Wednesday 29 March 2017

Wonderful 46.

The Nomads Plains...

After glancing at Dorc da Orc who gives an inquiring, but yawning grunt. Mira Reinholt the mage looks at lord Farque and says to him "And why were you looking at me when you said that?" the undead warlord just gestures to the portal behind him, which causes the once powerful mage to basically snort in derision.
"I can't fix that" says the Vexilian mage in exile in a dry tone of voice, the spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster, who had a close look all around the portal when the lord and ruler of the lands Farque was within the archway, continues with "You know i don't have the power to fix it".
"I know" says lord Farque "Hell, i doubt i could of fixed it when i had all of my powers" says Mira Reinholt who has seen that this portal is just lacking in power to run it, and what little that was already in it, was used up when the heavily armoured deathlord stood in the archway for a considerable amount of time during the night.
"Maybe" says the undead being who is known as Draugadrottin to the people of his lands, who then adds "Maybe not" the lord and ruler of the lands Farque nods his full helmed head to one side of the marble ruins, he and the mage Reinholt make their way around there.
The exiled Vexilian mage rolls his eyes, while the lord of the death realm mutters "Fucking idiot" as Dorc da Orc walks into the portal and just stands beneath the archway "Get the fuck out of there you big daft cunt" says the undead warlord, Dorkindle grunts then walks out the back of the portal, and makes his way around to where the deathlord of Farque and the swordmaster Reinholt are standing.
"It not fucken working" says Dorc da Orc who has a very basic understanding of magical portals as he's gone through a few of them in his time, he knows that they take you from one place to another, and that's about it.
"We know" dryly says Mira Reinholt, who has no idea what lord Farque intends, because he doubts he could of got this portal running even when he had his vast stores of magical powers, which were stripped from him nearly six years ago, when he accidentally went off world through a rift/void that he miscast.
The undead warlord points at a few small runes in the side of the ruins, this side is relatively undamaged and in one piece, and the runes on it are still intact. The once powerful mage who doesn't have the best understanding of runes at the best of times, recognises a few of the runes that are elven amongst the others in other languages, and he points at one and says "Pool of power" he then adds "Where the power is stored in another words".
"Correct" says lord Farque who is known as Des'tier to an older generation of elves who might know who he is, the heavily armoured deathlord then tells the Vexilian mage in exile "Put some power into it".
The spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster looks at the tall figure of the undead warlord beside him, then at the marble ruins, in particular the rune for the storing of power in the portal, then he shrugs his shoulders and puts power into it.
It's a rather easy process, very similar to putting raw magical power into something like a magetube. Infact this is easier, as the rune that activates where the power is stored, is basically always open to receive magical energy.
"There you go" says the mage Reinholt as the rune flickers a dark blue colour a few times, before it steadily glows blue, the exiled Vexilian mage then adds "That ain't going to do much" he continues with "Even if i poured in as much as i could, it still won't really do anything, and no way will it activate it".
"I know" says lord Farque, who after looking at the once powerful mage, says to him "Touch that power rune, and hold out your other hand" the spellcaster from the city-state of Vexil in the Southlands lifts an enquiring eyebrow at that as the lord and ruler of the lands Farque watches him, then the swordmaster Reinholt does exactly what lord Farque just said. He touches the glowing rune with his gloved left hand, and holds out his right gloved hand to one side.
Mira Reinholt flinches as the undead warlord grabs his right hand "Don't move" says the heavily armoured deathlord "As if i could" mutters the once powerful mage, who then flinches again, and mutters "Fuck" as the lord of the death realm draws his sword that's strapped to his back.
The Vexilian mage in exile grimaces as Draugadrottin goes to put the hilt of his sword into the gloved palm of the swordmaster Reinholt's hand, the spellcaster from one of the most prominent trading families in the city-state of Vexil, wants to bolt, but he's unable to as the lord and ruler of the lands Farque has a tight hold of him as he grips the hilt of the massive sword.
