Thursday 7 May 2020

The Journey 45.

Autumn. The Capital.

When he hears his aide, able airman Orvick behind him say "Fighting outside".
Lord Ganulf, the lord of Highsun turns around, and looks back through the main cathedral of the church of Torros.
The nobleman from the northern province of Hanamede sees some of the neophytes hurrying to the open doors, to see what's going on.
While others start heading this way towards the crucible.
Lord Ganulf looks quickly back up to the raised section of the floor, up the marble steps. Where some of the senior members in the church of Torros stand.
And though princess Chrisabol and a few others look angrily on. Especially the princess, who is scowling in anger as she looks at her brother, crown prince Waniq.
The others up on the raised section here in the crucible, look worried at the turn of events.
Ah i see, lord Ganulf thinks to himself, as he realises that the higher ups in the church of Torros are divided.
There's those like princess Chrisabol, who are invested in their interference in the faction war between the Balford and Golmard factions.
While the others are worried about the interference, and no doubt don't want a thing to do with it.
After all both warring factions, are the main contributors to the church's income. As they both honour the church of Torros, and worship the god Torros.
With the worried look on the face of the archbishop, the lord of the city of  Highsun, figures the senior most member of the church is in the second group.
"It's not us" quietly says crown prince Waniq.
"Huh?" says lord Ganulf, with a sideways look at the crown prince of Terrindim.
"It's not us fighting outside" quietly says prince Waniq, who quickly adds "Gilbane says it's not my guards fighting them".
The nobleman who is the advisor to the crown prince looks back through the main cathedral, and he catches sight of sir Gilbane the sorcerer outside, with a few of the Balford faction guards looking inside.
The sorcerer must of told prince Waniq by spell that it's not them fighting outside, in the square infront of the cathedral.
Lord Ganulf who sees one of the church guards outside, stagger by the open doors, clutching his bloody face.
Nods his head, as prince Paldim quietly says to the rest of them "Stand your ground lads" as some of the neophytes continue towards them through the pews.
The lord of Highsun looks at his offsider, the bosun Cyril. And nods in approval, as Cyril steps back, and puts himself between prince Waniq, and those of the church of Torros, up on the raised section here in the crucible.
Then just as some of the neophytes get closer to them, a cleric in the church of Torros who is outside on the steps, comes staggering through the large open doors, clutching his throat, that's squirting blood.
Those neophytes near the open door, exclaim and shout in horror, as they hurry to get out of the way.
While the others, who have almost reached the group from the Balford faction.
Stop, and look back through the main section of the cathedral of Torros. As they do, there's a shout of what can only be described as anger from someone outside.
Who everyone inside, sees quickly walk up the steps, and enter the cathedral.
"Oh shit" murmurs prince Waniq, while prince Paldim who isn't one to mince words, says "Fuck" followed by "Move".
Then the middle royal brother, grabs his son prince Craefar, at the same time, pushes able airman Orvick. Sending them both in between two rows of pews to the left.
Lord Ganulf, who sees this is the sane thing to do, grabs prince Waniq. Not caring that putting one's hands on the crown prince, is basically a death sentence.
And hauls him after prince Paldim and the others. The lord of Highsun's offsider Cyril, quickly follows them. Keeping himself between them, and anyone else.
"Uncle" gasps crown prince Waniq. He's not referring to his uncle Paldim. But his uncle Fallins, who has just entered the cathedral of Torros.
Though lord Ganulf uses a dueling sword, a slim rapier like blade.
He sees that the famous swordsman, prince Fallins has what's described as a longsword. Not all that common in the kingdom of Terrindim. Especially amongst the nobility.
The lord of the city of Highsun, who is considered the most accomplished duelist of recent years.
Blinks in surprise when he sees one of the neophytes, who looks more like a church guard, rush the youngest of the royal brothers.
And blood sprays everywhere as prince Fallins whips his blade across the chest of the neophyte.
That's the only way lord Ganulf can describe it. The youngest brother of king Crassil, snaps his wrist like he's swinging a whip as he swings his longsword.
