Thursday 10 June 2021

The Find 54.


Within the giant hole in the ground. That's also called the pit. Lies the ancient city of Dalphene. More widely known as The City of Ruins.
Helbe the elven thief yawns, as he walks through the ancient city of Dalphene.
Keeping an eye on the mercenary company led by the captain named Maygam.
Just incase the person the group is looking for here in the City of Ruins turns up. Can get a little boring at times.
The young elven noble from the island principality of Laerel. Who watched from a distance lord Farque and Dorc da Orc destroy another warship, and kill a wyvern.
Then a little later destroy a rift. That caused two massive explosions that rocked the northern half of the pit.
Floats up to the roof of a crumbling ruin, and looks in the direction of where the underground chamber that Maygam's company is using.
The highly talented elven magic user hasn't got too close to it during the night.
For the simple reason he's unable to sense the elven twins named Gilvanéllé and Lolmildíll.
Who wear amulets of some kind, that hides their magic from other spellcasters.
The elven masterthief who is a member of the royal family that rules the island principality of Laerel.
Who has been keeping an eye on those coming and going from the tunnels that lead to the large underground chamber Maygam's company are using.
Has only got close to it when Narladene the ground pixie is with him.
At the moment, the naturally magical creature is somewhere else. Where exactly? The elven master assassin isn't too sure.
At this moment, Narladene the ground pixie is following some mercenaries.
They're heading west, not moving too fast, but they are moving with purpose.
The tiny winged creature listens to a few of them for a little while when some of them speak.
It's not often, but she does learn that they're from Hamblett's mercenary company.
The ground pixie who is from the Sunreach Mountains, then hears that Hamblett himself is a bit further back, heading in the same direction.
Narladene, who is attached to Helbe the elven thief, drops down into the ground, and feels through it.
The naturally magical creature instantly locates Hamblett the mercenary captain.
For the simple reason there's a fairly good sized group with him. The tiny winged creature heads that way through the ground.
Moving faster than she could ever do if she was flying through the air. The naturally magical creature is soon up and out of the sandy ground. As she has located Hamblett the mercenary captain.
Who she finds is walking with another mercenary, his second in command, a mercenary by the name of Rameeda.
There's more mercs nearby, walking around the mercenary captain and his second in command.
As they all head west, which more or less at what Narladene can guess, they're heading to where Maygam's company are holed up underground.
The naturally magical creature who is from the Sunreach Mountains. Wings her way up, and flies above the heads of the mercenary captain and his second in command.
Narladene, who like all pixies and sprites is invisible to anyone unless she shows herself to them.
With the exception of other naturally magical creatures, animals and on rare occasions, babies and small children of most of the bipedal races.
Listens to Hamblett, and his second in command Rameeda. They don't speak often, but when they do, the ground pixie learns valuable information.
The tiny winged creature finds out that both Hamblett and Rameeda served in the same mercenary company as Maygam over a decade ago.
And that they were all friends, with Hamblett and Maygam being the best of friends.
Before they had some kind of falling out, which Narladene doesn't learn from the sparse conversation between the mercenary captain and his second in command.
But what she does learn, is that Hamblett and Rameeda have figured out where Maygam and his company are taking shelter underground this cold, autumn night in the  ancient city of Dalphene, more commonly called the City of Ruins.
And that they know of the extensive tunnel system underneath the pit, that goes to and from the large chamber that Maygam's company are using.
Narladene lifts up, and looks back, and sees how many of Hamblett's company are with him as they head west.
From what she can figure out, the tiny winged creature thinks most of Hamblett's company here to the north of the neutral zone.
Is with their mercenary captain who is heading westwards through the ancient city of Dalphene.
As the cold autumn night continues to give way, as it's getting closer to predawn than it is the middle of the night.
After hearing a little bit more of what Hamblett and his second in command, Rameeda has to say.
Narladene wings away, heading south and west, to where Helbe the elven thief is waiting for her.
The naturally magical creature is soon diving into the ground, as she continues on her way to where the young elven noble from the island principality of Laerel is located.
Helbe the elven thief is sitting down on the roof he's on. The young elven noble from the island principality of Laerel has wrapped his cloak around himself, and pulled the hood of it down low over his eyes.
As he continues to look in the direction of some of the tunnels, that lead to the large underground chamber that Maygam's mercenary company is using.
The elven masterthief scratches his back against the rubble like wall behind him as he sits upon the roof of one of the ancient ruins in this part of the pit.
The grandson of the Ruling Prince of Laerel who is just about to close his eyes, and catch a bit of sleep.
Is suddenly awake and alert, when Narladene the ground pixie suddenly appears infront of his face.
The tiny winged creature is wryly grinning as she looks at the young elven noble she's attached to.
"Quite a show a bit earlier" quietly says Helbe the elven thief who then adds in a slightly dry tone of voice "I thought those two were going to blow up the entire pit the way they were going".
"It was rather spectacular wasn't it" says Narladene the ground pixie who is speaking in elven like the masterthief. Which is normal for them when the two of them are alone.
