Tuesday 21 March 2017

Wonderful 41.


Kaldeàlil Haldéilv appears near one of the roads that leads to the coastal city of Falnic. The elven magic user yawns after teleporting, then she turns and looks back to the east. And in the fading light of dusk, she can just make out the nomads plains in the distance.
The attractive elven maid looks more to the northeast, in the direction of her homeland, the principality of Maladimbáh. She sourly smiles as she thinks about how she's fled Maladimbáh, though with good reason, as a very powerful undead being, and a not very powerful mage, both from the Southlands, are in pursuit of her.
"Vengeful bastards" mutters Kaldeàlil Haldéilv who hopes over the last handful of days, she has finally lost her pursuers. She hasn't seen them, or sensed the once powerful mage, since a few days ago, in the west of the mountainous elven principality where Kaldeàlil was born and raised.
Figuring that the two who are hell bent on finding her, have lost the wyvern they took from her father's tower, a wyvern belonging to a justifier of Falnic who was visiting lord Haldéilv.
Has a feeling that the two of them will continue to dodge her steps here into Belinswae, if she is unable to lure the person she's after, and finally kill him, before escaping from this region north of the equator.
The elven magic user who wants a certain elven prince from the principality of Laerel dead, stretches to try and get rid of her fatigue, then she turns and starts walking down the road as the sun continues to set in the west.
The attractive elven maid who has been on a mission for the last three years, to exact revenge for her dead lover Xanderlith Karlavilt of Alínlae, who was killed by prince Helbenthril Raendril of Laerel. Knows that there's a number of villages and towns along this road, and if her memory serves her correct, there's a small town not that far from where she just appeared after teleporting, only a couple of miles away at most.
The elven magic user who is feeling tired after a few days of little rest as she often teleported, and created a rift a few times to get here to Belinswae, almost doesn't hear it at first as she's so exhausted. In the fading light, the attractive elven maid briefly slows down as she hears it, she grimaces as her naturally enhanced hearing picks up the quiet conversation form one side of the dusty road, from behind some boulders and light coloured shrubs.
Kaldeàlil Haldéilv refrains from sighing, and though she doesn't want to, as she's tired from casting so often in the past few days, the elven magic user casts a blast spell, followed by an energyball, though the ball of green energy is fairly small, just a couple of feet wide, testament of how tired the attractive elven maid is.
The blast spell smashes into three of the road bandits who come out from behind the boulders and rush the lone traveler on the road. And as they go flying back through the air, the green energyball hits the two men in the ditch on the otherside of the dusty road.
Those two bandits barely get out a scream as the energyball explodes in a shower of green sparks, which go through armour, cloth and flesh, consuming everything that it comes into contact with.
"Thieving bastards" mutters Kaldeàlil Haldéilv in her native language, the illegitimate daughter of an elven lord of Maladimbáh looks over at the three bandits who were hit by her blast spell, she doesn't even look at the other two in the ditch, she knows that they're dead.
The attractive elven maid who until a few years ago, was the lover of a nobleborn elf from the principality of Alínlae in the Southlands, finds that two of the three road bandits who were hit by her blast spell are dead. While the third, who was wearing the strongest, and best quality armour of the three, is still alive, though completely dazed, so much so, that he's only groaning in a quiet voice, even though both of his legs are broken, and he's bleeding from a gash to his forehead.
Kaldeàlil Haldéilv decides to leave him where he is, so that he can die a slow, painful death in the night, as dusk has rapidly become early evening. The elven magic user whose father is lord Haldéilv, and whose mother was a servant at the Haldéilv tower, that her father raped. Continues on her way along the dusty road in what is a warm evening, which isn't surprising as it's summer and not too far from the nomads plains. Which the attractive elven maid knows it can get quite cold there in the middle of the night during the other three seasons of the year, with winter being extremely cold at times on the dry, arid plains of the nomads.
After nearly a mile or so, the elven magic user spots the nearby town in the darkness, and though it's close to a further mile away, she's sure she catches sight of wyvern lying on the outskirts of the small town, the attractive elven maid stops.
"Get it together Kaldeàlil, it can't be them" the illegitimate daughter of lord Haldéilv mutters to herself as she realises that it can't be her pursuers who have got infront of her, and that it must a patrol from the city of Falnic, or the local justifier that the wyvern belongs to. Or that it's a raiding squad, either on it's way to, or returning from the nomads plains.
The attractive elven maid continues on her way to the village, and though she could teleport there now, as she can clearly see it in the night, where one of the moons of Volunell is in the sky, with a second rising, and the third not showing an appearance yet and still beneath the horizon. She's just too tired to cast at the moment, and casting magic while you're tired often leads to mistakes, something you definitely don't want to do when you're casting a spell such as teleportation.
Kaldeàlil Haldéilv reaches the town, which she does know, and she goes to one of the two inn's that are here, the other one isn't worth visiting, let alone staying in.
After entering the inn, the elven magic user gets herself a room, and tells the innkeeper, whose grandfather owned the place when Kaldeàlil last stayed here, to draw her a hot bath. After the attractive elven maid washes the dirt and sand of hard travel off herself, and soaks in the bath until the water turns cool, she dresses again in her clothes that's she's cleaned by expending a little amount of magical power as possible, and she makes her way down to the common room of the inn.
