Thursday 28 May 2020

The Journey 60.

Autumn. The Southlands.

"Are we lost?" dryly asks Lisell Maera the runner as they come to a stop at the edge of a wooded ravine.
"We are not lost" is the reply of Tamric Drubine the field commander, who then adds "I know exactly where we are".
"Oh?" says the attractive young woman from the city-state of Brattonbury "Where exactly is that again?" adds Lisell Maera, who more often than not is called Lis by those who know her well.
"Farque" says the teenage field commander who is originally from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin.
"I think" adds the nobleborn teenager from northern Sarcrin.
Next to field commander Drubine, the runner Maera rolls her eyes and sourly smiles.
While the others watch on, as the two of them are conversing in the elven language which the rest don't understand.
Well, they're all watching with the exception of Dorc da Orc, who has sat down on a large rock, which he's using to scratch his ass.
Tamric Drubine or Tam as he's more commonly called by those who know him well.
Has taken a map out of his pack, and is reading it. The son and former heir of a previous Knight of Castle Drubine. Which is located in the forested north of the kingdom of Sarcrin.
Doesn't entirely trust the map he purchased further north in the Southlands.
For the simple reason the people in the central region of the Southlands, and further north.
Don't know much about the nations and lands in the south, epecially this far south.
After one last look at the map he's fairly sure is inaccurate.
The young field commander in the armies of Farque, quietly says in the elven language "Even with this map, and it's inaccuracies, I'm pretty sure we're in Farque now".
Tam continues with "I was expecting a sentinel would of got to us now".
Lis slowly nods, and realising that field commander Drubine is probably right, she quietly says "We are probably a hell of a way from anywhere" followed by "And whoever it is that's in this area, might take a bit of time to get to us".
The nobleborn teenager from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin, who is now a senior officer in the armies of Farque.
Nods in agreement with the attractive young woman who is in the scouts and rangers division of the armies of Farque.
"We should keep an eye out for whoever it is" says the young field commander, who then gestures at the wooded ravine as he continues with "And we have to find a way around this".
"I'll find one" says Lisell Maera, who starts walking along the edge of the ravine, looking for away around it, or at least down it. As it heads south, the direction the group is going.
Meanwhile, the son and former heir of a previous Knight of Castle Drubine, looks at the others and switches to the common language and says "Shur Kee go with Lis" followed by "See if you can find a way around this ravine, or find a safe path down it".
The short, statured monk in the strange white clothing, and even stranger looking conical shaped hat. Nods his head, and follows after the messenger, or runner as they're sometimes referred to as.
After shaking his head, and wryly smiling as he sees what Dorc da Orc is doing, field commander Drubine says to him "Dorc can tell if anyone is around?".
The big, burly ork from the southern polar region of the world, who is making contented growling sounds as he scratches his rather ample rear end on the large rock he's sitting on.
Much to the disgust of sir Percavellé Lé Dic as he watches his bitter rival, the ork warleader.
Grunts as he stops scratching his fat green ass, and looks at the young field commander in the armies of Farque.
"Yeah" says Dorc da Orc who then adds "You cunts". The large ork laughs, then goes back to scratching his itchy ass with the rock he's sitting on. Well, it's a small boulder really, a bit more than a rock.
Tam sourly smiles as he looks at the ork weaponsmith, then he says to him "Not us" followed by "I mean anyone else".
Dorc da Orc, or Dorkindle which is his given name, grunts then mutters "Why you not fucken say so".
Then the warleader of the ork race, who is a general in the armies of Farque.
Stops scratching his rear end for a moment, and tilts his head to one side, and starts to sniff deeply through his nose.
The son of the previous matriarch of the wolf tribe of orks does that a few times, then grunts before saying "Nah cunt, no fucken peoples close".
The big, burly ork from the frozen bottom of the world continues with "But there's a big fucken bear thataway" as he gestures away to the east.
"How far?" asks Tamric Drubine the field commander, who doesn't particularly want to run into a bear anytime soon.
"Two miles" says Dorkindle as he holds up all five fingers of his large, skillet sized right hand.
The senior officer in the armies of Farque just rolls his eyes, and shakes his head, then he walks over to where Saanea the witch is standing, looking down into the ravine.
The young field commander looks at the short, attractive dark haired spellcaster originally from the Maldin Hills, which lies nearly two thousand miles to the north, near the coast in the central region of the Southlands. The witch looks back at Tam who lifts a questioning eyebrow.
"It's out having a look around" quietly says Saanea the witch referring to her shapechanging familiar.
"It hasn't seen anyone so far" adds the practitioner of magic, who is the newest member of the group. Having joined in the summertime.
"Tell me if it does" quietly says the nobleborn teenager originally from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin.
"I will" replies the witch, who finds herself far from her homeland, the Maldin Hills.
In the few months she has been with the rather odd group of adventurers. The witch has also found out that the young field commander Tamric Drubine is attracted to her. Infact he's in love with her. Even though he tries to hide the fact from her, and the others in the group.
Saanea who was previously married, before leaving her husband, who like her is from the Maldin Hills.
Doesn't know what to make of Tam's affection towards her. She's flattered, even though there's a five year age gap between the two of them.
And though she likes him too. She wouldn't go as far as to say she loves the young field commander in return.
