Thursday 24 June 2021

The Find 64.


The ancient city of Dalphene. The City of Ruins. Northern central region of the Southlands.
They walk through the fog, going by a few dead bodies. Mercenaries killed during the night.
Those in the front slow down, as their naturally enhanced eyesight shows them an outline of an ancient ruin just up ahead.
Those behind them take a little bit longer to see what was a building over fifteen hundred years ago.
And is now just a shell of what it was originally. When the ancient city of Dalphene was on the otherside of the world.
Before it was brought here by Kor, one of the Greater Dragons of Volunell.
They bunch up slightly when they start seeing figures up against the ancient ruin.
Some standing back against it, others leaning against it. One, then two they see crouching infront of it.
While a couple of others are sitting on some rubble that's next to what was the front wall of the ancient building.
They come to stop a bit before the ancient ruin. Knowing that even in the fog of the early morning. Those here at this particular ruin, can clearly see them, as they're only thirty or so feet away from them.
While his twin brother Gilvanéllé the elven magic user watches those infront of the ancient building.
Lolmildíll the elven magic user glances back at Maygam the mercenary captain, and slightly nods his head.
Maygam, with his second in command Uren, steps forward to stand beside the elven twins who hail from the principality of Alínlae.
While a bit behind them, waits a fair few of the company that Maygam has brought along with them.
"They know we're here then?" whispers Maygam the mercenary captain.
"Definitely" is the whispered reply from Lolmildíll the elven magic user that Maygam is just able to hear.
"The cleric is one of those standing against the ruin" adds Lolmildíll in a murmur, who continues with "And the witch is one of those perched on that pile of rubble".
The mercenary captain nods his head, then he murmurs to the others "You know what to do".
The Maygam steps forward with his second in command Uren at his side. While the elven twins Lolmildíll and Gilvanéllé follow behind them.
With the others in the company they've brought along with them, staying back for the moment.
Now able to see some if not all of those standing and crouching infront of the ancient ruin.
Maygam immediately identifies the cleric in the half plate armour. A fairly large man, with a mace at his side.
Standing next to him, leaning back against the ancient ruin. Is another man, around the same height, but younger, and more muscular.
Who wears a long leather smock, like a blacksmith would wear. Who has a sword on one hip, and a hammer on the other.
Both seem extremely relaxed, and couldn't care less that Maygam and the others have walked through the fog and approached them.
The mercenary captain is surprised to find a knight standing near those two.
A large man, a couple inches over six foot. Who is incased in a suit of full plate armour. That gleams in the dull early morning sunshine that's able to penetrate the fog.
Maygam can't identify which order the knight belongs to, as he looks at the tabbard on the knight's breastplate.
He figures the elven twins Lolmildíll and Gilvanéllé might know. As the two of them have been around a lot longer than he has.
And no doubt have run across many a knight, from numerous orders throughout the years.
The mercenary captain looks to the right of those three, and the pair crouching down infront of the shell of the building.
He's briefly taken aback, as one of them isn't crouching, they're just short.
It's a halfling, wearing a dark leather vest beneath his cloak. Who has a black cloth wrapped around his throat and neck.
That Maygam figures can easily be pulled up to cover his face from the bridge of the nose down.
Next to the hobbit, is someone even odder. A fairly short man by the looks of it. Who is wearing the strangest white clothing the mercenary captain has ever seen.
But what's odder than that, is the conical shaped hat the crouching figure has upon his head.
That fellow has no weapons, with the exception of a staff that's up against what remains of the front wall of the ancient ruin.
Further to the right of those two stands two others. A tall individual, the tallest one so far, who is in gray hooded cloak.
That person moves their head slightly, and Maygam catches the sight of elven features within the hood of that person's cloak.
The mercenary captain slightly nods his head as he sees that elf has a longbow over his left shoulder.
Maygam knows this is the one who shot some of Hamblett's company in the battle during the night.
Just outside the system of tunnels and underground chambers that the mercenary captain and his company took shelter in.
Directly to the right of the elf in the gray hooded cloak, stands a young woman in leather armour. Who he sees has a crossbow across her back.
Maygam sees that the young woman, who must be in her late teens or earlier twenties is tall and lean.
Not to mention extremely attractive to the eye of one of the more successful mercenary captains plying their trade down here in the giant hole in the ground.
In which is the ancient city of Dalphene, more commonly called the City of Ruins.
Further to the right of them, is a lone figure all in black. Covered in a black hooded cloak.
That individual is about six foot tall. And though Maygam doesn't know why. It's this ominous looking figure who has a strange looking double bladed weapon strapped to his back.
That he's most weary of, and should be most cautious of, if he hopes to learn what's going on.
The mercenary captain looks away to the pile of rubble just to the side of the ancient ruin.
There sits two others, one the witch that Lolmildíll identified. Maygam sees she's a pretty looking woman not that tall, with short dark hair, who looks to be in her earlier twenties.
Sitting next to her is a young man, maybe in his late teens if Maygam was to guess.
And like the cleric, is wearing half plate armour. Though not as heavy as the one worn by the cleric.
Those two sitting on the rubble, are just like the others. All pretty relaxed, looking like they couldn't care less that the mercenary captain and a fair few of his company have walked through the fog, and stopped not all that far infront of them. And the empty shell of a building that they're all infront of.
Seeing as none of them look like they're going to speak, as they stand, crouch and sit there looking at Maygam and his mercenaries.
It's the mercenary captain who speaks up with "Greetings" followed by "And good morning".
Maygam looks around them, lifting an eyebrow in what can only be considered as a sardonic gesture.
