Thursday 3 June 2021

The Find 50.


The pit. The ancient city of Dalphene. Also known as The City of Ruins.
They walked south for well over a mile, infact over a mile and a half.
Making their way towards the neutral zone, which they stopped a few hundred yards short of.
Standing maybe ten yards apart, it's lord Farque who lifted one of the magetubes up first, and took aim.
Dorc da Orc not wanting to be left out, quickly lifted the one he's carried here.
Then the undead warlord shot the magetube, shattering the quiet night, sending a thud that reverberates for miles across the pit.
And a near fourteen foot wide ball of pure magical energy, red in colour. Streaking up into the night sky towards it's target.
The next moment there comes another ear shattering thud. This time from the magetube that the large ork is holding.
Which sends a more than nine foot wide ball of pure magical energy, also red in colour.
Up into the sky above the pit, on this cold autumn night, here in the ancient city of Dalphene, or as it's more commonly called, the City of Ruins.
And though the ork warleader staggers back a few steps as he fires off the nine foot long, powerful magical weapon.
The large, heavily armoured deathlord is completely still shooting off the one he's got.
So it's only a moment or two before the lord and ruler of the lands Farque shoots off the magetube he's got, again.
It takes a few moments for the ork weaponsmith to steady himself, before he shoots off another shot from the near nine hundred pound magical weapon.
Sending another shot towards the target in the night sky, just over the northern end of the so called neutral zone here in the City of Ruins.
Those onboard the twin masted warship as it comes down to land. See, and definitely hear the magetube shots come up towards it.
As does the wyvern and it's rider, which are circling higher up, above the airship that's coming down to land.
There's an attentive lookout onboard, infact there's a couple. One of whom shouts out a warning. And the fighting vessel turns sharply to starboard.
Avoiding the first magetube shot that was coming up towards it. Though it looks like that shot was going to miss anyway.
Which is indeed true. As the twin masted warship that belongs to the mercenary captain Jorkamin.
Wasn't it's intended target. That's further up in the night sky, circling over five hundred feet above the pit.
The second magetube shot from the ground, shot a few hundred yards to the north of the neutral zone.
This one, four or five foot smaller than the first. Is definitely heading towards the vessel. A packet ship, or a ship of the line if it was in an aircorp of a nation.
The twin masted warship turns quickly to port, and that second magetube shot narrowly misses the fighting ship, and heads higher up into the night sky.
Not so the third shot, which was fired off extremely quickly. Which hits the underside of the warship.
The mercenaries onboard, having heard what happened to their sister ship yesterday in the afternoon.
Came in with two spellcasters onboard, both of who have warded the underside and hull of the twin masted vessel.
And though the barrier spells withstand the third magetube shot, and then a fourth as it continues to turn to port and fly away.
It doesn't withstand a fifth magetube shot, which slams into the starboard side hull, just behind the bow as it's turning away.
There's a massive explosion in the night sky just a couple hundred feet above the northern end of the neutral zone.
Ripping apart the bow, and decking infront of the forward mast of the warship.
Sending wood, bodies and debris flying in all directions. And sending the twin masted airship towards the ground.
As it drops, the badly damaged fighting vessel is hit by the sixth magetube shot from the ground.
Which slams into it's now unprotected underside, right along the magical keel, around a midships.
That magetube shot hits the magical keel dead on, shattering it. Breaking the already badly damaged warship, which is now burning, in half.
The halves of the vessel drops out of the night sky, and slams into the ground, where they shatter apart.
"To your left up there" says lord Farque, who has just told Dorc da Orc to keep up with his rate of firing after the twin masted airship breaks apart and slams into the ground just a few hundred yards away.
"Your other fucking left" dryly says the undead warlord in the momentary lull between repeated shots from the two magetubes they're shooting off.
Dorc da Orc grunts, and sweeps the nine foot long magetube he's holding upwards, from right to left, before yanking up on the firing lever.
As he, and the large, heavily armoured deathlord continues to fire the powerful magical weapons.
Sending shot after shot, into the night sky above the pit, even though they've already destroyed the twin masted warship.
The remains of which, what little there is of it. Is burning up, just a few hundred yards to the south of where they are.
"Get some" grunts the ork warleader after he staggers backwards from shooting off the magetube again.
The big, burly ork from the southern polar region of the world, hefts the heavy weapon, which weighs more than he does.
And sights along the end of it, before he drops it down to waist level, to the side of his right hip.
Braces himself, grinning with his sharp, canine like teeth, clenched as he yanks up on the firing lever of the magetube.
Sending another nine foot wide ball of pure magical energy, shooting up into the night sky above the ancient city of Dalphene, or as it's more commonly called, the City of Ruins.
Dorc da Orc or Dorkindle which is his given name, stumbles back again, nearly falling on his ample rump from the energy created from the powerful magical weapon firing off.
A weapon that's usually mounted on a wheeled cradle, which has a crew of four or five handling and firing it during combat.
As the large ork chuckles, and stands upright, and steps forward to get ready to fire off another shot.
Lord Farque who actually holds the ten foot long magetube he's got, up to his right shoulder, has already fired off another shot.
The undead warlord sends two shots from the magetube he's using, in the time it takes the ork general to fire off one.
The rate of fire is fine as the lord of the death realm is concerned. Infact it's pretty much perfect for what they're doing.
It destroyed the twin masted warship pretty quickly. Now they're after the wyvern and it's rider.
Who are frantically trying to avoid the numerous amounts of large balls of pure magical energy heading up towards them.
As the ork weaponsmith shoots at the wyvern, which can easily avoid the shot from the large ork's purloined magetube.
As Dorkindle is shooting straight at the wyvern, making it easy for it and it's rider to avoid.
