Wednesday 6 May 2020

The Journey 44.

Autumn. The City Of Fanile. The Province Of Galmede. The Kingdom Of Terrindim.

Able airman Orvick, aide to lord Ganulf. Walks behind the lord of Highsun. Who is walking beside crown prince Waniq.
While the bosun Cyril, lord Ganulf's offsider, has moved forward to walk on the otherside of the crown prince. So that the nobleman from the northern province of Hanamede, and the senior bosun flank his highness, who is rather inexperienced when it comes to combat.
The able airman with the clubfoot, who walks with a limp. Finds himself walking beside prince Craefar the young fleet admiral. And his father, prince Paldim, the former head of the Balford faction.
Orvick knows by reputation that prince Craefar is a fine hand with the sword. As he's heard that the young fleet admiral has boarded enemy ships, and fought alongside his crew.
The able airman isn't sure about the king's brother, prince Paldim. Who has the known reputation of a drunk.
Though in the last few days he's been around the middle royal brother, Orvick hasn't seen him touch a drink at all. And he's been completely sober.
The able airman who was previously a member of the crew of the battlecruiser the Dragon's Revenge, which was destroyed in battle against the Golmard faction up in the province of Smalsare.
Glances sideways at king Crassil's brother, prince Paldim. And he sees the royal, who must be in his mid forties.
Look at him and wink, and suddenly sees a dagger in the hand of prince Paldim, that he's flicked out of his right sleeve.
Orvick grins at his highness, as the dagger disappears back up prince Paldim's right sleeve, as quickly as it appeared.
The able airman is more than relieved to find out the usually boisterous and drunk prince, can handle a blade with skill.
Behind Orvick and the two princes. Walks sir Gilbane the sorcerer, and half a dozen soldiers in the Balford faction. Who are from prince Waniq's personal guard.
The able airman who until recently was part of the third fleet of the Balford faction. Before he was thrust into the position of aide to lord Ganulf, the advisor to the crown prince of Terrindim.
Knows that the sorcerer won't be much of a factor if there's a confrontation.
For though here in the wider complex that's the Royal Palace of Terrindim. Magic and spellcasting isn't banned like it is in the walled inner sanctum, that's referred to as the real palace.
Combat magic is definitely frowned upon in the wider royal palace complex.
Spellcasters refrain from doing such spells within the vast complex that takes up a rather large area in the middle of the city of Fanile.
Practitioners of magic don't want to have the royal dragons Blackflame and Whitefire suddenly appear if destructive spells are cast in the wider complex that's the Royal Palace of Terrindim.
Orvick knows this is why the youngest of the royal brothers, the famous swordsman, prince Fallins. Has been able to do what he's done over the last few days. As he's exacted revenge for the death of his wife, princess Laenna the dragon rider.
Safe in the knowledge that a spellcaster won't harm him here in the Royal Palace of Terrindim.
Then again, he's killed nobles and others out in the city itself as well, able airman Orvick thinks to himself, as he wonders what type of courage it takes to walk into a situation by yourself, and kill a number of people.
Similar to what he's feeling right now. Though he is within a group, as they make their way through the Royal Palace of Terrindim.
The able airman with the clubfoot could never imagine what they're doing right now, completely alone. To him it's nerve wracking enough being with a group of others. He'd hate to think if he was doing this all by himself.
Orvick glances to the side of lord Ganulf who is directly infront of him.
The able airman who is the aide to the lord of Highsun, sees that they're approaching the square infront of the main cathedral of the church of Torros.
Many of the churches and temples to the gods are found here within the grounds of the Royal Palace of Terrindim.
Especially the larger and more influential ones. Those over the years that have been supported by the vast majority of factions in the kingdom.
After all, those temporal organizations, want to be close to the seat of power just like the factions themselves.
And the church of the god of Torros, at this moment in time in the history of the kingdom of Terrindim.
Is the most powerful and influential of all the churches and temples in the kingdom.
For the simple reason that the two largest factions in Terrindim. The Balford and Golmard factions. Both honour the church of Torros, and worship the god of Torros.
Able airman Orvick has a feeling that's all about to change with what they're doing this morning.
