Tuesday 15 June 2021

The Find 57.


In the giant hole in the ground. Lies the ancient city of Dalphene. More commonly called The City of Ruins.
Maygam the mercenary captain looks sharply at his second in command Uren. When he hears what sounds like a clap of thunder outside.
The mercenary captain and his second look over to where the elven twins Gilvanéllé and Lolmildíll are. And he sees that Lolm has woken up. And the two of them are looking in the direction the thunder clap came from.
Maygam is about to call out to them, to ask what's happening. When one of the lookouts runs into the chamber yelling "Fighting outside!".
"Who?" calls out Maygam the mercenary captain who has got up off his bedroll.
"Don't know cap" replies the lookout who has just rushed in from one of the tunnels.
"Two other companies by the sounds of things" adds the lookout, who follows that with "On the east side".
"Let them fight it out?" quickly asks Uren the mercenary, Maygam replies with a quick head nod.
"How many?" asks the mercenary captain who along with his second in command make their way to the lookout. Who they meet in the middle of the massive underground chamber.
The elven twins from the principality of Alínlae follow behind Maygam and Uren.
"More than us by the sounds of things cap" is the reply from the lookout.
"Shit" mutters Maygam the mercenary captain, who starts issuing orders.
He doesn't want his company to interfere. As he wants to let whoever it is outside to fight it out.
Nevertheless, he wants to keep an eye on things. To make sure no one fighting close by, enters the tunnels.
"Come on, might as well and try and see what's happening" says Maygam who nods for Uren, and the twins Lolmildíll and Gilvanéllé to follow him.
They head to the nearest tunnel on the east side of the massive chamber and enter it.
As they do, the mercenary captain glances back at the following elven magic users and quietly asks them "What was that explosion?".
The twins from Alínlae, who are from one of the noble houses of that principality, share a look.
Then Lolmildíll the elven magic user says "That" he briefly pauses before continuing with "Was a mageglobe".
Maygam grimaces when he hears that, then as they hurry through the tunnel, he asks "Our mysterious mage from the afternoon?" followed by "The one that destroyed Jorkamin's warship".
"More than likely" says Lolmildíll, who is more commonly called Lolm by the others in the company.
"Definitely likely" dryly adds Gilvanéllé or Gil as he's called by the other mercenaries. Or Gilvan as his twin brother Lolmildíll tends to call him.
"Shit" Maygam mutters once again as he leads the way to the end of the tunnel they're in.
Outside, a bit further back than those in the fore. Amongst the bulk of those in his company who he's planned to attack the nearby underground tunnel and chamber system.
That he knows his former friend, Maygam and his mercenary company are using at the moment.
Hamblett the mercenary captain quietly asks "What the hell was that?". As they heard a fairly large explosion somewhere ahead of them, but further to the left, to the south.
"Sounded like thunder" mutters Rameeda the mercenary, who is the second in command of the company.
The mercenary captain nods his head in agreement with that. For in the distance, maybe about eighty to a hundred yards away.
In the direction they heard the thunder clap come from, they saw flashing white and blue light for a few moments.
Hamblett doesn't know what it was, but he's just hopeful none of his company were caught up in that. Though he suspects some of them might of.
Then a few moments later, after he orders those with him and his second in command, to continue forward.
One of those in the forward elements comes rushing back, to inform Hamblett and Rameeda.
That they've met resistance just outside of one of the tunnels that leads to the underground chambers, that Maygam's company are using.
"North as well?" quietly and quickly asks the mercenary captain.
"No cap, just south" is the reply of the merc who has rushed back to inform him and the others as to what's happening just up ahead.
"That's something i guess" says Hamblett, who then nods his head in agreement when Rameeda quietly says "Those who went north, are going around to the west side as we planned".
The second in command of the company gestures away to the south and west of where they are at the moment.
"The others must of run into some of Maygam's company" continues Rameeda who follows that with "He must have some patrols out or something".
Hamblett nods in agreement once again, then says to the merc who ran back to inform them what's going on "Quickly take some of this lot forward with you" followed by "Eliminate whoever it is that's there".
The mercenary captain then says "And try and get into those tunnels".
"Yes cap" says the merc, who then calls out to some of the others to follow him.
While Hamblett, Rameeda and the rest of them follow at a distance. As they head west on this cold, autumn night here in the giant hole in the ground.
Within which is the ancient city of Dalphene, more commonly called City of Ruins.
Hamblett who has sort of split his company in half. Well, those with him here to the north of the neutral zone. Who have survived the battle they've been in for nearly two weeks.
With basically half going north, and the other to the south. So that they can get around where Maygam and his company are hiding.
And attempt to enter the tunnels on the west side of the large chamber that Maygam's company are using for shelter.
Though that's not stopping Hamblett having from his mercenaries attempting to enter the tunnels on this side, the east side.
The mercenary captain as they move forward hears shouting and yelling up ahead, then the sounds of combat.
"See anything up there?" quietly asks Hamblett after he loudly says "Move forward, help out the others".
As more of those with them hurry ahead, Rameeda the mercenary mutters "I can't see shit".
