Wednesday 1 March 2017

Wonderful 30.

The Principality Of Maladimbáh...

Kaldeàlil Haldéilv casts teleport when she sees the undead being move, the attractive elven maid winces as she briefly sees the large heavily armoured figure almost disappear, and him move so quickly it's hard to see as she waits, in what feels like a lifetime to her, for her spell to be completed.
The elven magic user breathes a sigh of relief when the familiar blackness of teleportation envelopes her, then she reappears at the far end of the main banquet hall, behind the high table.
Lord Farque gets to the table where Kaldeàlil Haldéilv was, just after she disappears, the undead warlord sourly smiles behind the visor of his full helm. Then as he turns to look at the far end of the banquet hall to where she's teleported to, the heavily armoured deathlord, grabs the elf, a hunter from his garb, who swings a sword at him.
"Thanks" sourly mutters Mira Reinholt the mage when the lord and ruler of the lands Farque streaks away in a blur of motion, leaving him behind. The once powerful mage swings the sword he has, at an elven house guard, one of a handful who rush him.
The sword takes the elf in the face, who goes reeling off to one side screaming in pain. Then a body smashes into the other house guards. The mage Reinholt sees that it's another elf, a forester or hunter by the looks of what he's wearing.
The exiled Vexilian mage looks over to where lord Farque went, and he sees the undead warlord nod his full helmed head to join him.
The spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster, who is at one of the open doorways to the main banquet hall here in the tower of the Haldéilv family, rushes into the banquet hall that's erupted into chaos.
Lord Farque looks across to the far side of the banquet hall, to where Kaldeàlil Haldéilv has gone behind the high table. As he does he's hit by an energy bolt, which he ignores as it uselessly bounces off his suit of full, heavy plate armour.
Draugadrottin as he's known by to the people of his lands, senses most of the spellcasters in the banquet hall at or near the high table, including the one that he's after. Then after he backhands an elven house guard across the face, breaking his neck, and sending him tumbling across the floor. And seeing that the mage Reinholt is now heading this way, the undead warlord starts heading towards the high table.
One of the first spellcasters to act is the visiting justifier from the city of Falnic. The mage Kaellin casts a firebeam, that goes directly from the tips of his fingers, to the large, heavily armoured figure that has violently interrupted this evening's dinner in the banquet hall.
"Good luck with that" dryly murmurs Mira Reinholt when he sees the firebeam cast by the mage from the coastal city of Falnic strike lord Farque, who just keeps walking quickly to where the high table is on the far side of the banquet hall.
The once powerful mage like the lord and ruler of the lands Farque has just seen Kaldeàlil Haldéilv run out through a doorway behind the high table. The swordmaster Reinholt jumps over an elf who has tripped up in their attempt to flee. Then the Vexilian mage in exile ducks a sword swung at him, and as he's low, he spins, swinging the sword he's using. Taking the house guard, who just attacked him, across the back of the legs, dropping him to the floor, screaming in pain.
The mage Reinholt picks up the fallen shortsword of that house guard, and now with a weapon in each hand, and feeling more than comfortable with it, the spellcaster from the city-state of Vexil in the Southlands hurries to catch up to the lord of the death realm, who he sees a mageglobe heading towards.
After the firebeam hits him with no effect, lord Farque sees a mageglobe heading towards him, the undead warlord side kicks an elven magic user, a member of lord Haldéilv's extended family, who suddenly appears out of thin air right next to the lord and ruler of the lands Farque.
That elven noble is more than surprised when his wards, a barrier and protection spell fail to stop him from getting kicked so hard in the chest, that his leather armour is torn to shreds across his chest, which shatters apart so violently, that it looks like it explodes.
The elven magic user goes flying backwards with a gaping hole in his chest, with his ribs in pieces, sticking out of his torso, which is open for all to see when he hits the floor, and tumbles to a stop, obviously dead.
After kicking the elven spellcaster, lord Farque grabs the mageglobe out of the air right infront of the visor of his full helm. To say the living piece of magic is more than a little stunned to what's going on, would be an understatement to the extreme.
The heavily armoured deathlord with the confused mageglobe in his gauntleted right hand, leaps towards where the high table is, jumping forwards more than upwards, as he does, he throws the mageglobe at those at and near the high table, who are now all scattering as they realise that what is happening, is more than any of them can handle.
Mira Reinholt doesn't even flinch as there's a loud explosion where the high table is, all was, as the mageglobe comes to a confused end to it's life. The spellcaster who was once the most powerful mage of his generation to be found anywhere in the Southlands, is busy blocking a sword with the shortsword he has in his left hand, then he swings the longsword in his right gloved hand, that takes the house guard attacking him, in the neck, almost decapitating the elf.
The spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster, jumps over the near headless elven house guard on the floor, and rushes to catch up to lord Farque, who has just called out to him to hurry up.
The lord and ruler of the lands Farque kicks an injured elven magic user who is crawling along the damaged floor where the high table was before the mageglobe destroyed it. She goes tumbling across the floor after letting out a shout of pain at getting kicked.
The elven spellcaster, another relative of lord Haldéilv, knocks over a couple of others who are trying to flee the carnage, before she finally comes to a stop almost forty feet from where she originally was. Though now her stomach has been torn open from the kick she received, and her guts and entrails are across the floor behind her.
Lord Farque catches a glimpse of the frightened mage from the city of Falnic fleeing through a nearby door, following an equally frightened lord Haldéilv from the main banquet hall in the keep like tower.