The spellcaster from the long, dry hill range not far from the coastal town of Gilsom in the central region of the Southlands.
Is also aware of the dynamics of the group. And she doesn't want to upset it in anyway.
For though the group she finds herself traveling with. Seemingly work well together. They're a rather fractious bunch, where anything could set one or another off in the group.
Saanea glances in the direction of the main problem in the group. Well, to be exact, problems in the group.
Dorc da Orc and sir Percavellé Lé Dic. The ork general from the southern polar region of the world, and the nobleborn knight from the kingdom of Druvic.
And though Shur Kee the monk is strange with his odd philosophical beliefs.
And Lisell Maera is definitely a loner, even though she works well in tandem with field commander Drubine.
The major tension in the group comes from the ork weaponsmith, and the nobleborn knight in the order of Saint Mar-che.
Who are bitter rivals. Who Saanea in the few months she's been with the group. Has learnt they've tried to kill one another numerous times, in the nearly fifteen years they've known one another.
Even now, as they avoid looking at one another. They're still looking sideways at one another. Look is too tame of a word. The two of them are glaring sideways at one another.
With the nobleman from kingdom of Druvic, who is the former earl of Lé Dic, which is his family's fief. Located in the east of that particular kingdom.
Standing back against a tree trunk, arms crossed, as he glares at the large ork who is a general in the armies of Farque.
While Dorc da Orc, who is still sitting there on what's essentially a small boulder, using it to scratch his itchy rear end.
Glares sideways at his bitter rival, the heavily armoured knight, who is a former paladin.
The witch from the Maldin Hills is pretty sure the rest of the group with the exception of Lisell Maera.
Doesn't know about Tam's infatuation with her.
Though when she thinks about it. Shur Kee might know as well. But it's hard to tell, when it comes to the most enigmatic member of their group.
What Saanea does know, is that the general and the knight definitely don't know about field commander Drubine's feelings towards her.
For the two of them, when they're not thinking about themselves. Are thinking about ways in which to get the other killed.
And though they won't actually straight out attack one another. They do listen to Tamric Drubine some of the time. Who repeatedly during any day. Tells them not to attack one another.
Just the mention of lord Farque's name is enough to get them to behave.
And when that fails. The young field commander suggests they spar against Shur Kee.
Who the nobleborn knight and even the ork warleader is wary around.
They always give an excuse, usually with sir Percavellé Lé Dic saying he will not fight an unarmed man.
While Dorc da Orc who looks like he's into the idea of sparring against the short statured monk.
Suddenly decides not to, and starts arguing with himself in a mix of the ork and common languages about something only he can understand.
To say the usually murderous ork weaponsmith is a little cautious around Shur Kee, is a bit of an understatement.
The short, attractive dark haired spellcaster who joined the group in the summertime. Turns as things once again kick off.
"Why don't you do us all favour you foul smelling beast, and stop scraping your ample backside on that poor rock" says an offended sounding sir Percavellé Lé Dic, who continues with "The pong coming from you is enough to make even the wild critters here abouts, eyes water".
"Why don't you take your fancy words cunt, and stick 'em up your ass" says Dorc da Orc with a scowl directed at the former earl of Lé Dic.
The large ork scratches his rear end quicker and even more vigorously, until he slightly slips, then yelps and hops up, as a sharp edge of the rock gets him straight up his butthole.
The former paladin in the order of the Knights of Saint Mar-che, bursts out laughing. Doubling over as the ork warleader stands there clutching his ass, wincing in pain and anger.
"Why you fucken" growls Dorkindle in a threatening manner, who takes a step towards the nobleman from the kingdom of Druvic.
"Dorc" says Tamric Drubine without looking back at the two arguing, as he looks down into the ravine.
"We're in lord Farque's lands now" continues the nobleborn teenager from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin, who then silently adds, well i think we are.
"And you're a general in his armies, so act like one" says the young field commander in the armies of Farque.
The warleader of the ork race scowls in Tam's direction, then with one last glare at his bitter rival sir Percavellé Lé Dic.
The big, burly ork from the frozen bottom of the world, turns and walks away, muttering to himself in the incomprehensible language of the orks.
Though he does stop to kick the boulder he was sitting on to scratch his itchy ass.
A little while later, and Shur Kee returns to tell them that Lis has found a way down into the wooded ravine, which leads out of it.
They set off, and soon reach the messenger who is in the scouts and rangers division of the armies of Farque, who leads the way.
It's later in the afternoon, close to dusk, on what's been a chilly autumn day, that's turning cold.
When they're looking for a place to camp for the night. When Saanea the witch's familiar returns.
And as the owl changes to a cat, the spellcaster from the Maldin Hills says "Someone is approaching from the southeast" followed by "Quickly too".
As they stop at the edge of some trees, Tamric Drubine looks at the ork warleader, and says "Dorc".
The large ork grunts, then sniffs repeatedly, as he tilts his head to one side to listen.
"Yeah cunt" says Dorkindle, who continues with "Just one" he briefly pauses as he sniffs to be sure, before he adds "Cold fucker" followed by "One of 'em fucken special soldiers in Farque's army".
Looking at Lisell Maera, Tamric Drubine the field commander says to her in the elven language "The local sentinel" he then adds "We're finally here".
"Definitely" says Lisell Maera the messenger in the same language as the journey to get to the lands Farque has finally come to an end.

Author's Note - Here ends "The Journey". The main storyline will return in "The General & The Knight".

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