Wednesday 23 June 2021

The Find 63.


The giant hole in the ground. Also known as the pit. In which is the ancient city of Dalphene. Also known as The City of Ruins.
"Over here" quietly calls out Uren the mercenary as she and Lolmildíll the elven magic user crouch beside half a wall.
Others in the company make their way through the fog towards them. And when they join them, Uren quietly tells them "Search them" followed by "Take anything of worth" she then adds "Weapons, armour, food, coins, anything".
The mercs nod, then spread out and start searching the dead bodies opposite one of the tunnel entrances, that Maygam's company are using.
Uren, who is the second in command of the company, glances at the elven spellcaster beside her, and she quietly asks him "Any others close by?".
"There's some more to the south of us" is the quiet reply of Lolmildíll the elven magic user.
The nobleborn elf from the principality of Alínlae, then looks down at one of the dead mercs.
Pointing at the dead body, Lolmildíll or Lolm as he's more commonly called by the others in the company, quietly says "From Hamblett's company".
The effete sounding elf briefly pauses before he continues with "I remember playing cards against him last year in one of the taverns at the southern end of the pit".
Uren, the second in command of the company, looks at Lolm with raised eyebrows.
For the elven magic user along with his twin brother Gilvanéllé, aren't exactly known for their social interactions.
Especially with those from other mercenary companies down here in the ancient city of Dalphene.
They're more likely to kill someone than to play a friendly game of cards with.
Seeing the sceptical look on the face of the female mercenary, the elven spellcaster from the principality of Alínlae, faintly smiles then quietly tells her "It was for a lot of coin".
"Makes sense" murmurs the second in command of Maygam's company who looks over at one of their fellow mercs, searching one of the dead bodies from Hamblett's company.
And watches as he strips the dead body of a coin pouch, and an armoured vest. As well as taking the dead mercenary's shortsword.
Uren then looks to the south through the fog that's blanketed the City of Ruins.
Coming in just before dawn, now it's settled in and is quite thick in places. With only an occasional breeze to shift some of it along.
"Damn fog, can't see shit in this weather" mutters the second in command of the company.
"At least it's not as cold this morning as it was yesterday" quietly says the elven noble from the principality of Alínlae.
Uren just grunts to that as she continues to peer through the fog, while the others continue to strip anything of value from the dead bodies that are scattered about.
"Not that i can truly tell" quietly says Uren, who continues with "I'm not exactly seeing the dead of any other company".
She follows that with "This lot all seem to be from Hamblett's company if I'm not mistaken".
Lolmildíll nods in agreement as he has noticed the same thing. You can tell the way the dead lie. None of them look to of killed one another.
Then he and Uren move around the ancient wall, when one of the company calls them over to look at something.
"Look at the size of that arrow" quietly says one of the mercs in Maygam's company, who continues on with "And another one just over there" followed by "They're definitely from a longbow".
Lolm crouches down next to the first body, and has a closer look at the yard long arrow sticking out of the back of the dead mercenary from Hamblett's company.
"Not just any longbow" quietly says the elven magic user, who then adds "But an elven longbow" he then explains "You can tell by the fletching".
Uren nods, and takes Lolm's word for it after he pulls out the arrow and shows her the fletching of the more than three foot long arrow.
Then as Lolmildíll looks around through the fog, Uren sends some of the mercenaries back to the nearby tunnel with everything they took of value off the dead mercenaries.
The second in command then sets off with the elven spellcaster at her side. With the others following closely behind them, as they head south through the fog.
Heading to the next batch from Hamblett's company, who were attacked and killed during the night.
It's not long before they come across the first of the bodies, and Uren orders them stripped of everything of value.
After she helps one of the others strip a dead merc from Hamblett's company of anything of worth.
The second in command of Maygam's company walks over to where Lolmildíll is standing.
The fog isn't so thick here, and you can see for a bit in most directions as the elven magic user points things out.
"See there" quietly says the elven noble from house Jilenthàl in the principality of Alínlae.
"And there, and there" adds Lolm as he points things out to the woman who is the second in command of the company.
"An explosion did that lot in" says the elven mercenary, followed by "And another one over there".
Uren nods as she sees it, besides some of the dead bodies are burnt and ripped apart. A sure sign that they were caught up in an explosion of some kind.
"We heard a few explosions during the night" quietly says Uren the mercenary.
Lolmildíll the elven magic user nods in agreement, then he turns around and says "Someone's coming".
It turns out to be his twin brother Gilvanéllé, along with the mercenary captain Maygam, and others in the company who walk out of the fog.
"Help them out" quietly says Maygam the mercenary captain pointing to those who are stripping the dead bodies of anything they can use.