The second in command of the company quickly looks up into the sky, and the two moons that are still up.
He sees one is heading towards the horizon in the west, while the other Aeviss is still fairly high up.
Rameeda just wishes all three moons were still up, so that he can see better.
But to no avail, as all he can see infront of term are the mercs closest to him and Hamblett. While in the distance, in the direction they're heading. He thinks he can just make out some of the company who are in the fore.
Rameeda whose hearing is better than his night vision holds up a hand, then points as he says "Definitely fighting that way".
Hamblett nods in agreement, as he does he quietly says to his second in command "That's the way we're going".
Maygam the mercenary captain looks out the tunnel entrance, and thinks he spots movement.
"Where?" quietly asks Maygam "There cap" replies one of the lookouts at the end of this tunnel.
The mercenary captain, who is sure he hears fighting nods his head. Then knowing that there's others who can definitely see what's happening, Maygam steps to the side and out of the way.
"What's happening?" asks the mercenary captain who has stepped aside for the elven twins Lolmildíll and Gilvanéllé.
"Fighting a bit further to the south" is the quiet reply of Lolmildíll the elven magic user.
His twin brother Gilvanéllé nods his head in agreement with him as they look in that direction out of the tunnel.
"Can't clearly see who it is" adds the effete sounding elf who hails from the principality of Alínlae.
"Whoever it is, there's a fair bit of yelling and shouting going on" says the harsher sounding Gilvanéllé the elven magic user.
Lolmildíll or Lolm as he's more commonly called by the others in the company, nods his head in agreement with his twin brother.
After a few moments, Gilvanéllé continues with "I think they've blundered into an ambush".
Maygam, who is just wondering if whoever it is out there, have intentions of coming into the tunnels and chambers, he and his company are using.
When he suddenly gets an answer, as Lolmildíll quietly says "Movement" followed by "There".
The mercenary captain along with his second in command Uren, look to where the elven magic user points.
He can't see anyone yet, but he takes Lolm's word for it, that there's people where he's pointing to.
"Heading this way?" quietly asks Maygam, the reply from Lolmildíll is "More or less".
His twin brother Gilvan shares a look with him. And though they're not afraid to cast.
The two of them are more than a little cautious, for the simple reason there's a mage out there somewhere.
Not far, if that mageglobe exploding like a thunder clap a little earlier, is anything to go by.
"Wait, they're turning north by the looks of it" quietly says Gilvanéllé the elven magic user, who nods as does his twin brother Lolm, when Maygam quietly tells them "Don't do anything unless they attempt to enter the tunnels".
The elven spellcaster with the pale blond almost white coloured hair, slightly frowns then quietly says "I think that might be Hamblett's company".
Maygam shares a quick look with Uren hears that. For the mercenary captain and his second in command.
Know that if there's ever anyone who knows of the existence of the tunnels and the chambers in this area of the pit, it's Hamblett the mercenary captain.
For the simple reason Hamblett served alongside Maygam in another company over a decade ago down here in the City of Ruins.
And that they used these tunnels and chambers when they were in that particular mercenary company.
Maygam slightly grimaces at the thought of his former friend Hamblett.
Then he softly grunts when Gilvanéllé quietly says "Yeah they're Hamblett's" followed by "I recognise a few of them".
Climbing over some rubble, Hamblett the mercenary captain slides down into a large hole that's been dug out of the ground.
Rameeda along with a few others are already in the near six foot deep hole, and the mercenary captain joins them.
They hurry across the large hole as others climb down into it. They climb out the otherside.
This time climbing over less rubble than what was on the otherside of the large hole.
Crouching down, and peering to their right, where the sound of fighting now is coming from.
Hamblett the mercenary captain is just about to order some of those with him, to head to that fighting.
When Rameeda after holding up a hand, the signal to stop and to be silent, quietly says to the mercenary captain "You hear that?".
"What?" quietly asks Hamblett who peers around, trying to see if there's anyone else close by.
"Thought i heard someone coming this way" quietly says the second in command of the company.
The mercenary captain who has spotted the outline of a couple of ruins nearby.
Looks at them closely to see if there's any movement around them, when he doesn't spot anything, he quietly says to his second in command "Time to keep moving".
Hamblett waves some of those with him and Rameeda away to the right, to where the sound of combat can be heard.
Then the mercenary captain, his second in command and the rest of them continue on the way they were heading.
As they head south, intending to circle around to the west side of the tunnels and chambers that Hamblett knows his former friend Maygam is using.
What looks like a section of one of the ruins that Hamblett was peering at seems to break away from it, followed by another.
The mercenary captain and those with him don't see this, as it's away to their left, and behind them now.
But as they continue southwards, they're shadowed by two rather large figures, who keep pace with them.
Hamblett the mercenary captain, and his second in command Rameeda, and those of the company with them.
Don't notice whoever it is, until there's a rather loud roar quite close by, followed by a shout of "Get some!" . . . . . .

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