Wednesday 16 June 2021

The Find 58.


The giant hole in the ground. Also know as the pit. The ancient city of Dalphene. More commonly called The City of Ruins.
Dorc da Orc is amongst them, he slams an axe into one of them, chopping down through the head of the mercenary. All the way down the torso of the man, splitting him in half at the groin.
With his right hand, the large ork reaches out and grabs another of the mercs by the head.
And slams his head into the corner of a waist high ruin, all that remains of an ancient building that once stood here.
The ork warleader growls in satisfaction as the mercs head shatters apart in his hand.
"Get some!" Dorc da Orc shouts again as he moves amongst the large group of mercenaries who he has taken by surprise.
The axe in his left hand goes flying as he throws it at another of the mercenaries who is looking around trying to figure out what's happening.
That merc is slammed into the ground so hard that his skull is shattered apart in a bloody pulp.
The big, burly ork from the southern polar region of the world takes a pair of throwing axes from his weapon harness.
And starts swinging them at any of the mercenaries who get too close to him.
Dorc da Orc or Dorkindle which is his given name, kicks out. Connecting with the another of the mercs, breaking both of the man's legs.
He's one of the luckier ones as he lies there on the ground screaming in pain as the ork general in the armies of Farque wrecks havoc amongst them.
"What is it?" pants Hamblett the mercenary captain who is helped to his feet by Rameeda the mercenary after he was knocked down by someone trying to flee whoever it is that's attacking him.
Just as Rameeda goes to say something, light flares away to their left as someone has lit a torch that they've brought along with them.
Hamblett who expressly forbid any torches to be lit as they attacked the tunnels and chambers that Maygam's company have taken shelter in.
Goes to shout at the merc to douse that torch, when out of the corner of his eye, he spots who it is that's amongst the company, and attacking them.
"The fucking hell is that?" exclaims Rameeda the mercenary who has also spotted who it is that's attacking them.
Hamblett blinks in surprise, and quite frankly confusion. As first he thinks it's a troll of some kind.
Then he realises it's too short to be a troll, and far too bulky to be one as well.
Whatever it is, it's covered in weapons. And it's laying to waste any of his company that tries to attack it. As it wields a pair of large axes, that look like hand axes in it's massive, club like hands.
"Shoot it!" yells Rameeda the second in command of the company, and though not many of mercs brought along ranged weapons, some of them do have crossbows.
"Shit" mutters Hamblett as he sees a crossbow bolt go careening off the side of the large creature's head.
"What the fuck?" says Rameeda beside him who sees the same thing, as they stand there with their swords drawn.
Then the merc with the burning torch drops it, as he dives to one side as the creature throws one of the axes at him.
Barely missing that merc, but hitting one behind him. That mercenary's head explodes from the impact of the axe hitting him, and his headless body drops to the ground.
"Move back!" orders Hamblett as for a few more moments, there's just an eerie light playing over what's happening, before the dropped torch goes out.
The mercenary captain knows that they need weapons like longspears, and halberds, as well as bows.
Pretty much none of the weapons they've brought along with them to fight amongst the nearby tunnels and chambers where Maygam's company are holed up.
Hamblett stumbles to one side, as some of those infront of him hastily back away.
Then the mercenary captain blinks in surprise, then says in a tone that's surprised "What?".
As next to him, his second in command Rameeda says "I think that's an ork".
Hamblett, who has seen a number of odd things in his life, isn't one to dismiss that from his second in command.
But nevertheless, orks are more fable than reality. The thing of nightmares that parents tell their children to scare them into doing what they want.
For all that, Hamblett has got a sinking feeling that Rameeda is correct, as they hear screams of pain from those in the company who are being attacked by the large creature.
Who must be able to see as well at night, as it can during the day.
The mercenary captain who is a little miffed that he doesn't have any dwarves or elves with him, here to the north of the neutral zone.
Once again shouts "Move back!". For if it really is an ork, there's pretty much nothing they can do to stop it, let alone kill it.
"Fuckhead" mutters Dorc da Orc as he's whacked in the arm by a sword.
The mercenary who swung it, quickly backs away, knowing he got in a lucky hit.
He's not so lucky when he's picked up off the ground, and flung backwards when the large ork throws the other axe at him, hitting him square in the chest.
The ork warleader who sees the mercs are all hurrying to back away from him now.
Grins a wide grin across his broad, green feral looking face. As he can see something they can't.