Though it's a lot different for what the lord and ruler of the lands Farque is doing.
As the large, heavily armoured deathlord is rapidly shooting, he's not actually shooting directly at the large winged creature in the night sky above the pit.
The undead warlord, who has the name of Draugadrottin, which the people of his lands also known him by.
Is shooting at where the wyvern could be. Shooting into the night sky, trying to predict it's path.
The wyvern which can move quickly, far quicker than the speed of a magetube shot could ever move.
Has been lucky as it barely avoids the shots that the deathlord of Farque has shot into it's path.
Lord Farque, who is using Dorc da Orc to try and herd the wyvern into the path of the shots from the magetube he's firing off.
Glances at the side of the powerful magical weapon he's using. He quickly slides the metal grill that's on the side of the magetube.
And he checks how much power is left in the magetube. He sees that there's still plenty of power in it.
And he shoots off another shot, as he attempts to predicts which way the wyvern and it's rider will go.
In a lull after the big, burly ork from the frozen bottom of the world shoots off a shot from his magetube.
The lord and ruler of the lands Farque, who has the elven name of Des'tier, which translates to, The Destroyer.
Tells the ork general in his armies "It's coming around this way" followed by "Looks like they're going to drop down".
The lord of the death realm continues with "Probably to have a look at us, to see who we are".
The warleader of the ork race grunts at that, then after the undead warlord shoots off a shot from the magetube he's using.
Sending off a loud shot, that reverberates through Dorkindle's body, even though he's standing over ten yards from the large, heavily armoured deathlord.
It's even worse when the one that the ork weaponsmith has at his disposal, is fired off.
The kinetic energy is powerful as he shoots off another shot from the nine foot long magical weapon.
If someone was directly behind it, the kickback from it firing will knock a person down with ease, most likely killing them.
Though the large ork is big enough, not to mention strong enough to hold it to one side, and fire it off without hurting himself.
Even so, the ork warleader does stumble backwards every time he fires the powerful magical weapon.
Dorc da Orc in a lull between shots, says to the undead warlord who has walked away to the right a bit "That cunt is coming in low".
Draugadrottin nods his full helmed head then tells the ork weaponsmith "Keep shooting at it".
The lord and ruler of the lands Farque who is sensing in all directions as he and the ork general keep shooting at the wyvern and it's rider.
Which after it skims in quite low, heads up into the sky and wings it way eastwards after a couple of the magetube shots nearly hit it.
The large, heavily armoured deathlord briefly stops shooting the magetube he's holding.
And he looks away to the northeast, where he senses a wizard over a mile and a half away, nearly two miles that way.
Lord Farque who is wanting a reaction from that particular spellcaster.
Slightly nods his head, and mutters to himself "Fucking chicken". Before he resumes shooting at the wyvern that's flying eastwards over the pit.
"Looks like it's going to land" says Des'tier, which is the smart thing to do, and which the rider should of done immediately.
The big, burly ork from the frozen bottom of the world grunts, as indeed it looks like the wyvern is going to land somewhere on the eastern side of the giant hole in the ground.
Within which is the ancient city of Dalphene, more commonly called the City of Ruins.
Nevertheless, the undead warlord and the ork general in his armies continue to shoot at it with the magetubes.
Dozens of shots of which are scattered throughout the night sky above the pit.
As they don't disappear or dissipate unless they hit something. The only way they can disappear when they're shot into the sky. Is to hit something. Or to go up high enough, that a lack of breathable air starts to extinguish the balls of pure magical energy.
As the two of them shoot off the magetube shots lower so that they pursue the fleeing wyvern.
Which is twisting and turning to avoid any shots that get to close to it.
Lord Farque slightly frowns as he watches it, then the undead warlord steps closer to Dorkindle, basically standing right behind him.
Then after the large ork shoots off a shot from his magetube, the lord of the death realm shouts at him in the ork language "Duck cunt!".
The ork general ducks down low, and winces as the deathlord of Farque fires off a magetube shot, directly behind the one he just fired off.
The warleader of the ork race gets back up when the lord and ruler of the lands Farque steps away to the right as they face eastwards, and resumes shooting again.
Dorc da Orc who realises these later magetube shots are more than likely going to hit the east wall of the pit.
Shoots off another shot, then slightly frowns as the echoing thud reverberates around them.
The large ork is watching the two magetube shots that are inline, one behind the other.
Which are fairly low, as they didn't really fire them upwards considering the wyvern looks like it's going to land.
Dorkindle watches as the wyvern avoids one magetube shot, then another. While it drops down towards the ground.
Just as the two shots, one after the other, are almost upon it.
As it's landing, spreading it's wings to do so, as wyverns stretch out their wings to their fullest as they land, only bringing them into their sides when they touch the ground.
The rider shouts something at it, and though temperamental, it does obey. And it brings in one wing. Avoiding the first of the two magetube shots, that are less then twenty yards apart.
Then the wyvern being a wyvern, and wanting to land to avoid getting shot at. Extends the wing it quickly brought in.
When it does, the second magetube shot that was closely following the first one. Clips the extended wing of the wyvern.
That's all it needs, as magetube shots if they don't just plow through something they hit, destroying it in the process. They explode instead, and that's what this one does.
"They dead" says Dorc da Orc who chuckles as the explosion lights up the pit away to the east.
The large ork looks over at lord Farque, and sees that the large, heavily armoured deathlord isn't even watching the effects of the explosion.
Draugadrottin is looking away to the north and east across the pit, looking like he's ready to start shooting the magetube he's holding again.
With a grunt, Dorc da Orc asks "What the fuck is it?".
Lord Farque after a moment of silence, replies with "Just waiting for us to be attacked" . . . . . .

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