The illegitimate daughter of an elven lord of Maladimbáh attracts a lot of attention in the common room, especially from a group of justifier guards sitting at one of the tables, for the simple reason she's not a human.
Kaldeàlil Haldéilv after ordering dinner, and a drink of ale, a drink she doesn't normally have, but thinks it's appropriate to have after her hard travels out of Maladimbáh, and across the nomads plains. Listens to the guards on the otherside of the common room, whose wyvern it must be just a couple of streets behind the inn, on a large patch of stubby, straw coloured grass at the edge of town.
The elven magic user receives the tankard of ale from the serving woman, she takes a drink, and closes her eyes and savours the taste of the brew that's not just cool but cold, as the storeroom below the inn, has ice in it, thanks to a local herb witch who casts it in return for free meals and drinks whenever she's in town.
The attractive elven maid glances across to where the justifier's guards are, and she sees one of them getting up, and a second one follows him, after getting a nudge from a fellow guard, who quietly murmurs to him to go with the squad leader.
Kaldeàlil Haldéilv watches as the two guards, who she recognises from their tabards as belonging to an army from a justifier in the city of Falnic, make their way over to her table.
"Greetings" says the squad leader in passable elven, he then quickly adds in the common language "Sorry that's all i know in your language, apart from farewell" the elven magic user nods her head and says in common "Greetings" she nods her head again and says "Go ahead" even though she doesn't particularly want company as she eats, when the squad leader asks her "Mind if we sit, and have a chat?".
After the two guards sit down at the table, and Kaldeàlil takes another drink from her tankard of ale, the squad leader asks her "Did you come in from the coast, or from down south?" he doesn't mention the east, as straight out that way, is the nomads plains, which is about twelve miles away.
So he and his fellow guard from the city of Falnic are surprised, when the attractive elven maid tells them "From the east, across the plains" the two guards looked stunned for a few moments, then eventually the leader of the squad, who also happens to be the wyvern rider, says "How was that?".
Knowing what the townsmen is referring to, Kaldeàlil Haldéilv says "No problems whatsoever" she pauses as her meal of sauteed vegetables, and crispy flatbread with soft goats cheese melted across the top of it is delivered by the serving woman, is put down infront of her, then she says "I'm an elf, they don't care about me".
The elven magic user who has been across the hot, arid plains to the east a number of times in her life. Has never had any problems from the nomad tribes who dwell upon the plains. Infact they're quite courteous and hospitable to travelers, always willing to share a meal and drink with you. Just as long as you're not a townsmen from Belinswae, those they kill on sight.
"I've heard about that" quietly says the squad leader as the attractive elven maid starts on her meal, her first proper one in a couple of days, since having lunch at a camp of a nomad tribe in the middle of the plains "Never met anyone it's actually happened to" adds the wyvern rider who leads a squad of half a dozen.
Between bites, the elven spellcaster asks the two guards who are in justifier Parquet El's army "Going out on a raid?".
"We wish" says the guard who until now has remained silent, the squad leader glances at him and sourly smiles, then looking back at the attractive elven maid on the otherside of the table, he says "We're on road duty, stamping out any bandits who might be in the area".
Kaldeàlil Haldéilv wonders if they're legitimately out here doing that, or that they're in cahoots with the bandits, which is often the case with the justifiers of Belinswae.
The elven magic user who knows that justifier Parquet El is a stickler for the laws of Belinswae, quickly uses a bit of power to read the mind of the wyvern leader, and finds out, that indeed, they actually are here hunting down road bandits, even though he and the rest of his squad would rather be raiding out on the nomads plains.
After having some of the flat bread with melted cheese upon it, the illegitimate daughter of lord Haldéilv of Maladimbáh says "Well since you're out after road bandits, there's five of them on the road, a couple of miles south of here, near a pile of boulders" the elven magic user continues with "Four are dead, and the fifth was dying when i left them after they tried to attack me".
The two townsmen frown as they see she has no weapons upon her, apart from a dagger, then it dawns upon the squad leader what the only other option it could be "Sorry for disturbing you m'lady" the other guard blinks in surprise as he too realises what it means, the wyvern rider then adds "We'll just go and check on these bandits you came across".
As the two justifier's guards get up and move away, with the wyvern rider calling out to the rest of the squad, that they're going out to check on something right now. Kaldeàlil Haldéilv faintly smiles, for she knows that the townsmen of Belinswae have a healthy respect, and fear of spellcasters, due to the justifiers who rule the region.
Even weak hedge witches and wizards on the fringes of society, are for the most part shunned unless they can offer something of use to the inhabitants of the villages, and the smaller towns like this one.
Foreign spellcasters, like elven magic users such as Kaldeàlil is, are also avoided because the local populace respect, or to be exact, fear the practitioners of magic, due to how their rulers the justifiers behave.
Best thing about visiting Belinswae, is that you can get a hell of a lot done, if what you're doing doesn't conflict with whatever the hell the justifiers are up to, Kaldeàlil Haldéilv thinks to herself as she continues eating her meal . . . . . .

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