The undead warlord makes his way out the doorway that Kaldeàlil Haldéilv fled through, the lord and ruler of the lands Farque who can sense where the illegitimate daughter of lord Haldéilv is going, turns and looks back into the banquet hall and lord Farque once again calls out "Mage hurry up!".
The heavily armoured deathlord glances down at the slightly charred body of an elven house guard who was blasted through the doorway when the mageglobe exploded, the lord and ruler picks up the dead body.
Mira Reinholt does flinch, then ducks as he sees a body come flying out of the doorway that lord Farque went through, a body that's coming right at the Vexilian mage in exile.
It passes over him, and the swordmaster Reinholt hears it smash into whoever it is that's chasing after him, the once powerful mage doesn't look back as he continues running towards the doorway that the lord and ruler of the lands Farque is through.
The mage Reinholt goes through the doorway, and before he can say anything, the undead warlord takes a hold of him at the scruff of his cloak, lifting him up off the floor, then they're moving.
The once powerful mage blinks in surprise as everything becomes a blur, there's streaks of light around him, as he feels he's moving extremely quickly. Then his vision goes back to normal, and he's let down now that they're at the end of the long hallway that they're in, Mira Reinholt realises that it's taken just a couple of moments to get from one end of the hallway to the other, when it should of taken way longer than it did.
By the shape of fire, no wonder he can move so fucking fast at times, the swordmaster Reinholt thinks to himself as he and the tall, heavily armoured figure of lord Farque round a corner, they reach an open doorway, which they both step through at the same time. Then holding their arms out from their sides a bit, indicating they want to go down, the two of them start heading down the wind tower that's in the middle of the tower of the Haldéilv family, that goes down through the escarpment it sits upon.
They're in the magical tower that's been hollowed out of solid rock for just a few moments, when lord Farque mutters "Fuck" Mira Reinholt says "What?" when suddenly the wind that's blowing around them, stops. The mage Reinholt gulps as they both drop without the wind supporting them any more, then the swordmaster from the city-state of Vexil feels the undead warlord grab him by the back of the cloak like he did before, and they come to an instant stop.
The once powerful mage who finds himself dangling there in mid air, looks up, and with just a few lights inside this wind tower, Mira Reinholt can just make out lord Farque, whose right arm is in the rock wall next to them, the undead warlord has punched a hole in the wall, and is holding onto it, so that they don't fall.
"Fucking cow" mutters the lord and ruler of the lands Farque, the swordmaster Reinholt sourly smiles as he knows who the heavily armoured deathlord is referring to, who must of turned off the wind tower once she knew they were in it.
The mage Reinholt looks down, he can't see the bottom of the tower as there's not enough light to see by, the once powerful mage quietly asks "How far to the bottom?" he winces when he hears lord Farque, who can see perfectly clearly to the bottom of the wind tower, murmur "Hmmm" as he looks down.
"That's not very reassuring" mutters Vexilian mage in exile, then the spellcaster who also happens to be a highly skilled swordmaster says in a dry tone of voice "I'm not exactly going to let go am i" after the undead warlord tells him "Hold on".
"Stop whining like a little bitch, you're almost as bad as Dorc at times" says the lord and ruler of the lands Farque, then the mage Reinholt gulps and mutters "Fuck" after the heavily armoured deathlord lets go of the hole in the rock wall he's punched, and pushes then out a bit to the middle of the wind tower and they fall.
Mira Reinholt closes his eyes as they drop in what seems an eternity to him, hoping that he doesn't go splat when they hit the bottom of the wind tower, then the spellcaster who was the youngest member of the mage council of Vexil in the history of his homeland, slightly grunts as they come to a stop, and lord Farque lets him go.
The swordmaster Reinholt opens his eyes as he stands there, and he sees the deathlord of Farque hurrying out of the wind tower saying "To the right" the once powerful mage who is glad to be on solid ground again, hurries out of the wind tower too.
They rush across the entrance hall in the escarpment, there's a number of others in here too, all fleeing as they've heard what's happened up in the tower itself. The undead warlord then the Vexilian mage in exile run out through the open doors, into the night outside.
"Where?" asks Mira Reinholt as they're stopped just outside, lord Farque who is sensing their quarry, says "This way" and heads off to the village, with the swordmaster following behind him. They skirt to one side of the village, and the once powerful mage sees they're heading to the field next to it, he sees in the moonlight what they're approaching.
Though they've never heard it before, they instantly obey what's said to them "Here" says lord Farque in the language of dragons to one of the wyverns, he points at the other, then points up at the top of the tower, where the Haldéilv griffon is squawking in agitation as it's heard what's been happening in the tower "Attack" commands the undead warlord to the other wyvern.
As the second wyvern launches, and heads up to the tower, Draugadrottin who climbs up into the saddle of the first wyvern, which has lowered itself down, explains to the mage Reinholt "A distraction" as he nods to the wyvern that's now attacking the now enraged wyvern on top of the tower.
The Vexilian mage in exile scrambles up into the saddle of the wyvern behind the lord and ruler of the lands Farque who tells him "She's gone through a rift she's cast" Mira Reinholt knows the heavily armoured deathlord will know which direction Kaldeàlil Haldéilv has gone, so he says to him "She's got a range just over a couple hundred miles" he then adds "Way shorter if she had to cast in a hurry".
"She did" says lord Farque who has taken the reins of the wyvern then gives it a command in the dragon language, a moment later it takes off and they head up into the night sky, turning to the northwest, the direction Kaldeàlil Haldéilv has fled . . . . . .

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