As the mercs that Maygam brought along with him, hurry to do that. Uren quietly asks the mercenary captain "How was it the other way?".
As Maygam, Gilvanéllé and the others went north of the tunnel they came out of at dawn.
While she and Lolmildíll, and the others in company she brought along. Made their way south, here on the east side of the tunnels and chambers the company are using for shelter.
"Not as many up that way, as down here" quietly says Maygam the mercenary captain.
"Which isn't all that surprising, considering most of the fighting we heard was down this way" adds the mercenary captain who knows he's rather fortunate that so many of his company has survived what's happened over the last couple of days.
Here to the north of the neutral zone in the giant hole in the ground, in which lies the ancient city of Dalphene, known far and wide as the City of Ruins.
"Think this fog will clear away anytime soon?" quietly asks Maygam as he looks at the elven twins from the principality of Alínlae.
Gilvanéllé or Gil as he's more commonly called by the others in the company.
Or Gilvan as his brother Lolm tends to call him. Just shrugs his shoulders in response to that.
While his twin brother Lolmildíll quietly says "Who knows" followed by "Could be here all morning, considering how little wind there is down here most days".
Maygam grunts at that, and true the fog is obscuring what's going on in the area, as well as further away down here in the pit.
It's also obscuring what they're up to first thing this morning. Taking from the dead who fought outside the tunnels and chambers where his company holed up during the night.
"I don't know if you noticed cap" quietly says Uren the mercenary, who continues with "They're all from Hamblett's company".
The second in command of the company then adds "Haven't found a single one from whoever it was that was fighting them last night".
Maygam frowns then looks first at Gilvanéllé, then Lolmildíll, both of whom nod their heads yes.
The mercenary captain then looks at his second in command, who also nods as she says "I'm pretty certain of it cap" followed by "You can tell by the way the bodies lie across the ground".
Maygam quickly looks at some of the nearby dead, then slowly nods his head as he sees what Uren means.
"Why I'll be damned" murmurs the mercenary captain, who then quietly adds "That's a bit odd".
He looks at his second in command and the elven twins, and quietly says to them "With all that we heard last night, you'd expect Hamblett's lot to of killed someone they were fighting against".
Maygam continues with "I might give Hamblett shit because of what happened between us in the past".
The mercenary captain follows that with "Even so, he and his company aren't push overs, and they know what they're doing in fight, even if they were ambushed last night".
Maygam gestures around them, then quietly says "There should be at least some of those who attacked them who got killed".
Uren is just about to suggest that maybe those who ambushed Hamblett's company last night, took their dead away with them.
When suddenly the elven twins Lolmildíll and Gilvanéllé spin around to the south and peer away into the fog in that direction.
"What is it?" quickly asks Maygam the mercenary captain.
"Spellcasters" is the reply from Lolm who continues with "A powerful cleric and another".
Gil nods in agreement with his twin brother, then he says "A witch of some kind" followed by "They're fairly close, less than a hundred yards".
Maygam frowns then quietly says "How they get so close without you two knowing about them?".
"Holding their powers within themselves until just now" is the reply from effete sounding Lolmildíll.
The mercenary captain nods, then he asks "They doing anything?" followed by "Heading this way at all?".
The twin brothers from the elven principality of Alínlae are silent for a few moments as they sense away to the south of them.
Then the slightly taller of the two, Gil who has blond, almost white coloured hair quietly says in a thoughtful tone of voice "No, they're not moving around that much".
Nodding his head in agreement with his twin brother Gilvan, Lolm says "They're staying put for the moment".
"Wonder what they're up to?" murmurs the mercenary captain, his second in command is thinking the exact same thing.
"Think they know we're here?" quietly asks Maygam as he looks from his second in command to the elven spellcasters.
"Maybe, who knows" quietly says Gilvanéllé the elven magic user, his twin brother nods in agreement.
"They probably do if there's a dwarf or elf with them" quietly adds Gil who is quite well known amongst the mercenary companies down here in the pit.
"They probably do" says Uren the mercenary who tells Maygam and Gilvanéllé about the arrows shot from an elven longbow that she and Lolm found in a couple of the dead from Hamblett's company.
"Hmmmm" murmurs the mercenary captain, who thinks about things for a few moments.
"Cap?" quietly asks the second in command of the company.
"Just thinking about something" quietly says Maygam, who then quietly adds "Good bet they're part of those who took out Hamblett's lot".
"More than likely" says Uren the mercenary, the twin brothers from the elven principality of Alínlae nod in agreement with her.
"Well" says the mercenary captain, who pauses for a moment, before he continues with "Let's go and see who they are" followed by "And what they're up to" . . . . . .

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