The weaponsmith from the wolf tribe of orks as he takes a throwing hammer, and another throwing axe from his weapon harness.
Chuckles in anticipation, as the mercs are backing up in the direction they came from.
Dorkindle throws the axe in his left hand, and it thumps into the side of one of the mercenaries backing away.
The man slams down into the ground, with the axe head almost completely through him.
A couple of the other mercs near him, back away even quicker, just as the big, burly ork from the southern polar region of the world wants them to do.
There's basically a pause in the fighting as the mercenaries hurry away, and the ork general continues to pursue them.
Then there's the thud of a magetube firing that echoes for miles around. And a near fourteen foot wide ball of pure magical energy suddenly appears, and goes tearing through a fair number of the mercenaries who are in Hamblett's company.
Lord Farque has stepped out from one of the ruins, and fired one of the two magetubes he's got.
The undead warlord has waited for those in Hamblett's mercenary company to fall back after Dorc da Orc attacks them, as he suspected they would.
The large, heavily armoured deathlord who steps out, facing directly north.
Has waited to enter the fray for a reason. And that's too make sure that he can take out as many of Hamblett's company as possible.
And to make sure, that the magetube shot goes directly north. And not to the west a bit. Where the rest of the group are fighting those of Hamblett's company who are in the fore.
The lord and ruler of the lands Farque, who couldn't trust Dorc da Orc to shoot the other magetube with any accuracy.
Watches as the large ball of pure magical energy, basically obliterates some of the mercs it comes directly into contact with.
Others are clipped by it, burning them away, though not as quickly as those who are hit head on by it.
As it tears through the mercenaries who are quickly backing away from Dorc da Orc who is pursuing them.
Hamblett the mercenary captain is hauled to his feet after he dives to one side, barely avoiding the magetube shot that's just gone through some of his company.
The mercenary captain who definitely heard the magetube firing, dived to one side.
When he saw out of the corner of his eye, the swirling ball of red coloured magical energy, about fourteen feet wide, head this way.
Hamblett who is pretty sure he saw the outline of a large figure holding the magetube as if it was a crossbow.
Grimaces as he sees one of the mercs away to the left burn up, as the magetube shot continues on it's way, heading northwards, away from this part of the pit.
He knows it won't stop until it hits something fairly solid. As since this part of the pit to the north of the neutral zone.
Isn't exactly teeming with ancient ruins, the magetube shot might not stop for quite some time.
It might even go all the way to the northern end of the giant hole in the ground, within which is the ancient city of Dalphene, more commonly called the City of Ruins.
"No not that way" says Hamblett the mercenary captain who grabs one of his men who is about to run back to the east, the direction they've come from.
He shoves that merc in the other direction, and tells him "That way" followed by "Make for the tunnels".
Rameeda the mercenary whose cloak is singed, as he was even closer to the rolling ball of pure magical energy, calls out "Head for the tunnels!".
Then the mercenary who Hamblett shoved in that direction, is suddenly slammed sideways with such force.
That both the mercenary captain and his second in command, clearly hear the audible thud of him smashing into the ground, after a rather large hammer that came flying out of the darkness, hit him in the side of the chest.
"Run!" shouts Hamblett the mercenary captain to anyone who can hear him.
"Run!" adds Rameeda, who quickly follows that with "To the tunnels!".
As there's still enough of the company to take out Maygam's company who are holed up nearby in a system of tunnels and underground chambers.
"Run ya bitches" chuckles Dorc da Orc who then looks away to his right, where he spots lord Farque.
The undead warlord has put the magetube up on his right shoulder, balanced next to the other one up there.
The large, heavily armoured deathlord then reaches down and picks up the unconscious wizard Darmos. Who he slings over his broad, and heavily armoured left shoulder.
Before the lord and ruler of the lands Farque, who his people also know him by the name of Draugadrottin.
Looks over to where the large ork is standing, the lord of the death realm nods his full helmed head in the direction the mercs who are still on their feet are going.
The ork warleader grunts in understanding, then he sets off after the fleeing mercenaries, who are heading west.
Trying to make their way to the nearby tunnels and chambers here in this part of the pit, that Maygam and his mercenary company are using.
On this cold autumn night in the giant hole in the ground, within which is the ancient city of Dalphene, known far and wide as the City of Ruins . . . . . .

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