As the autumn morning isn't particularly good. As it's cold, and quite foggy down here in the pit.
In which is the ancient city of Dalphene, known far and wide as the City of Ruins.
To the surprise of the mercenary captain, it's the young man in the half plate armour next to the witch, sitting on the pile of rubble who speaks up, and says "Greetings".
He gestures at Maygam his second in command Uren, and the elven twins Gilvanéllé and Lolmildíll as he adds "If you could tell your elven magic users there captain they're wasting their time" followed by "They won't find out anything we don't want them to find out".
Maygam slightly nods his head when he hears Lolmildíll behind him murmur "He's right".
The mercenary captain can only imagine the twin brothers from the elven principality of Alínlae are seething at that.
Especially Gilvanéllé, the more temperamental of the two elven spellcasters.
"You seem to have us at a disadvantage" says Maygam the mercenary captain who continues with "You seem to know who we are, but unfortunately we don't know who you are".
Maygam, who though has only a middling sized company compared to others down here in the pit.
Is one of the more successful mercenary captains operating down here in the City of Ruins.
Then says "Though you don't have us at too much of a disadvantage" as he glances back to the forty or so of his company that he's brought along with him, Uren, Lolmildíll and Gilvanéllé.
The young man perched on the pile of rubble doing all the talking, faintly smiles then says "Captain, if you haven't figured out already, numbers don't mean anything to us".
He briefly pauses before continuing with "All those bodies from your rival's company that you've been looting this morning is proof of that".
The young man in the half plate armour then says "It doesn't matter if you had brought along the rest of the company you've left behind in the nearby tunnels and underground chambers, they still wouldn't make a difference if say, something untowards would happen".
Who the hell is this lot? Maygam the mercenary captain thinks to himself, as he realises he better be cautious here.
For he's certain the young man speaks the truth. And that they, this small group, were the ones who ambushed Hamblett's company during the night. Wiping out a fair chunk of Hamblett's mercenary company.
The mercenary captain is silent for a few moments as he thinks things through.
Then Hamblett, who hopes his mercs, especially the elven twins Lolmildíll and Gilvanéllé don't do anything stupid.
Quietly says to the young man doing all the talking while the rest of the group watches on "I gather you want to discuss something with us".
The young man in the half plate armour faintly smiles, then says "As a matter of fact captain Maygam we do".
He stands up off the pile of rubble he's been sitting on, and glances at the side of the ancient ruin.
The mercenary captain involuntarily steps back, as does his second in command Uren beside him.
As around from the back of the part of the front wall of the ancient ruin steps two figures.
The first is surprise in itself. As it's quite possibly the largest man that Maygam has ever seen.
Standing about six foot seven inches in height, incased in a full suit of plate armour, that's black in colour, with a hint of blue to it.
That isn't itself that surprising, nor is the hilt of the massive sword sticking up over the man's full helmed head.
But what is surprising, is the magetube he's casually got on his right shoulder.
Weighing like it's nothing, when it's obviously well over a thousand pounds in weight.
Even more shocking is the figure following him. That Maygam immediately recognises.
He's seen one before, many years ago, infact nearly twenty years ago when he was a youngster in the city of Ewteets.
As one was to be publicly executed, until it escaped the moment of it's execution.
When a series of explosions ripped apart the city square where the public hanging was taking place.
"Fucking hell, by the forest gods that's an ork" murmurs a startled Gilvanéllé the elven magic user.
Maygam nods in agreement with the elven noble from the principality of Alínlae.
The mercenary captain sees that the ork has a magetube as well, on one of it's shoulders.
While on the other shoulder, is a robed figure, unconscious by the looks of things.
Maygam realises these are the people who haven't just wiped out a lot of Hamblett's company.
But have destroyed Jorkamin's warships, and wyverns. As well as the rift that exploded in the middle of the night, that resulted in two massive explosions that rocked the northern half of the pit.
The mercenary captain clears his throat, a little nervously, then he says "What is it that you want to discuss?".
It's the large figure in the dark plate armour who speaks, as he does Maygam is sure the temperature drops around them.
"There's someone in your company captain we'd like to speak with concerning something" says the large, heavily armoured figure who has a nine foot long, twelve hundred pound magetube resting on his right shoulder like it weighs nothing.
"Oh?" says Maygam the mercenary captain who is wondering what the hell is going on.
"Who would that be?" asks the mercenary captain, who then frowns when the large figure, in the dark full plate armour tells him who.
"One of new hires" Uren the mercenary murmurs to Maygam, who nods in understanding.
"I know of them" says the mercenary captain as he realises the one they want is amongst the group that Gilvanéllé spotted up in the very north of the pit yesterday.
Maygam then says "They're not with us at the moment" followed by "Though hopefully they should show up today or tomorrow" he then silently adds, i hope.
The mercenary captain then asks "What do you want with them?".
"Nothing you need to know" says the large, heavily armoured figure, who then adds "But to set your mind at ease, we have an offer for them".
He briefly pauses before continuing with "And to prove that, we have something here for you, that we offer in good faith".
He then points infront of Maygam and Uren, and says something in guttural language they don't understand.
The ork grunts then moves forward, the mercenary captain and his second in command screw up their faces in disgust at the stench coming off the ork.
Who stops a few feet infront of them, and shrugs the unconscious figure off it's shoulder, before turning around and walking back to the large figure in the dark plate armour.
Maygam looks down, and blinks in surprise as he sees who is lying unconscious on the ground infront of him.
"Holy shit" says a stunned Maygam the mercenary captain, who after a moment's pause adds "Darmos the wizard" . . . . . .

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