As there's a more than likely chance that the church of Torros, will no longer be one of the three churches that the Balford faction honours, and the god Torros will no longer be worshiped by their faction.
The young able airman, who is a local. Slightly winces, when he looks across the square as they stop.
For standing infront of the main cathedral of the palace. Is a number of church guards, and armed clerics. When normally there would only be two pairs of ceremonial guards standing by the open doors to what's essentially the headquarters of the church of Torros in the kingdom of Terrindim.
He's just about to mutter "By the gods" but thinks better of it, and instead, able airman Orvick mutters "Hell" to himself.
When next to him, prince Paldim quietly says to his nephew prince Waniq "You're the crown prince of Terrindim lad" followed by "You're the only person apart from your father who can go anywhere in the palace apart from another faction's headquarters".
The former head of the Balford faction, who is the middle royal brother quietly continues with "Remember the church is on our family's lands, you have every right to go in there whenever you like".
Infront, crown prince Waniq nods his head, then after glancing at his advisor lord Ganulf next to him. The oldest child of king Crassil and queen Pania sets off.
The rest of the group walk with him. As they head across the large square that's infront of the main cathedral of the church of Torros.
As they do, Orvick briefly holds the hilt of his sword, then lets it go, when infront of him, lord Ganulf quietly says to the group "Easy here" followed by "We don't want to fight them if we have to".
The church guards and clerics line up infront of the open doors of the main cathedral of the church of Torros.
And though through the open doors, a few people can be seen inside. There's no where near the amount of supplicants you'd find in the cathedral at this time of the morning, on an ordinary day.
As they get closer, the able airman who walks with a limp, sees that the church guards and clerics look a little nervous as the group from the Balford faction approach across the square.
Those few people around the square this cool autumn morning, here in the capital city Fanile, watch what's happening.
As one cleric steps forward to speak as the group comes to a stop, crown prince Waniq says "We come with an offering".
The cleric, who wasn't expecting that, slightly winces, then after bowing ti the crown prince, he says "Of course highness". After all, he can't really refuse an offering from one of the largest and most important factions in the entire kingdom.
Especially one who honours and worships the god Torros.
The cleric who was hoping to bar them entry into the main cathedral of his church, says "If your guards could remain outside here highness".
After a quick glance sideways at his advisor lord Ganulf, who slightly nods his head.
Prince Waniq says "Of course". Then looking back at the others, the member of the royal family who effectively heads the Balford faction says "Gilbane remain out here with the guards".
"Yes highness" says sir Gilbane the sorcerer.
The cleric who spoke, reluctantly steps aside, and the crown prince and the others move forward.
The church guards and the other clerics reluctantly part too.
And prince Waniq along with his advisor lord Ganulf. The lord of Highsun's offsider and aide.
Along with prince Paldim and his son, the fleet admiral prince Craefar.
Step forward, and climb the steps, then cross the threshold through the open doors, and enter the main cathedral of the church of Torros.
Inside there's a few neophytes cleaning and dusting. Though there's not a single supplicant. Either noble or commonborn.
Able airman Orvick slightly nods his head, when he hears prince Paldim mutter "Those neophytes look more than a little military if you take my meaning".
The middle royal brother then quietly says to the others "Be on your guard here lads".
As crown prince Waniq slowly leads the way down between the pews, in the massive cathedral. The largest holy edifice in the Royal Palace of Terrindim.
From a side door walks a handful of priests and other clergy members.
Orvick, who has had meals here in the adjoining refectory.
Knows that the church members have just come from the nearby administrative building.
They have the decency to bow to the crown prince, and the other two members of the extended royal family when they pass.
For prince Waniq leads the way to the crucible of the cathedral, the far end, where there's a raised section, up some marble steps.
From a backdoor there, where behind the main section of the cathedral. Is a hall, a dorm really. Where a number of the senior church members live and work.
Some of them walk onto the raised section in the crucible of the cathedral.
They're some of the senior most members of the church of Torros here in the kingdom of Terrindim.
Able airman Orvick, as he peeks around lord Ganulf. Spots princess Chrisabol amongst those who have just entered from the hall behind the main section of the cathedral.