The nobleman from the mountainous province of Hanamede considers himself quick with a sword. But he can honestly say he's far slower than prince Fallins. Who he realises is a true master of the sword.
As the youngest of the royal brothers, who over the last few days has been exacting revenge for the killing of his wife princess Laenna, and her dragon Greenfire.
Starts walking down the middle aisle between the pews, towards the crucible at this end of the cathedral.
And cutting down any of the neophytes who try to get in his way.
One of the neophytes at this end of the main cathedral. Goes to jump the pews infront of them.
But only ends up getting punched in the groin by able airman Orvick.
When the neophyte, bald like all neophytes in the church of Torros.
Falls down, across the back of the pew he's fallen across.
Prince Craefar grabs the groaning neophyte by the back of the head, and knees him in the face.
Smashing his nose and teeth apart, and knocking the churchman out.
As he does, prince Paldim throws a dagger he's slipped out of one of his sleeves.
It takes one of the other neophytes in the side of the neck, dropping him down in the aisle between the pews.
Lord Ganulf, who thinks the neophytes, who really are church guards, would do themselves a better service, if they were actually armed like their comrades who were outside.
Says to the crown prince of Terrindim "Don't draw your sword highness unless you really have to" followed in a slightly dry tone of voice with "I don't want you slicing any of us open by accident".
Which earns the lord of the city of Highsun a sour look from prince Waniq. While both prince Paldim, and his son prince Craefar chuckle. As they know their relative isn't the best at handling a weapon.
As the rest of the neophytes who were making their way towards them in the crucible.
Turn away to face the more dangerous threat of prince Fallins.
Lord Ganulf who thinks those neophytes should just flee. Turns and looks at those of the church's higher ups. Who are on the raised section of the floor, within the crucible at this end of the main section of the cathedral of Torros, here in the vast complex that's the Royal Palace of Terrindim.
The advisor to prince Waniq sees that the senior members of the church, are quietly arguing with one another.
As he realised a little earlier, the argument is split in two groups.
Those with princess Chrisabol, who wants to interfere in the war between the Balford and Golmard faction.
And those with the archbishop of the church of Torros, here in the capital Fanile. Who would rather not have anything to do with the faction war, between the two largest factions in the kingdom.
For the simple reason, they pay more in funds to the church, than anyone or any other faction could ever do.
Lord Ganulf who sees the princess try to back away as she watches her uncle, the famous swordsman, prince Fallins approaching down the aisle, towards the crucible.
Until another a senior church member, a cleric in the second group, who doesn't want anything to do with the war between the Balford and Golmard factions.
Grab the left arm of her highness, so that she doesn't try to flee. She looks on in shock that someone would lay their hands on her.
She briefly forgets about her approaching uncle. Until one of the neophytes screams in pain as his face is sliced open, from chin to forehead.
By one quick flick of the longsword in the hands on the youngest brother of king Crassil of Terrindim.
Lord Ganulf, and the others with him, who have backed up between two of the rows of pews on the left side of the aisle.
Either wince or grimace, as the famous swordsman, prince Fallins. Who wears just a leather armoured vest over his tunic. Grabs the left arm of one of the neophytes who goes to punch him.
Prince Fallins, who at forty is the youngest of the royal brothers. While holding the left arm of the neophyte, kicks the left leg of the young man out from under him.
Whilst swinging his longsword down at the man as he falls. He swings his blade so hard, and so fast at the falling neophyte.
That the longsword which slams into the throat and neck of the much younger man. Takes the neophyte's head clean off.
"Fuck" mutters prince Waniq with a grimace as the head goes bouncing down the aisle towards the crucible, while his uncle prince Fallins drops the headless body, that's spraying blood all over the pews it falls next to.
The youngest of the royal brothers, maybe the shortest, and the lean one out of the three brothers.
But by far, he's the quickest, and deceptively the strongest. As all masters of swords have to be, when wielding their weapons.
Prince Fallins stabs another of the neophytes, this one in the pit of the stomach. Leaving him on the floor, screaming in agony, from the fatal and obviously painful wound to the belly.
Then he runs down the aisle between the pews to the crucible, which he enters, barely directing a glance towards those in the Balford faction.