Dorc da Orc who first grinned when lord Farque took a hold of his sword, as he thought Mira Reinholt was finally going to get it. Then grunted when all the undead warlord did was make the once powerful mage grip the hilt of the massive sword. Then the large ork grinned again as he knows what can happen if someone touches the heavily armoured deathlord's sword. The ork warleader with the grin still upon his face watches and waits for the mage Reinholt to break apart into tiny little, ice like pieces. He's also grinning because there's a noticeable drop in the temperature, as cold rolls off both lord Farque and his sword.
With a grimace upon his face, Mira Reinholt starts breathing rapidly as he tries not to panic as coldness sweeps through his body. "Relax" sourly says the lord of the death realm "You're not going to die" adds Draugadrottin "Easy for you to say" mutters the swordmaster Reinholt, who then silently adds, you're already dead!
"Fine, do it the hard way" dryly says the lord and ruler of the lands Farque as they stand there next to the magical portal while the sun comes up over the horizon to the east, the undead warlord then tells the mage Reinholt "Put all of your power into the portal" Des'tier as he's known to an older generation of elves who know him adds "You'll know when".
It's not going to fucking work! Mira Reinholt thinks to himself as he stands there shaking in pain as his body freezes, unable to let go of the hilt of the undead warlord's sword, or stop touching the rune on the side of the marble ruin, which he can't even see now as his eyes are now frozen shut.
Then the Vexilian mage in exile as he stands there shaking uncontrollably, suddenly feels something that's only happened twice since he returned to the world of Volunell from the otherside of the void he went through. And like those two times, it's happened at a time of dire need, like now as it feels like he's going to die, infact he is dying, and at death's doorstep. Though thanks to the lord of the death realm, the mage Reinholt is kept firmly in the land of the living. Not that the once powerful mage knows that at this moment in time.
Mira Reinholt goes to crack a smile but he's unable to as his face is frozen solid as he feels all his vast stores of power return to him. The spellcaster who was once the most powerful mage of his generation to be found anywhere in the Southlands. Is once again, though only briefly, the most powerful mage of his generation, not just in the Southlands, but anywhere in the world.
Yes! the mage Reinholt shouts in triumph within his mind, then he funnels his power into the broken portal, fully activating the magical doorway again. Though the spellcaster who would like to retain his wealth of magical power. It's only short lived, as lord Farque takes the Sword of Power Ryn out of the gloved right hand of Mira Reinholt, and lets go of his hand.
"Fuck" mumbles the exiled Vexilian mage as he stands there shivering, once again bereft of his vast stores of magical power "I'm freezing to death" murmurs the once powerful mage through chattering teeth.
"You're fine" dryly says lord Farque who has returned his sword to it's place across his back "It's all in your head" says the undead warlord who then slaps the swordmaster Reinholt across the face.
Mira Reinholt blinks in surprise as he suddenly feels completely normal after the heavily armoured deathlord slapped him, though he's back to having very little magical power, he's exactly the same as he was before he was forced to take hold of the Sword of Power.
"Shoulda slapped him fucken harder" mutters Dorc da Orc after grunting in disappointment, due to the Vexilian mage in exile still being in one piece, and not untold little tiny pieces. And because it's no longer freezing cold as it was a few moments ago.
"Come on" says lord Farque who nods his full helmed head for the other two to follow him, the three of them make their way around to the front of the magical portal.
On the marble arch all the runes are glowing dark blue, while in the archway you can no longer see the ground on the otherside, or one of the small hills in the distance. What you see is the view of a hard packed dirt road down a hillside, with an ocean not faraway, and the walls of a city not far from that.
And though Mira Reinholt was only there for a few days, and didn't see much of it as he was a prisoner held in an inn, he does recognize what they're seeing "That's Falnic" says the once powerful mage.
"I know" dryly says lord Farque who points up at some of the runes on the arch and adds "It says it up there" the Vexilian mage sourly smiles, then the heavily armoured deathlord gestures into the archway and says to the mage Reinholt and the ork warleader "Alright you two, through we go" . . . . . .

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