive him back to drink, will be him in the company of his wife, the lady Desamo.
Who happens to be the cousin of queen Pania. And one of the closest confidants of the queen.
The two brothers turn, when a familiar voice behind them says "You two are out here early". It's their brother, prince Sormis.
The oldest and the youngest of the three remaining siblings now that their sister Chrisabol is dead.
Have a number of things in common. Even though there's a thirteen year age gap between them.
They look similar, with similar physiques. And basically have the same sense of humour.
But what they have most in common. Is that their brother Sormis dislikes them both.
And true, he disliked their sister Chrisabol as well. He really dislikes the two of them.
Especially as he's the head of the Grayvin faction. Who dislikes how prince Waniq's Balford faction is one of the two largest, and most important factions in the kingdom.
And dislikes how prince Dalvin couldn't care less about his own faction. Let alone anyone else's.
"Thought we'd get a good spot" says the crown prince with an absolutely straight face.
His middle brother, prince Sormis snorts in disgust, then sourly says "I rather doubt that".
Then ignoring his two brothers, he moves further away to the left along the steps infront of the main keep of the so called real palace.
Standing a good forty feet from his two bothers Waniq and Dalvin.
"As popular as ever" dryly and quietly says prince Waniq to prince Dalvin, as the crown prince of Terrindim nods his head in the direction of their brother prince Sormis.
Which garners a laugh from the youngest of the three brothers.
Which causes the middle brother to look their way and scowl. As he wonders if he's the butt of one of their jokes. Which of course, he is.
"Hell, our brother is such a sour bugger" quietly says the youngest of the offspring of king Crassil and queen Pania.
"That's for damn sure" quietly says the crown prince in agreement with his youngest brother.
As the two of them then ignore their brother Sormis. Who then ignores the two of them as they wait as those who will attend today's ceremonies. Gather here, out infront of the main keep of the so called real palace.
Out on the steps, they're soon joined by others in the extended royal family.
Such as prince Paldim. Who crown prince Waniq is glad to see is sober. As the king's middle brother, and lady Desamo his wife. Stand not all that far from three brothers, who are the surviving children of king Crassil and queen Pania.
Also having recently arrived. Is Craefar, the youngest of prince Paldim's and lady Desamo's children.
As well as his older sister Halene. Who is one of the higher ups in the Fornam faction.
She stands near her parents, while prince Craefar, the young fleet admiral in the Balford faction. Stands closer to his cousins Waniq and Dalvin.
The crown prince of Terrindim looks around, and spots his advisor, lord Ganulf. Standing off to the side with the other nobles who have been invited to attend who are arriving.
For only the members of the extended royal family will be standing on the steps this morning. As they commemorate king Crassil's crowning day.
He sees his advisor the lord of Highsun watching one of the carriages that's just come to a stop.
Prince Waniq nods in understanding, as out of the carriage steps his cousin Simeon. Who is prince Fallins and princess Laenna's son.
With him is his wife, Kallie who happens to be a cousin of lord Ganulf.
And though Simeon is not yet twenty, his wife is good eight or nine years older than him.
Who happens to be the representative of the Salmain faction here in the capital Fanile.
The crown prince never had much of opinion one way or another when his cousin Simeon married the lady Kallie.
But his wife the princess Kelriss was always of the opinion that Simeon a couple of years ago was making a mistake courting the older noblewoman from the north of the kingdom.
Who had already been married, and was a widow. As her first husband had died in battle for the Salmain faction.
Both prince Waniq and his brother Dalvin nod in greeting to their cousin Simeon who walks by them at the base of the steps, to his place further to the left with his wife.
"Young Raelynn still down south?" quietly asks prince Dalvin to his older brother, referring to the fifteen year old daughter of prince Fallins and princess Laenna.
"Yes from all reports she is" quietly says the crown prince of Terrindim, who then adds "She was supposed to be Greenfire's next rider".
The younger sibling winces, then murmurs "That's right". Then he nods when his oldest brother quietly tells them "She will be the head of that part of the family if uncle was to die".
Prince Waniq continues with "If rumours are true, since she was to be the next dragon rider in our family, uncle has taught her the sword".
"Unlike Simeon" murmurs prince Dalvin, who then says "Hell if uncle dies in his path of vengeance to kill mother, i wouldn't be surprised if young Raelynn turns up here to finish what he's started".
"That is highly likely" quietly says the crown prince of Terrindim, who follows that with "Though i don't see uncle stopping until he finally kills mother".
Both brothers can casually speak about their mother's death. As she has no time for them, disowned the both of them. And is trying to kill one of them. And couldn't care less if the other one got himself killed.
"Some family we've got" murmurs the youngest offspring of king Crassil and queen Pania. "That's for damn sure" quietly says his oldest brother.
As the last of the arriving nobles show up, and all the battalions have assembled.
The rest of the those within the main keep of the so called real palace. Make their way outside to stand with the others, on this cold autumn morning, here in the capital city of the kingdom of Terrindim.
Prince Dalvin's young wife joins him on the steps. And after a few of the court officials make their way outside.
Prince Waniq out of the corner of his eye, sees the twin dragons, Blackflame and Whitefire. Whose real names he's learnt are Das and Cre.
Sit up with interest as someone else makes their way outside from the main keep.
The crown prince who knows that only two people can cause that reaction from the royal dragons.
Grins as he knows who has got their attention. It's not his father the king, who will be the last to come outside.
He looks back, and sees his young daughter Sarsha bundled up in a thick cloak. Holding the gloved hand of his wife, princess Kelriss.
They join him on the steps, and after he picks up his daughter Sarsha so she can wave to the twin dragons away to the left in the massive courtyard. Which illicits a loud rumble of pleasure from Blackflame.
And he puts his daughter back down next to him. His wife Kelriss looks at him, then glances down at his belt.
The crown prince of Terrindim just nods. And doesn't say anything about the dagger he's wearing this morning.
And though the nobility, especially the royal family don't go about armed. Unless they're a noble who is about to duel.
Prince Waniq was told by both his advisor lord Ganulf and his uncle prince Paldim late last night.
That it would be best if the crown prince was at least armed in some way from now on. Even though he's not that proficient with weapons.
For with the Golmard faction taking major losses yesterday with three more of their dragons killed, and an entire wing in one of their fleets completely wiped out last night.
Someone might try to attempt something upon the crown prince, who essentially leads the Balford faction.
Both prince Waniq and his youngest brother prince Dalvin continue to look straight ahead as their mother queen Pania walks from the main keep.
To take her position in the center of the steps. And a few moments later when the twin dragons take interest again at what's happening.
King Crassil of Terrindim has made his way outside, to stand next to his wife the queen.
The king then nods to the master of ceremonies to begin the day's commemoration of him ascending to the throne, and being crowned.
As the master of ceremonies, a court official who is former king's guard, chosen because of his loud voice on the marshaling yards. Gives the introduction, welcoming all of those in attendance.
Prince Dalvin nudges his oldest brother with an elbow, and quietly tells him "The gates".
The crown prince of Terrindim looks across the massive courtyard to the open gates in the wall.
There he sees a lone figure on the otherside, just standing there. Looking at those on the steps infront of the main keep.
Prince Waniq immediately recognises who it is. His uncle, prince Fallins.
"Hell" murmurs the crown prince of Terrindim as he knows his uncle is probably looking at one person only, queen Pania who he wants to kill . . . . . .

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