Tuesday 19 May 2020

The Journey 53.

Autumn. The Capital City Fanile.

Lord Ganulf, the lord of the city of Highsun, and advisor to crown prince Waniq. Refrains from yawning as the ceremony continues.
The nobleman from the northern province of Hanamede. Looks away from king Crassil, who is inspecting the troops. And looks up to the steps where the rest of the royal family stands.
There prince Waniq stands, grinning most of the time. While his mother, queen Pania. Stands on the center step, looking like she could murder someone.
And with good reason. For across the vast square, on the opposite side from the main keep. Are the open gates in that wall.
There, just on the otherside of the wall. Stands a lone figure, completely still. Watching the ceremonies taking place within the so called real palace.
Lord Ganulf, who was previously in the Salmain faction, which is his family's faction.
Knows that even from this distance, he can recognise who it is that's standing on the otherside of the open gates.
Infact everyone in here, who has looked that way, and spotted that individual. Knows that it's prince Fallins. King Crassil's brother. The youngest of the trio of royal brothers.
The lord of Highsun watches the furious looking queen for a few more moments as the king inspects another detachment of his guards.
Then the nobleman from the northern province of Hanamede, who is famous for dueling against other nobles.
Spots his cousin Kallie up on the steps, looking his way, as he stands to one side with the other invited guests.
Here in the inner sanctum of the Royal Palace of Terrindim, in celebration of the king's crowning day.
His cousin Kallie, who is just a few years younger than himself. And is married to the much younger prince Simeon. Who is the son of prince Fallins, and the dragon rider princess Laenna, who has recently died.
Lord Ganulf who has absolutely no idea why the young prince got engaged, then married to his cousin Kallie. Who is at least nine years older than the young prince.
Sees that his cousin, who has always hated him, even before he left their family's faction to join the Balford faction.
Is glaring at him as she and her husband stand not that far from prince Sormis. The second son of king Crassil, and queen Pania.
The lady Kallie, who is the representative of the Salmain faction here in the capital city Fanile.
Would like nothing better than to see her cousin, the lord of Highsun. Killed, and taken out of the equation. Now that the Salmain faction is at war with the Balford faction. Just as the Golmard faction are.
The advisor to prince Waniq takes a page out of the crown prince's book.
And he grins at his cousin Kallie, who has a look of disgust cross her face, before she looks away. And goes back to watching the king inspecting his troops.
Which he's doing this year, instead of the usual parade for his crowning day. As the royal family is officially in mourning.
"Bitch" lord Ganulf mutters to himself where he finally looks away from his cousin the lady Kallie.
The lord of Highsun knows that only his two older brothers, his step mother, and his father hate him more than his cousin Kallie.
For they see that he betrayed their family when he left the Salmain faction to join the Balford faction
And that he remained the lord of the city of Highsun. The most important and influential city in the mountainous north of the kingdom of Terrindim. Was a double betrayal on his part.
Lord Ganulf can't fault them. He dislikes them just as much as they do him.
The famous duelist from the northern province of Hanamede. Only has sympathy for his five younger siblings, three sisters, and two brothers.
Especially his youngest half sister, who has recently married to the Lord of the Northern Valleys in Hanamede.
Against her will by all accounts.
The advisor to the crown prince looks around at the other invited guests that he finds himself standing amongst.
The nobleman from the north of the kingdom. Spots a few nobles who he's challenged to a duel recently and they've declined.
One by one, he catches their eye, and grins at them. Hoping to annoy them. Just like prince Waniq is annoying his mother the queen. Who looks more and more disgusted each time she glances her oldest son's way.
Though whenever the queen looks across the vast square infront of the main keep. To the open gates in the wall. Another look appears upon her face.
It's more than a worried look. It's a frightened look more than anything else.
And with good reason. As her brother inlaw Fallins stands on the otherside of the gates.
Who has recently killed her brother Kinvar, the former lord of the exchequer. As well as her daughter, the princess Chrisabol.
Lord Ganulf himself was present at that death. And from what he saw that day in the main cathedral of the church of Torros. He knows the queen will be dead the instant she steps outside the walled off, inner sanctum of the Royal Palace of Terrindim.
As the king continues to inspect his guard in the company of one of their commanders.
The lord of the city of Highsun, goes back to looking at those who are standing with him off to the side of the steps infront of the main keep.
Those nobles who have been invited to the ceremonies of the king's crowning day, on what's a cold autumn morning.
The coldest morning so far this autumn, a sure sign that winter isn't all that far away.
Along with many of the court officials, who work here in the inner sanctum, that's often referred to as the real palace of Terrindim.
The nobleman from the mountainous north of the kingdom, slightly frowns as he looks at those who are here.
And notices that there's a fair few who are members of the Golmard faction.
And not necessarily those of importance or significance. He overlooked them previously, as he took more notice of those who he had challenged to a duel, and they firmly declined him.
"Quite a few of the Golmard's here this morning" says lord Ganulf in barely more than a whisper to the nobleman beside him.
Sir Gilbane the sorcerer, who is also in the Balford faction. And is one of prince Waniq's closest friends.
Looks around, and after a few moments, nods his head in agreement with the lord of Highsun.
"Think they're up to something?" murmurs the advisor to the crown prince of Terrindim.