"That rift blowing up could be felt for miles in all directions" states the naturally magical creature who continues with "Far beyond the pit".
"I'm not surprised" murmurs the highly talented elven magic user, who then adds "That tends to be the case when one of those blows up".
The tiny winged creature who is from the Sunreach Mountains, nods in agreement with the young elven noble from the island principality of Laerel, who she is attached to.
Then the ground pixie tells him why she's come back to him.
The elven master assassin is silent as he listens to Narladene, then after she's explained to him about Hamblett's mercenary company, and what they're intending to do.
Helbe the elven thief quietly asks her "How many of them are there?".
"There's about thirty to forty of them out infront" replies the naturally magical creature continues with "And over a hundred and fifty of them following" she then adds "A fair chunk of them are around the mercenary captain".
The grandson of Prince Raendril of Laerel nods, then he grunts as he stands up.
With his cloak still wrapped around himself on this cold, autumn night here in the City of Ruins.
Helbe the elven thief quietly says "That's far too many for just the two of us to handle" he then muses "That's probably most of his company here to the north of the neutral zone".
"At least those who have survived the battle so far" quietly says the ground pixie who follows on from that with "Or at least those who haven't got separated from the rest".
Prince Helbenthril Raendril nods his hooded head in agreement, then he turns and looks away to the south.
Narladene the ground pixie quickly lands upon the right shoulder of the elven royal from Laerel she's attached to, and she holds on tight.
Then the highly talented elven magic user who is blurred and shielded quietly tells her "Damn, there's a lot of them after Maygam's company".
The naturally magical creature who attached herself to the elven spellcaster a number of years ago in the kingdom of Druvic, nods her head in agreement with the elven master assassin.
Then he shifts away, off the roof of the crumbling ruin he's on top of, and he heads south.
"Who's that?" asks Helbe the elven thief when he suddenly appears out of thin air a few moments later.
"I was hoping you'd tell me" replies lord Farque, who after a brief pause he adds in a dry tone "He's obviously a wizard".
The young elven noble from the island principality of Laerel, who is a member of the royal family that rules that nation.
Nods his hooded head as he looks down at the unconscious wizard in the red robes, who is on the ground infront of the ancient watchtower the group are staying in this night.
Outside of it, stands the elven masterthief, along with lord Farque, and Dorc da Orc, who have just returned from near the neutral zone.
With them is Tovis the war engineer, who is on watch at the moment. The last watch of the night, from halfway after midnight to dawn.
"I gather he's that wizard in Jorkamin's company?" asks the undead warlord.
"He is" says the elven princeling who is a member of the personal council to the lord and ruler of the lands Farque.
"Darmos" adds the highly talented elven magic user who has just read the mind of the unconscious spellcaster lying on the ground.
"Basically the second in command of that company" continues the elven master assassin.
The large, heavily armoured deathlord grunts when he hears that. Then he looks at the elven master archer and asks "What are you doing back here?".
"Bit of a problem" says councilor Raendril who then explains about Hamblett and his company, who are going after Maygam's mercenary company.
Who are further to the north and west of the ancient watchtower that the group are using this cold, autumn night in the ancient city of Dalphene, more commonly known as the City of Ruins.
"I'm fucking tempted to let them go at" mutters the undead warlord who also has the name of Draugadrottin, that the people of his lands know him by.
The lord of the death realm holds in a sigh, then asks "I gather the one we're after hasn't turned up yet?".
"Yep that's right" says prince Helbenthril Raendril with a nod of his hooded head.
"Typical" mutters the large, heavily armoured deathlord, who then adds in a dry tone "I guess we better do something just incase they do show up".
Once again, the elven masterthief who is a member of the personal council to the lord and ruler of the lands Farque nods his hooded head.
Then Draugadrottin, who also has the elven name of Des'tier, which translates to, The Destroyer.
Turns to Tovis the war engineer, and tells him "Go and wake the others up" followed by "Seems like we're going to have a much earlier start than expected".
As the young engineer who is from the kingdom of Druvic hurries into the ancient watchtower to wake the others.
That's if they aren't already awake after the massive explosions a little while ago caused by a rift being destroyed.
The deathlord of Farque points to the unconscious wizard, and says in the ork language "Bring that cunt".
Dorc da Orc grunts, and picks up the captured spellcaster, and puts him over one of his shoulders.
While over the other shoulder, the large ork has one of the two magetubes they've got. The other one is balanced on the left shoulder of the undead warlord.
As the others in the group start making their way out of the ancient watchtower.
The large, heavily armoured deathlord looks at the invisible ground pixie on the right shoulder of the elven masterthief and tells her in her own language "Go and keep an eye on that Maygam and his lot".
As the naturally magical creature dives down off the right shoulder of Helbe the elven thief, and goes into the ground.
Draugadrottin says in the royal elven language "Go and keep a watch on this Hamblett and his company" lord Farque continues with "The rest of us will be there shortly".
The young elven noble from the island principality of Laerel nods his hooded head and says "I'll be waiting".
Then the elven master assassin shifts away, heading north after he blurs and shields himself again . . . . . .

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