The princess, who is the third offspring of king Crassil and queen Pania.
Who at the age of twenty one, is nearly nine years younger than her oldest sibling, prince Waniq.
And though they're obviously brother and sister, and share the same colouring.
They are completely different in appearance as two siblings could ever be.
Even though she's in her early twenties, princess Chrisabol looks much older than what she really is.
As she has a severe haircut, which is fairly short, and swept back close to her skull.
Who has a look of contempt upon her face as she watches her brother. Who more often than not, has a smirk upon his face, as if he's always on the edge of a joke he's about to tell.
Though this morning as they cross to the crucible at the end of the main section of the cathedral of Torros. The crown prince of Terrindim has a serious look of determination on his face instead.
They stop just infront of the marble steps that go up to the raised section of the floor.
Only those who have taken holy vows may stand up there. And the crown prince will honour that.
As princess Chrisabol scowls as she looks at her oldest brother.
The archbishop of the church of Torros steps forward, and says in tone of voice, that's slightly annoyed "Prince Waniq, i understand you come with an offering".
From the look on his face, the archbishop of the church of Torros, is both interested, and annoyed at the group from the Balford faction.
He's annoyed they're in the church, armed and armoured.
Though he's interested, as the crown prince comes with an offering. Something not to be scoffed at, as the largest offerings to all the churches and temples in the kingdom, come from members of the royal family.
"Indeed i have your holiness" says crown prince Waniq, who briefly pauses, then states the amount he's willing to offer the church of Torros.
To able airman Orvick's eyes, the reaction to that from the crown prince, is absolutely priceless.
As more than a few jaws drop in disbelief at the ludicrously large amount that the effective head of the Balford faction is willing to offer the church of Torros.
Those up on the raised section of the floor, stare at prince Waniq in absolute disbelief, not quite fully comprehending what the crowd prince just said.
All except prince Waniq's sister, princess Chrisabol. Who has look on her face that resembles someone biting into a sour tasting fruit. As she looks at her oldest brother Waniq.
The archbishop of the church of Torros here in the Royal Palace of Terrindim is at a loss for words for a little while, before he finally says "A very generous offer indeed your highness". He had to clear his throat a couple of times to even say that.
The crown prince nods, then he says "Of course, we in the Balford faction honour the church, and deeply worship the god Torros" followed by "Such an offer is worthy of the church, and the divinity".
A few grins, of what can only be described as greed appear on the faces of some of those standing upon the raised section of the floor, here in the crucible of the cathedral.
"Though there are a couple of stipulations to the offer from my faction" says the crown prince of Terrindim.
Able airman Orvick almost smiles when he sees the brief scowls appear on some of those up on the raised section of the floor when they hear that.
"Of course, i wouldn't expect any less in such a generous offering" says the archbishop, who was rather expecting there to be some stipulations to the offering.
It's so large, that there hasn't been anything like it, to any church or temple in the kingdom, in living memory.
"And what would those stipulations be highness?" asks the archbishop in a calm and collected tone of voice.
Prince Waniq pauses as if he's contemplating something, he's not, he's just stretching things out.
When he eventually does speak, the crown prince of Terrindim says "First, the church is to no longer interfere in the war between the Balford faction, and the Golmard faction".
There's a few grumbles from some of those up on the raised section of the floor, here in the crucible of the main cathedral of the church of Torros.
"And second" says prince Waniq, who slightly pauses before he adds "My sister Chrisabol is to be excommunicated from the church, and from now until her death, is not allowed to return to the church of the divine one Torros".
"Well that did it" is what able airman Orvick hears prince Paldim mutter, as shouts and yells come from many of those of the church members with the archbishop.
While princess Chrisabol looks furious as she looks at her oldest brother Waniq.
The able airman slightly frowns, as over the shouting and yelling he hears something else.
The new aide to lord Ganulf, the lord of the city of Highsun, looks back to the entrance of the main cathedral of the church of Torros.
Then after he spots something, able airman Orvick quickly and quietly tells the rest of the group who are in here in the cathedral with him "Fighting outside" . . . . . .

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