Who have got out of his way, as they stand between two of the rows of pews, here in the crucible of the cathedral of Torros.
The last of the neophytes at this end of the cathedral, goes to tackle the youngest royal brother.
Who easily dodges the churchman, whose belly he slashes open with a quick swing of his longsword.
Once by the neophyte, prince Fallins with a back swing, slices up the back of the churchman, all the way up the to the back of his head, as he stands there trying to hold his guts in.
King Crassil's youngest brother, then bounds up the marble steps to the raised up section here in the crucible, where the holiest of services in the church of Torros are usually conducted.
Lord Ganulf sees those higher ups in the church scatter out of the way of the famous swordsman, who heads straight for his niece, princess Chrisabol, who is still in the clutches of one of the clerics.
And even though king Crassil and queen Pania's daughter is squirming as she tries to break free, the cleric has a tight grip upon her.
"Baevel" says prince Fallins to the cleric who has a hold of his niece.
"Highness" says the cleric Baevel who bows to the youngest of the royal brothers.
Princess Chrisabol has gone still, as she looks at the cleric holding her, and then her uncle.
There's a look of surprise on her face, when prince Fallins says to her "Niece, i see you didn't know" followed by "But Baevel here was in the Welmid faction before joining the church full time" he continues with "Infact he served under my command in our forces, until he left a decade ago to join the clergy proper".
The colour drains from the face of the princess, who then looks at the other higher ups in the church, seeing if any of them will help her.
She'll find no help there, even from those who like her, have influenced the war between the Balford and Golmard faction. Hoping to see the Golmard faction come out on top.
"Niece" quietly says prince Fallins, who after a brief pause, asks her "Did you have anything to do with your aunt's death?".
Though princess Chrisabol looks down, and at first doesn't reply.
The cleric Baevel gives her a little shake, and eventually she speaks.
"I did" says princess Chrisabol.
"And what exactly did you do?" quietly asks prince Fallins.
Those of the Balford faction watching on, don't hear what the princess says, as she speaks barely louder than a whisper to her uncle.
But once she finishes speaking, the youngest of the royal brothers looks at the cleric Baevel, who says "She speaks the truth" as he's read the mind of the princess.
Prince Fallins is silent for a few moments, then he nods his head to the cleric who was previously in the Welmid faction.
Baevel lets go of the princess, and prince Fallins says "May your god forgive me" followed by "And your father too".
The famous swordsman swings his blade, and turns and walks away. While behind him, the headless body of his niece, princess Chrisabol stands there for a moment, before dropping to the floor.
As many of those of the higher ups in the church of Torros exclaim in shock and horror at the death that's taken place in the holiest of grounds within their church.
The youngest of the royal brothers makes his way down the marble steps, and stops by the row of pews where the members of the Balford faction are.
"Brother" says prince Fallins "Brother" replies prince Paldim who steps forward and clasps the right arm of his younger brother in greeting.
"Nephew" says the famous swordsman "Uncle" says prince Craefar, who also clasps the right arm of his uncle Fallins.
And after a couple of moments, after lord Ganulf nudges the stunned looking crown prince, he too greets his uncle Fallins in the same way.
"Sorry about that Niq" quietly says prince Fallins with a nod of his head up to the raised section in the crucible, where the headless body of princess Chrisabol lies.
"No need to apologise uncle" says crown prince Waniq who is still stunned that his sister actually did have something to do with the death of their aunt, princess Laenna the dragon rider.
Prince Fallins nods, then says to his nephew the crown prince of Terrindim "Tell your mother when you see her next, I'm going to kill her".
The youngest of the royal brothers pauses, then slightly grins as he adds "Then again, she already knows that" followed by "But you might as well tell her all the same".
Then after a nod, prince Fallins walks away, heading back down the aisle between the rows of pews, to the open front doors of the cathedral of Torros.
Those in the Balford faction are silent for a few moments, until it's lord Ganulf who breaks the silence, as he says pretty much what they're all thinking.
"Fuck" says the lord of the city of Highsun, as they watch the famous swordsman prince Fallins exit the main cathedral of the church of Torros . . . . . .

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