"With them, probably" is the murmured reply from sir Gilbane the sorcerer.
"Want to find out?" asks lord Ganulf in a murmur.
With a sharp look at the nobleman from the northern province of Hanamede, the spellcaster from here in the capital city Fanile, says in a quiet voice "With his majesty inspecting his guards, and the twins watching on, are you nuts?".
After a moment's silence, the lord of Highsun shrugs then quietly says "It was worth a try".
The sorcerer who is younger than the famous duelist, and grew up with his highness, prince Waniq, quietly says to his fellow nobleman "You know me Ganulf, I'm game to try anything".
The spellcaster in the Balford faction quietly continues with "But if any of us here with the ability of magic, even does the smallest of spells this morning. Is going to get themselves killed on the spot" followed by "The twins won't allow anyone to cast while his majesty continues with the ceremonies".
The nobleman from the north of the kingdom nods in understanding. Then after he looks around at the nobles and court officials here off to one side. 
Lord Ganulf looks back up at the steps infront of the main keep. Where the extended royal family are standing.
Waiting as king Crassil of Terrindim, continues with the inspection of his troop. Which is mainly made up of the king's guards, and the royal guards of the palace.
The lord of the city of Highsun as he watches those up on the steps. Slightly frowns as he thinks something has got his attention. He doesn't know what exactly. But he knows something has got his attention.
The advisor to prince Waniq wonders what it is. Then after a little bit longer. The nobleman from the northern province of Hanamede. Finally figures out what it is that's caught his attention this cold autumn morning, here in the inner sanctum of the walled off section of the Royal Palace of Terrindim.
He sees that people are armed. Not with swords of course. As that's forbidden here in the inner sanctums of the palace, unless you're a member of extended royal family, or you're a king's guard.
But as he glances this way and that. The lord of Highsun sees more than a few of the invited guests who have what look to be daggers and other blades upon them.
They might pass as table daggers at a distance. But on closer inspection they would never pass for such.
Lord Ganulf looks quickly to the steps infront of the main keep. To see who has any weapons there.
He spots prince Craefar wearing his dress sword as fitting for a fleet admiral in the Balford faction.
And not far from him, is prince Waniq who is wearing a battle dagger. Which his advisor knows is near useless in the hands of his highness, who isn't all that proficient with weapons.
But what the lord of the city of Highsun is worried about is that he sees prince Sormis is wearing a sword at his side. As is fitting as he's the overall commander and leader of the Grayvin faction.
But it doesn't appear to be a dress sword. But looks to be a cavalry saber, or an air fleet equivalent.
The advisor to the crown prince of Terrindim looks at a number of others up on the steps, and sees that they too have weapons.
Which they're all allowed to, as befitting their rank in various factions. But many of them are not wearing dress swords, but actual weapons for combat.
Lord Ganulf looks sharply at the queen. And though he doesn't see a weapon on her at all.
She could have anything concealed beneath the thick fur cloak she's wearing this cold winter's morning here in the capital city Fanile.
"Something's up" murmurs the lord of Highsun in alarm to the spellcaster beside him.
"What?" quietly asks sir Gilbane.
"Something's going to happen" quietly says the advisor to prince Waniq, who in a murmur, tells the practitioner of magic what he's noticed.
The sorcerer in the Balford faction looks around them for a few moments, then up to the steps infront of the main keep.
"Damn" murmurs sir Gilbane who comes to the same conclusion as the nobleman from the northern province of Hanamede.
"What should we do?" quietly asks the spellcaster who is a close friend of the crown prince of Terrindim.
"You've got to warn the twins" murmurs lord Ganulf with a nod of his head to the far side of the massive courtyard, where the royal dragons Blackflame and Whitefire are watching the ceremonies from this morning.
The sorcerer winces then mutters "They could kill me if i start casting".
"True" murmurs lord Ganulf, who continues with "But you could die anyway if something happens".
"Thanks" sourly mutters sir Gilbane with a sideways look at the lord of Highsun, followed by "That does wonders for my confidence".
Then the nobleborn sorcerer who is from here in the capital, quietly tells the nobleman from the north of the kingdom "If they kill me, I'm going to come back and haunt you".
Lord Ganulf flashes a grin, then quietly says "I'll gladly welcome it if you're able to stop whatever it is that's going to happen".
The spellcaster sourly grunts, then mutters "Here goes then".
Sir Gilbane is just about to cast, when he thinks about something, then quietly tells the advisor to the crown prince of Terrindim "If i do tell them, and they react, they'll create chaos no matter what they do".
"True, there's a good chance they will" murmurs the lord of the northern city of Highsun.
With a glance around them, sir Gilbane quietly says "What if that's what they want?" followed by "Panic to set in, so they can do what they want?".
Lord Ganulf is silent for a couple of moments, then he mutters "Shit" as that's what could very well what those who are conspiring to do something, exactly want.
He looks quickly to see where the king is, and sees him towards the back rows of his troops, as far from the main keep he's been all morning.
The opportune time for something to happen on the steps infront of the main keep on this side of the vast courtyard.
"Shit" mutters the lord of Highsun again, who quickly and quietly tells sir Gilbane "Warn the twins anyway".
The sorcerer nods, then just as he's about to cast, a scream of anger comes from up on the steps infront of the main keep. Followed by another scream, this one of fright. Then all hell breaks loose . . . . . .

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